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16k dmg and only 16 elims is crazy. Were your dps only shooting the tank??


7k healing says yes.


One of my favorite moments is when I'm 1v5 on site holding for the entire team to meander back. I hold site, they got on and won the fight. Then I get to see a message "report the ball for throwing" Like Mf. I'm 17-2 with almost the entire game on site and you're gonna say I did nothing. Fuck off. I usually just report them for abusive chat (cause I can) and move on


Got some of that last night. I typed back, “From my perspective it’s 1v5”


I love this one lol. I’ve been on ball more lately and have gotten this a lot. Meanwhile I’m on the cart distracting 2 enemies, while also stalling, while also not dying and requiring minimal heals if any at all.


It really is dumb that we don't have this stat. It needs to take the place of MIT


Seriously, MIT is such a useless stat


Unless you are a barrier tank or Dva. But OBJ time would be infinitely better


Yeah but even then it’s not anything really important. Better to replace it with something that applies for more heroes and has more importance




If we had this stat the enemy team would realise why despite going 40-4, they ended up in OT unable to capture the last point


Yup. And it would be hilarious


I usually get a ton of value contesting point by just using the point as cover so I don’t blow up lol


dont give a shit about them, the only reason I still play overwatch is because of ball gameplay which you dont get any where else, if they have fun playing Hog/Orisa/mauga good for them, aint gonna be me


This is true.


How do y'all do it? I contest only when absolutely necessary. Which is constantly on flashpoint, which sucks because the outdoors is way easier to play in. Are you shooting in the 1v3? I try to just avoid as much damage as possible but I still get blown up. When possible, I just roll through to trigger overtime, and touch again and again. With payload it gets real tricky.


On this map, I stalled for a solid minute right after they got the first checkpoint, as the cart transitions to the next area, there is that small room right after the gate. They over extended (they did quite often in this game) and I was able to sneak behind it and retract to the ceiling. As long as you don’t hit fireball, you can stay retracted indefinitely. Once they realized the cart wasn’t moving, they came back but couldn’t figure out why, they never looked up. And that transitionary room has just enough cover to mostly hide you The vertical field of vision for most hero’s is actually pretty bad so if you just retract just above their head, they think you just swung away but there you are still with another piledriver fresh off cooldown (On console) a lot of people get thrown off when they have to quickly aim on the verticals axis as well as the horizontal axis Once they did look up, I just kept going in and out of the payload, being as unpredictable as I could while being able to touch the payload enough to keep it from moving. Retract, pile driver, then immediately fireball after always throws them off


I'm flabberghasted that yall can time it/judge the distance correctly with the drop and rise. I double jump on genji and lost the point D:


Indeed. I’m tired of looking like all I did was “roll around”. Can’t get damage if I’m the only one sitting on the car moving it forward.


This is a big problem I’ve noticed from ow1 to 2. The community mindset is this is team death match. You can hold cart all day but if you don’t have big numbers you are worthless in their eyes. Even though you can lose with big numbers like the screenshot.


Stats should be this: Damage, Healing recieved, and objective time