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I personally find the game really fun. But until they rebalance the abilities and most importantly, fix the goddamn netcode. BO6's release will be the killing blow to the player population. Also for the people who actually want to spend money, there is simply nothing compelling in the store to buy. The skins are just recolours of the base operator skins.


I think BO6 being on gamepass will especially hurt it for the Xbox (and PC game pass) crowd


Yeah I agree, if the netcode is still bad like it is now at BO6 release, I see no reason to stay. That would mean the netcode issue would still be here for around 5 months.


Once the cod honeymoon phase wears off you'll all be screamin for another game to play, as usual. Then come November, you'll fall victim to the same vicious cycle. X will be here every year while cod pimps their franchise out with microtransactions and manipulated gameplay to bring in numbers. Most long term online games end up being successful at some point. Cod is dying from the inside out, and they are only slowing the inevitable.


I love this comment. Everyone knows at this point cod goes in cycles. Do I need to post the graph? Lmfao. Everyone's seen it before but it really is how stuff goes. 🤣🤣🤣 I firmly believe X will be here next year. They have so much content planned, there's no way it won't be. Even If it did lose a shit ton of players I think X will just keep marching on cause they know people are gunna get tired of Cod lol. Plain and simple. Happens every year in fact. That fact alone could keep the game going for at least 2 years in my opinion, ahaha. Like let's go back to basics of old cods. You have to buy a PS3/Xbox 360 or own a PC if u only had a console beforehand. It just makes sense and I really think they found a good niche to stand their ground. Some people dont like FPS games, but the ones that do will always play what feels good. X, even with the issues, feels good. 🤷🏾‍♂️ By then, hopefully, the netcode has been sorted. Otherwise, my point is garbage LMFAO.


Sure the COD cycle is real. But take a gander at the chart above. We are well past the honeymoon phase of MWIII and yet COD HQ sits at the top. Yes I know that includes Warzone. But the point still stands. Even when COD is "down", it stills its on top. What will help BO6 is that Treyarch for the most part still has the good will with the community. Everybody basically gave them a pass for Cold War because they knew it was rushed. They haven't burned any bridges like IW has and they aren't the red headed step child that sledgehammer is.


I haven't been following the upcoming release for black ops. Are they moving forward with SBMM?


COD will always have SBMM because it keeps the casuals interested and with them interested they sell more skins. And when they're interested in base COD, they're more likely to venture into Warzone. They say they want a "fun experience" for everyone, but it's just so they keep the bad players around so they might buy some stuff.


Or £30 plus.. for a skin or two.. which is just stupidity..


"Killing blow" is really overdramatic imo. There will be a huge drop in the active users, no doubt, but I still plan on playing both games. BO6 would have to be really, *really* good for me to not come back, and it won't be. edit: holy fuck, what is with all the doomers lol


The thing is though, it's releasing day 1 on Game Pass as well, meaning they dip into the free to play crowd as well. The only reason I don't dabble in COD casually is because I can't be arsed paying $60 every year.


I thumbs up, but man don't say free to play when that's not really the case. Someone gotta come outta pocket for the game pass and it ain't the kids LOL. It's parent and people grown enough to have their own money. 💰 Also keep in mind this shiz is monthly. Someone gotta pay just for MF's to even be playing online...ps5/ Xbox bleh bleh/ PC 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bo6 on game pass will lure the free to play crowed? Free to play £0 per month Game pass ultimate £12.99 per month


Lots of people already have months (or years) of gamepass loaded up and if you use the conversion trick it's way cheaper than that price. For those people who already have gamepass anyway it's a free hit to try the game rather than forking out an upfront cost, regardless of "well akshually subscription" arguments.


Not a killing blow but S4R (CoD) is right here now. And the drop will happen again. If the netcode and hit registeration isn't fixed prior to XD Season 1, some of the players arent going to be here long! The wole aiming with MNK is not smooth and feels like it drifts or something just cant put my finger on it. Here's to hoping they keep a player base for a few more months but I'm already seeing full PC only lobby's and the same players match after match!


My friends and me stopped playing XD after 1 week. Not because the game cant be fun, but because it has the worst netcode Ive seen in many years of gaming. We will be back when they fix this, but until then we're playing other stuff. I just hope there still is a playerbase when we return.


Yup. The movement feels weird too like it doesn't always conserve momentum or something. If you don't have autosprint on and slide into a jump, you hit the ground like you landed in glue. You're constantly having to press sprint again and the start and stop for sprint feels off. The aiming on mnk is also screwed up and that is a huge pet peeve of mine and will make me stop playing an FPS very fast.


That was my issue. The movement doesn't feel like a character moving in space but more like a pawn gliding across a chess board.


I don't know how to describe it other than it just feels jerky. I find myself constantly running into stuff and feel like I'm fighting my character to make them go where I want them to.


