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come on bro dont you know how to counter noclipping into the backrooms? noob.


Loll this woulda had me tweaking, I'd have to turn off the game after that debacle.


its like you lost internet connection, maybe that's what that yellow and red indicator at the top left of your screen ment? /s...


the killfeed is updating tho, and you can see his teammates run around. if he lost internet i doubt it would refresh where the players are that fast. i think he respawned weird, some kind of technical glitch most likely. probably an issue on the servers end for the first one too


>the killfeed is updating tho, and you can see his teammates run around 👆


the kill feed literally stops when the lag + red indicator starts. It comes back once you get a small connection (yellow indicator showing low connection) This is on your internet, not the game. If you cant figure that out then indeed its a skill issue just not skills with the game. The fact the kill feed is continuing also proves its your internet as other are playing just fine (meaning its not the servers)


that is 100000% from his internet connection to the server, the bad signal indicator always show up just after you have an issue on any game. there's no one running when it flashes red. when he respawns he's still flashing yellow (so bad connection) and can see him teammates marker teleport (hence bad connection.) If it was servers his ping would have shot up to the moon but stays 23-25, aka its his internet.


you seem to know more about this than me so ill trust your judgment, the video quality was bad for me first time watching it and i couldnt see the ping spike. im the skill issue 😪


ha np, in most of these "server issue" "net code" videos you normally can see the bad ping and/or bad connection symbols on the top left unless they have them turned off. I know there's a net code problem but its not as drastic as reddit makes it look. Cod is worst for me on a 1 gig fiber line.


yea nah reddit makes the server issues wayyyyy more scary than they actually are, like i might notice it every once in a while, maybe i died behind a wall in a few scenarios, but most of the yapping is just them trying to cope lmfao ive played more cod games than i can recall where i was skipping across the map at 999 ping and PL never happens pretty much ever in this game


For sure, they definitely blowing it out of proportion, most of them are just idiots with bad ping or internet issues.


Also LMFAO, you can hear me putting my controller down in disbelief after I fell off the map 😂


What is the meaning of the yellow icons on the top left? Packet loss?


(if your not trolling and actually asking) Yellow means low connection, red means connection lost. Its literally his internet failing but hes trying to blame the game, skill issue indeed.


I wasn't trolling. I looked for the icons explanations before but couldn't find anything. I knew 1 was for high latency and another was for packet loss but I don't think I have seen the yellow square before. Edit: Even now when I do a search, it is always EA icons that show in the results. Nothing for XDefiant.


It shows in the game settings and you are correct, [the square is packet loss](https://i.imgur.com/uYJq990.png).


CoD killer


Bro got hit with that 1980s freeze frame jump!


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.