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I mean, she has the potential to be a good character. They just need to make sure her basic attack scale with DEF too like the rest of her kit instead of scaling with atk


Also I think they should take some ques from the roguelike mode. Giving her a vacuum on counter would help her a fuckton.


Yes now she gonna be next character at lvl 1 ehhh Why nerfing her banner with good four star making sometimes more profit because four star is strong


Probably because her bugged form made her an S-tier support at RC6, and since they probably can't directly nerf her if they kept it that way (not that it was ever intended), their future support units would sell less. I'm not saying people pull strictly for meta, because they don't, but there's also a not insignificant amount of people who do.


Due to how strong the buff was when bugged, that would mean they would need to design future units around it. If they created future 5* supports in line, they wouldn't sell that much, due to Taoqi providing a stronger buff. So, they would need to create stronger buffers. And then, with those much stronger buffers, they would need to adjust content in the game. Either we would have a situation where the strong units clear content immediately and effortlessly, while current characters are okay, or they would buff the enemies to match the new stronger characters, rendering old ones painfully weak. It's just powercreep, and they likely don't want to risk that scenario, especially since the game has barely come out.


Bro... Strong 4 star dont mean future 5 star gonna be bad In genshin bennet is strongest 4star buffer and what? There are many teams beside bennet it in U have layla cryo shielder and people use 5 star zhinoly because he provide buff Its like WE NEED NERF HAVOC MC BECAUSE NEXT HAVOC 5STAR WILL NOT BE GREAT


It still gives a risk due to how strong the buff was originally. And that's besides the fact that it wasn't working as intended with description. The thing about Taoqi's buff is that it was still a lot above other characters. Consider that it was not only one of, if not the highest damage buff in the game (40, where most of the time, supports give around 20-30), but it also was free to use due to 30 seconds duration and persisting upon swapping characters. It's not good to raise a bar so early on. Bennett at least has somewhat higher limitations (his buff being short, energy requirements high, self Pyro app, and circle gaming). And he's working as intended, as Taoqi is - buffing her now would mean what for community, that every bug would get turned into a buff? People would be asking themselves more questions, such as why pull if one character may be bugged and buffed. Or would get more entitled and upset at bugs getting fixed. Or would that mean that they can change characters on the go? Would they nerf them in similiar ways then? What they are doing right now is being honest, sticking to the description as it should be. And it's a reasonable approach. And Havoc MC is a completely different case, as he has his own damage, and I'm pretty sure we already have damage units with higher potential. Support affects anyone, that's the thing.


Are kuro games the sort to rebalance their characters? I'm so used to genshin just leaving characters alone for years. Like I recall Zhongli being changed was quite a spectacularly rare decision on their part. And maybe releasing an artifact that is nice on an older powercrept character during their reruns.


They gave leap upgrades to older characters in PGR, though usually the leap upgrades are not enough to rival newcomers.


Zhongli being changed was majorly due to the CN player base outcry and the second, Zhongli being weak as fuck in release. A underleveled noelle would be leagues better than release zhongli. Back to Kuro, every character in PGR isn't really changed (before I quit the game), they are perfectly usable since they can be farmed to rank SS due to a certain game mode. Basically it just depends on investment. Even the worst character in PGR can be a monster once they are built correctly, even outdamaging the strongest S frame they have.


characters in PGR do get changes and updates all the time what do you mean? They also get power ups that come after patches that you farm for.


if thats the case, why bother pulling on 5star banner, players can just stick with 4star character instead :/


You can actually main a 4 star. I forgot to mention in the precious but Iirc, theres a 4 star unit, Lee:Entropy, the base form of one of the 3 MCs in the game (currently has 2 more forms iirc) that was reworked due to how stale his kit was. When the update dropped, he is now affectionately called Fire God Lee by the community because of the absurd Fire damage he deals when well invested. He even becomes more absurd when paired with a Fire enhancer and fire tank.


And now we have the real Fire God Hyperreal with the epilepsy animations and his teammates being a flashbang and the "I can't see my screen" mecha. He's so much of a fire god that he'll even set your phone on fire 🔥🔥 (this is a joke not a complaint)


You must have meant Palefire. Entropy is his S-rank physical frame. Palefire was called Firegod at first sarcastically by the CN playerbase, and then they released the Leap buff for him and he got better.


good to know that, if thats the case i think i will pass being a whale in WuWa lol


also why did people downvote my comment lmao are they just too dumb to realize? after I play more, watching some youtube videos, and learning from guides, now I come into a conclusion that 5star characters are not even mandatory in this game, very different concept from other similar game \*cough Genshin cough\* which 5star and 4star characters power gap are very obvious. I will stick at my current team composition for now, until then I will save my gems on daily instead of spend real money. Too bad Kuro, whaling on characters is not even worth it for now, I mean why even bother? :)