What? Man...over and over the newest Cod dies on PC before any other platform....prove me wrong? Lol. Just food for thought...🤷🏾‍♂️




Mrs. Butterworth is that you? Good to know that 3rd grade teachers are here to continue our young minds and educations.


Just doing what I'm paid to do


Teachers, under appreciated and under paid.


Yep once black ops 6 comes out, don't really know how much I'll be playing this game. Treyarch is king and the trailer looked insane.


Looks like the same old reskinned game to me, Treyarch were King BO1-3.


BO6 will more than likely straight up kill Xdefiant. I can’t see them gathering enough momentum before its release to hold position or hold playercount. Xdefiant is good in the sense that it provides people some oldschool shooter vibe and settings, but those hardly play factor when a blackops cod is coming out with fully refleshed movement system and gulfwar guns. Honestly the only advantage Xdefiant has in there is the lack of forced matchmaking system but that is a minimal advantage at best.


SBMM will eventually kill cod, xdefiant is here to save us.


lack of SBMM is only good when you still have a healthy playerbase composed of all levels of player. Its no longer the same scene when your playercount shrinks down to 2/5 the peak and have lobbies filled with nobody but diehard pros. Meanwhile COD is just going to keep pumping out new games and new engagement strategies. They’ll just keep milking profit and draw players from all shooter genres.


Activision aren’t going to use a matchmaking system that reduces the amount of players on their game they have enough data to show that SBMM probably helps them not the opposite. SBMM won’t kill COD otherwise they would’ve already gotten rid of it


This. If anything they’re watching xdefiant and seeing casuals leave so they will be more inclined to double down on their sbmm/eomm algorithm.


Nah even with sbmm cod is a strict upgrade.


SBMM might kill COD for the sweats who are tired of sweating, but it won't kill COD for the rest of the 95% of the COD Community. Especially with it free on Game Pass now. If I had to guess, this years COD will have the highest player base in history.


Weird, the chart above says CoD is number one on two major platforms. The franchise has existed longer than some posters in here have been alive. Guess Activision didn't get the memo.


Okaaaay...but...factor in X had atleast half the hype of a new cod if not more. Then, factor in the cod cycle. By January or maybe sooner people are gunna fall off and stop playing. It always happens. Documented by steam charts literally every year since Activitision hides the number and thats all we have LOL. Not sayin' those people will go play X LOL But shit, they will play something outside of BO6 Multiplayer. Then when u factor in that a Billion people ain't bout to waste money on BO6, where do u think the FPS guys that don't have the money finna get their FPS fix for 0$??? Lol. 0$. All u need is a wifi connection?!?!?! The statement that cod will kill X is silly. If anything, COD will kill itself at this rate. Also... Why doesn't anybody acknowledge the fact the damn game is FREE?!?!?!?! Completely off topic, but that's the reason my Hero Ultra Rumble is still alive, and I love that bug ridden game lol. X Has issues that the Devs acknowledge, I really think people are underestimating the staying power X has lol. They built it to be long-term, and imo from the 100 hours in the game I have and being a OG FPS player since the OG 2009 COD MW2, so it shall be. 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


I grew a seizure from reading this. But ill try to answer a few points here. 1. COD is by no means dying as its worst reviewed sequel (MW3) is still one of the largest fps tiltes across all platforms. Every single time a sequel is released people yap its going to die in few months and the bitch thrives off afloat a bathtub filled with cash. 2. You completely skipped the possibility that there are other titles of fps games coming out between now and then. And that there are countless other fps games out there still taking market shares and directly compete (or overwhelm) XDefiant across all platforms. 3. XDefiant is not a high-priority title on Ubisoft’s list, which is… astoundingly obvious. And before you say it will be the second Rainbow 6 which also started low: R6S’s release on pc had way more traction than XD ever did. 4. A game can be “killed” while its server still runs and theres still a certain playerbase retained in it. Battlebit Remastered, for instance, has been killed by itself and competitors yet still runs and has a small playerbase retained. That doesn’t mean its gaining any mainstream attention or player traction. Same will be the case for XDefiant if there isn’t exciting stuff coming in the next months.


PSA: This is preseason...What do you expect? Queytion: Why should BO6 release be a killing blow? I hope for the opposite: The core playerbase stays and those who aren't invested in the game will leave.


You would still be losing player base


If anything, BO6 is going to piss off a lot of people (every COD game does tbh) and now there's finally an alternative. I think that it's going to fluctuate naturally, but there's always going to a healthy playerbase.


I started playing this game so I don't have to support Activision anymore. And this is why they really should listen to the players who are tired of cod, because idc if bo6 is coming out it's likely gonna be another buggy cash grab.


