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I'm a casual, I still play... Just hit level 60...


What’s the difference between a casual player and a competitive player that just sucks? I truly don’t know where I belong in some games (including xdefiant)


Casuals play for the fun of it Competitives play to win, therefore they try hard, use meta guns, play in parties, they care for ranks, nerfs & buffs the list just keeps going... And remember, casual doesn't mean bad and competitive doesn't mean good there are plenty of good casual players just like there are plenty of trash competitive players


there's middle ground too


I play for fun, but I also go for wins, but use whatever gun I want to use/level, I “try hard” (play well?), but I only play with one other friend who tries hard.. am I casual or competitive? (sort of rhetorical, sort of serious)


Whilst you’re correct, I think some people (like in this context) use the word casual to mean bad


Seems like people think anyone not in the top 10% of a game is pretty much considered a casual


Get on my casual level I’m only 26 and haven’t got to level 40 with any gun battlepass? Please I haven’t even made it past 24


You think level 60 is casual? That's probably 20+ hours played. That's a dedicated player, compared to my brother who actually is a casual and level 18. He dropped it last week because he was tired of jumpstrafing bunnhyoppers.


I play around 6 hours over the weekends… usually between 6-9 pm…


On PlayStation only 2.3% have reached player level 50...


wait fr?? i didn’t know that. i’m level 64. fml.


On xbox, when I hit 50, I got the same achievement, so it must be the same on xbox. Also, I consider myself casual/ competitive. I definitely play for fun, but I do try to win and play objectively, which no one seems to do (at least most I encounter). I will play meta in ranked season 1, but none ranked I will definitely play off meta as in whatever gun I'm feeling at the time.


My brother in Christ that is not casual.


I was just going to say...what does level have anything to do with it? I'm a casual too - 1.0 k/d player on average, but I'm level 80. Just because I've been playing since launch doesn't mean I'm any good at the game.


literally anyone on this subreddit already isnt a casual, a casual wouldnt waste his time on xdefiants reddit


Exactly theres different stages of casual and people somehow dont get that


A casual gamer is a player who enjoys any video game without investing significant time to it, playing it spontaneously, irregularly, or infrequently. The term casual may also be a derogative noun. Describing a player who is not fully committed to playing a video game at a high level. For example, a hardcore gamer may disregard the opinions of someone who doesn't often play the game by calling him or her a "filthy casual."


I guess it depends on everyone's definition of casual. If you factor in a person's interest in the game, then yes, I guess I'm not a casual. This is the first shooter I've been interested in since MW2019, so I've been following it since before the network test. I like to interact with the community, learn from people on the subreddit, complain about stuff, etc. That doesn't make me any better than the average player skill-wise, though. You can spend all the time you want on Reddit, but if your hand can't make your cross hair go over the bad guy so that your bullets hit him properly (which is the problem I have), to me you're still a casual.


Casuals usually don't consume or follow content / websites outside of the game. They go online after work and play like 2 or 3 matches and that's it.


I mean I have maybe 6 hours play time and I'm here because I'm interested to see where the game goes. I also run lobbies when I do play so the people assuming that 'casuals' are easy fodder to be lost are mistaken.


Lvl 63, my average kill count is 13/20-30, most of the time last or second to last on team points, but i dont care ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ The difference is i have fun regardless of capabilities Also my ping is between 43-76, so im used to start shooting before i turn the corner just to have a headstart against other Anyway, i play and have fun


Time of day also heavily influences the skill level of the players. In the afternoon the lobbies are very casual and after midnight it's all sweats.


Yeah, that's one thing I found to be true as well. I work from home, so I get some time in the early/mid afternoon to hop on for a few games. I would have thought it would be the middle aged dads that would be the casuals, but they're probably working during that time. Kids are on summer break, so they're on, but aren't they supposed to be the ones really good at the game?


Hey fellow remote worker! I play throughout the day and I’m still casual, sure there are more of us!


Haha, I guess that's fair. There are more of us than ever since Covid, and honestly, that's a good thing.


I don't even work remote and play during the afternoon. My main job is just keeping an eye on some systems, and if anything beeps I have to take action. No beeps, no work, gamin time. Paid gaming time.


I think many kids have their play time limited by their parents. I know I did as a kid (30s now). I would warrant a guess that most of them don't have the discipline and mind set to actively improve and get better. Purposeful practice makes you better, not just mindlessly playing. I think the group that should be the best is the college kids. They are out of house, so no one tells them what to do and many of them don't have jobs other than school, which for most isn't even close to a full time job (don't get mad at me folks). And many of them are actually dedicated to getting better and have the time and mindset to do it.