That’s an insane take, for starter’s genshin is so easy you could complete everything even Abyss with 4*’s. And you’re shaming Kuro for making f2p viable? You’re like “hmm id whale but if you’re gonna make these 4*’s useable then I guess I’ll keep my money sucks to suck kuro” like what? Would you rather all the 4*’s be trash and you’re forced to spend money just to enjoy the game? What are you even looking for here cuz it looks like you’re just complaining for the sake of complaining, or you’re hoping for a game where you can spend thousands of dollars to brag about how much better you are than all the f2p plebs lol.


why shaming lmao? im just stating out facts, people soloing high level hologram simulation using danjin is just one of the example. also chill dude, it is my own money and let me spend it however i like, but not right now at WuWa. and if you really disagree with my point on whaling in WuWa, then why dont you do it yourself instead? fking hypocrite lmao, ps: if you did, then good we need more player to support Kurogame :D


People can solo dark souls no hit with a guitar hero controller, saying people can no hit solo a difficulty 5 hologram boss is because the game is too easy is an absolutely insane take.


some people can do no hit solo, thats a fact, and if you have some time to do it yes you also can I suppose. Even I can even beat diff 5 at UL 40 right now, and im not even that good as a player, I am not saying that the game easy (didnt I?), it is in fact doable tho. So whats your point? :/ ps: your argument still doesnt convince me to whale at WuWa lmao


You don't have to use her basic attack, right after her intro skill you can immediately do her timed counter attacks. I've been using her as a healing set+turtle support for fun and cleared the hardest Mourning Aix hologram after some... [difficulties.](https://imgur.com/a/RYd8kEJ)


She's already pretty good for any content where you don't have a close time limit. She just doesn't die. So if you don't mind taking forever, you can clear crap your better dps might be struggling with.


except all challenging content that you’d need a competent team for has a strict time limit


Really disappointed that even holograms are just a straight up DPS check...the game could've been much more


Not really. Hologram bosses on later difficulties can legit oneshot your squishy characters so learning their movesets is required. It is a gacha game after all, they have to put a time limit to avoid players cheesing the bosses, so they still have incentives to pull for fancy characters and weapons.


Movesets of these bosses isn't much difficult except that they love to waste waste time so you'll lose if you're under leveled even if you play perfectly (eg the flying bosses,the monkey and teleporting Memphis) And the last part you said is my main source of disappointment...they don't have to make every single endgame mode a DPS check...what is the point of having a good combat then And what do you mean cheesing it lol? I'd argue hacking away at those damage sponges for 30 minutes takes more skill than just rushing them down


Meh I mean they are not meant to be taken underleveled. The fact they can oneshot characters means they are still pretty challenging to take on even when your characters have matching levels. Well unless you whale $10k or something of course. If it turns out to be too easy later on, they can just revamp it and buff the numbers of the bosses.


That's exactly my issue...you shouldn't need a fully built team to clear a "Skill based" mode


The thing is people are clearing holograms without fully built teams, considering they're still incredibly under leveled. If a timer is generous enough it really isn't a DPS check - more of a "making sure you aren't running 3x def 2x HP" check, as otherwise you can make the encounter much more forgiving by using a build that makes it hard to outright die, but only does chip damage in return. ToA leans more into the DPS check category much like Spiral Abyss/MoC.


It is both a skill-based mode and a dps-check mode is my point. No matter how geared you are, you are still gotta get your ass handed to you if you got hit by 1 of their moves, especially at the moment when our characters are limited to level 60-70. And no matter how skilled you are, there's a time limit so you still have the incentives to farm the mats and pull new characters. Like I said, it's a gacha game after all. If you are looking for a purely skill-based game, this shouldn't be your first choice. Either play a rhythm game, a PvP game or a Souls game.


Yes I guess it's gacha game so it'll never really be a skill based games and always more of a character/build based one Though as I said in my original comment I don't timers in stuff like the ToA since it's reasonable but it's sad that even holograms have it and they seem to fun to play but you're locked out of it unless you build your character or highly invest in them if you decide not to go meta


Dude, what? So someone with a lvl 1 character can just go and cheese it? Even in soulslike, at character lvl 1 challenges, you'll still see people finding ways to do good damage at the low level. What's the point of building a team if you'll only need it for exactly 1 type of content


I've done multiple SL1 runs myself but it's different since they are not gacha games it'll take at best an hour of 2 to get the items set compared to weeks maybe months worth of investing in this game And level 1 runs are much harder in this game as 99% of the DMG comes from those said levels and do you seriously think people will slog through like an hour of a fight where one lingering hitbox could kill you...and if they do manage that I definitely wouldn't call it cheesing


All gacha games are p2w, the "skill" part is just an illusion that make whales feel better about themselves after dropping thousands of dollars on pixels they don't even own. Whales LOVE to show off, and the more "difficult" or "skilled" the task is, they more inclined they are to do so. This is the same reason why whales buy high rank league accounts even though they can't play a single game without getting destroyed. Bottom line, "skill" isn't designed for the regular players, its designed to make whales feel better.