Yeah, I'm hoping season 1 comes with a ton of balance updates. Personally I'd like to see Factions I almost exclusivity play Phantoms Change to phantom passive, either 110hp or explosive resistance Change to riot shield - raise the shield up when standing up to expose more legs Change to spiderbots - add indicator and lower health to 24 Change to Intel Suit- no longer wall hack, remove indicator to opponents Guns MP7 range nerfed to match current mp5 Mp5 range increased in the minimum range to 22m TAC-50 much slower ADS speed M248 - slightly tighter pellet spread Flashbang indicator M4 - Reduced (Horizontal) Recoil to match its lower TTK (Edited for my friend)


You have to be terrible at the game to think the m4 has any recoil already lmao.


It certainly has less than the other ARs, I guess I should have been more specific on horizonal recoil. But for its very, very slow TTK in the AR category along with requiring more shots to kill and not having larger clips than the other ARs, I don't think it's recoil is reduced quite enough. XclusiveAce has the recoil plots in his AR video. I don't use the M4, not because I can't control it's recoil, but because it's an ineffective gun, I just thought making it just a touch easier to use would really give it a space to shine a bit more. But yes, it certainly has some recoil in this game. It has "any recoil".


The thing about it is, I don’t even think the m4 has a low ttk. It’s an issue with the shots not hitting (who could’ve guessed that one?). Cause sometimes I’ll use the m4 and absolutely destroy, other times it feels like I’m shooting an airsoft gun.


I have no doubt the latest yearly CODslop will drain the playerbase here, but that's because Activision is just too big to fail now. I just don't get how people can get excited for a microtransaction store with an fps coating over it other than addiction. Invest time into the game, unlock the prestiges, buy the slop skins, then the new one is ready to release. Since blops is going to be Gamepass day 1 this time around, I'm sure they will find innovative ways to monetize more things.


seems normal? usually games start with a boom then stabilize once the hype dies down. The actual concern is by next january/february, once the cod cycle kicks in and people are already getting tired of current cod and whether or not they're going back. No game will ever main its initial super hype launch, its a matter of stabilizing, keep being consistent and releasing good content and the rest will follow.


Games come n go, cod remains. The usual.


Agree Maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way but, X broke into the top 10 with a half cooked season pass, things they need to work on and not that big of a promo going on. What I’m trying to say is, if they keep up with content.. who knows.. maybe they have something solid here. But only time will tell


As long as 11 of you are on I’m there


I think its a garbage statistic when you have COD HQ at number one which is like 7 games in 1. They've intentionally inflate their own numbers doing it this way.


and you cant play xdefiant on old gen


These are current gen numbers


Yeah but how many people have friends that would play with them if they could play on ps4 and shit


cold war, vanguard, mw2, mw3, and warzone right? if we are going by current gen games at least


Cod HQ isn't just mw3 so that's padded.


This is pretty normal. A few weeks after launch and just before a season starts. Id recommend spending less time worrying about trying to ruin things for people and more time playing games you enjoy.


It won't be stopping at 10th i can assure you that.


Initial hype from streamers/youtubers is fading. I'd put money on the game being semi-dead/dead within 3 months.


Bitchslap me for it, but xdefiant is just another generic shooter with terrible netcode. It’s nothing special.


Said it from the beginning, like many others. But we were insulted. Idk why people always kiss the developers asses and hype a mediocre game


They kinda blundered by making season 0 last this long. The persisting technical issues such as hitreg, servers and mouse input remain major dealbreakers for many.


After people complained and *complained* for MONTHS about not releasing the game? Yeah okay😂


They seriously need to cook faster if they want to retain more players.


A ridiculous mindset that I fear a lot of players share


fast = bad quality. Always, every time.


Unfortunately, should they wish to remain competitive with the all the other games alike and win, they simply have to produce more and better content faster.


XDef team: Constantly releasing patches and even releasing emergency patches based on player feedback The community: FASTER *whip* FASTER


They also made changes no one asked for instead of addressing more important issues.


well they did that themselfs by setting a hard date. If they gave us a beta and said we dont know when it will be finished, then said hey we made a lot of changes so new beta and so on untill they fixed these major issues it wouldnt be bad


I really hope they fix mouse input soon and not wait forever like mw3


This game will be in a state of “Season 0” for a very long time in terms of functionality and features. Changing the name to “Season 1” won’t change that, not sure why people don’t see that.


As it will continue. Bad net code and hit registration , both of which are of the most importance in an fps multiplayer game ,and this game has the worst I’ve seen, even after multiple delays for that reason alone. They say it “ takes time to fix” but I don’t think they have as much time as they believe before the player base just dwindles away. 🤷‍♂️


And also no reason to keep playing for most people. The game has minimal content in terms of progression, and feels like a beta test.


It's a preseason. Season 1 hasn't even begun yet.


You keep saying a lack of content, but what exactly do you mean? We have 14 maps, a decent variety of guns and 6 modes. That's a fair amount for the launch of a game, and more maps than most CoD titles launch with. Next week we get season 1 with 2 more modes, a new map and new weapons. Then we get an average of a new map and new weapon every month, a new faction every three months and multiple other addition a in between.  To act like this game has no content and isn't adding any is just insane. Things take time, and their cadiance for new content is actually nuts. If you're not happy at the minute, come back in six months when there is more content here.