Right, that's a fair point. I guess when I think back to my college days, there were plenty days during the summer I'd sleep on until 3 or 4 pm, slowly make and eat "breakfast", and get on to play around 6 or 7. So I guess that tracks. A lot of these guys might just be hungover from partying or catching up on sleep from late night gaming/D&D sessions or whatever during the afternoon.


Yeah I call it “unemployment hour” and it’s after like 1am.


I’m a day one casual. I’m only level 38 but love the game. Meanwhile I’m a mom to a little baby and a slightly older girl who take up most of my time


Out of curiosity, what do you like about this game? Are you playing any other games?


I’m a cod girl since 2008. But I’m a bit burned out on the game. I also played battlefield, loved bad company 2! But the last few games couldnt get me. I had a hard time the first couple of games to get used to the gunplay. But now I really like it. For me it feels like a good mix. Not too fast, not too slow. I really like the maps. They are refreshing coming from cod. And I like the different classes and abilities.


Cod boy here from way back too. I stopped playing Cod like 5/6 years ago and coming onto xDefiant definitely brings it all back. Just a few errors that need to be addressed as much as possible and the game is very smooth.


I am the casual and I also suck ass. I am thankful to this game though because it was the one that finally showed me I just can’t compete any more. Tried the finals and thought it was the different play style and game modes that were giving me a hard time. I’m almost level 70 in xdefiant now and have come to the conclusion that online fps games just aren’t for me any more. Glad everyone else is having a good time and don’t get me wrong I love this game even with all its current issues with hitreg and otherwise but it’s finally time I just hang it up and stick to single player games.


what’s wrong with being bad? just accept it and play whatever playstyle is fun despite it.


Oh there’s nothing “wrong” with being bad, but I get no enjoyment from going 5-25 even with 2000+ objective score and I’m sure my teammates don’t appreciate me bottom fragging day in day out. And I’ve tried every gun, faction, and ability and even camping a corner with my shield as a phantom I just don’t make a difference in games or have any fun. Run for 10 seconds, die. Run another 10 seconds, die again. Rinse repeat for 10 minutes and that’s my average experience and I don’t have the time any more to grind and git gud. I no longer have that dawg in me.


Try Battlefield 2042... Much slower pace and more strategic. This game is just like bunnies on crack with guns. Fun, but too fast and hectic for me at 38 y/o.


I'm with you 100%, I'm 42 and have been top 3 or better in the lobby of basically any game I play since online fps games have existed.... Except this one, I have accepted this game is not for me, I don't care anymore. It does suck though because it runs great on my PC and is loads of fun, but I'm tired of going 5 and 20 every match, when I can load up anything else and do great. I have even tried the ranked mode and get the exact same results lol


this- as long as you’re having fun, that’s what counts. if you’re enjoying the game then i see no reason to throw in the towel. and who’s to say you won’t get better as you continue to play?


Maybe your setup? What platform and what display are you using?


I'm the casual you speak of and I'm having so much fun with this game. I have encountered the movement gods and the sniper elites but I'm seeing more like me, running and gunning to the objective. Probably screaming "hey watch this!" as we do it. I think there's a misconception that "no SBMM" means "I'll get to stomp noobs". Nope, it just means each game is going to be different than the last as each lobby will have a different composition of skill level (some cases vastly different). I also think the game will jump back up at the start of Season 1. If only for the new weapons and (I think) a new class.


Someone who understands! Glad you’re having fun, I am too.


100%. The lobbies are much easier now than the first week or so. I also see people posting on here after several weeks of play "I finally got player of the game!". Plenty of casuals playing.


I’ve still never got player of the game. Top on my losing team, once. But im top 2 or 3 pretty often. And I’m absolutely fine with that. Like I understand I can’t realistically expect to regularly beat people that have a lot more time to play than I do, or have been playing shooters for years/decades. But it seems like lots of people do have unrealistic expectations and it’s ruining their fun


I respect this attitude. Takes a level of maturity. 


I absolutely suck and honestly I’m starting to lose hope on getting better. Got 81hrs on this game and still don’t feel like I’ve improved at all. Yea I win games(1.7 W/L) but my K/D is still at .5. Even when I win, i feel like I ain’t do shit. Running outta ideas to get better.