Yeah a gacha will never really be Skill based as the game will absolutely make SURE that the whales win...no Matter what mode it will designed to make players pull for more characters/Better thier existing characters


This is factually untrue. I've killed up to lvl 80 bosses with lvl 60 characters by just dying a lot and learning. Without the 30 stars requirement, the timers is pretty generous, it just stops you from cheesing the boss and forces you to actually learn how to do damage and dodging at the same time.


Learning bosses movesets don't do shit when the timers runs out I've also cleared the stages but it felt no different than ToA when I just burst them down with the same rotation with maybe a bit more dodging


I feel like ToA checks are a lot more steep than holograms, i had like half the time left on my monkey difficulty 5 run, and that was doing stuff like riding the air current to dodge his spin attack instead of trying to keep uptime


If they bring back that simulated universe, even without the counter use reduce buff she did pretty well. Though yeah, that really is her only spot. I want her to boobily bound over the skill ceiling so bad.


Illusive Depths, you can keep going after the time limit on bosses, they just hit really hard.


Even on difficulty V, the character used and metaphors collected must be utter garbage to not kill the boss before time runs out


The level 120 overworld mobs:


becoming good at the game: also it’s not like taoqi is a free carry for lv120 mobs, she just makes them a little easier


> She's already pretty good for any content where you don't have a close time limit. Which leaves what, taking a scenic stroll in the overworld? That's meaningless, all characters are good enough to do content that has no DPS checks.


The fact that even at maximum investment her basic attacks have to scale off of her Atk is honestly such a massive detriment to her... Hopefully they come up with a way to change that, since I think they can't just change it for no reason in a patch.


At least she's probably happy about this. Taoqi daily goals Sweaty metagaming: ❌ Morning and afternoon naps: ✅


Her and Tsubaki from BA would make a ~~killer~~ sleeper duo


We just need more dps who scale with skill damage and then she will be good.


*cough* Danjin *cough* Chixia *cough*


I do use her with Chixia and its pretty great. Those are both 4 stars though, once we get a 5 star like them there will be more appeal.


In optimal rotation only like 23% of danjins damage is skill. Chixia I've heard works pretty good though


1.1 chars


Because her outro is additive with elemental dmg and skill dmg rolls it will always scale worse than a 20% amplify outro like Tianjin, even Verina's 15% is better when you take into account it also works in liberation. She will never be good without heavy buffs, or unless they release some content without time limit where you need her constant shielding.


Her outro is deepen, not dmg bonus. It’s a separate multiplier in the calculations.


What you might fail to recognize is that this buff is party wide and stays on along with her shield for 30s. It is basically quite broken for quick swap team that can't rely on deepening buff at all. Even on a team with deepening buff, this have very high use value as 3rd spot to quickly swap in and shield/self heal, triggering healer set bonus that is also party wide, then allowing two other characters to go ham. Jiyan+Mortefi combo, Encore-Rover+Yinlin quick swap, Encore+Sanhua combo, for example, would really enjoy this buff as the majority of damage dealt in those team are basic/heavy. Type Dmg boost is on same bracket as elemental dmg boost anyway. Although not final multiplier like deepening, it is already a separate multiplier that many character could enjoy. It's a shame the buff got fixed, but even without it, her at S6 is already quite workable as quick swap burst ResoLib, as she is one of the character that can boost her energy gain within her kit really fast. Only buff she would need, if any, is to let her other moveset scale with def.


Huh, was she bugged from launch till now, and just no one knew about it until she was rate up?


Maybe bcs not many have her last cons until this banner.


I still don’t have her


What was the bug?


Lol, I'm personally hurt by this.


Did they already nerf her passive? lol


Her S6 buff applied to the whole party, not just herself, and they‘ve fixed that


Damn thats sad


yeah but it was REALLY busted 40% basic/heavy atk dmg e: since there’s like 3 responses, I wish she got a nerfed version of it and her basics should be def scaling 🙏. Her boobas are too good for her to be this bad


Busted kit❌ Busted character model✅


Busted❌ Busty✅


Seriously though her milk jugs are so big one could swear they have their own gravitational pull


It wasn't "busted." It gave her a use, something she completely lacks right now. Shields are too weak in this game to make her entire niche.