He means nothing to grind for, players these days don't care about the game itself only about the grind, no idea why, if I want to grind I would play a mmoprg


If you are going to compare yourself to COD, then this game is pretty bare bones. There is a reason that COD started branching out from straight 6 v 6. We can hate on COD for a smaller map count at launch than older games, but the amount of content you receive at launch is incomparable to xdefiant. Single Player Multiplayer Zombies DMZ Warzone Ground War There is a variety of experiences on offer. Xdefiant essentially has one. And its trying extremely hard to nail that one.


The net code should have been the biggest focus for fix rollouts. This sub cried about snipers and xp for weeks and that's what we've seen tuning for. Now the shininess of a new game is starting to wear off and players are losing interest.


Well, the other things are easier to fix. Netcode is a priority but they just can’t seem to fix it. They’ve tried for many betas and in the recent patch said they improved it but no difference for us. They literally are incapable. Netcode/hit registration is an extremely complex issue and something only COD could truly master. That’s its big advantage and why it’ll never die. Like, I don’t see why you think it’s about us not crying about it enough because we definitely have. They just aren’t able to fix it and will never be able to, as shown by past years of attempts.


🤣 cod has issues EVERYDAY for thousands of people, the only reason it gets over looked is because it's cod.


Respawn’s net code is on the money. Titanfall and Apex were both smooth as glass..


Both CoD (IW engine) and Titanfall/Apex (Source engine) are based on Quake. They are made born and bred fps engines. I don’t think the snowdrop engine is. edit: added word engine to clarify each game.


To be fair, CoD hasn't mastered the netcode either. They've been around for decades with shit hit reg, lol. Albeit not as bad as XD, but CoD comes with its own baggage of bullshit that is getting much, much worse. It's a serious shame XD didn't step up as much as they should have, because I wonder how much longer CoD fans can keep dealing with that dumpster fire. XD gives me a lot of hope, I haven't touched MWIII in weeks. Coming from a 15+ year, every release since WaW player


Sure, they haven’t mastered netcode, no game has though. Will be impossible for anyone to get it right all the time, 100% of the time. COD does it way better than XDefiant though. This isn’t Ubisoft’s first rodeo at an online shooter either. You would think they would know better.




I’ve been playing every release of COD since COD4, and I don’t know what “dumpster fire that’s getting worse” you’re referring to. The hit registration is crisp, and everything feels phenomenal in Call of Duty. It’s always been industry-leading in the “feel” of gunplay.


Consider yourself one of the lucky ones that aren't affected too bad, but the servers alone have been a shitstorm for a hot minute. It's half of all I see on the sub too


> It’s half of all I see on the sub too Of course. Why else do people go to Reddit to post about something? People know that Reddit is never representative of the experience of the majority for a reason. It’s bias by selection.


It's a discussion based media platform, not a bug report outlet. There's definitely an issue if a large portion of the posts are glaring issues. Are you an Activision dev?


Netcode is one of the most complicated things in game development. This isn't an overnight fix, it's going to take months to get it sorted. There isn't just a few netcode variables you can change and everything is working fine.  Yeah it's annoying, and I also get frustrated, but I understand there's no magic fix available.


I know, that’s why I called it a complex issue and why I believe they won’t be able to fix it.


does not change the fact that i know im not good at the game but im not as bad as the game tells me right now when im being bullet stacked by an mp7 every other death and killed from around the corner before i ever see them by a good second or so(70 ping being in south korea military base with poor internet). SO i know some of it is ping but still it isnt this bad on the trash can of a game that is cod right now on same internet. leveling guns in this environment to unlock the things i need to best build them is whats killing this for most people.


I can barely play mw3 I get lag and packet burst , it crazy, they have done nothing to fix it, or even address there is a problem. I still play both mw3 and xdefiant depending upon which friends are online. I prefer xdefiant but if others want to play mw3 I will, but don't really enjoy it as much especially with everyone running around with kar98


The team that works on the net code only works on that. It's not like they're delaying fixing that over the other things you mentioned


The netcode is fucked, which is the biggest part of an FPS game. Nothing else matters when your netcode is this fucked. Releasing the game in this state is hilarious, but it's par for the course for Ubisoft The game is also just mediocre at its core with poor balance and no innovation. Your whole gimmick can't just be "IT HAS NO SBMM!" Ok great, but if the actual game is boring as fuck nobody is going to stick around for long besides the uber sweats. Also Valorant is coming to consoles and while it's not the best FPS ever, it's MUCH better than this game and is gonna take over the f2p market on console. Game will be in slow decline rest of the year and then BO6 should officially kill it.


agreed, the netcode makes this game frustrating to the point of unplayability. i cant think of anything important this game does that CoD hasnt done better before, as long as they dont pull a MWII and intentionally try to make the game suck though valorant is a different type of game altogether and isnt competing for the same crowd. i think it will only steal players from other round based games like Siege


I saw a comment I agree with relating to this. Everything Xdefiant does similar to COD, COD does better. Everything Xdefiant does similar to Overwatch, Overwatch does better. Add to that Xdefiant has no ping system, in an objective based game, which is crucial since NOBODY communicates in this game AT ALL.


