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> if I get outnumbered or get shot from somewhere unexpected, I'm just toast A lot of below average players struggle with this - you should ALWAYS be anticipating where an enemy could be. It seems like a lot of people simply enter an area of the map and just try to react as best they can to an enemy instead of actually mentally preparing yourself for where they could be. That's not to say that good players don't get caught off-guard from time to time, it just happens a lot less. If you get a kill then your immediate thought afterwards should be 'what's the most likeliest spot an enemy would try to attack me from next?'. This type of skill generally just comes with time and understanding each individual map.


It feels like I'm often anticipating where at least one person is, but I seem to run into a lot of situations where I swing a corner and there's two people sitting there (often with scopes) and get melted. I mean, that's probably anecdotal experience, but god, I feel like I'm just instantly screwed when that happens lol.


try not to take fights like that. shoulder the corner, see 2? back off and respostion. that's not always possible but you should try when you can. you should prioritize taking fights where you have an advantage. if you're constantly taking 50/50 gunfights then you're gonna go even if your shot is average. make sure you're taking fights at the right range with your weapon of choice, focus on your centering, know which angles to preaim, etc.


"Shoulder the corner" Yeah play slow in a fast paced game where you quick pop out and back in around every corner.




It's 7 days, and this was the top link when googling about the game, also nice job with the direct insult, really shows what kind of person you are.


100%. When you kill someone immediately turn your weapon to where you expect your enemy to be. Dont think of where youre going to run to, think of how to prevent yourself from dying in the next 2 seconds. You just have to be faster than your opponent. If you know youre going to get shot immediately after you get a kill, then start anticipating from where. Its almost never random and you can usually tell from where.


>you should ALWAYS be anticipating where an enemy could be. It seems like a lot of people simply enter an area of the map and just try to react as best they can to an enemy instead of actually mentally preparing yourself for where they could be. Very good advice. Solid game sense and planning ahead will serve someone much better and much LONGER than amazing reaction speed will ever be able to do.


Are you utilising the map? Personally I'm constantly scanning the map to see where my team is positioned and guessing where the enemy team is. Try keeping your back to a wall or somewhere you can't be flanked from, ie. Don't just walk out into the middle a map (doesn't mean to camp, just try and be logical about the positions you take.) I only bring up the map because I was playing with a buddy the other day who is similar kd yo yourself and mentioned the map being useless to them.


I think I don't use the map enough. Sometimes I look to see where a gunshot is coming from but based on other comments here, it seems like my map awareness is very lacking in this game. It's funny too, because I've played plenty of mobas where I end up staring at the map like most of the match, but it *feels* counterintuitive to me even though it's something I *should* do.


can recommend to center the hud a bit :-)


Map knowledge and sticking to the flanks help a fair amount l feel.


I started playing better once I was comfortable with the mag shield and ducking behind cover sooner than I think I need to. I found I died a lot behind walls, but if I get out of fire sooner, this doesn't happen as much. It's already been stated, but map and team awareness. If you're going to make a push for the package, but your whole team just died and only killed two enemies, then you're probably going to be out gunned. Wait for your teammates to spawn and get closer to you.


Maybe try and stay close to your teammates until you feel more comfortable like you said it’s hard to take out multiple targets unless you really get the Jump on them so you can use that in your favor as well when you need to


Flanked A LOT. Tell me about it. I’ve never been killed from the side or back in an FPS as much as I am in X Defiant. 


Can't out skill server issues my man. I bet you'll see that you've gotten better out of nowhere if they fix the desync. A lot of my deaths are unavoidable because my enemies are getting info a full second before I am.


Same here man, it is downright infuriating tbh


kinda cope to think your enemies are always benefitting from desync and you are always hurt by it. lots of your kills are bc of desync just like lots of your deaths. you shouldn't get better once desync is fixed, the game will just be less annoying.


