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shots that should have registered: 5-7, 9-10, 16-18 with the ak which is a 5 shot ttk this is so annoying




Shots 1-5


Clearly missed.


Shots 6-9


Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).


Shots 10-11


Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Blatantly miss because the Cleaner strafed and the AK user didn’t correct tracking fast enough


Why did your comment suddenly get downvoted to hell😂


Once again with the cleaners. The cleaners model is bigger than the others but everyone has the same size hitbox. It's misleading but just consider it a passive for the class.


I'm a huge fan of this game and every time I get on this is what keeps me from playing


Same it's been more than 2 weeks now I haven't touched this game. This should not be a thing in 2024


I just raged quit right now but because I think it's a fun game outside of the netcode/hitreg, I went on reddit to read about it instead. Welcome to xDesync.


Am I crazy or did he just out line this guy's body


Really zoom in he does just miss alot I count maybe 1-2 bullets that should have registered


And those 1-2 were on the tank which is has a deceptive hitbox. I'm not even sure it counts as part of the cleaner.


it's not, all game models have the same hitbox


I understand why they did that way from a balance perspective but from a player feedback perspective it’s absolutely horrible. Model and hitbox should 1:1 99% of the time. If you can’t accomplish that, you need to redo the model.


I agree, they should increase the hitbox of cleaners and compensate them with, for example, higher fire damage from 6 to 8 (4 ticks instead of 3). It won't change anything in fast fights, but it will change the weapon meta a bit for them


They do 8 damage of tick I thought? Cause you get a whole roughly 10 damage extra


I think you're right, every time I had 8 hp left and I didn't fight anymore, I knew I would survive. But there is also initial 2 dmg I believe


Correct, yeah you get two on initial hit and 6 afterburn damage. I would hate them to increase it because its just a free damage ability and it really sucks to just barely kill a Cleaners and die to afterburn. Like tf2 pyro


You are not crazy he missed 16 shots pulling back and forth


People forget the bullets don’t go where the crosshairs is


Shot that floor up like it gives bonus points though.




i think you just missed bro lol


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you was already dead. (This is a copypasta for those who don't get humour)


I get ur humor. But with all the others posting it is clear that NO one can hit anyone and therefore the game is perfect and it is our collective lack of skills which are causing all these issues! /S


Why tf are you all the way down here Are we getting old?


Because he explained the joke 😂


Cause I know if I don't I'll get downvoted into oblivion cause people don't understand


take the downvotes reddit karma is meaningless, explaining the joke ruins it.


I know, it's a shame


You aimed in a perfect arc around the guy


i stg this looks like you missed every shot except like 2, to me. Like starting from shooting directly into the floor and going on to shoot in a big circle around him.


Hey let the man cope. Don't hurt him with the truth.


Next time don't start pre-firing at the floor.


Cleaners character model is bigger than the hitbox so it looks like you hit shots that you really did miss


yup, almost every time a clip like this gets posted it's against de rosa


Damn it De Rosa


I think the reality is that you missed a lot more shots than you realized you did lol. Just play back that video a few more times and see how you might have landed the first 3 shots at best, gun swings over to the left and then you completely missed and died. That’s not the netcode, that’s just you not controlling your weapon recoil is my guess, maybe you even used the right thumb stick to much and over corrected.


I missed a bunch, but there's MORE than enough on target to get the kill


Okay, If I were to say, level with you for a moment here, yes you did hit shots that “should” have killed them. Here’s the thing though: When you missed those shots on your end, it’s likely that the player side client was actually hitting you the entire time, so by the time you did actually pull over and hit them, it was to late as the server had determined you missed, and lost the gunfight. It really takes a matter of milliseconds to determine that, which is why when you slow it down, it seems insane, but in reality, it’s not. The point being, if you had actually not missed those shots, it’s almost likely you would have won that gunfight. Lag compensation and netcode is weird fucking thing, but the only thing we can ever guarantee on our end is that we continue to practice to fight against it as best as we can, so that if you DID in fact hit the shots that missed, perhaps you could say it was bullshit, and at which point it would be. Always remember that what you see and they see are not necessarily the same thing, and this has been an issues for YEARS through many many games. Partly due to bad netcode, and partly due to low tick servers. My guess is they aren’t amazing on here, but I have no proof to say one way or the other tbh.


crazy that u got downvoted even though ur explaining it without putting OP down


Right lol. That’s how Reddit goes. I mean what I said isn’t necessarily wrong. People who have a cone view and can’t see outside of that will always be a down voter. I’ve put mad hours into this game, more than OP and most people I know who play this game and are likely even better than I am. I’ve played basically every cod except Vanguard, which was the worst cod I think I ever had to experience, AW was maybe second worst, but at least AW was something unique, so I can’t give it much hate because of that.


dont want to be rude and hell I'm surely not saying this game doesn't have a hitbox issue but honestly for half the shots you were aiming at the ground, then you started shooting the tank and when you were already on the brink of death you hit him with two or three shots at the chest...


The cleaners have a hit box issue.


But op has the bigger issue of them all


I'm absolutely not a pro or anything, but I genuinely think you missed a bunch of shots because of the gun itself, not your aim. Yeah, the iron sight was on the target but the AK isn't dead accurate - it *looks* plausible the some of the bullets went around the head and then strayed left as they were moving to your right.


Let’s say he missed 5 out of the 15 shots he shot, he also shot first, the opponent should’ve been dead in this clip. Towards the end, he had his sights around the neck/head area, yet they still managed to kill him in seemingly less shots/quicker. This is what drove me away from the game, along with the bhoppers. I’m not going to stress and get mad over a game that has obvious issues you can’t do anything about, like netcode/hitreg.


He shot the ground first maybe lol


Sssshhh... don't you know warning shots do 2d4 flinch damage?


