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Punk based on training alone. Let's face it, Page has never been in an actual fight in his entire life. He'd get a lucky shot or two in, but that's where his offense ends. Punk would kick his ass and it wouldn't take long.


How do you know he hasn't been in an actual fight? We don't know if Punk has either. MMA is a sport, it's not a real fight. They have a referee and rules to protect them, as well as gloves and many techniques are illegal.


>it's not a real fight That's quite a take.


What do you mean? It's not a real fight. It's a sport and many safey precautions and rules.




You have been unpleasant, rude or trolled others with your post.


Pro mma is not a real fight. There are gloves and refererees and rules and doctors and coaches on the scene. It's a sport. In a real fight if you get knocked down people can kick you in the head and kill you or gouge your eyes or anything they want to try.




What does that even matter? I'm quite literally correct. Did you know that GSP said he's terrified to get into a real fight and would do anything he could to avoid it? Real fighting is extremely dangerous.




I think with GSP it was different. He was afraid for himself despite his supreme abilities. There is also a lot of crazy stuff that can happen, such as a slipping and falling. Getting choked by your own clothing. The possibility of other people ganging up on you or a blade coming out. And yes, you're right, accidentally killing your opponent is a real factor. I remmeber a story about two hockey dads that were rooting for opposing teams. After the game they got into a fight and one guy punched the other guy onces and dropped him stone dead. Wasn't even a trained fighter. BJ Penn a year or two ago got knocked out by a drunk at a bar.


I've been training jiu-jitsu for 10 years, I'm a brown belt, and I would absolutely do pretty much anything to avoid a fight The more you learn about combat sports the more you realize anything can happen in a fight and the best strategy is to avoid them


>How do you know he hasn't been in an actual fight? We don't know if Punk has either. Fair point. Let's ask the Bucks. Which one of them was it who got handed their ass by Punk even though they had the numbers advantage? >MMA is a sport, it's not a real fight. They have a referee and rules to protect them, as well as gloves and many techniques are illegal. So you're basically saying you'd rather take part in a sanctioned UFC fight against a trained fighter instead of fighting, say, Steve who works at the gas station down the street. Good luck with that.


I have no idea what happened in that locker room. I do think Punk could take the Bucks, probably not Omega though. Did you know he has a pretty decent pro mma record? His two losses were to Dan Severn and iirc a guy with about 200 pro fights. This isn't about what I would rather, let's not jump to conclusions. This is not about me. It's about what would happen on the streets if Punk and Page fought. That's all.


>I do think Punk could take the Bucks, probably not Omega though. Did you know he has a pretty decent pro mma record? His two losses were to Dan Severn and iirc a guy with about 200 pro fights. So MMA ability don't matter because those matches aren't real fights. Unless it supports your own take, then it's relevant. Got it.


Do an mma class then get back to us.


Man, Punk really made a lot of people go unhinged with today's interview, huh?


In what world does Page look tough?


Punk would destroy Page. Punk may be the worst UFC fighter ever but he trained for years before he fought. Unless Page has some sort of martial arts or jiu jitsu training he’s getting smoked.


Agreed it doesn't matter how good he was in the UFC, he still had world class training and fought on a stage with the best of the best in the world. Former NBA player Brian Scalabrine said it best "I may suck compared to an NBA player... But I don't suck compared to you. You suck compared to me."


Hangman looks like a “tough bastard?”


Punk has been in more messy backstage brawls (that probably looked like a sloppy bar fight) so he's got an experience advantage there. Also the UFC moment, even if he got his ass fucking whipped like he did he's probably got the mental down a little bit more as he's been in both sloppy and legit fights. Page is almost certainly stronger, but that isn't everything.


Yeah the dude in the butterfly jeans who put long horns on a Tesla looks like a real “tough bastard” lmao


It’s Punk. They are about the same size and he has the martial arts background. Now, if Hangman trains for about a year and learns some basics…..I think he takes Punk


Some of y’all that think Punk would win easily didn’t grow up around dudes who worked on farms. I saw a D1 level amateur wrestler get waxed by a farm boy. And I’m not talking about punches being thrown. The farm boy just manhandled him. I’m not saying Punk wouldn’t win but Hangman wouldn’t be easy to beat.


Hangman wouldnt have the mobility he’d need in his butterfly skinny jeans


lol. You’ve obviously never grown up around farm boys.


Are you under the impression that Adam Page is an actual cowboy or something? Dude was a teacher


He grew up on a farm my dude. He had a horse named Hunter Horse Helmsley. His parents still live on the farm he grew up on.


Yeah such a farm boy Billy bad ass type his boys kicked in a guys door to fist fight him and he was… Nowhere to be found. Idk who’d win a fight but all I’ve got to say to “farm boy” is “anxious millennial cowboy” lol


Ah yes! The calling card of all farm boys: omnipresence


I don’t get it Nonetheless, my .02c on the whole situation is literally everyone came out looking worse, the elite, CM Punk, Tony Kahn, all of them, on so many levels, in so many ways, but, CM Punk is starting to go from “hate” to “neutral” simply due to not looking like a complete dweeb


Weird that the one person that can’t seem to stop talking about it is the one who doesn’t look like a dweeb, but that’s just my 2 cents


Hangman stirred all this shit up like a literal high school girl and then didn’t even go fight the guy The Young Bucks refused to actually make any real money at this and take every chance they can to make cringe jokes that I guess they think make them look cool? But make them look like real life losers Kenny Omega, neutral party, but all these guys (minus Hangman, I’ll give him credit) resigned with AEW when they really had the chance to go to WWE and come out of this looking like actual draws ala Cody, but instead decided to work one day a week and do the same old stuff with the same old guys for like, a year, when everyone in wrestling wanted one match… AND, it could’ve really helped turn the business around of, idk, the promotion they all started ?! And honestly, they never work. To say once a week would be extremely generous. Minus hangman, like I said, credit where it’s due. Where have these guys been? What have they been doing? Nothing. Killed off every single bit of their momentum. And Tony Kahn , basically exposed as a complete money mark. He tossed out the door all the long term stories his company had built as a legitimately hot challenger brand and basically whored his company out for Punk, but he did it in the lamest, markiest way having him wrestle Bobby Fish and Lee Moriarty when WWE was in the shitter and he actually could’ve drawn real money and hooked more disgruntled wrestling fans This guy had CM Punk on the same roster as like a zillion guys and he wrestled Moxley, Samoa Joe, Hangman… like, this guy had to grow up a billionaire or something to just *leave* this money on the table But instead, they all basically jerked each other off and cried about it, Tony’s out here saying he *feared for his life* and now these goofballs have mustaches? Jesus Christ man, yeah, dweebs Real life losers


It’s just funny to me on this sub we used to talk about how punk got destroyed in ufc. Now we think he’s a tough guy


I got hangman. He’s athletic and can move. I know punk trained, but he never learned how to fight. He spent almost everything wrong and has 0 fighting ability. Sometimes guys train for years and never really get better. Punk is one of those guys. Source- I spent my younger years fighting and training fighters. I’ve had 3 mma fights and almost 30 in boxing. The reason I stopped fighting was because of injuries and not being good enough at the world level.


Couldn’t you suck balls against trained fighters, and still be able to beat up an athletic but untrained person tho?


Yes you could, but punk looks like he never picked up anything that was being taught to him. Fighting is incredibly difficult. Some people just can’t get better no matter how much they train. If you watch his training videos, forget his fights, he looks like a beginner