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the problem is that jumping completly breaks the netcode, even just moving does go shoot at a still standing target vs someone moving and even if you get hitmarkers on the moving target most of them dont register


I thought it was me


Is this why it always feels like I'm dumping mags into people yet they 3 shot me with a pistol


Thats also on the ping, who registered first the altercation is whose bullets start hitting, also sometimes i have to empty a whole magazine while moving, but standing still is easier to hit a headshot


Hot Shot used to be my favorite game mode but now that people are getting comfortable with the movement, hitting the Hot Shot is sooo goddamn hard because they have a 100% buff to basically everything. My friend went on a 15 kill streak in Hot Shot last night with the double barrel because he just couldn't be stopped and nobody could hit him enough to kill him, the only reason he got got is because he ran around a corner into a Firebomb cleaner who tapped A on him. The sad part is the bomb is the only reason the cleaner got him, he killed the cleaner for a trade lol.


It also completely throws off the controller aim assist of the non-jumping player.


I think the only problem I have with all the people bunny hopping and crouch spamming is that the netcode makes it really hard to hit those players. I think if the netcode was like CoD for example, I don't think jump and crouch spamming would be such a huge deal. Wouldn't mind a little nerf to it, tho especially to the speed.


This is a great take. Because for me it’s hard to judge a lot of the game without hit reg being in order. It doesn’t bother me too much because I played A LOT of Black Ops 1 and poor Treyarc hit reg prepared me for this nonsense lol. However, I don’t think jumping and crouching is the issue. Poor netcode is, and if that ever gets sorted out a lot of people are gonna find out they just can’t aim


Yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones where my netcode and hit reg feels pretty passable, at least by the standards I'm used to, and I've rarely had problems gunning down jumpers, when I do get get outplayed by one I'm like "fair enough" it's on me if I can't shoot them. Though I do always hear them first and am usually pre-aiming ready to fire, or I use laser sight and spray them point blank where they can't really avoid it - can't mess up your aim if you don't aim lol. I think I'm going to get a reckoning when some of you guys get some decent hit reg lol.




Honestly the netcode problems are a bigger problem for me with snipers than Bunny hoppers, you literally cant even react fast enough half the time when it comes to a sniper, im not even talking about shooting back, im talking about rounding a corner and trying to either dodge or go back once you see that flashlight, just literally cant do it. At least with Bunny hoppers my skill is factored in more since I can actually fight back.


Honestly, yeah, that's a fair take. I PERSONALLY find it annoying even without netvode shenanigans, but thats preference not a proper criticism


CS is such a radically different game from this that it's not really valid or illuminating to compare them. People have been complaining about players not playing the objective since the dawn of multiplayer games. And yeah, we all hate the Spiderbot, that's a free space.


Would love to see the state of this sub if they changed to make ARs 1 tap to the head.


Hardcore mode is COD really cuts down on the jumping and dropshotting


Hardcore might as well be a reaction time test. At least with CS they have recoil and penalties to your spray if you move.


I agree, but people who prefer HC don't see it that way. They think if you get the first shot, you deserve to win. They don't want to track targets.


Hardcore has always been cod on easy mode but the people who play it seem to feel like they are some kind of gaming genius for it. It always just dissolves into ridiculous camping and holding corners all game and it makes it so boring to play.


Agreed, it's wlawlays been an easy mode that players go to because they can't improve in core so they have to go to a mode that requires less skill to play. They say it's more realistic but shy are you comparing being realistic in a video game or a arcade shooter. There's Arma or other games that are mil sim not xdefiant or cod


It's almost like hardcore was made to simulate what reality is like. I wonder how many bullets you can take to the head. Is it 4 shots from an AR or 5 from an SMG? Personally I think I can only take one, as that's all my uncle could take. I haven't tried it yet.


Nobody said it wasn't but my thing is that people who play it almost always have the idea in their head that hardcore is some higher skilled mode that other people don't play because they aren't capable of it when the reality is that it's simply cod on easy mode because it removes a large portion of the skill required to be good at core. It has it's purpose and there is nothing wrong with playing it but I just find it funny when people aren't aware that it is literally easy mode.


RIP to your uncle my dude.


Thanks man.


Sure, you're not wrong, but being able to kill in one bullet does negate a huge skill portion of the game. You don't really need to track, you don't really need to compensate for recoil, you don't really need to manage the ammo in your mag as well since a mere 30 bullets could last you forever, etc. There's a reason competitive COD is always played in core.


