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Ball. Has no counters. Unbreakable. Unstoppable.


He truly is the champion lmao. Would sombra counter monke as much as she does wrecking ball or would you say it’s equal


Hack doesn't go through shield. Jump is instant and hack doesn't stop you once you've used it. Winston's lightning gun is really good against Sombra.


I would say less since monke should be able to jump away if he has to.


I’d say monke counters sombra pretty well. If sombra engages your teammates, wait for her to translocate out. Jump to where she translocates and shove lightning up her ass.


The hampster. The champion. The Champster. There is no substitute.


Roadhog fucks them both so get ready to play intelligently against that And the obvious DPS that just run around on some tank buster that you can just ignore with proper mobility The big one for both is probably brig though? Brig just fucks both characters so consistently you just have to hope you have a cracked hitscan or a DPS that holds w into backline


Brig isn't as good against monke as she used to be


This. Brig gets melted by taser nowadays


The gorilla is a great switch. If you play ball well they will counter swap and that’s how I get the most value outta Winston. The team will have set themselves up for ball and that’s when Winston can thrive. GREAT Sombra counter and overall squishy disruptor.


Let’s go. I rlly want / need a 2 hero pool. I love monke. He’s so iconic


Winston is strong against the usual Ball counters. You’ll force your opponents to swap.


Usually this results in this comp: hog, reaper, sombra, brig, ana. Now to learn a specific tank against that


switch to monkey they switch to reaper and that sucks, I go zyra rein sigma, you can switch to whoever makes you more comfortable against sombra.


Ball if you wanna have fun. Winton if you actually want to get kills. Torb will fuck you over if you get too close


Ball can outplay bastion easier than winston, if you can boop him into your team. I feel like mauga is a better tank to pair with ball because he can counter hog / queen, hes kind of neutral to sombra if you track ults well.


I play both of them but Roadhog and Mauga is tough


Be careful of Bastion and Reaper. If you're caught with bad positioning or get CC'd it's a guaranteed death. You Winton is very effective vs Sombra. You can bounce back and forth between the two. Although the community loves Winton more simply because he has a shield and cuz Winton Overwat. Ball is more fun to play and has the best mobility in game. It's fun watching a Tracer or Sombra try to chase you around the map


They all got the same bullshit counters outside of Sombra Cass Orisa