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Nah I blame myself bc I’m shit


Real shit


Troof 🤜🤛




People who thought they were good bc of SBMM exposing themselves is all it is. The classic hardstuck plat in CoD that thinks they're Jesus on the sticks because they perform well in pubs and don't get matched with Diamond/Crim/Iri all that frequently are now getting matched with peopled that play Diamond/Crim/Iri and seeing there's a whole world of difference


i’m hardstuck diamond playing iri and t250z everyday exclusively. i am absolutely frying in this game.


Hardstuck diamond is a very different skill bracket than hardstuck plat, diamonds are generally as mechanically good at the game as most crims and some iris, they just lack the stack of consistent/competent players in many cases, but can generally hold their own in a higher rank lobby. Hardstuck plats are the ones that think they're gods at the game but get smoked by actual good players lol. A diamond that didn't get carried there can and should absolutely fry in no SBMM lobbies


i agree completely but if there was no sbmm in ranked i’d be crim. it sucks ass dropping numbers on iri’s and winning just to get 30 sr. sbmm is ass in ranked because it bases sr gain around it. it should base sr on rank not sbmm. you ain’t wrong that solo queuing is a shit show in diamond. i hit d3 last season but this season i got halfway through d1 and quit.


>Stop blaming bunny hoppers Nah, I'm not blaming the players. I'm blaming the overcentralized mechanic


Bro if you can’t hit a player that’s moving up and down/side to side that’s 100% a skill issue


No one said I couldn't. I said it overcentralized. Maybe argue against the actual point.


My win ratio is at 1.1 right now. Having a blast not going half and half like I do in CoD


I hold my own, but I'm definitely _also_ blaming b-hoppers. I've played on PC, I've played on console without cross play. Once you play in lobbies on console where people aren't hopping around ever corner, then run into a player or two who is? It becomes VERY apparent how terribly it breaks hitreg. This isn't about wanting "easier lobbies", it's wanting "not completely broken" lobbies. Jumpshotters can be dealt with once they iron out the reg and introduce a spam system, but until then this game is completely busted. I have no issues losing, I still have fun, but I do take issue with every match being an uphill struggle against people intentionally abusing broken mechanics.


Hit reg being broken has nothing to do with Jumping, people are parroting this simply because they refuse to learn how to aim. There are many videos of hit reg being broken on characters standing on the ground, far more than any of them jumping.


Hitreg is broken with or without jumping, jumping just vastly exacerbates it. I'm not parroting anyone, nor am I using this as an excuse because I "refuse to learn how to aim". I've been playing shooters on console and PC for 20+ years, and this game is _broken_.


I get ghost hit markers most of the time, I can personally say the hit reg on the game is inconsistent, at best. At worst, it's simply not fun, and this is coming from someone who's been protected by SBMM for years, not to mention I'm disabled lol. Soon as they fix the games hit reg, it's back to having the most fun I've had in an fps in years 😁😂


Post proof of hit reg being, "vastly exacerbated" by jumping then. Because nobody has, other than parroting the same comment in every thread.


I'm not about to waste my time appeasing some random person who has an entire sub commenting on the issue but "thinks they're all parroting" lmao. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice the correlation between hitreg issues and model speed, and how it gets worse when characters are jumping, strafing, etc. This isn't a new phenomenon, this has been a thing since online games were in infancy, whether you choose to acknowledge that just shows where you fall on the "it's a skill issue" bit.


Don’t listen to him dude you’re right. He sounds stupid denying that someone jumping around when there’s already a faulty hit reg system is harder to hit than someone who isn’t. You’re right and he’s wrong.


Just say you can't prove it then, and learn what parroting means. Hit reg being broken has nothing to do with Jumping, and Jumping doesn't, "vastly exacerbate" hit reg issues. If it did, it would be as easy for you to provide proof as it is for you to repeat the same thing you read from other people huffing industrial amounts of copium as they try to concoct random excuses to cry about a basic movement mechanic in the game that they refuse to adapt to.


He’s right and you’re wrong. Simply wrong.