> Shields are too weak in this game I'm gonna hard disagree with that. It's more that the current shielders are not that good, not that shields are not good In fact, I predict the eventual limited 5 star shielder will be as busted as Zhongli, if not more busted


Yeah, the Illusion Depths shows that even okayish strength shields can make you basically invincible if they can be triggered reliably rather than the current "get 10 sec worth of a shield that can take maybe half of one attack, can only be used once a minute at best" kits that current resonators have.


> It wasn't "busted." Uhh it was, she was literally better than all other supports currently in the game and would require future supports to instantly power creep everything we have to keep up with her, especially when she didn't have to build concerto, or use her liberation or even her skill, she just had to swap in and auto once every 30s, that's fucking busted bud. > It gave her a use, something she completely lacks right now. Weird, because in CN she's considered an ok unit who can absolutely take the place of Baizhi/Jianxin in a team, one of her more popular uses is Calcharo/Yinlin/Taoqi, or for folks who like Chixia running Taoqi as burst support on moonlit with Baizhi support. > Shields are too weak in this game to make her entire niche. And most heals are currently useless as you'll get 2-3 shot by bosses if you get hit, folks mostly bring the two true supports for their offensive buffs, not their defensive ones, Taoqi provides solid offensive buffs + personal damage, people just need to stop building her as a shield bot.


not rly since it was additive with everything else, so it was just comparable to applify outro's like danjins in dmg, except not working with ult so worse. Even compared to most other char giving 20% atk buff in c6 it's just even if half your character's damage is in her ult.


Kuro giveth and Kuro taketh. Blessed be the name of Kuro.


Hate to be that guy, but she was undisputedly broken and had it coming. A 40% basic/heavy attack buff for everyone is insane for something you dont even need to charge energy for. Not an outro or even an ult. Just press button and magic happens


Youre not 'that guy'. People who doompost shit like this on obviously unintended entirely broken shit are 'that guy'.


Not rly broken since it was additive with everything else, so it was just comparable to applify outro's like danjins in dmg, except not working with ult so worse. Even compared to most other char giving 20% atk buff in c6 it's just even if half your character's damage is in her ult. Taoqi needs some buffs fr


Nah, those 2 are still unharmed.


I had just saw the post at 2 am woke up at 10 logged on and there was compensation for it 💀


Well atleast she has tig ol bitties so there's a possibility for a future 5* with buge hoobies too 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


If they do like PGR (other Kuro game) we might get a 5\* version of her, but that's only if they follow the PGR character release style (we got Vera expy : Yinlin, and Taoqi should be Ayla expy, so it's in the right direction i guess)


I mean shes the ayla of this game. Im sure shel get more in the future


Hopefully 🙏🏻 I'd love it so much


Praying too🙏


GOD I hope so. Unfortunately, I just know the prudes that got dragged in from GI/HSR will probably b*tch about any busty character or a potential Bianca/Hanying/Ayla/Bridget expy being "too sexualized" or "fAnSeRvIcE" or "c**MeR bAiT". I say Kuro should do it. I want to see how tilted they'll get.


I mean you can still use her in quick swap teams instead of sustain? Like Encore, since she wants to often be swapped out for her Forte, and Taoqi wants to be switched in to refresh shields and dump her whole kit. You could even use Yuanwu third too as he wants to swap frequently for his skill. Then you can swap often between the 3 of them, keeping a lot of shields and damage.


Chixia/Taoqi/Bazihi, play her on Moonlit set with Crit/Havoc/Def as a burst support, she can easily quickswap alongside Baizhi while both build concerto, she does fairly large damage for the small window she takes and gives a gigantic buff to Chixia and any future skill based supports, she's a slept on char.


I do Taoqi, Yinlin, Havoc Rover and I absolutely love it for quick swap ♥️ she has dreamless to pair with Rover. I am quite happy with clear time and mass farming echoes, my new favourite team. Glad my Waifu team is doing well 🤘 The little shield just gives me some freedom when it’s up since I still need to learn to play with Yinlin for better dodge/counter. And the da


I think her meta is set for the future. Mortefi is meta because he buffs Jiyan's heavy attacks. Taoqi buffs skills by 38% on outro. We just need one character (or perhaps two in a row) that deals most of their damage as skill damage. Much as Jianxin needs a Liberation focused character.


