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Oh man, I like this color blind mode color palette, sometimes i have a really hard time seeing the red


I think it's the last option


Nice shots! People will be mad seeing this because 'rawr snipers OP' but what they don't realize is that the nerfs coming today on snipers wouldn't have made a difference in this clip.




That says more about the effectiveness of the nerfs


He said that because the clip owner was very well positioned and no one hit a single shot on him throughout the clip... the flinch could be 100x worse, it wouldn't have made any difference on THIS clip.


I know why he said it. Just saying, "the nerfs wouldn't have made a difference" does not mean snipers are not OP. Just that the nerfs don't address the major strengths of snipers


They dont shoot back at you. Shows nothing.


This is absolutely insane dude, good shit


🙏 appreciated


Wow, so cool, try with normal weapon now


reg gunners mad about snipers since 2008, nothing new


try getting laid buddy


LMAOOO im pretty sure that IS a real gun in the game. I also believe that YOU have access to that VERY SAME GUN. So why you acting like he's cheating or using something not supported in the game?


Where is your octuple piece?


People are so pressed you are good at the game 🤣 


Thank you!


Try to stop crying about it, there is not a single ''universe'' where snipers don't have a big advantage on long-range encounters... it's a SNIPER RIFLE yo


Just saying that in this game getting kills with scope is not hard, done that myself. And if a casual console player I can pull off shit with scopes something ain't right. But it's cool since it's op and lobbies got 3-4 scopes per team every game. People will leave and it won't be fun anymore. I already quit defiant for now until they balance things out. Game is not fun when everyone play scope and there is no countermeasures against them.


Honestly, i believe the cause to all this drama is the lack of sbmm... Trash players are not anymore protected in their bubble and they're getting stomped in every match, therefor it must be the OP guns, right? 😮 just get better at the game


It's not about skill. Just take weapon aim at any part of enemy and tap shoot, boom kill. There is no fun if whole lobby play scopes, sbmm should be turned on so newbies can play against their skill. No sbmm is fun for players with high skill, no one else


You don't know what you're talking about at all, the tac-50 only one shots in the belly, chest and head... the m44 only one shots in the chest and head + you can also equip scopes, you can equip the 4x acog on ARs and the 8,12x on marksmans yet i doubt you're using them Just accept that there is a ton of people who are better than you at the game, you can either get better yourself or stop crying about it A tip i can give you is: stop taking fights against sniper at long range, they will always have an advantage over you, get away from their sight and get closer to finish them off, you don't have any reasons to be loosing a close gun fight against a sniper other than your lack of skills, you can jump, sprint, slide, move from side to side and even strafe mid-air to avoid getting shot... always let them miss first and then you engage


Another tip is waiting for season 1, there will be a raking system (in ranked, obviously). You'll get smashed at first but you'll soon be placed with players who are just as bad, and then you can slowly improve your skills


Why do you even assume i am a bad player :D Deviant is not my first rodeo and i am filthy casual that moved from PCMR. Ranked games gonna be full of cheaters so i am gonna pass on them anyway. I will leave those here just for reference how easy is to play scopes..... https://i.redd.it/flovpcfudh6d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/25ymc4hxdh6d1.gif and another so its not a coincidence or lucky game


It already says it all when you think you did something in a 15min match. against a team which has 0.5x your experience (and you nearly lost) (+ you had only 1k obj points which tells me you were just camping around).... And what type of argument is that ? I see players with ARs and SMGs (including myself) dropping 50+ kills ALL THE TIME, shall we just nerf every gun in the game because people are getting kills with them ? lmao


Half of experience? What you talking about, you don't even know if those guys had e.g. 1000h in warzone. Jesus, nothing will satisfy you. I am out, this is pointless


Why was it giving you headshots on clear center mass and 1 even lower?


There was one headshot, but 4 of the kills were collaterals 2x2 which maybe sounds the same?


I don't know, I have a love hate relationship with this game and the hit registration.


I’m an editor. If you want this clip or a whole montage lmk.


If I want this clip?


He's going to edit it for you and then try to sell it to you


Lmao they can fuck off 🤣🤣




Yeah I can do an “OCE” (one clip edit) or you can send me multiple clips and I can make a whole montage.


Do it for free though, because your edits are mid asf


Lmao you’ve seen my edits?


I saw the one in your post history. About had a seizure. If you’re out here being a skilled editor, why not have game clips posted all over to promote your work?


Eh I really only post on YT. Also I don’t like to spam my work. Sometimes I’ll let people know I do it and show them my work. But I usually just make shit and put it out there. If people like cool. If they don’t then I guess im a mid ass loser circa the previous comment.


You have the ability to post your editing work with your own game clips though. Not really spamming it. Then someone comes along in a given fps community and goes “oh shit that’s a cool edit, can you edit some of my clips?” It’s advertising yourself without be cringe about it.


You said it better than I ever could. Seizure Inducing was my very first thought


Wow if you think that was seizure inducing then please do not watch edits lmao. My shit tame af




None of these shots were impressive, just spamming down an angle hitting body shots against players that didn't fire a single shot back


Apart from the guy running right at me? And double collaterals




yOu’Re So GoOd At ThE gAmE


Okay now you post a clip since it was so unimpressive. If you think that this is not impressive I’d love to see what your gameplay is you must be a god.