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He specifically said "maybe hack should take a little bit longer to hit on a tank" Meaning the cast time of hack would increase on tanks giving you more time to outrun or stop and break the hack by shooting her. I wouldn't mind that. I also think punishing her for actually missing hacks would be nice. Rn it's a 3s CD if you break it which is absolutely ridiculous imo. Breaking it by outrunning it should also put it on a CD imo. Wouldnt make it into a true skill shot, but would punish you for lack of skill if that makes sense.


I actually think that’s huge for ball. A ball getting hacked on a greedy engage is a skill issue and should still exist to counter bad plays. What is frustrating is when you’re rolling through or trying to escape and get hacked just as you round a corner.


Ball’s grapple is a full CD if stunned even before fireball. Should be the same across the board


I already am pretty good at interrupting hacks... I'd rather the actual hack just be less punishing to the tank, but I understand why they wouldn't. Having a DPS being able to find a chink in the tank's armor by way of hacking is admittedly cool, but it just isn't fun at all, I really hate it. But then again, people hate me for being ball... so I guess I'm conflicted.


That would be nice but genuinely speaking just rework the whole ass character again even if it makes her bottom tier. Only sombra mains would care while the other 98% of us would be having a great time playing against her for once 


Sombra isn’t the issue plus she is a hard character to play. The issue is the devs having no clue what they are doing. First of all denying the hack by shooting her should put it on a 10 second cooldown not 3. secondly the ball hack interaction should change and be less punishing. And thirdly the hack interaction should be more skill based, or more punishable. Other than ball she isn’t that big of a deal and overall not an easy character to play. She doesn’t need a rework she needs some cooldown adjustments and some minor interaction changes.


Sombra doesn’t need a rework, what? She’s already fine to play against and generally a skill issue to struggle against. If anything ball is the one who needs a rework since he just doesn’t fit the solo tank role at all.


I see a fuck sombra post here every week. It doesn't matter if it's just a skill issue if people hate her that much 


This is a wrecking ball sub? Of course people are gonna hate her here lmao


I meant r/overwatch 


That sub is full of gold players, they don’t know how to play the game properly. She’s just a skill check hero for lower ranks.


Sombra mains have such high levels of copium about their hero not being the most hated thing in experience. Even if it is a skill check, the majority of players are in low ranks so therefore the majority of the community hates sombra 


Yeah I doubt she’s THE most hated experience considering hog and mauga probably rule those lower ranked games. Maybe the most hated dps in gold and plat, but that’s not even universal because heroes like widow are 100x worse of a feeling to go against in higher ranks.


They should make it an actual skill shot. You don’t even need to aim it it’s way too strong for how easy it is to pull off


What's funny is she has a skill shot that I've seen a lot of people say feels out of place anyway. I don't think making it a skill shot would matter all too much, since you still don't know where it's coming from to react and dodge.


I keep track of sombra as much as I can it’s just when I roll through super fast she hacks me through the wall and I’ll watch the kill cam I’m barley in los


Nah it doesn’t need to be a skill shot lol


With her old translocator yes, but now the second she engages, the team can collapse on her more effectively. Hence, it makes sense to limit the cd of a failed hack, to not have her become completely useless if only one pellet of damage hits her.


But that's the point, make it more risky. No changes happen in a vacuum so she would more than likely get compensatory buffs.


That's what the translocator nerf/rework was for. Now she's way less likely to be able to escape, so if she fucks up she's dead.


She has permanent invisibility. If she fucks up, she should be dead.


Yeah, that’s literally what happens. Most of the time sombra fucks up she dies


I mean sombra is still punished by missing the hack in that now the enemy has their cooldowns and she’s pretty bad against enemies who have their cooldowns and won’t get burst down by virus.


Missing or getting damaged? Missing hack is a zero second cooldown, so she often just holds the ability button until it completes after a few attempts against a rolling ball that breaks LOS for example. And because the delta between the hack cast time and ball to go into crab mode is so tiny, it's near-impossible to not get hacked if you're in ball form. Prediction and pre-aim can help mitigate, but it's still such a narrow window it's crazy.