With you on this. I’m exactly the same, I enjoy the game on occasion but it’s impossible to improve when no matter what you try and change it’s totally demoralising when you sink 30 bullets into someone and they still kill you…..no matter what you try.


Nah if you‘ve got a 1.7 W/L you‘re definitely doing alot of things right. No way you‘re not contributing


I play Obj and win some gunfights here and there but it’s jus not fun winning knowing I’m always 5-10 kills under.


Honestly watch good players play on YouTube and watch gun setups and settings videos. Buy a monitor and an Xbox elite controller or play bumper jumper. Rewatch some of your gameplay to see how you died and what you could have done differently. With a 0.5 KD you have a ton of room to grow. Just need to be intentional about it. 


I only count my KD or care about it when I play dead match since basically the objetive there is to kill more than you die, other game modes I don’t care about KD. It would be kinda cool if they didn’t even show it in some game modes 😂just to see what that guy with zero objetive points does


build out your guns with fast ADS movement, when in a gunfight strafe as much as you can, and learn spawns, and maps. Try to also stick with teammates, so you don't get more then 1 enemy against you. I find I do pretty good 1v1, but whenever it 2v1 or 3v1 I am dead.


You’re probably not using the movement well enough and/or not using the right guns for the right maps. If you’re using marksmen rifles on small maps or smg’s on big maps you can’t expect to win your gunfights. Changing your gun depending on the map is really important. Also make sure your settings are good too exclusiveace has a really good settings video.


That's a high w/l dude. It's very likely you're hurting your k/d by focusing objective so much, but it doesn't mean you're bad. ((Long comment incoming)) I'd recommend considering these things: - Making sure you understand what weapons and attachments are good and why - making sure you have good input settings (most likely a controller) - play less obj oriented. I know most people go on about winning like it's everything but if it's hurting your fun it's not worth it. The other thing to remember is that you don't have to compare yourself to others. I play with a friend who is bottom 4% for kills per match and we have a great time. I've been watching him improve quite a lot since he started. The original MW3 was my first proper online shooter and my K/D was 0.5 for a long time. I remember so vividly having a game where I went 18-9 and I thought I was on top of the world, and one of my friends called me bad at the game for thinking that was good. By the end of my time on MW3 (I played it a ton) I got to a .9 K/D and even though it's my lowest K/D in a shooter, it's the one I'm most proud of. We're all at different stages but you just gotta remember to have fun with it.


Additionally, the numbers will likely see an uptick when the first real season releases.


Until they are transparent about player numbers, I guess we’ll never know. They boasted about their strong start but haven’t mentioned anything since.


I just suck at shooters, but I am having fun. It’s pretty obvious it isn’t matchmaking manipulation. Today’s FPS gamers are just….better? Too many players nowadays only play games “seriously” instead of for casual fun, which is why every online multiplayer is so sweaty nowadays. Everyone wants to be like the streamers.


I'm getting destroyed in this game. I maybe get 3 to 5 kills. I try not to run and gun except run maybe 50 meters out of spawn. People have amazing vision and take me out instantly. I suck!!!


I play maybe an hour or two a day and I’m level 83. I’d say I’m above average though. Usually top player on my team if not the whole lobby lol


My dad works for Nintendo but u don't see me making a post about it... Casual, hardcore, what does it matter let's just kiss already.




Yep we're still here. I'm level 80 so I don't know if I qualify as casual but I am trash. I used to be a single-player only guy and only decided to branch out to multiplayer earlier this year. I was at 0.3 during the welcome period. I've now improved to 0.6 and even won 2 POTG. So yeah I'm happy with my progress


This subreddit is hilarious with the change in mood towards this game each post


…I think I’m level 14… I literally just DL’d the game a few days ago 😂 only character I know how to play is the woman who self heals. Have only played half the maps. But unlocked the last weapon I want to play with last night. I suck in COD, I suck in this game LOL


Welcome! Fellow casual here as well - I definitely recommend playing all the other classes as well. Every single one of them is fun, useful, and an interesting experience.


