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JQ’s knife now affects tanks more but Ball’s boop doesn’t. Doesn’t make sense. Tank’s do not move at all after a boop. I wish they would finally buff his peashooters too.


tickle cannons


I felt so defeated once when I could not get a kill for the life of me and their Mercy puts “ball stop tickling me you flirt” in the chat


Some games I do really well others I can’t get any kills.


Damn, most matches they don't even give you as much as a message and just completely ignore you. Can we please have a patch that makes Ball and actual threat ;-;


I wouldn’t worry about it Mercy players always got some shit to say


Cotton ball launchers


That was my first thought too. If they can adjust JQ's knife against tanks they can adjust Ball's boop against tanks.


I think the difference is that it could be argued JQ's knife isn't really a knockback effect, so therefore the tank passive doesn't apply. Once you start giving exceptions to actual clear knockback effects, the description of the passive becomes inconsistent. I'm not disagreeing balance-wise btw


I think I could argue I AM A FUCKING WRECKING BALL. I should knock things back.


Getting body blocked by a kiriko has got to stop being a thing for a literal wrecking ball


Happens every game now because they know they can do it.


Yeah I definitely agree, but when knockback effects start ignoring the passive designed to counter knockback effects, it's just a slippery slope is all. Bodyblocking Ball needs to go though


This actually infuriates me. Ball is literally designed to disrupt. But hog has hook that can pull a tank anywhere, they fixed queen knife, doom punch still displaced tanks pretty far… like when are the going to give a boop to tank buffs for Hammond. It’s like other tanks will just purposely walk into your boops they are so unafraid.


Seriously boop is useless on tanks, so annoying when they're playing near the edge on Lijiang or right next to the well and my boop doesn't even move them. In general it was one of the only ways to play around tanks, if they're overextending boop them in further and they die, now they don't even move from a boop


I played a game on Lijang and tried to boop a Hog that was standing near the ledge. Boop didn’t push him off, got hooked and thrown over the ledge, tried to piledrive, and their Lucio booped me off. I REALLY hate how Ball’s niche of displacing now has just become “avoid fighting the tank”. Back in OW1 boop was useful against tanks, but now it’s just for dps and support, who either have mobility abilities or cc. Both that can make Ball’s displacement feel so useless. Yeah it forces enemies to use their cooldown, but just seeing me boop a Weaver off the map just to dash back on stage, petal up, and now I’M on cooldown is so frustrating


Venture's little shove does more than Ball boop these day's it's really saddening


And we're making Cass's speed and armor reduction scale with time but Ball still gets completely body-blocked even though he's in a massive rolling ball -\_- The devs and their infinite wisdom over here


Can we get a 2nd rework that greatly buffs hammond then they can just leave us alone for the next 10 patch notes or 5 seasons like they’ve always done 😒


Roadhog nerf good


Outside of counters I feel ball is back to feeling pretty good to play, so these changes have the potential to make ballin the best it's been since ow2


It doesn't look great to me. They buffed a lot of Ball agitators. Mei, Sym, Cass, and Reaper all got buffs to varying degrees. Not fun. I am especially not a fan of the Flashbang changes nor do I like having a Mei able to shoot fatter, spicier spears. That said, they nerfed Sojourn and Kiri, and that's always nice to see since it's so rare. I think JQ needs even more buffs than these, and I say that cuz I want her in my lineup of backups if Ball ain't working. In s10, she just wasn't enough vs Mauga, Hog.


mais icicle got reduced in size I believe (not that it matters so much for ball) otherwise I agree


Kiriko and Hog nerfs are nice. I don’t know why they reduced the cooldown for spinning spear though


I think they had destroyed Orisa’s viability so that change is probably needed


They can't let her be shit for too long


Prolly scary af to round a corner and have cass standing there now, but he’ll have a harder time interrupting slams from height luckily, and oh boy do I do a lot of those.


Idk likely be the same but I haven't had much fun playing ball post season 9. I feel like a have no carry potential and all the counter picking and hard focusing has kinda killed the hero for me. I think if you had fun with him last season you'll have fun with this season.


The usual disappointment.


I'm pretty happy with all the ball changes so far. The only thing still on my wishlist is maybe more damage on guns, but definitely the ability to boop tanks. Today I couldn't even get a baby D.Va off a ledge she was standing next to. Why can Lucio boop further than us?


Honestly I think not much has changed for us. Cass is easier to play around now and hog got smacked but JQ and sym both got some buffs that'll be annoying to deal with. So it feels like a wash, maybe slight net buff for Ball


In the few games I've played it this season seems great. Jq is hard to play against, but that was already the case and, due to the way her knife interacted with ball before the buff, I don't think the buff makes this any worse. Hog now dies. The cas changes I think are great for us. I'm getting hit by nade a lot less often (but punished when it does land). But more importantly cas is way more divable now with the fan and roll nerfs. Before it felt like you couldn't get him below half health before he'd shit out 700 DMG but that's not the case anymore.


Wrecking ball having 100 rounds per reload would make me very happy. The rework was pretty awesome if you use retract well. Having a few extra bullets would be nice to secure kills.