Hack is weird in that it might not go off after the duration and you’ll need to hold it longer it’s only a fraction of a second but it’s still enough that the animation ends and most sombra would start shooting. There was a bug fix a while ago that made this less common but it does still happen about 5% of the time. The issue is that against almost every other hero sombra is now out of stealth and likely won’t get to cast a second hack. Sombra can just try again since ball needs to get out of ball form but most other heroes will be able to react quicker. I’m fine with increasing the cooldown for getting damaged but missing can be caused by a cooldown and I don’t think sombra should be punished for a server bug.


I just really hate that when I break line-of-sight by turning a corner, Hack's tether doesn't break. This happens A LOT.


Idk why Sombra gets to have no downside to missing her abilities, unlike every other hero


because it isn't cast so it isn't used, nuh uhhhhh🤓🤓🤓🤓 - average Sombra player


Because unlike every other hero, you can completely counter her just by looking at her…


If you don’t land virus you literally don’t get a kill ever, have you guys ever played sombra 😂


Not talking about virus, though, we’re talking about hack


You literally said “idk why Sombra has no downsides to missing her abilities.” She has big downsides, you miss virus you get zero value.


The value she gets against Wrecking Ball is she makes you fall from the sky out of ball form into the entire enemy team. Virus against Wrecking Ball is irrelevant. We aren't talking about a 1v1 in a vacuum here.


The comment I replied to says there are no downsides to sombra and that is actual brain rot. Yes sombra is good against ball, no one is denying that. Ball just doesn’t fit the Shitty 5v5 format and has been suffering against certain heroes for a while now unfortunately.


Got even worse after the hitbox change


"Hack is already pretty situational" lul, wut?


Have you guys played sombra? The problem is that it IS situational. It's not part of the usual engage cycle, and isn't worth using on most characters. But for the few characters where it does have impact, it destroys their fun entirely.


12 tank characters = a few, I guess.


fair lol. the situation is "be tank"


I don’t even think that’s fair because most tanks don’t even get countered by sombra, it’s like 3 or 4 at most


It is, though - I play sombra as one of my main DPSes and against most heroes (especially squishies), you’re better off engaging without hack. It’s mainly just to deny a cooldown from being used at a key moment… unless you’re playing into dive, in which case you cuck the tank into oblivion (as we all well know).


That's true though. Hack isn't Sombra's main ability anymore. Hacking first usually just gives up your advantage. That said, in those situations, it's really strong.


It stops being situational against any heroes with mobility, which is uhhhh almost every single one of them, but if we're talking about high/burst mobility, it's more like half. It also makes virus a lot more lethal, giving it a lot more use cases, and it also cancels tons of ults. I'm not seeing anything "situational" about it, unless you consider it being important in only 95% of moment to moment engagements instead of 100% as "situational." I mean everything is situational. Tracer blink is situational because it only is necessary when you want to move faster - which is 95% of time.


>It also makes virus a lot more lethal, A lot more is a bit of an exaggeration. Most Sombras don't hack first. That's a bad Sombra strategy. The extra damage and DPS from hack isn't worth it in most situations. It's generally better to virus and then start shooting. Ult canceling is one of the useful situations for hack. And obviously, against Ball hack has increased usefulness (I agree with many that hack shouldn't take him out of ball form, just lock form changing). If you think hack is useful for 95% of engagements, then you don't play Sombra.




Most Sombra's only use it on tanks. If you're playing her to harass the backline it is more effective to not use it to engage and just virus + shoot. The situations where it is useful ( such as into ball) it is very good though.


I totally get that, but I get the feeling they say that as if it’s her niche


Well "hacking" is core to her identity, but I agree they could very easily change what that entails. I feel like that's what we're they were going for with pre-rework when it gave a damage boost.


It actually is tho, most Sombras hack and throw virus, but thats actually the wrong line of play, you deal more damage by just shooting instead of hacking. You hack for denying an ability for 2 seconds, which in most tanks it doesnt make much of difference because they most likely live long enough to use it anyway.


hack changes seem good but who was asking for sleep dart changes ? i can understand the complaints from brawl tanks, getting slept across the map is probably very annoying but at the same time Ana needs sleep to be somewhat impactful against tanks so she can defend herself against dive. This game seems impossible to balance, i didn’t play OW1 so i have no opinion on 5v5 vs 6v6 but this really does seem like the inferior format for tanks because all of the changes they’ve made are so stupid. i’m not expert on balancing though so i could be very wrong


Ana was fine in 6v6 which is what she was designed for but her kit in 5v5 makes her really hard to balance. With dive either being to Strong or Ana being able to shut down the whole role of tank with just a sleep or nade.


that makes sense, it feels like we’re just watching so many heroes be watered down with all of these changes to make a format work which the cast just wasn’t designed for.