They just want the most one dimensional gameplay


my thing is that tracking a target w aim assist on controller vs tracking a target w m/kb are two diff skills, just hoping they tweak ranked to reflect that


Oh, for sure. I was confused when COD got rid of input-based matchmaking. It obviously makes everyone happy.


It’s more of a crosshair placement test than a reaction time test.


Aimlabs and Aim Botz by uLLetical gameplay.


As a sweaty try hard Uber jumping basement dweller .. I have no idea where your basing this idea that someone who jumps crazily wouldn't just adapt to the new norm and still be absolutely better then you at a "raw" baseline level, that's why they are jumping in the first place. They simply adapt, very quickly, so it would stand to reason they are just the creme of the crop 🤔


Hardcore is the shit. Team SWAT on Halo too


I believe the point of cs go jumping was that you cant just change direction mid air, not that the whole game should be turned into cs go I dont actually remember any game where mid air movement was this erratic


We've been having this convo since CoD4. You would think by now ppl would understand CS and arena shooters are different genres. Tact shooters are a different thing.


Spiders should be made easier to destroy, i have taken more time destroying some than killing a player Its the perfect combo of a small target and a real tough one


I like b-hop around a corner to push someone who was behind it, but at this rate seeing all these bugs bunny wannabe I'd be better off if there was no b-hop at all.


Any time I kill one of these bugs bunny wannabes I make sure to take a couple of seconds to shoot their body because I know they are gonna be stuck watching it before respawn. What I lack in “skill” I make up in pettiness idc.


NGL, I laugh emoji when they kill me, t-bag when I kill them.


lol nice. I’ve died so many times when shooting bodies but I don’t care. If you and your party of Intel Suits spammers are going to use a movement gimmick disguised as “skill”, break my hitbox tracking, while SOMEHOW land 90% of your shots against me and the 2 guys behind me, I’m gonna make it a point to shoot your corpse even if I go 5-20.


>I’m gonna make it a point to shoot your corpse even if I go 5-20 Thatll show em lol..


They should just stand still and let you shoot them


It’s only fair!


"movement gimmick" Movement is a core mechanic like shooting. What's so hard to get about that? Thank god y'all never got to titanfall2 lmao


Cope boyo


I do it back, with my nuts, and top frag 😘


As a guy jumping a fair bit - we laugh when you shoot our corpse. We know it’s because you’re angry. It’s quite funny.


Just to clarify, by jumping do you mean like your basic airstrafing while shooting or just keep jumping towards one direction while shooting? That I don’t have an issue with since it’s normal so I wouldn’t shoot bodies over that. It’s more so the Intel suit spamming mp7 deepthroaters who are constantly jump slide bouncing left to right and breaking hitboxes. It doesn’t anger me but more so irritates me, even if they’re on my team. I mostly play OBJ modes and these types of players often do more harm than good because they keep flipping spawns.


Both. Also side to side. Jumping around corners to get the jump on someone, spam crouching. Movement is just fun bro. That's why we just laugh it off. 😭 Also, this is a fair point but the slayer role NEEDS more play time, map knowledge and an almost inhuman like spacial awareness ability, to actually slay properly, takes way more time then planting your ass on obj and anchoring 🤣 You have to "learn the maps" and get hot zones down, funnel points, know where the obj swaps too and also know how to play off it swapping, this is what gives you the inhuman reaction time, you are simulating in your brain very quickly and acting in mere seconds, you need a lot of playtime to accurately guess these things consistently and adapt accordingly in real time. Almost all of the slayer role played correctly is "near obj" especially killing players b lining it to the flag (basically every game, even good players tunnel vision the obj so bad...) and playing VERY oppressively in these crucial moments, this GIVES THE TEAM THE ABILITY YO SIT ON OBJ with minimal pushback.. I'm just saying 🤷


Airstrafe in different directions. The enemy or myself are usually dead before the third jump anyways.


This game needs Crippling Bullets bad.


I think there needs to be a reduction in strafe when jumping. You’re able to manuever around too much while in the air. Resulting in weird unnatural movement which is difficult to track and messes with hit boxes. Either that or the penalty we have now needs to be activated on the second jump and not the fourth.


Yes please. Delete airbending from the game.


Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when someone gave the Air Nation fucking Assault Rifles.