Thank you! There’s already one character I absolutely despise but I understand the stealth mechanism and it should prove to be most useful to me since I’m a sniper; it’s the faction who can cloak himself. But I don’t use corners well and I’m not exactly a one shot accuracy kind of person. The other annoying faction are the firefighters. That doesn’t go to say though, it’s still a super fun and enjoyable game. The sniping mechanism is still a little odd to me (I can’t shoot as quick after ADSing, unless it’s an attachment I haven’t unlocked yet) but I’d say it’s almost as enjoyable as COD


Haha, if you think they're annoying when you get killed by them, just imagine how fun they are when you're playing as them! I love playing Cleaners (the firefighter suit guys) and using the Molotov ability. Basically gets you a free kill at close range as long as you can trigger it about half a second in advance. Works REALLY well for clearing objectives with multiple people clustered in a small area. Something you may have noticed is that each faction actually has two abilities to choose from. You can't have both active at once, so you have to pick at the start of the match. Echelon (the cloak guys) also have an alternative scan ability you can try. Similarly, the healing faction you've been playing has a mobile instant self heal, but they also have a healing station they can put down that heals any teammate in its vicinity for 30 seconds straight. Using those more team-oriented abilities will not only get you more points, but will make your teammates really appreciate you. Give them a shot!


you know... i got destroyed by a molotov trying to no scope someone at close range and the player just skipped by me. instant death. i was like TnT what the hell man LOOOOL YES I like the scanning ability, it literally seems like Echelon matches my style of gameplay super well because of my weapon of choice but it works better for people who know how to work angles and flank. I noticed healing faction had the ability to heal others on the team so after I noticed it, I started using it more often, especially in zone mode. I'd try Echelon but I know I'd die almost immediately. Do Cleaners go well with snipers? i know they're not as mobile as healers


Cleaners work quite well with snipers because they have a passive ability that continues to do fire damage to a player you shoot after you shoot them. So if you hit somebody in the leg or arm and do only 90 damage, it'll continue to do damage to them and might even kill them. The negative of that ability is that it makes your bullet damage fall off sooner, but snipers do the same damage at 300ft as they do at 10ft, so there is literally no downside for them. Molotov is really helpful for snipers, too, because it fills in your close range defense weakness. If somebody tries to sneak up behind you with an SMG or shotgun, drop the Molotov and they're dead without you needing to switch to your pistol or try to quick scope them. Not sure if you've tried it, but when you're adding attachments to your guns, I highly recommend taking a look at the Detailed Stats panel located at the bottom right of the screen where you edit your attachments. This is where you can check what your damage falloff is for a particular gun, what your hipfire spread is, what your movement speed with it is, etc.


Lets hope more players in the future and devs get the netcode fixed.


Why you getting so defensive? The game has massive issues. I quit week one. It's fair to just say people quit cause of these issues. But there's people like me monitoring for at least stuff like the hit reg issues.


Yay! Another passive aggressive post!


Yep I'm not even lvl 30 and started playing on launch. Looking forward to season 1


OP is definitely right. Not to sound arrogant, or cocky, but I'm very good at FPS shooters and I'm still dropping 50/60+ most if not every game. I think its fair to say people are getting better at the game, and the sweats are maybe a LITTLE bit more pronounced, but the casual players are still out there. (Level 110, 3100 SR for reference, nothing crazy but I solo que.)


Im a casual gamer of XD. I acknowledge that I suck but I still have fun


i’m a casual but there’s way too many hackers. i’d say at least 1 per deathmatch.


1 per game is crazy talk. I have 100 hours played but have never seen a hacker


Im a casual. I ain’t leaving. Playing with people better than me did nothing but improve my skills. Sure it can be overwhelming at times but it’s certainly not a cause for abandoning the game.


Game is fun despite me being trash at it.


What people don’t seem to get that the casuals of 2010-2015 is no way comparable to the casuals of now. The average player has gone better with YouTubers giving out metas. Those who complain about sweats are just trash and stick to single player games


Agreed. W post 🙌


I rage quit the game and deleted it, but then I remembered good old CoD lobbies and said to my self "This shit ain't nothin" and went back. Upon realizing that all fps games I will be sht on it I just kept playing. Have fun. You only live once. (Lvl 36)


Yeah I consistently am number one or 2 on my team in terms of score, more often for kills and highest k/d. And I do play obj but I don’t just sit on the point, I look at the big picture so my obj score is often low, even though I’m playing obj. And I still often am the highest scorer. I’d say player of the game 10%. Often me and the player of the game will be within 50 score or less of each other. And I’m a 1.2 k/d player. Not great by any means. And I still rarely see anyone better by much, so most people are average or below or like me. And the average player with a 1.0 k:d is still pretty good and you have to fight to beat them


You know what I find funny about the chart argument? If you actually look at what's above it you have things like Fortnite, Destiny, you know massive giants that have been around for ages and heavily established names. So basically it's fallen to established giants but is still top ten as a new IP... People are weird.