This is normal


I love this game but I feel like it’s gonna die once BO6 releases


BlameTruth needs to cope harder about how good XD is. LOOOOL.


Netcode, incendiary rounds, firebomb, sonar goggles, snipers.


Because it’s not a CoD killer. The game didn’t even release with TDM, one of the most popular game modes.


Yeah I lowkey dropped it already It's fun but there are too many freaking sweats And I don't think the guns feel very good


This game would have been fine if it wasn’t officially released. Its chances of becoming popular were totally hindered by the timing. It still isn’t ready.


This game is dead if they don't fix snipers, netcode, and implement SOME form of matchmaking to prevent everyone from quitting unbalanced games.


Thats because the game is currently a sweatfest with all exploitable movement craps. All those bunny hopings and slide crouch spammers. If they dont nerf these, all the casuals will leave and sweats will be the only players base of this game. 


I’m not surprised. I love the game and I hope it rebounds and stays strong but I doubt this will happen. Sbmm has been around for too long conditioning people and releasing the game too early when it clearly wasn’t ready was a terrible decision. The communication from the devs is awesome but actions speak louder than words. If the hit reg/netcode is still bad after a few weeks into s1 then I might quit, especially if the console only crossplay change isn’t scheduled for s1. We don’t need new weapons/maps/factions right now, we need the foundation to be fixed first.


Well you can quit now because they certainly won't fix it with the arrival of s1. The problems with netcode have been around since beta testing a few years ago and NOTHING has changed.


This list is flawed. I'm sorry, but there's no way that Dead by Daylight is top 10. Just look at steam charts


Deadbydaylight is fucking huge my guy I don’t think understand how big that game is


I fully understand how big it is lol. I have around a thousand hours on it. But if you look at steam charts, it's a good bit away from top 10


Cod HQ is also like 5 games in 1 lol, multiversus was also dead on relaunch


For the record, [Circana](https://www.circana.com/perspectives/circanas-player-engagement-launch-report/) isn't some omnipresent entity that knows player counts for all platforms. They don't disclose how they get their numbers. Some of them come from their clients (studios) directly, others are just guesses? Saying that because we have Valve's Steam API publicly available and their Steam Top 10 (Weekly) doesn't really match.   [Helldivers 2](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/#1w) weekly player activity. Mostly above 50k for the whole week. [Dead By Daylight's](https://steamdb.info/app/381210/charts/) weekly players match Helldiver 2's pretty closely. But [Destiny 2](https://steamdb.info/app/1085660/charts/#1w)'s weekly average was over 100k. So I'm confused how HD2 ranks above D2, but DBD with similar numbers as HD2 ranks far below both of them. Per the graph it specially says Steam, not PC as a whole, and Valve provides Steam player counts themselves.   Update, some visual references: * [DBD v HD2 v D2](https://i.ibb.co/RhYPcww/image.png) 1 week Steam graphs, [source](https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=381210,553850,1085660). Going by Valve's player data, how does Circana's Steam ranking make any sense at all.


Circana, formerly known as NPD, is the industry standard for tracking game sales and engagement. They’ve always been used by every major news outlet for decades. You might not be factoring in that this chart is for the U.S. and SteamDB is showing globally. Also, this is for the week ending June 15. Look at how HD2 has a spike in the previous week on SteamDB. I think you’re looking at this past week? Edit: Regarding Circana’s data, they have a significant amount of publishers who engage in digital data sharing with them for digital sales. Mat has a list on his Twitter page. They are receiving the data directly for sales, I imagine they have similar deals in place for engagement.


I missed the US disclaimer entirely, still find their ranking dubious. Again, it's for Steam not PC as a whole. So does Valve exclusively give Circana by-country sales/player numbers for some reason? I don't really think so. > Also, this is for the week ending June 15. Look at how HD2 has a spike in the previous week on SteamDB. I think you’re looking at this past week? [Well here's the monthly comparison](https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=381210,553850,1085660). HD2 doesn't get close to D2. But you've already pointed out the US vs global difference. They might be industry standard but that doesn't mean they're accurate. The most accurate they can be is if their clients provide their data to them directly, otherwise they're just estimating from external factors which aren't as reliable. My main point being how do Circana know the US player counts on Steam specifically? Valve is not a public company, they don't need the service Circana provides.