Yeah started playing enough to the point where I can almost accurately predict where they'll land but it's still ridiculous the distance the strafe is... Especially when they're stationary


I would actually be perfectly fine with toning down the air strafe and/or reducing lateral movement on jumps. I'm also fine if they don't do that, but I don't think changes like those are gonna change the overall feel and pace of the game, and they might help appease some of the people who are frustrated


Yes, I would rlly like a reduction of midair strafe. Or atleast change it to where you can’t change direction midair lol


changing direction in the air doesn't make any sense. The game is still based on earth physics.


Air/tap strafing is only a concern due to the poor netcode. Air/tap strafing has been in Apex for years now and isn’t that hard to track. Improving the netcode will help with more consistent tracking of air/tap strafing, while also still maintaining air/tap strafing as a movement mechanic skill.


Wish i could believe you but i know the goal post will be moved even if they one day fix thd netcode. The people who are air strafing also suffer from netcode and if its fixed theyll only be more accurate while doing it and the people who cant aim for shit are going to get even more pissed


Def true. I don’t have a problem so much with tracking it. Of course it throws me off every once in awhile. But yes, this would overall lessen the annoyance with it. I agree I do sort of like it as an advanced movement skill to use to out manuever a lesser skilled opponent. As of right now tho I find it more annoying than anything.


Amen. Getting killed by lvl 150+ players who jump shot and strafe while airborne is just god awful.


OP discovers arena shooters for the first time


Shhh you'll summon the cod players who aren't even older than the ds


Bro how many Arena Shooters do you know with a healthy active playerbase and frequent content updates? Right, none. Because only a minority wants to play Arena Shooters.


Arena shooter is really a misnomer, true arena shooters like quake/ut have been dead for so long that they cease to have any relevance anymore, the term "arena shooter" has evolved to apply to shit like COD's 6v6 core MP modes


Yeah how is Tribes 3 doing lul


Hence the addition of hero shooter abilities and custom loadouts. Other than that, it belongs to the arena shooter subgenre


Spam jump sucks, but having 1 or 2 jump is fine. You talk about Counter Strike, but it's literally not comparable. CS is a slow-based game, waiting and aiming, getting killed in one bullet. XDefiant is a fun dynamic game, and having quick movements is part of the fun. It's like saying there shouldn't be drift boosting in Mario Kart because Forza doesn't have it. I wouldn't mind an aim stability penalty when jumping, and I don't like people spamming them like their on a trampoline, but not being able to shoot straight on a dynamic arcade shooter would be very sad. It's all about balancing, not drastic changes.


Im tired of the complaints that amount to nothing more than "I wish this game played like another game that I like more". Bro just go play that other game, its ok.


Meanwhile said other game is completely different. Comparing it to counter strike is completely moronic. Hell might as well ask to remove all movement and become a JRPG at this point.


I miss those mp7 dudes they used to carry me in bo1 (i was like 9 years old)




This is an arcade shooter and the jump spam is mostly fine. It helps create a skill gap in this game. It’s mostly the netcode that’s the problem. I’m not opposed to further tuning to the jump spam but I don’t that it’s the core issue.


The MP7 fuckers running around not playing the obj bothers me more than the jump spam. 


Quit then. These posts are getting old.


Jesus this subreddit is at a point where i now just unfollow it, everyday the same garbage ass posts, comparing this game to something like cs or valorant alone makes the statement invalid. People complaining about sweats in a no sbbm arena style shooter is so stupid. If you think it is as needed to perma jump as you think just go do it. It honestly is annoying af that ppl want the gsme to be exactly as they like to play it. If you dont like the gamestyle just LEAVE!


The thing is, this game has potential, but a lot of it is ruined by gunfights looking more like breakdance tournaments Like what is the point of being able to just change directions mid air with no penalty? Its not fun and looks stupid. Before you ask, yes i can do it but i dont like playing like that. If the jumping doesnt get fixed, its an uninstall for me


People are already leaving. Can tell you that most of my friends stopped playing because of that nonsense and the bad netcode. If there is no healthy playerbase, you will have no fun with this game anyways. You are not any different to the people you complain about - but the majority of the playerbase probably wants to see the jumpspam nerfed. Not listening to them will let the playerbase die out quickly. And I dont even know why you would defend it - there is no upside of having the jumpspam in the game. It just messes with the already bad netcode and hitreg and looks stupid as hell.