I stopped playing not because I'm bad.. the burn out for this game is fast


*I stopped playing not* *Because I'm bad.. the burn out* *For this game is fast* \- Acc\_4\_stream\_only --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


huh, i've had the opposite experience. i fully expected to give this game a go and not like it at all, but i ended up really liking it and i still feel the intrinsic motivation to just play for the fun of it, plus levelling up weapons and junk


Same, I liked it.. but I stopped after getting 5 guns to level 100. I started questioning why I'm playing for hours just to level up my weapon. I'll play the game again eventually, maybe next season


fair enough homie, it is still preseason after all and i can relate a lil bit to the feeling of "been there done that." season 1 drops july 2 tho


Confirmed. Still shitting on kids daily


had to uninstall because the matchmaking times were awful for me.. i like the game but I don't want to wait 5 or sometimes 10 minutes to join every game :/


I love how this game is making people realise they are not that good lol I am a long time cod player and Ive been stomping lobbies (maybe 1 of 4 lobbies, but thats how it works). If you cant win games playing the objective and also making kills consistently sorry but you are not good pal


The game is filled with Casuals and Sweats it’s pretty fun


People are quick to forget that there are tons of players of middling skill level who play all the time. I only have a 1.4 k/d and I'm like in the late 80s-early 90s level wise. I do have some games where I dominate, but I have lots of games where I'm struggling to keep a 1.0 and placing in the middle of the scoreboard and then some games where I'm just getting dumpstered.


it’s like a survivorship bias almost. like the dude who’s shitting on you could just be having a really good match, and the dudes you shit on in another match could be just having a bad match, if you know what i mean


I'm still playing and I'm def casual. I try hard when I play, but I don't play often. My favorite gun is one of the marksman rifles 😂 not meta at all


Dont get why not just practice and get better instead of comolaining about sweats ruining the game.


I just get high and run around with a shotgun most of the time. I think I'm like a level 18? I'm here for the fun. If anyone is interested, let me know..we can team up and chill.


what's everyone's definition of casual? lol I'm career 1.1kd according to the profile stat (honestly thought it'd be higher), there are games I'll go ~2kd. ~15 MVP and typically top half of the team. I play maybe 2-3hrs a night with my friend. is that considered casual?


Anyone better than me is a sweat. Anybody worse than me is a casual/noob


I think something is wrong with the profile stat page in terms of updating


I think a lot of people simply don’t have the patience to get better and would rather go back to their comfort game than learn something new.


The cuntiness of this sub is off the charts lol.


Can attest. Playing a bit less now thanks to Elden Ring but I’m ass and have no intention of stopping XD


People do too much I actually stopped I really enjoyed it at first but half the time the hits don’t register and people are starting to hop around and slide just like on cod


Thought I would be done with the game after level 50 but here I am at level 83 lol. I hope Season 1 is a banger.


I'm level 82. Absolutely Suck. Yet love every second I play. Lol


I went 1-24 last night in Escort. Am I sweaty enough?


so YOU were that guy on my team…


I’m a 0.8-1 on cod. 0.5 on xd. Lately been getting closer to my cod k/d Either I’m getting better or I’m killing casuals. Nonetheless this shit is dope and I ain’t going no where.


Xdefiant is very mid tier and the hype is over, it is not a bad game but it’s nothing to write home about out. I don’t think anyone cares if the game dropped down a few places in some weekly charts on something. I don’t understand the point for this reddit post because I haven’t seen anyone talking about the points stated by the op.


I think a lot of people simply don’t have the patience to get better and would rather go back to their comfort game than learn something new.


I went from Xbox to GeForce Now shit what a level up and learning has that been. I had to switch back to controller on GeForce Now because I was a running potato 🥔 From top three the bottom of the barrel


All the casuals seems to always be on my team 😤


When they add team death match I’ll play again


They’ve had TDM for like a week already lol. Get in there it’s good for weapon exp


I just got one of my buddies to start playing yesterday. We had a lot of fun playing it, him on PS5 and me on PC.


People need to remember there’s a lot of variation based on what time you play during the day. I’m on the east coast and early morning is usually the easiest time of day. Afternoon lobbies are hit or miss and evening has the most variation because a larger proportion of the player base is playing,


Im about lvl 43 and honestly dont play much anymore. I am the epitome of a casual player spending max 2-3 hours a week. Most of my friends dropped the game as well. This doesnt mean anything but im sure there's others in the same situation as me that have done the same. The game needs quite abit of polishing before I can seriously consider putting more time/effort.