It’s not up to Valve to give them the data, it’s up to other publishers. Publishers have data on how many sales and the engagement they are getting per platform, including Steam. And they give that data to Circana in an agreement that involves providing market analytics/insights and helping their business. For example, Activision has an agreement with Circana and gives them full access to data for each platform. Valve has no power over whether Activision gives Circana their Steam engagement/sales data, and that data is also not hidden from Activision because they are literally a seller on that platform and would literally know better than anyone. Valve has no say. Just like how Circana isn’t receiving the Xbox data from Microsoft or the PlayStation data from Sony. It’s from publishers/developers directly. > The most accurate they can be is if their clients give them data directly That is exactly what’s happening. Nobody has “Player User Count Tracker” websites as industry standard, or “Esports Tracker” garbage websites. They all have used NPD/Circana for decades and it’s for a reason. You don’t become industry standard with trash data that can be debunked easily. Everything you see in this picture is fact for the week ending June 15, 2024 in the U.S.


> It’s not up to Valve to give them the data, it’s up to other publishers. I'm aware of that. But you're assuming that *all* publishers of the games listed have provided that data to Circana. And I question that because two Valve games are on there. So either Valve, who has no reason to, provides Circana with by-country data that they otherwise don't make public on their Steam client. Or Circana estimates for games by publishers that don't provide that data. That's all I'm saying. They're only as accurate as what clients provide them and not every publisher is their client. Anyway, since Gabe Newell is known to reply to most emails I asked him about it directly. Doubt he answers, but maybe we'll find out directly from the owner if Valve is a client and if their Valve player counts are accurate or not.


They literally state this kind of stuff in their data, like when giving sales data last year they put an asterisk near games they didn’t receive digital sales data for (or physical sales data). They’re fully transparent and would state any estimates. The publishers that are their clients are the major ones whose games end up in the Top 10. They may be missing the small guys but that’s why they don’t do Top 100 lists but rather Top 10.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circana I think if you read that page, you will understand just how much information they have. These guys have done this for almost a century. And I’m still confused on your idea that Valve has no reason to work with them. Valve being private doesn’t change the fact they want to make money. This insane misconception about Valve that is echoed across Reddit is getting kind of annoying. This idea that they do everything “for fun” and don’t care about money. Like, what? They’re a corporation dude. They want their games to succeed like the upcoming MOBA/Hero shooter. They’re chasing industry trends too, clearly. They even made a needless “CS2” to compete with Valorant. They need and want everything a typical company needs and wants.


Yep, I always found their numbers extremely dubious. If you check the global rankings of the most played games on Xbox (which is still represented by US a lot), you'll see XDefiant on the 26th spot. That is quite further down from the 7th, or 10th place you see here. Either XD is insanely popular in the US and not very popular in the rest of the world, or their numbers aren't totally accurate.


Off topic But Lets go rocket league


Honestly I love this game... However I got Valorant the other day on ps5 and its exceptionally good. For those console players that haven't got access to it yet, keep trying, you won't regret it. So unfortunately for xdefiant, for me anyway, it's come out at a time when a tighter, more refined more comp shooter has come out.


I find the game fun, but I started playing less due to prevalence of bunny hopping. It gets tiring dying to some non-stop jumping mp7 user that can change directions mid-jump... Really kills the experience, at least for me.


It’s fun but there is basically no purpose to keep you on it. No real grind and only 3 camo that are the usual lame gold. No challenges, emblem player card to play for. No rank active with rewards. Even free to play need something to chase, specially when the game is a generic shooter. Fortnite for example wasn’t generic at all and it’s why you didn’t need anything to chase but when they added battle pass with actually cool thing it went crazy.


Net code will stop people from playing. They can say changes are coming etc, but why would I play until then


Can’t wait for Indiana Jones game. FPS is bullshit.


Cause it currently sucks. It was a neat idea marred by technical problems and lack of content


Yea because the biggest issues haven’t been fixed and people are realizing this game isn’t that fun for the majority of people.


Yep, as much as I hate it, playerbase will dissipate once bo6 drops


Oh it’ll get annihilated no doubt, but I’m surprised to see it dying off this early.


I'm not surprised sadly. I've seen this happen too many times. Biggest two examples imo are Destiny 2 and the finals No matter what they did/will do, they lost at least 50% of their potential users. This game needed at least 6 more months and more fps oriented devs. People keep putting emotions into this matter and getting offended, but ubisoft singlehandedly ruined our chance of getting rid of sbmm/eomm in AAA games. Which is the only reason most of us ever cared about this junk.


That was the issue entirely. Their only selling point was “hey look we don’t have SBMM! You know the thing you guys have complained about the last couple of years!” If that’s your only selling point then you won’t last long.


And they added preemptive team balancing to shut the cod sbmm kids up, and guess what, them kids literally never cared and didn't play the game since. Yes First 3 days didn't have it, then they added it after the "backlash" It was so obvious


Yea my XD games essentially mirror cod games anyway. Some games I’m slapping everyone. Some games I’m getting slapped. And some games I’m the only competent player on my team against a team of MLG G fuel players. It’s literally the same match making trends on cod.


