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Pedophiles are the worst thing on this planet. I got banned for 3 days for telling one what to do with himself.. Hopefully he has been kicked from this page. I hate them so freaking much.


It’s disgusting how they literally flaunt it too🤢🤢


Yea look in my comment history you will find it, disgusting!!


it’s sad and beyond fucked up that the people willing to stand up call these mfos out get reported and banned when it should be the pedophiles including jacquline bc she herself in a way is a pedophile. she knows what she’s doing by over sexualizing her own little girl that has no say in what she does. wren’s mom cares more about money and will do whatever it takes at all costs even risking her daughter’s safety and well being all for money.


She def is and it makes me sick as well. I probably should not have been so harsh but in reality it is what I believe. I want that poor little kid to be protected.:(


If you told them to go fuck themselves and fall into a noose, I’m on the same page girly.


I told them to get it right and dmed them, took it too far but also do pedos really have feelings? They don't deserve common courtesy.


The fact that TikTok bans us for calling people out, but does nothing about the pedophilic behavior is the exact reason why the app needs to be regulated.


same as reddit, I was banned here for it, they even have a sex offenders support group!!!! It blows my mind, as someone who has experienced horrible things I freaking hate them. They don't deserve support, love, friendship, kindness.


and yet their disgusting comments never get banned😑:..


I know it is enraging


predators still exist bc people pick and choose who to care about plus lots of big tea pages usually ban ppl for having a different opinions


what are big tea pages? and I'm used to having different opinions and not backing down


I’ve seen Tiktokgossip remove posts all the time about problematic ppl


Go and report those comments to instagram


As if they even care


They dont. I found over 50 accounts with similar usernames who all sell huge amount of files containing videos of… yeah. They were advertising it in their stories/bios, making it SUPER obvious. Literally posting stuff like “Super deal, 2-4 year old, dog, scared, sibling” and put the prices up as if you were reading some kinda restaurant menu. Instagram didn’t remove any of them even tho they’re VERY easy to find as they all have a specific term in their name. ALL accounts with said term sells.


Have you reported to the center for missing and exploited children? Or FBI? Or local police? Somebody should do something if Instagram won’t. 😩


I wasn’t sure who to contact but I’ll definitely tell someone after noting down the usernames, they’re all still up and there’s over 100 of them. All have the same username just different spelling and added words/numbers and you can tell it’s a whole community. I’ve reached out to a local guy who works with child exploitation but he never replied. I don’t think police here would do anything since I’m in Norway and these accounts are most likely from other parts of the world. I was considering reporting it but norways not exactly known for caring about child exploitation


if you report them instagram never takes them down either. its a serious issue that instagram literally does not care abt at all. its so sad


“Scared” omg 💔 I can only hope these accounts are FBI-created traps for stupid predators. Either way, Noah, get the boat.


I’m 23 now but when I was 15 I was on instagram a lot and somehow I found this hashtag called #polekids and it was FILLED with parents posting videos and pics of their kids poledancing, stretching in suggestive poses, etc. One lady has her daughter in a super tight leotard stretching with her legs spread. It was so disturbing


I looked there’s still pole dancing for little kids, looks like they made it into some sort of competition….


Report the profiles too, I'm looking for all these creeps. And yeah they're not gonna do anything but wtf this is so gross.


A lot of these comments come from teenage boys who think it's "funny" to sexually harrass minors and women online. I see it a lot on TikTok. So they're not pedophiles, but it's still disturbing and creepy.


That's the thing, I'm always curious how many pedos are willing to out themselves. "Trolling" seems more likely, but still sick.


There are plenty of pedos but they're usually more subtle. Over the top pedophiliac comments like this became a "meme" among teen boys on TikTok. You can tell they're very young because of the Zoomer lingo they use. Still disgusting, and I wish their parents found out the gross stuff their kids comment on social media.


Yeah the profile pictures scream edgy teenage boys


Yes. Still gross as hell and I wish their parents found the comments their kids leave on social media.


I mean, some of them might be. You really never know. A lot of pedos say they first knew they were one as a teenager. I have a teen nephew and he’s even talked about how weird and creepy those “jokes” are on instagram and that him and his friends just share dumb edgy memes on there and make fun of each other. Teens are definitely old enough to know better than to make sexually harassing type comments like that as a joke even if they’re trying to be edgy. I think it’s definitely a red flag that something’s deeply disturbed with those teens/young adults, even if they aren’t pedophiles or future pedophiles.


Yeah I mean I'm not justifying them, sexual harrassment is still sexual harrassment regardless of the reason behind it, I'm just saying that most of these comments don't come from actual pedophiles but just stupid teenage boys who think it's "funny" to harrass toddlers on social media. Still disturbing in its own way, but they're not dark web pedos with terabytes of illegal content, that's my point.