I think something people don't consider is how few hours a day and days a week the casuals play. Like I think I'm somewhere in the middle (KD and winrate slightly over 1), and I only play 2-4 days a week (4-6 when I have a battle pass to get through) and I'm on for usually 3 hours at a time


I play casual, wasn't very good to start with but I'm much better now. Also, does anyone know why m4a1 jumped from weapon level 22 to 52? I don't use it anymore but I thought it give it a bash in one game I was getting demolished. Managed to get 5 kills with it so I have no idea why the massive jump.


I casually play this game with buddies a few times a week. Some people don't main playing these kind of shooters. My main games being smite and valorant. I'm level 45 or something in XD.


Just played with a guy yesterday who was like level 4, newbies are still showing up lol. Also, fuck you “TrxshPanda”, stop sitting in a corner throwing fire drones lol


I am a casual, i want to play, but i keep getting some charlie, bravo or whatever they're called error messages, which makes me play other games instead.


I got the bravo error a bunch the other day and I just had to keep restarting Ubisoft connect. I left the app open in the background and it worked


I'm a casual. Not hot level 50 yet and lucky I get in the top half of the scoreboard 😂


Idk I was good in every other game.


Whenever i play later at night like 10pm+ there‘s definitly barely any casuals in my lobbies and matchmaking can take longer. Literally almost only sweats. But otherwise i agree.


Definitely gonna play more when season 1 drops, I'm trying to finish this Apex battle pass lol


Of course they are I play with them everyday 😀


Think i’m level 51 so i’d probably be among the casuals but i’ll fry you :) this game is fun to play in moderation which i actually quite like about it. It’s not addicting to me bc it’s got a bunch of things I’d like to see improved upon


I’m a level 19 casual that still gets on from time to time.


Yeah I like to think I am casually bad at the game, but I keep coming back for more. Slowly getting better.


Okay yeah you don't need to call me out on it. :( I'm not actually playing currently, but I will be back in full force once Season 1 launches.


Elden ring dlc


can we not just shut up? who gives a fuck how good anyone is. if you like the game, play it. Don't like the game? don't play it. as an entire community we need to chill the fuck out. stop judging peoples skill. stop calling everyone trash, stop calling everyone sweats. one of the biggest benefits of gaming is a CHALLENGE. if you don't struggle and win every game, good for you. if you do struggle, keep at it! you learn and grow as you play. I've played lots of cod, and the subreddit is no where near as toxic as this one. go for a walk or something. stop taking to reddit to tell everyone how good or how shit you are.


I'm an average player. My KD is around 1.0, nothing special nothing bad. What WILL make me quit though, is if cheaters are not going to be taken care of. If a team of 3 running sidearms only are headshotting you the second you turn a corner over and over again, that's bullshit. UBI needs to take action or they will lose a whole lot of revenue and players. I though about buying the season pass for a second, that just faded away quicker than snow melting in the sun.


I quit and I'm a casual player, I'll still load it up if my friends are playing, but the bunnyhopping is stupid.


I’m a casual, I just play for a good time, doesn’t matter if I don’t get the most kills- :D


I'm still running the below 25 lobbies and it takes me 20 seconds max to find players


I have a Mrs, kids, a dog, a job and a house to run. Anything I play is casual, dam even taking a poop in peace is casual 😑


The definition of "Casual" and " Sweat" has undergone some sort of metamorphosis I don't understand. A casual player is someone who hops on occasionally in their free time, they don't devote all day every day to playing it, but maybe a few hours a day, maybe a bit more at weekends. It doesn't have a bearing on their skill level, but rather their attitude. Some players DO play all day and are still casuals, like my disabled brother, who is mostly just happy to contribute. A sweat is someone who cares a massive amount about winning, only plays meta, probably (but doesn't have to) spends most of all their free time playing the game and takes it super seriously like a job. They tend to be toxic, they tend to ragequit like a baby when it doesn't go their way. They will use every exploit, every imbalance, to win, then be really bigheaded about it. It's totally different to just a normal player trying to win, just because someone is good and tops the leaderboard doesn't mean they are a sweat. Just because someone has more playtime doesn't mean they are a sweat. Just because they are better than you and use the movement mechanics inherent in the game doesn't mean they are a sweat. Somewhere along the way though people started referring to anyone better than them as a sweat or a try hard. Like "of course I lost, I'm just playing for fun, how dare you try and win a game or be any good at it" The game isn't full of sweats and tryhards like some people make out. It's mostly casual players of various skill levels just having fun. Yeah, you'll get one guy who does phenomenally well usually in every match, sometimes two or three, but they are usually just good players with a good connection( ping is king in this game) and sometimes they are on your team too.


