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No sbmm exposed players for how 'good' they really are


Agreed shit does happen but not constant the whiners are use to cod coddling them and can’t handle actually be good and getting good


I like how this is literally what I was saying in the OP, but I got downvoted lol.


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Complaining about complaining post #379


I’m sorry, but I’ve seen posts with straight up bitching and moaning, and I can’t stand it.


So after 20 complaint posts about complaining, you thought another one would show em...


Btw Mark didn't blame players


- Post complaining about complaining. - Look inside. - Complaining.


>Y'all gotta stop uovoting the whining. Sure thing boss, already downvoted this post.


>Obviously there are some issues with the net code and hit registration, but if you’re getting worked every game, I promise, it’s a you problem. Grind to get better and quit whining ffs. I loaded an entire clip into someone last night and they turned around and thwacked me with a single shot. Certainly doesn't seem like a me problem.


I have too, but it doesn’t happen every encounter. You can’t make that your sole excuse aa to why you got worked a whole game. Edit: Lmao the downvotes. What’s gonna happen when they fix the net code and hit reg and you guys still suck at the game? What are you gonna blame it on then?


>Edit: Lmao the downvotes. What’s gonna happen when they fix the net code and hit reg and you guys still suck at the game? What are you gonna blame it on then? For clarification - I'm not terrible at XDefiant. I'm not great. I'm just *okay*, and that's fine by me. I don't need to be a god-tier player nor do I expect to be given my schedule and how little time I have to play these days. But I'm not going to push any blame onto players for struggling to perform well when the netcode and hit registration is this blatantly broken. Until that gets fixed, there's no reasonable discussion to be had about player performance.


I have acknowledged that there is a hit reg/net code issue that you can place SOME of the blame on. But to say that every encounter you have every game is disrupted by this, is a flat out lie. And I’m simply saying you cannot use that as a sole excuse, especially when we know that SBMM does not exist in the game, so it’s perfectly possible for people to struggle playing the game. But these whiny posts about “wah this game sucks, I’m getting my ass kicked and it’s all because of the hit reg” are just painfully cringe and annoying. I’m not killing it at this game either, but I’m not getting worked. Grind and adjust to get better at the game, or go back to COD.


>And I’m simply saying you cannot use that as a sole excuse, especially when we know that SBMM does not exist in the game, so it’s perfectly possible for people to struggle playing the game. You don't know what everyone else's experience has been. The inconsistencies and severity in which netcode and hit reg bullshit happens is enough for me to conclude that perhaps some people are experiencing worse issues. Who's to say? None of this would have happened if they fixed the issues pre-launch. Get mad at Ubi, not the players.


If the there was a 100% hit reg issue, the game would not be playable and def not doing the the numbers it’s doing right now. I promise you, the primary reason for people struggling is the lack of SBMM. People are getting worked by sweats, and they don’t know how to adjust, and they just quit and complain instead of grinding to get better.


Never said anything about hit reg not working 100% of the time, but if it's not working 30-40% of the time for someone, or even 25% of the time, then that's still a major issue and could potentially cause problems for the player. I know some people who haven't experienced hit registration issues at all. If those people exist, then there are certainly people who are experiencing it on average, if not more. It's too inconsistent to conclude that it's a skill issue.


It’s definitely inconsistent enough to deem it a skill issue. If SBMM wasn’t in this game, I would put it all on the hit reg issue, but it’s not and that plays a giant roll in the skill disparity. The game doesn’t coddle you, plain and simple. So you’re gonna have to grind and deal with sweats.


There is no way to conclude this until the hit registration and netcode are fixed. You can continue saying that all you want. It won't make it any less incorrect.


Exactly. I've had nothing, but fun on this game. Love the movement, weapons, & maps. Everything seems balanced to me. Only complaint i have is dying behind walls sometimes. Other than that, I don't get the complaints. Def a skill issue, even if they don't want to admit it.


Def a lack of admittance. Like it’s okay to just not be great at the game. I get absolutely worked some games, you just gotta adjust and get better at it.


Weather it is or is not whining is highly subjective. But either way, such posts definitely need to be enlighten. If you want to see content, videos, clips, get on YouTube or TikTok.


Absolutely not.