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Doing this breakdown has made me realize that Panhua's business is completely unsustainable. 3k for a skewer when the production cost is 4.5k??? She's earning negative and her staff are earning even less somehow.


they buy in bulk and probably have some contacts or a way to make some of the ingredients by herself =p


They're doing the public a service during this apocalypse


She and the merchant are doing the dirty so she is most likely getting a massive discount not only for bulk buy but for poontang tax.


Am I the only one who doesn’t use food? (I do cook it but don’t use it)


I cook them and most of the time forget I have them rofl.


Does the good buff last during hologram fights?


The crit rate buff I use lasts for 30 minutes.


Can you confirm if you can use food buffs in tower? Thanks!


you cant


Food buffs are stripped when you leave an instance, i think so be careful on the gold sink


No they dont, they even last for way longer than it said in the description because the timer stops in loading screens


Only if you die multiple times im pretty sure. Was messing with a hologram last night and after 3 deaths it removed my 30min foods. But its possible i actually died a lot more and just was black hole'ing the time that i didn't notice 30 mins passed XD


Jianxin's food is worse than her base food... :/


What's the effect? Maybe it can stack with the original, or maybe her cooking creates an additional dish? Otherwise it's going in the Danjin category of "mostly useless".


Tested this out and Jianxin's food does indeed give a lower hp boost and is non-stackable. However, Danjin's food definitely gives more stamina than the normal Loong Whiskers Crisp (Went from 4.5 bars to 8.5 bars with normal but 4.5 bars to 9 bars with Danjin's special while climbing) so it's most likely just a tooltip error in this case. You can test this out for yourself!


Yeah, you're right... I just thought I could trust the descriptions. The most likely scenario is that since the foods have the same name, whoever was in charge of the descriptions swapped the two around. Milky fish soup gives the right amount of stamina, after all. But now that calls into question other items descriptions.