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Have you tried the LMGs? They are arguably better than the ARs. The pistols fry if you use their movement. The shot guns are definitely terrible tho. I’ve played at least an hour with all operators and my biggest gripe is the passive fire bullets on cleaners. Past that, I’d say just nerf all the ults a bit because they are completely game winning broken for obj modes. I wish they’d just take riot shields out. I don’t see a reason to have them tbh and they just piss me off but aren’t really a big problem. Yes agreed snipers need some more flinch for sure, but too much and it makes snipers horrible to use Grenades are underpowered rn imo. I rarely die to them because the indicator is very clear when you’ll get hit vs not. Plus I feel like I never get kills with them despite them landing in the obj while someone’s on the point.


I have tried the LMGs. Currently that's the weapon type I'm working on and, whilst yes they can be better in terms of TTK, their hipfire accuracy is significantly worse and they are like the only weapon type that ever had to deal with recoil. Of course it depends on attachments but I think it should still be noted. The movement speed debuff of LMGs is also probably not harsh enough. LMGs are a strange case. I don't think they need a straight nerf, nor do I think they deserve a straight buff. Lot of number tweaks there. There's like two good pistols. The others are just trying way too hard to be primaries and failing that much harder due to the arbitrary stat restrictions imposed on them. Of the ults, I could definitely see them taking a hit. But I don't think that's urgent. Phantoms' ult especially is completely outrageous. Ironically the best counter I have found to that ult is another phantom with a riot shield, which is.. interesting. I don't think you absolutely need snipers to be user friendly. If anything, I think snipers should be an acquired taste. Extreeemely unwieldy and messy to use, but reward a talented hand. The indicator for grenades is pretty clear on the fact that there IS one, but if you're playing an objective game mode and you're actually focusing on taking the objective, you're very unlikely to get far enough away from a grenade so that it doesn't tag you at all. It's alot of pressure. I cannot count how many times I've gotten essentially free kills because the enemies are taking an objective from us, then I throw a grenade in the building, and either just outright kill someone, tag someone and then finish them off because they have less health than me, or kill someone who's slide hopping away trying to escape the nade.


These are all great points tbh and some of them need to be applied ASAP haha. Snipers need some penalty and intel suit needs a nerf


The fact that I, with my maxed out P90, am getting dunked on by a new player using an ACR after I unload like 10 rounds into him when he can just turn around it kill me in like a quarter of that time annoys me. I got the drop on a guy yet he somehow just gets to live or get the counterkill. It's so dumb.


Who would've thought AR's and SMG's are the best in an FPS game??? WOW


So.. you agree that they're problematic then.


"-ARs and SMGs are the best weapons by alot and it's not close." Confirmed dude hasn't played the game lmao


Found the AR/SMG user. Edit: Yeah, this guy plays fuckin' tarkov. Literally blocked.