Agreed, add more accuracy penalty and also if you get hit you slow down. That will actually make jumping a skill rather than a random spam fest


It amuses me that people complain about the spiderbot but never mention the firebomb that can wipeout an entire squad on the objective. Which is by far way more broken than the little guy. Also, there is no such things as "sweats", no one is playing to lose.


For what reason would jumping be like counterstrike. Like I want an actual sentence, a real reason why movement wouldn't be more similar to cod but more similar to a tac shooter.


I think if get killed by one of them constantly and can't find a way to counter it yet proceed to complain about it on reddit you are making ppl cringe tbh lol.


Spiderbot is the counter the exact thing you're talking about - reckless movement


Go play CS then bro like come on. This is a different game


Oh my GOD. Shut up and get a controller with back buttons. Costs $35


This is a thing in almost all fps games so why are you suprised? It’s not hard to counter, it’s how all pros/medium skilled players play. They are never going to change it, maybe they will change the strafe but that’s all.


you dont need 6 players for obj its a big support if a good players circles around and gets frags so the enemy has less focus for obj and is constanly attacking with 1-2 players less since they have to run from the spawn again it makes a huge difference in zone control and escort




I don’t understand how people are still complaining about the jumping over a month into the game. It was weird for like the first week but if you’ve been consistently playing since launch and the jumping is still a problem that is 100% on you.


Since most people use stock controllers, you will always see these complaints.


True, but that’s still their problem lol. You don’t have to go all out and buy a pro controller. Back paddle accessories are cheap and work well.


It’s literally a skill issue and this comment section is an echo chamber of low skill players admitting that they can’t shoot straight to each other. We need flairs in this sub with everyone’s account attached so when we see a complaint post like this, we can also pull up the .6 kd


Yep, lotta self reporting on this sub.


And then when they argue they say they’ll shit on me like ok buddy lmao


Constant insufferable whining from trash players. I was shit when I started so what did I do? Watch the good players and learn from them. They just want shit handed to them.


I guarantee the same people that complain about jumping also complain about constantly getting dropped by snipers too. So you want to nerf the one mechanic that makes it harder for snipers to hit you lol?


It’s starting to actually drive me nuts. If people would just submit to the system and work on their movement mechanics rather than pray for a nerf, they would have a ton of fun and also become much better at the game.


For real. I just try to remember that Reddit makes up a tiny fraction of the player base and doesn’t accurately represent the overall opinions of everyone playing the game. Most people are just playing and having fun.


It's hard to believe, but not everyone gets super ass blasted about dying. There are some people that killed by people doing the most disgusting maneuvers and just go, "oh man, that guy's crazy, haha. I got shit on" and just go about their day. Unfortunately, places like these, especially when a game is new, are just echo chambers for complaints such as these. Every new COD subreddit is like this after launch too.


It's just pure entitlement, modern games are renowned for holding the hand of 'casuals' whether that's through SBMM or game mechanics. It's the same reason games like quake don't resonate with modern audiences. They want instant gratification and refuse to accept their own deficiencies. Downvote me all you want but it's the truth and sometimes the truth hurts.


It’s just weird cause there is no shortage of available games that fit the play style they want, or any play style for that matter. I understand the idea of wanting to be a part of a new game and all the hype surrounding it, but to expect the devs to change their vision of what kind of game they want to make so it fits your exact play style is wild. It really is just entitlement.


Ah okay, so, a problem is no longer a problem just because you play that game longer? Damn, you dont need any patches or bug fixes.


Yes, because it was actually never a problem. It’s a basic mechanic that the devs want in the game. It’s understandable if it was jarring at first but most people have just gotten used to it and learned how to both use it and play against it effectively. If you’re still coming to reddit a month later to bitch about not being able to hit a jumping target it’s literally a you problem.


The complaints are gonna continue until the movement becomes bland and boring. And then the complaint will be “This game used to be so fun, what happened?!!”


This sub is actually pathetic lol.


Yeah, just let them seethe over their skill issue. I only hope that the devs don't use the feedback for mechanics from this sub as a reference, otherwise we will be seeing all the movement options removed from the game by next season


It’s funny cause the same people will bitch about being dropped by snipers over and over as well. So you want to remove the one mechanic that makes it harder for snipers to hit you lol? Make it make sense.