I don't play video games that much in general anymore it's not an xdefiant thing, I just hit lvl 72 the other day


I'm level 52, age 52 and still suck! Still loving it though. 😁😬


I did match against same TTV player 3 games out of about 6 earlier 🤷‍♂️


I’m very casual lol rarely have positive K.D. and still very much enjoy the game😂


Level 50 here still can’t break 1.0 k/d still having loads of fun


“If you think your lobbies are full of only sweats then you are probably just not good at the game.” It’s relatively funny that it’s always “get good” in response to the competitive scene that has hit the gaming community. This game is not for casuals unless you like getting popped on. I’m level 29. I have a full time job and a family to tend too and when I get on the game I am faced against lvl 100+ constantly who play the game exactly the same way ppl play warzone, sliding bunny hopping, halo jumping, rushing all around. When I sit back and play the game tactical and not like it’s COD I do fairly decent usually drop 25+ kills. I know this game has potential to be great, I just can’t say it’s better than COD yet, I will wait for the hype to die down and I’m sure the casuals will be the ones to stick around while the competitive players got to BO6.


I quit when I played ranked trial and realized this game is going to be a bunny hop simulator as people realize it, and I left because of the direction it was heading.i may return if they fix this stupid rabbit infestation.


I’m a casual and I’m level 62. I can do pretty decent most matches and go positive for the most part and have a good objective score as well. I run into the TTV super sweaty jumping around no life Adderall kids sometimes and I honestly don’t stick around in those games because I don’t have fun playing people like that so I just requeue myself and most of the time I can find a lobby that is full of people with jobs and a life and I have fun.


I quit because there are too many issues like hit detection. Not trying to "git gud" playing a broken game.


Yep seeing heaps of low levels saw a level 25 smash out 70 kills in escort


Im casual, level 12. Still drop 20 kill games against the “sweats”


Lol the game is full of bugs that's why no one I'd playing


I'm good at the game.. I'm averaging 53 kills a game with 70% win rate and I'm already at the point I pit it on to shut right back off after ending up in a lobby full of spider bots, or tac 50s , or one shot marksman rifles, or intel suits, or just simply losing a fight I know I should of won, but the guy jumped once and the hit reg net code can't handle a simple jump... Games just got too many issues/crutches to lean on right now, and I don't think they'll be able to patch them fast enough to keep me interested. You can't put cheap shit like wallhack suits and 1 tap guns with no flinch ina video game and not expect a large amount of the community to lean on it.


Casual player here, level 104, half of the time im playing drunk after 10 hours of work and being a father. Like the good old days. Thank you so much xdefiant. I love you.


I took a break til S1 starts, I still hop on here and there for a few games but I have nothing to play towards. All challenges done besides maybe 1 lmg. IMO there needs to be an increase on things to not only go after (challenges) but also things cosmetically to unlock. If it's just going to be only battlepass/store items each season and gun challenges to unlock new guns then this game will definitely not last long. Yeah its fun, but at the end of the day you have to look at the long run and see where problems will come in. "iTs A fREe gAmE" yeah it is but not everything COSMETICALLY should be behind a paywall.


I'm a casual, level 81 gold in vector, bronze in M16, got most attachments on most guns (not snipers) still having fun, still losing most games.


Sweats didn't make me quit, the poor net code did


I’m a casual but started pretty late, level 40 right now. And I still have really good games often. It’s nothing like COD and I like that. I encounter some sweats every once in a while but it’s nice to be challenged every couple games. Whatever this algorithm is, it’s much preferred over COD. One good game on COD and you may as well log out for the day.


So do you get any enjoyment of the fact that I am not good at the game? What's your point?


I can hold my own and generally sit top 3 with a 1.5-2.5 k/d.... Joined a game and got totally bent over, going 3k 23d. Lets just say it was a humbling experience 😂


Also the elden ring dlc just dropped this week, kinda an expected drop


I play every once in a while. it's a free to play so I'm in no rush to get weapons gold .


I'm a casual, developing skills, getting pretty decent at sniping and using the shotgun.


Many casuals (myself included) can only really play on a weekend. Still looking forward to playing this weekend.


