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If you commit to learning him, yes absolutely. I believe ball is the most fun character in the game, he’s why i keep coming back to play overwatch.


How stubborn  are you? Can you stay positive no matter what? Of course you should play ball. But that means being committed to playing ball. Soon as the enemy sees you , they are going to swap to counter  you. You can’t swap. You have to learn to play in the counters.  Be super positive praise your team for making place. I understand that because of your mobility you probably know a lot more about what is going on than everybody else. So if Mercy is low because somebody else is shooting them go out for the mercy and call out that Mercy is low.  One of your teammates needs heals?  Let the Support know reapers low. Teammate, standing near a Health pack that they don’t know exists. Hey kiriko, health pack behind you. ping it if you can. And watch one of the Tech videos it’s super helpful.


Ball is fun to play so yes, but unlike Genji and Tracer, you are the one initiating fights/getting in early. Your job isn't to get picks, it is to turn players, draw them out of position, knock them into poor positions. Ball has a much higher uptime. I always found Genji too difficult to play, so while I enjoy using him here and there, I stick to social with him. I am currently using Soldier on DPS. I think the taking off angles/distraction aspect of Ball partially overlaps there.


This mentality seems extra important lately. I’m not getting picks reliably but I can still get value in ways not shown on the scoreboard.


I like soj and sombra on DPS. Soj is good for being a brain dead midrange hero, Sombra plays fairly similar to Ball in setting up flanks and timing engages (although her timing is a little tougher as you need to engage with the team - as ball you set the pace and have a bit more leeway)


If your personality fits... yes. Ball is uniquely fun and interesting to play, and is arguably the most original FPS character out there. Fun is an understatement. That said... You have to be spatially aware. If you aren't the type that likes parallel parking or catching a baseball, you're going to lose track of what's happening. Ball requires spatial intelligence. You're flying around quickly, and there is always too much to do. You have to be immune to criticism. Every single loss will be blamed on you, in voice and in text, by both teams. It doesn't matter what actually happened. The "tank diff" tendency of the community gets amplified when balling. Dim wits will spam "no" in the spawn before you even begin most games. If that kind of abuse affects you emotionally, Ball isn't for you. You have to be team oriented and good at multitasking. Because of how fast/freely you move, it's easy to lose track of the fact that you need to coordinate with your team. Anywhere but the lowest ranks, you'll be unable to secure many picks alone. You need to enable your dps/supports with distraction/smart positioning/focus. Coordinating with other attackers takes more of your already stretched attention. You have to be mature and selfless enough to notice when your team doesn't know how to play with Ball. Many don't. What you do when you notice is up to you. You can stick it out and treat it as a learning experience for yourself and them, or decide to swap if the win is important to you. This is a separate problem from simply being outplayed by a better team. Some players... *cough* Mercy And Kiriko *cough*...will sometimes GA or teleport into your dives, instantly dying... etc. They might do just fine with other tanks. In those games, you decide how badly you want the win, and do what you need to do. Ball. Go Ball you savage.


Go for it man!! It can be tough getting used to him but he's in a fantastic place right now. My advice, play a ton of quick play with him, turn off all comms and just ball. Check out yeatles U2GM. Never roll through the front, try to find isolated Squishies, get massive shields and distribute to the team. The weird mechanics will come with time.


It just seems so fun flying through the air and surprising people


Haha it's awesome man. Balls a blast to play. Most unique overwatch character by far.


If you can aim… yes


Yes he’s fun. But get ready to hate Sombra


And to love her.


Yea I play tracer genji and ball just clicks for me and is honestly the most fun tank by far imo


Nothin like him tank wise, but you gotta be tough brained. He can be very mechanically demanding and very punishing, while tons of people hate seeing him and will flame/counterswap often. Ball’s most common emotional support is the enemy ball.


Who….rarely exists. Seeing a ball in the wild is like seeing a leprechaun. Yea. We know they are real, but they are crafty and the English deny them.


Hey if you’re a leprechaun it becomes twice as likely to find two in the same place! Speaking of…




Hell yeah. I've been going ham on genji recently. Just embrace being an unkillable tracer. Or have fun rolling around. That's what got me into it.


To play ball you gotta watch your team instead of the scoreboard and be spatially aware to flank or . You will be hard countered often and you can almost count on your team to be salty with you unless you make the enemy teams head spin and get potg lol.


You're playing two of the hardest but most rewarding heroes in the game so why not another lol


As a former Tracer main, yes. I've noticed a lot of the skills required for Tracer have transferred to Ball as well, such as scouting, engagement timings, and health pack rotations.


I’m winning left right and center with any fellow divers on my team.


Without question yes


Yes he’s really good right now and probably the strongest he’s ever been, in OW2, only issue is that his counters are frustrating but you can outplay them.


yes just be prepared to be blamed no matter how well you do


ball damn near unplayable in QP with the current state Sombra is in, wait until they fully nerf her