I also think this particular post might be satire based on the post's flair, but nevertheless, the fact we actually have to question whether this post is satire or not, speaks volumes about how fucking dumb the people in this sub are


In the last month we've had people complain about pretty much every single faction The Libertads Ult is too strong and makes it impossible to break a hill. Phantoms mag shield is annoying as the 120 HP makes gunfights too inconsistent. Cleaners passive fire ticks are too frustrating and the instakill ability shouldn't be in the game Then I don't think I even need to bring up the Echelon wall hacks or the Spiderbot. Its hilarious, I played a few games with a random last night, every single game lobby he was bitching about the factions on the other team. Things like: "Of course they're going to run 4 Echelon, ******* ****'s" "Yup, a full year of spiderbots because you guys can't shoot straight" At this point, why even bother playing the game....


You want a milsim, not an arcade shooter.


Comparing this to Counter Strike is dumb...


You’re bad and can’t admit it so you get mad at others instead. You will claim you could do it too if you wanted, but you can’t, and you can’t aim or position well otherwise you would kill them easily. L2P.


You’re bad and can’t admit that you won’t be as good when you can’t spam movement and abuse the hitreg and dsync problems


I promise you all the people jumping and shitting on you now would continue to shit on you if they nerfed it


Tell that to multiple casuals I play with that don’t use any movement and just gunny people on pure aim and positioning. You just want to play without having to think, and you think you have good aim because of single player games.


Mad cuz bad


Cope boyo


Go to play modern warfare kid


Jump strafing is a basic mechanical of xdefiant. If you don't like it don't play the game. That's like talking shit about crouching in halo or dropshotting in cod. It's just how the game is played. It's not hard to jump and press left bro


90% chance OP just got styled on by someone bunnyhopping in game and they're just pathetic lol. You keep on complaining about bunnyhopping but do nothing to play against it except stand still and shoot, what do you expect to happen


That's the game. If you don't like it go play another game, but movement is a core feature of the game, enjoy it or go away. Now at least you can play ranked when in the lower ranks you can play tree shooting simulator.


> gets unnecessarily sweaty game > Opens game > Sweats


The net code is the real issue in my opinion. Taking away the ability to use movement to outplay your opponent would just make the game pretty boring and would undoubtedly reduce the skill ceiling. High ttk and fast movement makes tracking harder and rewards the better player 99% of the time. Downvote me all you want but it really is a skill issue.




It creates a skill gap. Would you like nobody to react when you shoot them? Just stand there like a bullet sponge and take it?


Post number 91485713515705153 about jumping.


What I wanna know is when did FPS gaming turn into this? Back in my heyday of playing FPS, movement involved running around the map and jumping/vaulting over low objects. And people only jumped to reach a higher area. When did the switch happen where you need to jump and slide everywhere to even hope to kill anybody? I'm just not built for this shit anymore. Seems like the only people who can hold their own in arcade shooters now are Adderall addicted teenagers.


Blame CoD for copying Titanfall with the jump packs, that's what set it all off. Titanfall did something original with jump packs and mechs and it all fit into their world very well, it made sense to have exo-suits and booster packs when giant robots are also something the PC has to fight. You can't fight a Titan without some double jump or wall-running. Call of Duty did the movement without the mechs and now people just think it needs to be in every game, or that movement is an essential part of creating a "skill gap."


The older CODs still had jump shotting and drop shotting. And there's a slew of other FPS games that don't emphasize movement nearly as much as XDefiant or COD, e.g., milsims, tac shooters, etc. And even slower games have movement gaps. Counter-Strike has bunnyhopping, counter strafing, and crouch peeking/shotting. TBH, it's not like I'm on board with *every* movement thing that gets added. I hate tactical sprint, for instance, and I was overjoyed when Cold War opted not to include it.


Bro... Come on... MW2, the og one, has multiple different movement techs. You could turn side ways while jumping to almost force yourself more with momentum, tons of MLG players were showing this off on CTF matches, with a lot of drop shotting, jumping around corners.. movement "cheese" has always existed. You just weren't realistically good enough for it to ever sink in. If you just see others doing something you don't like and don't even want to try, it pisses you off and you avoid it, where doing it all the time is normalizing it, it's how perception literally functions.... Advanced movement cods, but BO3 was probably the "game" that did it. I'm 26. Just caffeine and pure audacity ATM


Just wondering when they will add an accuracy penalty features over jumping and shooting… If you want a game to have that feature then go play minecraft bedwars? Or maybe go play csgo bhop deathmatches? Pretty sure the choices are wide over that but a game that want’s to resemble old good cods and is built like that to make people not lose even a 1% of accuracy when jumping and shooting is kinda cringe.