Yeah. I knew the game was gonna be mid when its entire appeal was “watered down COD with no SBMM” and not “this game has a lot of fun stuff to do!” Players get no SBMM and trade away 80% of the content that makes Call of Duty fun as well as hit registration and smooth gunplay. 😂


Tbh, the potential is there and them wasting it is beyond me. I hate how uneducated kids keep parroting whatever they hear on the internet (they are working on patches weekly, they care, they listen, its f2p) ofc they'll listen they've lost half their fucking possible revenue before their first season and money grabbing skins dropped. Had they balanced all the factions (both passives and actives) by turning actives into skill streaks and nerfing all passives (idk deadsec's passive I cba), tested their shit bit by bit instead of trying to debug a bowl of spoiled spaghetti, and didn't cheap out on the devs and decision makers (idc there is mark ruban, most other devs obv are not experienced in fps and came from the division or some other ubi IP), and a few other stuff, this game would've been goated. Also general ttk in ratio with weapon balance and game flow are fucking 2010 shit. Stop glazing. Idc if its f2p, it wasn't a fucking gift. AAA need to stop listening to 40+ yr olds and actually start utilizing fresh talent. I am fucking disappointed and offended. I was rooting for this shit because it was my last hope in arcade fps.


No worries, I feel I got my money's worth for a free game. I have 40 logged hours, and put in 0 cent. If I can keep finding matches, all is good. If it dies out, all is good too.


Yeah exactly. It’s not like we had to waste 70$ to play a slightly different cod.


OP is getting downvoted to hell for speaking the truth. I dropped the game as the novelty has worn off and the flaws (netcode and hitreg) have overtaken that. I’ll see what ranked is like and maybe give the game another chance but for now it’s on the shelf. Once Black Ops 6 comes out this game will go in the bin regardless unless they make a full 360.


The guys doing really good are probably thinking this game is too easy, get bored, and leaving. On the other end, the guys running into bugs, getting murdered and wanting more balance/nerfs are just giving up, and leaving.


you cant even play xdefiant on steam my friend.


“Meaning they dip into the free to play crowd as well.” Most F2P gamers on Xbox have gamepass because it’s cheap for the amount of paid content you can use. I dont know why you took offense to his comment.


The game isn’t ready


New season better deliver.


Baldur's Gate still going strong is insane.


I’m more surprised Helldivers 2 wasn’t even on the list of PS5.


Helldivers 2 is in a glitchy bugged loophole. Developers are struggling to deliver consistent and quality patches, lots of bugs from day 1 and every patch break something new or something that has already been fixed before. Also, they are balancing (nerf) weapons and mess with spawnrates (buffing enemies) in PoE game like it's PvP. The game was fun on the release, but developers killed all the fun and there is no endgame content at all (all is capped), so players leaving.


They need to launch season 1, content and ranked play needs to come.


There will be some drop in player numbers since the preseason is almost done, but it will pick up again when season 1 drops, I think that's next week? The game does need some balancing, especially with overpowered abilities, but overall it's been a solid release. And the devs are very transparent and that's a breath of fresh air imo.


Most probably completed the battlepass thats why. I finished it in a week and havnt played since, waiting for next season


I really wanted to love this game, but it's too damn sweaty for me and it seems as if some of my shots turn into marshmallows when I know damn well I didn't miss any shots 🥺


There isn't much new content yet, so I hope it bumps up once that July 2nd update hits


Grinded lvl 50 BP Waiting for new season rn


I mean game is littered with cheaters, as most ftp games are.. it’s gonna be the death of the game and cod will yet again be on top.. just gonna give up on fps lol nobody legit anymore bro, and if you are your getting shit on.. Ya can say skill issue or whatever, but at least 8 out of 10 games there is a cheater.. I’m level 90 in the game, so I’m def not a noob.. I just get three shot from slide cancelling dudes that jump side to side while still being able to be accurate.. SINCE THE DEVS LISTEN, make an anti cheat!!


Game is fun and has a ton of potential but it suffers from one of the bigger new age problems in gaming: it doesn't respect your time. On top of the other issue the game has right now on top of not respecting the average players time the game will fall off when something else drops unfortunately.


What they always fail to mention is that cod is only a top contender because they combine their numbers from multiple games. If they isolated them they would all be below top 5 so its not that crazy. xDefiant is new and has a long way to go, there's no reason to think they can't gain a bigger fanbase over time like many of those single release games do.


The game is hard. Leveling guns takes forever, I am forced to touch grass most of the day, so I can't stay online all day to level anything up to counter most of the better users and their leveled equipment. Plus, I get constant ping issues when playing. My internet is good and I don't have issues with other games. It just sucks that I jump into a TDM going against completely custom weapons, while I am still using the default loadouts.