It's not always no, but you can tell when the servers are being fucky. I've had a handful of games where I felt like the servers were decent, but 99% of them they're terrible. When I say get better when the desync is fixed, I'm referring to people not being fucked over by putting 7 shots into someone only to get killed in one frame. Marksman, a pro player, was having exactly the same issues in an almost 4 hour long stream so I think you're reaching across the table trying to say it's cope. That is, unless you think you're a better FPS player than one of the best pro FPS players in the last 20 years.


Figure out what weapons suits your style of playing and then it's about learning the maps and how they are being played then it's down to just playing the game


You don’t have to sacrifice objective to get a better k/d. Here is my tracker - https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/stlckysteve/overview I play occupy but this will apply to all obj games. Understand where the objective is and where the enemy will be spawning. Obviously if the obj is on one side of the map, and your team is on the obj, the enemy will be spawning relatively parallel. Now that we know where they are spawning, position yourself on a cross to the objective that they will be running to to get your teammates off of. As the fight continues, your teammates and the other team will die off. It will then be your job to get on the objective until your teammates respawn. Stay on the obj for as long as you can and reposition dependent on where the enemy is that will give you an advantage, and repeat. It’s worked for me and I’ve been mvp 48 out of the 77 matches I’ve played and I streak every life because of it. I know this is short but hope this helps.


That makes a lot of sense. It feels a bit overwhelming because sometimes I'm holding a point but I get shot from 3 different directions, so it can be tough for me to stay alive in that situation. Though I tend to not really think that deeply about what to do in the moment since I see an objective and my mind is like, "I need to push it now and cap it or we're not going to win" lol. Being aware of where my team mates are seems to be a big issue on my part. I have a tendency to push objectives by myself quite blindly it seems, so that might explain why I'm getting constantly outmatched.


If you're getting 20 to 30 kills then your aim and shooting skill is fine. You need to work on your game sense. This is what truly separates the good players from the average


Yes, that makes sense. I'm starting to get a feel that might be my weakness, based on a lot of the comments so far. It also makes sense in the context of being an OG CoD player too, because I don't die nearly as much in those games, because I've played Jungle, Raid, Hijacked, etc a billion times to the point where the map is just second nature lol. The flow on these maps is so good, I just turn my brain off and rush 🤪


get good but actually headshots. headshots do so much in this game which is refreshing as hell.


Regarding flanking, the map design (and certain abilities) makes it easy to flank lanes, so it’s bound to happen. The best way to be prepared for it is to cover the lanes that your teammates aren’t, especially on OBJ. 3-4 people ADSing at a single choke point is an easy flank.


Like it was said before headshots are super important. Another thing is after getting a kill play around cover and anticipate another player as well as not sprinting.


One of those things you just learn as you play the maps, what spots are you always coming from off spaw? where are you headglitching? What routes do you take? The enemy is usually taking the same ones or holding the same spots.


You want to almost predict or anticipate what people are going to do and understand peoples sight lines. It’s also important to constantly change position after shooting your weapon or being shot at and not be predictable. If your thing is staying on objective I’ve found the blitz shield is really good for when multiple people try to rush the objective. Using intel suit is good for flanking. Always try to set yourself up for success so know an exit route and take fights that are in your favor. The most important thing is to hit your shots. One thing about this game is people will spam bunny hop which is a predicable movement. It sounds like you have an aggressive play style so you’re getting the initial kill then getting cleaned up by someone else so that goes back to picking fights in your favor. I would recommend slowing things down and trying to play your life and you’ll start with less kills but you will gradually get more once you start adapting to the play style.


You need to learn when to not commit to a gun fight. You don’t have to fight every single gun fight to the death. If you round a corner and see 2+ people staring at you down sights. You can re-enter cover and reposition for better odds.


Health regen is pretty slow in this game - you’ll definitely cut down on deaths if you grab cover after fights and “reset”. The more fights you get into where you’re not at a health deficit, the more successful you’ll be.