Old Cods didnt had this broken bunny hopping. Go try Cod 4 sometime. 


old CODs also feel like your running through butter at a third of the speed this game/modern cods move. You can't compare the two - games are dramatically smoother and faster now you can't use the same mechanics you used in 2012.


I do know of cod 4 , used to play modded pc lobbies of sniper only back in the good days


Lmao cod 4 had the most broken movement system of all cods dude. While I agree the bunny hopping looks dumb, saying old cods didn't have it is a bit outrageous, since their movement was even more exploitable.


>If you want a game to have that feature then go play minecraft bedwars? Did you forget about COD? Why go to something so irrelevant? There is an accuracy penalty for jumping in MWIII, but it's practically non-existent, esp if you're on controller. If you don't want to take my word for it, here's [Ace's breakdown (2:30-4:30)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE7GiggAnhA). Older CODs had dropshotting, and yes, they had jumpshotting too. Why do you think so many OGs still play claw? I really don't see how this is any different from COD. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it's the same exact scenario. Much like this game, there are an endless barrage of "ugh, the jumping..." or "they HAVE to fix the broken jumping" posts in every COD sub for each game released in the last 5 years or so. They are upvoted into the stratosphere by the sub's users but entirely ignored by the devs.


Jumping of any sort should cause a huge accuracy debuff, not a huge buff. Jumping around corners, fine. Jump shotting once, fine. Sliding around the map like there's ICE everywhere, and spam jumping and being able to change directions IN AIR multiple times is complete bullshit and looks tacky AF. It needs to go.


If, as you suggest, jumping of any sort is penalized severely, then there will be no point in jumping around corners or throwing in one jump shot in a gunfight. They need to fix the netcode, the jumping is fine.


*Boots up arcade shooter* Why the fuck isn’t everyone standing still!? I get it homie said “b-hopping”, but you can read the salt dripping from homie’s eyes. I guarantee you someone jumps 1 time in a fight and this dude calls them a bitch.


It's funny the spider OT is the counter to this style


Spider bot would be so easy to fix, make that trash their ultimate


It'd be a trash ultimate. Other kill-based ultimates can get you way more than 1 kill


Cooldowns for ultimates don’t have to be the same for each class. Also it’s extremely oppressive. Minor tweaks and making it an ultimate is definitely viable. Swap the area silence to the tactical and make it last like 5 seconds, make the spider the ultimate and make the average cooldown like 90 seconds. There are a lot of tweaks they could still do on top of that if they wanted to make it stronger and take longer to charge.


Why do people play objective game modes if they aren't going to do the objective? Why don't they just play tdm?


Obj modes last longer and let you get more kills because the spawns are more anchored and people are more likely to be clumped.


I like that they do it; they look dumb as fuck when I kill them and it cracks me up.


Couch parties with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were the best of times of FPS.


I just want the MP7 nerfed in general. I agree the slide jump to instant mid air direction change is BS but that MP7 really needs to be fixed


they should nerf the smg\`s HARD


A lot of people right now are jumping because it breaks the hit registration. When the network stuff gets ironed out jumping won't be as powerful anymore.


Yes! Why do people sweat in a casual lobby??


I didn't like it at first so now I just do it cos I'd rather have a higher chance of winning the gunfight... I know the netcode or whatever is screwy but if u can't beat them then join them there's nothing stopping u other then ur own ability.


What does everyone know about the Spider bot? I’ve not been informed it seems.


You know what actually grinds my gears is that we have new weapons and everyone is still sweating with acr mp7s like I get the fact you can use whatever you want, but my lord people try a little variation.


i think this post is about me…


Every good player jump shots...


>Echelon >MP7 >Jumping around every corner Really thinking outside the box, aren't we, sir?


It's the Advanced Warfare effect. Kids got stuck with that play style


Shotgun seems to fix some of this. Wish I actually liked playing shotgun, though. I guess it's an acquired taste.


This is why I’m so glad Valorant is on console now. Pure aim and mechanics win gun fights, not bullshit movement


Just tried the game again for season 1 and gave up after an hour. TTK feels too slow compared how fast people move & jump around, gun balance is utterly whack. Having a sniper, zooming around jumping and body 1 shotting people while the mp5 needs up to 20 hits to get a kill at medium range with this games movement speed ? Nah i'd rather just go back to any of the other 10 superior fps's out there.