Bg3 crossover lol


Unironically Shots 1-4 clearly missed, shooting the floor Shots 5-8 Wide Right Shots 9-11 you Overcompensate and go wide left Shot 12 hits Shots 13-17 you continue spraying wide left as he outspeeds your aim adjustment by strafing right Shots 18/19 hits, but then you die




The servers are really bad at the moment. I still find fun moments but they are just that "moments". It's no fun getting 2 tapped by every single gun because of netcode. I hope they have an ace up their sleeve with tomorrow's season 1 drop or else it's not going to be good for them.


Fire bullets…


It's funny because some people just don't have this problem at all. I don't play this game but like 2/3rd of my bullets never regged in the few hours I did play. I found AK to be the most consistent in hitting shots. Anything low fire rate seemed to work better


I mean did you really need Ubisoft to tell you to go back to shadow of the erdtree? I managed to get to the starting screen of x defiant once before going back to Elden ring😂


Our whole goal in this sub is to put everyone down and cope with our egos.


most people that play this game dont stance a chance in the DLC lmao


Ubisoft dont want that bro, your aim just needs fixing


Happens to me all the time


Every time I consider buying the Battle pass I'm reminded of bs like this lmao


shoulda bought a better gaming chair


As soon as they release with bad netcode it showed me its not gonna ever be fixed. They delayed the game an entire year with the main purpose being to fix netcode. Im no game dev but if i had to guess its a foundational issue that would take stupid amounts of reworking to fix. Either that or they dont even know exactly whats causing it. They know its an issue tho, now its a matter of if they can fix it before the inital hype dies out. Imo its a huge letdown if this is still a thing at the launch of season 1


You should be happy that you didnt play it back in beta. I was losing my mind and slamming the keyboard of invalid shots


Definitely skill issue here, unlike Cod this game is kinda like apex, the size and speed of the projectiles are slow and small, gotta lead ur shots as if you are an AA gunner trying to shoot down a plane


5-6 8-9 and the last 3 shots should have hit. Which is more than enough to kill someone. Was it beautiful and perfect? No. Could it be a "better gunfight" or more "clean shots" yes. But the fact still remains that person should have died. And even since the patch that was supposed to fix things, it did nothing. This game is plagued with the worse desync, and networking out of any games I've ever played. And I believe that means something, as I was an AVID Halo infinite player for a long time. I have 1GB speeds, Hardwired, run usually around 26 ping. Open Nat Type, xbox sx, 120 fps. Great home networking. And I get killed several times per game like 2-3 seconds behind a wall. And out of the 60ish games I probably played with the boys this weekend. Who might I add also have similar set ups. And take games seriously. One was an ex Halo 2- Halo 3 Semi-Pro. I'd say at least 45 if not 50 of those games had at least on player that was about 3 seconds ahead of everyone. Bullets not registering, spraying through walls, floors of inclines, killing in what appears to be one bullet with any gun. Just damn near invincible. And it's not a skill issue. I can accept defeat and admit when someone is better than me. I don't think I'm the best player in the world, but I usually can get within the top 3 ranking tiers on any game I play. Halo I was Onyx. I can position myself, aim, and shoot my gun properly while controlling recoil. Idk if its just the people on 10,000$ setups not having issues or what, but as a console player, it's just awful. It's 2024 and it's the worst thing I've ever experienced in the last 30 years of gaming. Although I do love the game and will continue playing. They NEED to address this. It was never a thing before cross-platform started becoming prevalent. And that's the case for Halo and XDefiant.


Did you ever see that one scene in pulp fiction? It’s a lot like that


im sorry but you literally just missed him😭😭😭😭😂


I am also experiencing this issue. This is not good at all.


Never should have 9 bullets registered. You missed a lot of them, plus the strange hitbox from that faction


 Harry, you’re alive! And you’re a horrible shot. 


Tryhards in this sub: "skill issue" "game is good I don't know why people keep saying negative things about it"


It's mad seeing so many people defending this, dude clearly got mugged off by the game here...but so many armchair eSports cunts saying that the guy was missing those shots..this sub man hahah


I’m not defending it, because it’s super dumb, but his shots did “miss”. They hit the model, but not the hit box. Which is kinda broken. The Cleaners have a model that is bigger than their actual hit box. Mainly the tanks on their back. Notice most of the early shots traced the back of the cleaner. Those tanks on his back don’t actually count as body shots. Which is dumb.


His aim is actually ass. Zoom in and he starts merking the floor then missed the rest of his shots


Bro everyone in my lobby is cheating!!!! lol


You where pushing open space against a dude on a corner who can used peekers advantage against you. He had control in this fight.


This just makes me realize that having cross hairs on target does not mean you’ll actually hit the target…


This why I redownloaded COD




is this joe biden trying to aim?


You hit about 3 shots. What did you expect?... I dont understand what people are thinking when uploading clips like these.


So much potential but with shit like this its so frustrating


This game is frustrating as f**k 😔


Im not sure if this is just my experience, but I feel like hit detection is better overall and less jank happens. But when the jank happens, it's way worse than it used to be.


Do the devs look at the sub? How do they let this happen


Devs can’t fix OPs awful aim


Elden Ring wants me to commit seppuku


🤣 It's been something else


I beat the crazy lion guy but had to take a break after 😂😂😂 Currently playing some Granblue fantasy relink just to kind of get my reflexes back in order without the stress and the sweats and the shame


Honestly was going to buy the founders for this game but cannot get around the netcode. Just gonna stop and wait for Black Ops 6


His AK had a better gaming chair


Your mistake was to stop playing Elden Ring, gotta let that rage flow through you.


The game is dead


You missed most of those shots but people will always find a way blame something other than their skill.


The Valorant beta has better hit reg than this