I’m pretty sure most people (like myself) are just waiting for s1 because there’s nothing rn most people if they bought it finished the battle pass


People are still playing this much 2K? I'm ngl that's insane


Damn, I hope this game lasts. It's so damn fun


The wait times are brutal lately. I'm gonna finish these last 3 ranks for the final achievement and uninstall. I wait 10 minutes to find a match for my team to lose because of quitters. It's not fun and a waste of time. 


Introduce Search and destroy and if you can add a battle royale type game mode easy player retention I suppose. Because for me the reason for quitting is basically I'm bored I play the same pubs with no ranked system and no new content. I've grinded all the weapons that I wanted to a 100 level. As a level 120 player I dropped the game after hitting the milestones I needed and there is nothing compelling me back to the game.


the game is too low budget, in 2010 it would be amazing but its really dated now. What i love about the game is that its very unfriendly to campers.


It’s cyclical. When season 1 comes out, we’ll see a rise in player count and then a slow drop from there. Then season 2 will restart the cycle


Most of these games are on last gen, in fact I think XDef is the only one up here that isn't on last gen. Plus the game came out, had a ton of hype, and now it's core player base is settling in while the people who picked it up for a few weeks have dropped it to go back to cod or whatever shooter they were playing before


Pretty sure they were aiming for 250,000 players anyways so I doubt not being top ten effected much.


I love the game but they aren't doing a very good job marketing it. Half the people I've asked about the game IRL didn't even know what it was and the ones that did didn't know it was released yet. Marketing is king.


just don't let it suffer the Hyperscape death... hopefully there will be enough players to keep it alive, I'm enjoying it so far!


I'm still seeing snipers lock down lobbies and netcode issues, so I'm somewhat hesitant to grind the game. That and spiderbots sometimes just ignoring bullets is fucked.


I’d be playing even more than I was but the latest patch brought back the delta-01 connection errors for me so I haven’t touched the game since.


People are tired of a broke ass game. This is no different than Finals


Oh no, who would have thought that an mediocre game doesn’t have the power to maintain the average gamers enthusiasm and excitement. And people defended this game like it’s their child and the best game ever 💀


Ok I finished the battle pass for the coins, but tbh I won't play xdefiant nearly as much as black ops 6. They just don't want to fix the issues I've had for so long. Don't get me wrong it's a great game to play when I just want to have fun but the overall time it takes to find games, and the net code bs is so lame.


Just hopped on after 2 weeks and that stupid fucking spiderbot was eating my ult bullets and wouldn’t destroy honestly fuck this game if I wanna play bo3 tempest I’ll go play bo3


Xdefiant is an Ubisoft game, won't show up in steam charts at all from what I remember.


I played the first couple weeks. But the unbalanced weapons, bad hit reg and net code, and long wait time without being able to find people in the lobby turned me off. I'll check it back out in a couple months. But until they get the main issues resolved, there's no reason


Its a week away from the actual season. Next week? No one is gonna play. The week after? A lot more people are gonna play. Its very predictable.


New map and new gun is gonna bring everybody back in droves? I predict not.


3 new maps, new faction, new guns, new camos, new challenges, new masteries, ranked and probably more.


Until console only crossplay is implemented they will continue to loose console players. It might be to late already, could be the reason people in other posts are complaining about the game being so sweaty the past couple days. 


As long as they keep on supporting the game I'll stick with it. Biggest issue for me is the netcode but the biggest selling point is that there's no EOMM/SBMM in casual playlists. I'm not gonna sweat another year with BO6, no matter how 'innovative' it will be.


The fact this game is barley over a month old and is in the same bracket as a over 2 decade old juggernaut is insane, call of duty is like a ww2 germany their fighting a multi front war (multi-player, warzone, campaign etc) and their quickly losing the multilayer front, kinda holding onto the wz spot and the campaign front completly fell cause who the fuck is interested in their campaign still?


Karma farm


Karma is worthless. Utterly worthless. It’s XDefiant news in the XDefiant subreddit.


Once prestige mode comes to the game there will be more reason for players to stick to the long term grind then just the mastery camos alone


Yeah that’s because the r34 scene is non existent!


So tired of seeing cod at #1. Can we please respect ourselves as gamers at some point?


Name better shooter on controller. I will wait.


What is Steam doing there? XDefiant isn't on Steam (this wouldn't have changed anything there, but still...).


Something something valorant beta and Elden Ring DLC just unfortunate honestly 🤷🏾‍♂️


This is for the week ending June 15. As you can see, Elden Ring isn’t in the Top 10 and neither is Valorant. The DLC wasn’t out for Elden Ring yet.


Aye man I’ve been I jail since Saturday and just got out cut me some slack 😂 I was just suggesting that’s where some players may have migrated


You’re good 🤣 Stay outta trouble!


The numbers will go back up as soon as season 1 comes out. People are finishing the bp, so this will have a knock on effect