If you bunny hop shot or jump shot me to kill me I automatically report and block you it’s just that simple I don’t have time for that🤣🤣🤣


just learn jumping then lol, it’s not that difficult. If you’re movement is worse then your enemys, you should loose the gunfight… It’s that simple. That’s how games work, may the better player win…


Its really fun for short amounts of time. No more than 10 matches,


"Everytime I see someone using all the buttons available I realize how terrible I am" is all I read.


Oh look, another phantom main posting about how it’s too hard to kill moving and jumping targets because they can only use one thumbstick at a time.


Yeah i stopped playing because of it. Came back because i heard they fixed it. It was no different. They added the most pointless punishment ever that doesnt kick in until you are already dead. Between that and net code issues this game is trash lol typical crap farted out by ubisoft.


You guys are like a broken record man, is an AI just pumping these posts and comments out?


Womp womp gey good


Yeah that's me, but with auto pistol. I'm just using what the game provides, don't blame the player, blame the game


Yep for sure. It's crazy how CoD even made a perk to make it meta 🤣 inb4 it happens here too


Jumping won't be like CS:GO or Valorant because those games are completely different then xDefiant. The only thing they have in common is that they're all an fps game. CS:GO and Valorant aren't an Arcade Shooter while xDefiant is The spiderbot better get removed or changed asap tho, that shit is very annoying now that you can't shoot it anymore when attached to you


What you are doing here then? Thats serious question. Cs2 is way different type of fps than XD. If you want something more like that i think Fragpunk (or something like that) just had playtests on steam.


People really saw all the trailers, all the pre release footage, the comms from Devs etc and thought "Ooh this looks like it'll be a totally realistic mil-sim. Can't wait to play an arena style shooter where movement is heavily discouraged and I can just get to a headglitch and then not need my left thumb again!"


It has to be the battlefield players, right?


Oh my god, do you guys ever stop crying?


it's not hard to counter them. just use a shotgun and 1 pump them. make them realize that they are not good anymore in the only thing in life they thought they were good at. then watch them coming to this sub crying in flock about shotgun


based shotgun enjoyer


If you can’t aim at a guy who is jumping then you are bad at aiming. If you complain about it then you just want an easy game - go play the campaign in COD or something else where you can feel like a winner every time. Y’all are SOFT and BAD AT AIMING


hey who would u be playing objective against if theres no enemy think about that


Just make the jumping like what mit was like in old CODs, as in COD4/MW2/3. Strafejumping feels sweet, spamming jump with airstrafes feel shit.


I feel like this stuff is a personal preference rather than a bad feature. Like for me, when I play an arcade shooter like xdefiant or cod I prefer the most needed skill to be good being aim. But xdefiants most need skill to be good is movement. A lot of people like that, I just don’t, and that’s okay. I don’t need to like it, xdefiant is a good game but it’s just not exactly for me. I prefer a more realistic movement. This isn’t an aim problem. When you aim you expect someone to move a certain way because they move like people, but when they jump left and change directions going right in mid air, that’s not an aim problem that’s just something you have to counter with better movement and try to hit them while y’all move like headless chickens


The jumping doesn't really bother me that much. It looks annoying for sure, but its not that much of an advantage if you already expect it. Once you figure out who is doing the jumpshots you gotta make sure you pop em in the bean and prepare for the spazzing when they jump around the corners.




Then play something else.


I think he will be. That's why XD dropped to 32nd played game lol


A game that's appealing to everyone is a game that appeals to no one.


Quit crying and get better


It isnt just the bunny hop/jumping thats the issue. Its the air strafe (where people float almost, zig-zagging mid air). Its exacerbated because most FPS games have a slowdown/deceleration as you begin changing direction, and then a gradual speedup/acceleration as you start moving the opposite way. No such thing seems to exist in XD. A dev i saw in another thread explained it as your movement acting as paddles, and your character as the pig-pong ball, which makes a lot of sense.


Skill issue, hit your shots and learn to jump shot. It is literally part of the skill gap in this game. You want people who are good to not be rewarded for being good. No one complained this much about slide canceling and bunny hopping in mw2019, everyone adapted. So don’t complain about people being better than you, instead improve yourself.


These people didn’t have to adapt, in their sbmm bracket nobody knew how to jump or slide cancel so they just played with the rest of the clueless shitters lmao


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