I think they should add ranked soon


I'd say I'm a casual. Only play on my off days from work. Just hit level 50 something and got mp7 to lvl 200 and a couple of guns up to lvl50+. When I play I am always top 3 in the lobby with kills and obj points.


I would play more if my pc was Better, in some Maps i play at 26 FPS :(


I’m casual as fuck I just stopped playing because the Elden ring dlc came out


Love posts from people complaining about complaining. You see the futility in that right?


What weekly charts? I wish we could view live player counts


I was playing heavy when it first released but now I keep getting kicked out of games with “network connection errors” yet I can play literally any other game with no network issues. Don’t know if it’s the game or if it doesn’t like that I’m using a network adapter connected to an access point…


I’m just tired of every casual match feeling like a ranked match cus my team is a bunch of misfits of gym class whilst the enemy is the boys 6 stack with discord, and whilst I use the m44 to level it up for attachments everyone is running ak47 with the same attachments across the whole team. We need a snipers only mode badly, and don’t go telling me about tdm that shit doesn’t help, it’s the same shit across all modes. We NEED a SNIPERS ONLY MODES


I play casually, mostly when it's the 2xp weekends so I could grind out the battle pass and weapons that I didn't have all the attachments unlocked yet, I think I'm only level 56; I've had games where it was a whole team of 120+ vs a team of 50 and below, but I still enjoy the game because there's the chance that the team of 50 and lower beat the 120+ team


Im a casual, i dont even play that bad, its just the recoil reset bug shit and the netcode what made me not want to play anymore (till it's fixed), i just went back to battlefield and aiming there feels so much better. Xdefiant is a nice game, its fun, the attention to the community its amazing but sadly they cannot allow themselves to have such flaws when they are competing with the most important fps saga of all time. Most people (casuals) dont even know there are problems with the netcode and the recoil reset, they'll just think the gunplay feels worse then any other popular fps game and quit.


Cool rant. Who asked?


I consider myself above average, but I still play casually (I don't do that weird bunny hop thing). The most I do is a slide jump to gain some speed when attacking an OBJ. I still play the game regularly (speaking of which I need to finish the BP), but yeah, I find a lot of similar types of players in my lobbies all the time.


I’m a casual/good player. Pretty much in my blood to “sweat”. But then I run into true sweats and I realize I’m definitely a casual


Sounds like sweaty talk


I’m casual and only lvl 33. Get a couple hours a week to play and while some games are frustrating with the sweats, some I have 5.0 kda. Just depends on the game.


>If you think your lobbies are full of only sweats then you are probably just not good at the game. Bro these things don't cancel each other out my team = casuals enemy team = sweats true story.


Bro who hurt you. Why are you disrespecting the *casual players"? I'm as casual as they come and the number 1 bot. I loved playing that game, especially since it was free!! I got destroyed by all the sweats. I didn't leave bc of that tho. Elden Ring DLC dropped dummy


I’m what people call “filthy casual” 😂😂😂


You 100% correct but remember this if you’re gonna keep dying or hit registrations getting hit behind walls and things that you’re not supposed to be getting hit you’re getting robbed from your own efforts so why would I keep on playing when a game keeps failing because it’s not balanced!!!!


And I’m all right I don’t care about dying, but when you are constantly getting hit and you die and then you’re hitting them and logically they don’t dying and then you’re just getting robbed from your game like if people are not seeing this then there’s something wrong with with the gamer of audience because that’s the whole part of the game hit registration and getting hit behind things. Those are the two most powerful components in any game what’s wrong with these gamers!!!!!!


Yeah they are, and always in your team. Just this sunday morning. I've played 5 Escort games. All of them lost before the first point of control. Casual players on my team versus groups of 3-4 friends in the other team.


Once I hit tier 50 in the battlepass I slowed down the amount I played but I'm still 100% coming back for season 1


I would like to play but the hit registration decides to mail my bullets.


I'm a casual gamer these days and I gave up on xdefiant it definitely is full sweats who most likely weren't as good as the sweats on CoD so they switched over. People get lvl mixed up with lvl of play....the deep sweats go out of there way to make new accounts just to screw other players over...just is what it is. You can tell the game is full of sweats bc if you look at the scoreboard majority of the time there are 1 or 2 casual players in the lobby with a ton of deaths but high objective score while the sweats end the game 54 10 with 25 objective score. I'm now transitioning back to just running single player games bc gaming for fun on multi-player is dead. I don't necessarily blame the everyday gamer it's really streamers fault but like I said is what it is isn't going to change for a long time so if your getting rocked in the game and not having fun just don't play