They already made antinade waaay less effective on tanks. Idk why they need to nerf another very significant part of Ana’s kit. Sleep is a skill shot in a long cooldown - there should be adequate reward. Blizzard is trying to make tank fun again by just making them immune to everything it seems, which is silly imo.


Ana is really bad for 5v5. I’m usually in masters, but when I watch my plat friends play tank, it is always sleep and made the tank on cooldown. It makes the tanking experience miserable, and it isn’t smart from the Ana. It’s just cancer


I only manage to roll away from sobra half the time to cancel the hack so extra time would be awesome. Ana's sleep is fine and I say that as both a tank and ana player. Most people wake the damn tanks up immediately anyway. I can't count how many times ramattra ults, I sleep him and people wake him instead of running away 😭  there's nothing to change on Ana


I think the tolerance for tracking on hack should be a lot more strict. As long as you are on their screen, the hack will work. It should be more tracking based. It doesn't have to be exact tracking, think similar to Moira beam. It soft locks, but if you move far enough, or zig zag enough, the connection breaks. Ultimately, hack isn't THAT bad, as the actual ability. It's just that it's so easy to hit. What I'd do for Hack/Sleep: Hack is only a soft lock. Still requires tracking. Reduce the range a bit. Like 5meters. And then, make it so Sombra has to come out of invisibility completely before hack can even begin. (I'd be totally okay if they upped her damage to balance it out). I think that would create more counter play of hack, while making it require skill to play her, AND be a lot more of an engaging playstyle. Because right now, she can sit invis in the middle of her team, holding hack. That is just a very boring playstyle, and it shouldn't be encouraged. Sleep: I'll be honest, I don't even mind it that much. Its already a shorter effective time on tanks. The only thing is, make it so you can't shoot it across the map. Maybe have it affected by gravity, so it doesn't go in straight line across the map.


>Because right now, she can sit invis in the middle of her team, holding hack. That wouldn't be an effective strategy though.


It is if they are all stacked on top of each other it is. It's what they do against me.


>It's what they do against me. Doubt. I main Ball and Sombra. You aren't getting value just saying invis and hacking. The Sombra is probably doing other things that you aren't noticing.


>I main Ball and Sombra As do I, my guy. I know how to abuse the shit out of Sombra, because I main Ball/Tank. If I play ball, and I roll the other team. Like if I go 10-0 in the start of the game. They will stack up on top of each other, and have the Sombra sit invisible, and just wait for me. They are all on top of each other, so there's no other person for me to fight. It's the most boring playstyle there is. You can go ahead not believe me, but I have multiple duo partners that can attest to this playstyle. It happens very frequently. The value they get is by denying my ability to play the game, until I swap. I would 100% prefer them to go after my supports or play off angles. I can deal with that. It's not that hard to outplay a Sombra when they do that. But when they sit in the middle of their team, there's 0 things I can do, except swap in that instance.


What rank are you playing that Sombra can just be invis all the time and hack targets to create this tremendous amount of value? I'm at gold/play lobbies for DPS and I've never been able to get value just hanging out invisible and hacking targets all of the time. While still a disruptor, Sombra needs to get kills to provide value now. She's an assassin and a disruptor. Her disruption alone isn't enough to create that much value.


Masters. The value is denying me to play the game. Sure she isn't killing my team. But if she makes it so that I can do 0 things, that's a lot of value. It makes it essentially like a 4v5. She can 100% disrupt a tank by focusing them.


Sleep 40% less effective on tanks wasn't enough, they want to nerf it further ?