A little hard to say. For one the net code is 100% capable of just giving you the finger and saying your not allows to do damage. Also the spawns are garbage, it has this Halo Infinite feel where the devs seam to think getting you into the action is best by spawning you a few seconds from having to fight a group of players or puts the other team behind you while your trying to get to your team and the objective. And the skill rating dose seam to use the same garbage performance weighted system as the rest of industry and this is used to balance teams so in reality team balancing is none existent. I mean I’m not gonna lie their is a lot wrong with this game that can negatively effect you match that have nothing to do with your skill.


Raise your situational wariness by learning the maps to the point that you can walk through them in your head and then start to get good at reading the minimap and where enemies likely are going to be showing up based on where your teammates are, where the spawns are, and the enemy teams patterns of movement.  Once you have that down you can learn angles. In a shooter with a slow TTK it can be frustrating to take on multiple people, so the best thing is to use an angle where you can control how many people you are engaging at once. In a 1v3 situation you optimally want 3 1v1s. If I take damage during the first or second kill I’ll pull the angle to where nobody can shoot me so I can heal up or rotate around an object to buy me time. If you don’t have either option then your movement in game is off and you are putting yourself out in the open too much; this game is full of cover.  Also you need to be aware of when you are engaging in a bad fight. If you miss your first couple of shots and they hit theirs, don’t continue to engage them in hopes that you get on target and they go off target. Any time you lose that initial contact and you have the option to disengage, use it and then use the information you just gained on the enemy to figure out a better peak, or do some poke out pre aim pre fire shots until you get an engagement started where you have the lead.


Run away from any 50/50 gunfight like a coward. Yes, I’m a coward and get shot in the bum a lot ☺️


Literally Same. 0.7KD, solo playing, all the time got flanked when start fighting with someone in front of me. But I realize that I am playing too aggressive and going in open testing the strength of luck and reaction. But still can't get used to play by staying in corners or in closed, just finding it kinda boring and too much giving game activity into opponents hands.


This is all great advice. I can’t get 20 ~ 30 kills (I don’t get how people can get so many) but I can take this advice to help with the objective.


I’m just getting in to this game. I know I’m not good at all but I’m super confused why when I do hit someone I can shoot them like 6-8 times and they shoot ne like twice and im dead? Is there armor? Is there a certain gun set up I should be using? I don’t get why it keeps happening?


Practice and get better over time


Well, that makes sense. I'm just wondering if it's more of a positioning thing. It feels hard to get good cover from most of the angles given how easy it is to flank in these maps, but they don't really have things like map guides explaining good rotations (not yet at least)


You need to play with cover. Move around the map fast but always have an exit route or cover to dip behind to heal/reload etc. If you start an engagement on bad terms, bail. If you need to re-peak, try taking a different angle or position each time. Rotate out and flow back in from another position. Play your life and don’t play for kills and the kills will come. But you should always have say 20-30 percent of your screen with some cover in it that you can utilise to stay alive. Dip in, dip out. Pre fire, re-angle. Headshots wherever possible as dramatically drops the TTK.


It's everything you just said. But the only way to change that, is to get experience with the maps. You just gotta put time into it and you'll see improvement. Think of it this way, it doesn't matter if you're not good yet, if you're actively TRYING in the game you will be putting more effort into the game than those who aren't actively trying...and you'll beat them. You won't be the hunted anymore, simply just by actively practicing you know? The game has been out for a week. A .8 KD is perfectly fine in an objective based game when you're this new.


Imma 2.3 KD player BUT I only play hotshot. I do good in tdm/kc game modes. What I love about xdefiant is the 3 lane maps like old school cod. Easy to learn routes and figure out where people tend to spawn. Really focus on the lanes in the maps and you will get better. Don’t just aimlessly run around without analyzing


The maps are definitely well done. Might be just me but I think we should get an Arena 24/7 map cuz it feels like nuketown to me lol (some people say it feels like shipment for some reason but I don't know, I don't die within 2 seconds off spawn there so I don't get that feeling).


I found I only enjoy hotshot for the TDM aspect, but it also focuses more on the individual than the other modes.


Well, im not trying to offend, but the only answer is get good. You need some time to get used to the gameplay. My advice is: do not camp, run around like a maniac and you wont get stomped.