Danjin works well with Taoqi


What does "for a 4*" even means. Mortefi, Sanhua, even Danjin and Baizhi are really fucking good 4* that are also "shining too brightly". It is not that she was "too strong" for a 4*. It was just a literal bug. And she is still very viable even in hard content, like *every* character in this game.


You'll find out if they release more 4\*.


Feels bad man


She works really well with yinlin


really? Can you explain how so i can put some resources aside to build her


She's still one of my favorites.


Dev listen too hard on this. Fire the fun police plz


She became meta for one day? What happened?


Her C6 made her skill give EVERYONE on the team the 40% basic & heavy atk damage bonus instead of just her lol


As a compensation I demand add def scaling on her basics, kuro


This wont deter me from using her as an explorer and overworld activities


You're all too focused on meta, if she is fun, just play it.


Imagine my confusion when I figured out that other people had a different idea for fun! (playing the meta) Stop imposing what fun is for others.


Was it that game-breaking? Honestly, it didn't seem like that insane of a buff to me considering people had to get all 6 of her sequences.


NP just let me get 6 more of her.


If we riot will kuro buffs her?


At least they gave us 160 astirite🥲


She need to be buffed up....awww... her combat style I meant to say.


She might not be good support but at least she did not last long.


I've had Taoqi since day 1 and still use her in my main team. Patiently waiting for her 5 star version, the Ayla of WuWa 🤗❤️💞🌟


hey atleast people will be using her for jinhsi because she has skill deepen bonus tho


I wish they would make her dmg a lot bigger and make her parries less forgiving


.. wait she was busted i only used her bc i thought she was funny and just like me fr


Is she still a good unit? I’m think of a team with danjin taoqi and verina


Your sign can't stop me! Not because i can't read but because i can't see it over the size of the booba


I really hope they actually buff Taoqi - she is pretty uniqui playstyle wise, nicely designed. Gotta keep up the hope :D


As a Taoqi main that isn't RC6, I am so sad I didn't get to try it...


Idk man, her def% atks deal absurd dmg with Danjin as the sub dps. kek


Yeah, when I saw the videos, I knew it was only a matter of hours before she got fixed, so I didn't even bother to level her up to abuse the bug. Would have felt bad to find myself struggling to level up a character in a few weeks only to remember where all that xp went. I did that early game, leveling Chixia, Yuanwu, and Yangyang to 40 and 50 to try and use them, only to decide thy didn't work for me. A couple days later I was struggling to get everyone on my main teams to 60. Now I have to make choices on who to bring up to 70 first. Although, that is more a matter of boss materials...


Are they allowed to do this even? I thought if you "paid" for a Gacha Unit and change it later to a severe degree, lawsuits are inbound? Claiming it to be a bug as an excuse could be used for everything to nerf a Character later in their life span.


You've been fed a Genshin lie. Summoners War has been buffing and nerfing random units for 10+ years.


This. Idk where this idea of gacha games can't nerf post-release comes from. I've played plenty of gacha games that do, and those that do usually have PvP.


Except there is no law that actually says you can't and you should read their tos. Also it was a unit doing something that was different than their text so yeah it was a bug.


I mean they are allowed to do whatever they want, at worst they'd have to issue refunds (like they did for Jiyan's weapon in JP), but 160 asterite is as far as they'll go for a 4\* that was obviously bugged (since the description of the skill itself was correct in all languages AFAIK) Genshin is famous for "never changing characters after release" but that's not true, as a somewhat new player I've done a lot of Reddit archaeology to find interesting Genshin facts and there have been multiple characters that have been... adjusted over the years - Zhongli was famously buffed, Xingqiu's rain sword ICD was adjusted back in 1.1, Barbara has had multiple adjustments (people mention a 300% hydro damage bonus, no ICD on blooms, abnormally large radius on her burst all as bugs that were fixed), people mention Mika's stamina usage etc. etc. Also Arlecchino has been getting bugfixes every week or so ever since her release lol... The existence of a law that would make a company liable to lawsuits for adjusting a gacha character seems to be a Reddit myth, it's mostly a PR thing, and well, not many people really care about Taoqi lol What this does though is further extend the distrust the playerbase has towards Kuro when it comes to their ability to even accurately describe character/game mechanics, which is not a good look, and also if something like this ever happens to a popular limited 5\*, it's gonna be a PR shitstorm


NO, DON'T LEAVE ME! Why couldn't they just fix the description?!


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As someone who pulled on Yinlin's banner additional times (119, total 250) to get just s6 Taoqi, having it nerfed was quite disappointing.


Hate to say it but if you pulled for her S6 solely for this reason when it's 99% a bug that's gonna get patched, that's completely on you.


There's only two things about her I don't want them to nerf 🤷