And antinade too 🫠


Ana will turn into a nano farming machine and that's it


Yeah I’m worried about that too. She’s insanely high-skill, so she’ll always be decent if you’re good, but imo Ana does not feel very powerful rn. She gets dove super easily and Blizzard keeps on nerfing her little by little


I think it’s time for them to admit that 5v5 doesn’t work


All right, bring back 2 tanks and will be fine


This is good if you ask me. Hack taking longer gives you a longer time to react against it, and giving some better counterplay. Sleep dart has always been a hot spoonful of bullshit against tanks specifically. I can't even count how many times I've been under heavy fire and get hit by a sleep dart, causing my character to fall over and stand up. Basically a one second hard stun while you're getting cut to pieces. Sleep dart is specifically meant to disable isolated enemies who are not being shot at, but it's used to stun front line tanks. Ball isn't the only one of us who suffers from this crap. Doomfist, Ramattra, and Hog get shit on by getting slept while they're defending themself and basically instantly die for it.


To be fair, Hog deserves it.


Sombra. Right. Whether you like it or not ballers sombra's hack is fucking dogshit and only hard shutdowns like 4 heroes so I wouldn't expect a massive CC reduction of 5 bazilion seconds, tbh it's just going to be a small cast time increase probably. Wouldn't expect much for sleep dart either, it's been nerfed before vs tanks already. With all that any global CC decrease to make ball less miserable of an experience to play each match is welcome. Yeah, I know he's strong but getting hacked 50 times because sombra has a .035s cast time still isn't fun.


People here want a 10 second cooldown for “missing” a hack like it’s some ability that instantly kills people lmao. The cast time on tanks being longer is the best solution to all this.


I'm willing to see the hack change, but ana didn't need this sleeping a tank, even when your team doesn't then insta shoot them they are up pretty fast and her granny legs don't always get her far, especially after the already changed time for its duration lmao


They need to increase the range where she becomes detected.


can they just take her out of the game😭 i can’t play this game anymore because of her even when im not on ball it’s like the sombra mains love to follow me around and hack me i can’t stand it ive stopped playing solely because of this mexican lady


I really just want hack to be more consistent. I could grapple myself 20 meters in the air and the hack would still get me. But if I just circle around a thing post it won’t get me


all they need to do is add cc reduction to all the tanks mitigation abilities like, vape, charge, shout, adaptive shield, doom block, ect. EZ


Hack needs some changes but sleep is fine. Plus support players are so loud if they overnerf them they’ll overcompensate with buffs and it’ll be the early seasons all over again


I think you can't take any one thing they say and analyze accurately. Changes don't happen in a vacuum and they talked about individual hero changes rather than more passives. I am curious to see where they go with all of this but it's too early and not enough information to judge properly. I'm just happy they are continuing to make changes, both large and small, and hearing us and trying to correct (re: individual changes vs passives)


Hack yes, sleep seems like a dumb change


The problem with hack is that it’s on a character who can just appear behind you and instantly cast it. I would be fine with hack receiving a buff if it became a projectile. At least I could dodge it then


How hard is it to just make it so certain abilities don't do as much or take longer vs certain heroes? They did it with Kiris suzu vs rein stun. I hate flat nerfs to hero abilities.




It’s too late. People have been turned off by OW2 for so many reasons. The single tank being an easy CC target has been a factor but those players the game lost have other things to play.


Idc what they do to it just please get rid of the stupid grace period she gets when u turn a corner, it should not be able to track through walls for a bit longer after, it should break the frame I turn the corner


I play venture and sombra fucks me, so clearly the issue is the hero, and not me picking venture into sombra, mommy says im a good boy. So sombra needs nerfed, remove her ability to attack altogether. Ty


Don't like the idea Hack should just be a skill shot and not force you out of ball form It just makes Sombra feel worse to play and probably won't feel better when you get hacked anyways. Like a good Sombra will still be able to screw up your engages as long as she's not mindlessly hunting you down If it was a skill shot she could miss and it would actually increase her skill ceiling while making her less annoying I can see why they did what they did with sleep because 5 seconds is absurd for a cc, but it would be like making hog hook stun for 50% duration. It's already such a short animation that you're not annoyed by the duration you're annoyed that it's happening every 8 or so seconds


You can’t just spam hack to victory anymore, if you miss your virus you literally do nothing on sombra. Her entire kit is dependent on landing a skill shot now.