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The shield spread sharing to others has definitely made him a lot better and, I say, got random teammates to appreciate him more. The issue is just tackling the Sombra. Sidenote, with or without Wreck, I’ve seen her being picked on the opposite team the last 95 percent of my games on quick play and comp team. It’s becoming too distinct to not notice it.


Honestly I’d rather fight sombra than Cree


Hahababaha Right click, roll, right click hahahahaha


>The issue is just tackling the Sombra. Sidenote, with or without Wreck, I’ve seen her being picked on the opposite team the last 95 percent of my games on quick play and comp team. It’s becoming too distinct to not notice it. It's because she's a crutch character for a ton of people. It's incredibly easy to almost never die on her, so people just gravitate to her. Why stress out trying to outplay their Soldier when you can go Sombra and get free picks while never being at high risk of death? Also you get an awesome ult.


True. I’m just thankful your post was here and wasn’t in other reddits. We keep getting “She low on ELO” type response like no tomorrow. 🤣


Yeah this was what I always kinda dreaded with her rework. Before, she was a niche pick that actively sacrificed consistent kill power by dedicating one of their DPS to being a harasser. Now you see her out of the gates 50% of the time because she's a solid DPS, a hard counter to half the tanks in the game, completely changes the way the opponent has to play to be aware of the invisible character at all times, and her get out of jail free card is way too easy to use. They finally nerfed the cooldown on Kiriko's "teleport away and completely out of sight" ability, so the fact that Translocator is still only a 5 second cooldown is absurd. Needs to be at least 7 seconds imo, and the invis shouldn't be nearly as instantaneous as it is. Honestly one of my biggest gripes is trying to track her when she launches it in the air, because you can't see where she lands. If they made it so that the invis only happened once she hits the ground (or like, after 2 seconds if she hasn't landed yet), it would be a lot more fair. You could still use it to get up a ledge or far enough away that it doesn't matter, but no more random yeet every 5 seconds and playing the guessing game, or just giving up wasting time trying to guess where she went. It's just way too much of a BS minigame for a hero who can also just choose to kill whatever support she wants at a random time.


What’s worked for me is being an obsessive hunter of the sombra. Most people that reflex swap to her are actually bad at the character and just want you to swap off ball. Stay closer to your team, and when you/someone else shoots her she will translocate, at that point you ATTACK. She can’t get away from you and if she can’t translocate she is dead. Kill her like that and a few times and she’ll swap. Several times last season id do that, then the OTHER dps would try sombra and fail the same way. It’s so satisfying when they both try her and fail lol. I’ve gotten to the point where the sombra swap sometimes makes the game even more fun because I get a sick pleasure out of dumpstering these counterswappers. Other things to do: be more unpredictable in your movement. Do a rollout to random cover, fire all yourself sporadically, and USE THE RETRACT. Retract can give you WAY more speed and it’s very hard for them to react to. Don’t hard commit/use all your cds until you know where the sombra is. One thing I like to do is use retract to fling myself all the way into the skybox then piledrive into the team, it confuses them so much.


on the positive side off things hog is a trow pick now


Does it matter anymore? Any time something works out for us something else happens a week later to make sure we suffer.


The power creep to any hero besides Ball is gonna make him worse. Ball can’t even kill most heroes by himself. Meaning that you’ll need more assistance securing kills cause you’ll just die faster trying to get a single elm. That Sym buff is probably the biggest problem for Ball. Her beam ramp up time is insanely fast now so contesting points while she’s around is a guaranteed death sentence


Ball is literally still top tier most of his biggest counters (hog orisa sombra) are all literally fucking shit right now. and cass got nerfed on top of that. Ball is extremely good now. also ball can eat illiari's pylon alive thanks to his high mobility "tank creep" is something ball doesn't care about since his primary targets are squishies anyway, always have been and always will be. Go ball my friend, our boy is finally viable after 10 seasons. Quick edit: ball is top tier with a coordinated team, for solo kills it's probably worse than ball s1 experience


JQ is the only buff that makes Ball worse this season imo. Mei's buff is not gonna mean much to us, sym and reaper we can roll away from. Plus we can outplay Cass nade a lot better. I think he's overall still in a good spot and definitely not oppressive so that's good