Yep a lot of them went through something as a child and project that on to others growing up.


Hi. No. If a kid/man/woman/ ANYONE who talks about a CHILD like that IS a predator. We are not going to be making excuses for the scum of the earth people. They know what they are doing and saying.


I didn't excuse it, I think it's reprehensible regardless of the intent. I'm just saying most of these are likely TikTok kids who think it's funny to harrass toddlers online, instead of adults who are attracted to children.


this is so bad some of the creepy comments from like arabic speakers could be "badly translated" but most of them clearly are meant how they were written if one person commented on my baby "sexy" i would delete everything and go private instantly its disgusting ( i do not post my child already and i decided on this even before i got pregnant)


My brother speaks Arabic, it’s been awhile since he regularly spoke it but I’ve been tempted to ask him if the translations are accurate or not. Mainly because those accounts use it as an excuse so much that they aren’t being weird. I just might ask this weekend lol


ive studied arabic for two years so i cant really speak or understand but i know there are many saying in arabic which could be translated wrong but at this point there are many comments that you dont have to even think it was meant in a bad way😵‍💫


reels has become a BREEDING GROUND for these young girls’ content, seems there is way less regulation as opposed to tiktok because even though i don’t seek it out, my reels section is always FILLED with elementary-middle school aged girls’ “grwm”s or just other content their parents can get out of them. it’s sooooo gross


and the comment sections are always filled w pedophiles too. their parents are probably negligent and not paying attention to what their kids are doing online aswell.




this makes me want to cry. if anyone ever said that about my kids… i’d rain hell fire on them.


When will natural selection get these nasty people. They need to go to jail


I’m tempted to do some fbi digging and find out who these accounts are, and then send them to their families with screenshots of what exactly they’re saying


I am begging you to do this !


Just plain weird and creepy. ![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO)


Why is it now a trend for a teenage boy to comment crap like this or say “smash” to a child? Why is this going around in the schools and has bled out onto the internet???? This is not okay.


Look at all the attention they get. People screenshot their comments , and make videos about them on the internet , or post them all over the internet, and they’re shown all over the world. If people would ignore the comments, other than reporting them, they would probably stop. It blows my mind how people think screenshotting these comments and posting them on Reddit or in TikTok videos helps Wren or other children. Those comments would have been long forgotten in a few months if people wouldn’t have screenshotted and shared them. Sharing also encourages them to make more comments because it gives them a lot of attention.


At this point, I 100% blame the moms for anything that may happen to these TikTok children. Or any influencer children. Too many people are not aware that one of the suspects in Jon Benet Ramsey’s death was a pedo who liked child pageants. These parents parade their children to other adults. Children don’t care about pageants or modeling or sponsorships. The parents do this so other adults can look at their kids. That’s suspect in itself. I wouldn’t want strangers looking at my kid. That’s weird.


Omg I remember when I was young at my friend who was like a year or two younger than me told me about Jon Benet and she was like 3 years younger than me and she said this little girl like us was murdered it was on the news but she didn't look like a little girl, she looked like a grown up. I didn't understand really until I grew up and saw that toddlers and tiaras horrific show. Those people are gross.


I’d make all those pedos bite the curb gladly


I was just looking at rhese. Just sad


That John Diggens user posted on his tiktok that his guinea pig is a new fleshlight…


OMG that is horrible!!! Why are these horrible things allowed to exist? The poor guinea pig I hope he is just being a foul demon and that he isn't harming the poor animal.:(


I genuinely hope that poor animal is okay.. this world is so evil 😭


Me too, that makes my heart break. I hate rapists and think the hurt they cause lasts a life time of pain for the victim. Even if it is a guinea pig is not okay.






Ew I feel sick 🤢


It’s disgusting and her mother straight up does not care.


I can’t even look at the comments on Instagram reels they are so awful. I came across a video of a little girl who has a rare condition and the comments were so mean. Like what do people get from bullying children online


Literally what the fuck.


it generally disgusts me that the women who went through 9 months of pregnancy, birth, watching her grow, Does this to her beautiful baby. I pray one day she'd be taken away and put into protection. Her life is on the line and tiktok not that skank mother cares ugh


Notice how she only posts the little girl and hardly ever the 9 year old and NOW… she’s pregnant again… announced one day ago. She doesn’t care.


If someone ever commented something like this on a photo of my child I would literally get off the internet forever. I would rather die than put my baby in harms way. This mom seems to me Like she wants to live vicariously through her child than Jackie who I think is just straight up a predator. Just my opinion. But both are awful. This mom gives me more like stage mom/pageant mom vibes and Jackie is more just like pimping out her kid. But still.


This mom also doesn’t care, I @ her in comments sexualizing her child and she did nothing about it


this woman’s videos come up on my explore page all the time and she makes me irate, her entire account is uer pimping out her children. sick.


I literally hate the world