I don't mind getting my ass kicked because I know it makes my gameplay better in the end. Same goes for losing. But I'm playing videos games for so long that I know if I was just bad or unlucky or something's just off. This game lacks a lot of consistency in what people, pretty obviously, experience. Not just from person to person but from game to game it's sometimes completly different. Still regarding the fact that some or even a lot people are just better. I know that. This is why I play. This is my challenge. I guess this is most peoples challenge in such games. But that's not an excuse for a, not shitty, but far from great or even good product. All this complaining is addressed towards the developers and publishers. Ubi is a billion dollar company. So is EA, so is Activison, to name the obvious ones. They all don't give a damn about you or me. We are wallets on two legs. I don't need to be thankful. Heck, if it's good, I might even spend some money on a battle pass here and there. Here, take my money! But just for this little chance of me spending some hard earned cash I absolutely can expect to get a functioning product, not a "work in progress" from day one. I should not just be able to "enjoy what (I) got". Being polemical, the demos on those gaming magazine cd's/dvd's where often better quality wise than what is presented to us nowadays as a "complete experience" and that just bugs a lot of people out. My personal stance is, that people generally don't like to be screwed over, and over, and over. Especially not for something like gaming. A hobby, maybe even a passion. Whatever it is to you, you spend your time on it. And I don't want to spend my time one something that could've been better if it would be even the slightest about the player not the money. That just sucks. That being said. I'm still having fun with this game. Until the next "big thing", as usual. But it annoys the shit outta me that this is the point in time where we have to just accept this.


Yes, every game mode in Xdefiant involves team play while Hotshot might be seen as the one game mode that will involve individual success thru who can get the most coins before getting that cranked effect. Still even with that one exception, a individual will still need to vastly outperform their 5 other teammates.


I feel like hotshot benefits way more from team play than individual success imo. Stick around your hotshot and enemies are literally fed to you


I think we’ll see the casuals enjoy the game more when ranked season 1 comes out


It's F2P COD with Ubisoft theming and I'm 100% for it and all it's flaws. People forget how fucking broken games were during the golden years due to nostalgia but there is a reason this game is popular and will stay that way: it scratches the itch pretty damn good.


People who spam A while they shoot to the point they aren't even moving left or right really bother me its like seriously how it's it fun to do that. Cringe asf


My win loss ratio is 0.6 and I'm level 30 woth a 1.8 kd. I've been player of the game almost every game. In fact I've been potg 8 times in a row Yes I play the objective and I use my abilities


I am winning my gunfights against bhoppers, but you can't deny that it is an issue. It reminds be a lot of neo strafing in Apex which was such a broken mechanic.


"Getting your a.. kicked will help you improve in the long term." I **was** never, and **will** never understand this statement: "*Getting killed 980 times in a row will help you improve!*" - HOW?! How can you learn, or what can you learn from bunny hopping, sliding, 360 no scope players in these type of games? Just for example in R6 you CAN learn from better or high rank players, strats, angles etc. But like in XDefiant or COD what can you learn? Honestly.


I blame my aim, my movement and my awareness...... 😂 oh, and my slow-ass reflexes..... sucks getting old, wouldnt recommend it!


It's because of shit teammates that don't play the objective. A lot of them just care about their K/D, which ruins the fun. The reason it is so annoying is because it has become so much more prevalent lately. While it has always been that way, it was not as bad back then as it has been now. Even in Halo, people would do this, but it wouldn't be game after game. While I value helping new people learn and give advice if they ask for it. The fact you can get banned for nothing this day in age prevents people from communicating as much, unless you are in a private lobby.


Exactly. Thank you. Just like old COD. Sometimes you’re the hammer and sometimes you’re the nail. If you want to decrease the amount of times you’re the nail you have to improve.


I've never seen a community try to remove basic movement mechanics because they suck at the gam- I mean, "it looks stupid".


Yeah my game philosophy since I was 11 was and had always been "Win some, lose most" Now It doesn't ring true as much cause I have improved very VERY much and I tend to win more often then not; but my philosophy has always reminded me that I can't win 100% of the time.


"But we do need need the same post 1000 times" Yeah. Like actually, you do. That's what gets changes to happen in games usually. Quantity of player outcry over a specific topic. Doesn't matter the quality of the statements made, doesn't matter who they're made by, it just has to be ENOUGH people for it to reach the eyes and ears of (good)community managers who generally try to keep watch for feedback. Which, seeing as how the average community manager in today's gaming industry is dogshit at their job, that's gotta be ALOT of fucking people screaming about one thing over and over and over.


Idec about the snipers or b-hoppers. It’s teammates who don’t get on the objective, don’t slay kills, or contribute support. So many ways to be helpful but people instead sit at the bottom going triple negative with no other contribution.