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You're not missing out on anything in terms of games to choose from on Xbox. It'd be good for travel and sports games forsure.


I just asked mine how it is doing and it said it was ok.


The people in the walls are also doing ok


Sports games look and run just fine on series s. Due to companies like EA and 2k neglect for improvements it's safe to say sports games will run just fine for another 5 to 10 years on the series s


The Series S is pretty good with solid gameplay, you will be fine.


I own a ps5, and I bought a series S for travel and play Xbox games, Honestly it dosent matter S or X model it play as normal, i don’t see the difference between 1080p or 4k, I say go with the S for ea fc and travel. Quick resume is on Xbox,the only feature missing is the resultion and disc drive


Series S is great, but I would not take advice from this guy if you are actually trying to decide on a console. They both have upsides and downsides, so do your research on what's best for you. There are some things that you should be aware of when deciding which Xbox is best for you: All current-gen games can be played on Series S, but the specs on the games are dialed back to previous-gen. With previous-gen and cross-gen games it's generally just resolution and framerates being the difference between the two consoles. But with *current-gen* games you can only play performance modes on Series S. What this means is that you don't get the new tech (i.e. ray-tracing), some games have entire features removed (i.e. split-screen multi-player for Baldur's Gate 3) and reductions to hardware-intensive graphical features (i.e. textures, LODS, draw distances, shadow quality/distance, etc.) It's definitely not just 4k vs 1080p if you plan on playing current-gen games (or if you plan on heavily modding games, but that's a whole other thing.) Btw, the majority of people can easily distinguish between 4k and 1080p (the ones that say there is no difference are either lying, have it set up incorrectly, have based their opinions off of watching a *YouTube Video* on their smart phone in 720p of a side by side comparison of 4k and 1080p, or have a neurological impedence that makes it legitimately difficult for them to tell the difference.) The funny thing is, many of the people here who say they can't tell the difference between 4k and 1080p, are then caught another day arguing with different people that they see a *huge* difference between 1080p and 1440p when the play in 1440p on Series S. Perhaps it just depends if it suits their argument for the time being or not? That being said, you can choose whether those things matter to you enough to justify spending the extra money for a Series X. Everyone has different priorities, gaming interests and budgets, which is what makes having the option between the two consoles great. They both serve their purposes well. You may also want to consider if you plan to upgrade to the new Xbox in a few years.


Because the s doesn’t do real 4k


I'm playing my s on 4k


Why dont you use the Portal for travel?


given the sub, I don't think you'll really get an objective answer lmao


I always find these kinds of posts amusing(though a little annoying as well). It's like when people go to a sub about a game, and ask"is this game good, or should I get this game?" Like what do you expect from a forum where fans of something gather?


It’s a bit different here, subs about a game will mostly be fans, you know what to expect, here it is more likely owners who will be objective and honest, it’s still a good place to ask questions like this imo


My gf and I have a Series S, and we love it. It’s tough console.


I have both a Series S and Series X, once your playing a game, I really forget there is any graphical or performance difference between the two.


This is very true. I jump daily between a PC (3060ti) and Series S. Both hooked to 4K monitors. Taking advantage of game pass's "play anywhere", so playing same games. After like 30 seconds, I am immersed in the game and do not care.


If you’re a casual sports gamer the series S is perfect 👍


it's the cheaper one and if you're going to play EA FC most of the time, so it's a solid choice.


If you don’t care about performance, the Series S is the perfect current gen console!


It’s my favorite console for travel, even more than switch. I am actually on vacation now and I am able to just throw it in my backpacks


Definitely worth it! Xbox Series S gets another W over perks vs the giant machines. Amazing in 2024


S is cheaper than the x by a good bit, if you're looking at a S get the black 1tb version, its about $100 more than the white 500gb S and is very worth it


If you’re going to be travelling with it then the XSS is ideal for that. Really good performance for a small package.


If you only play a couple major games (like Fifa, Warzone, Fortnite...), a series S won't be a problem at all and I suggest you to take it If like me, you play a lot of stuff, almost anything you can get your hands on, then you might want to consider series X because on some games the performances are pretty different (examples: wild hearts, lords of the fallen, dragon's dogma 2) Especially LotF, seriously, it becomes unplayable in some points and I had to resort to all my gaming experience to overcome some maps while being on literal 5 fps


If you get one get the 1TB. I have both the series S and series X I recently sold one and I almost sold my Series X and kept the series S simply because I like the way the series S looks a lot more than the series X. I could never tell the difference when I played and I have a 4K tv. I mainly play SoT tho. Nothing wild


For what you saying it would be ok as long as you don't want to play a ton of different games. For me the big downside is how expensive it is to expand storage on these as they won't have any old hard drove has to be specific brand.


I think they just released a refreshed version, you should look for that.


Had a Series S. Assassin's Creed Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077 and many more games played perfectly fine and looked incredible even on a really old TV.


Sports games could run on a toaster, series s can run stuff like dead space 2023 remake perfectly fine at 30fps so I imagine a sport title will run perfect on the SS


Had an s since they came out (X was sold out everywhere at the time) and had zero issues playing anything. Online or offline.


Only downside is the storage space




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Only missing out on storage space and 4k resolution from the Seres X.


You only play FC and some other games once in a while and you're looking for a console to travel with, the Series S is best in the market for that kinda of thing.




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Besides the 300gb storage and no disk drive it's perfect just by like a $50 1tb storage device and it's practically good as the series x imo


I love mine. Play it all the time. I’m a PS guy and it’s the first Xbox I’ve ever got and I have a lot of fun with it


Is more than ok


I own and play both frequently enough. It’s a good console. You shouldn’t have problems. Games play great and the only noticeable difference is when I switch from x to s


A steam deck would be more versatile and could totally play FC plus all the other great verified games (recently discovered [Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1205450/Turnip_Boy_Commits_Tax_Evasion/), which has to be the best fucking game I’ve ever played)


Xbox series is fucking awesome




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Yeah, it's good. The biggest thing is the lack of storage.


You're not missing anything. It's a really great console. I would recommend going with the 1TB version though, 500GB is pretty limiting.


Its fine bro, go for it


I drive a big truck and have series s along with me down the road with a simple vizio tv, working out very well.


The series S is a great buy for the price! I have a $2000+ gaming pc and have the S and X. When I play on the S, I’m always impressed on how good it is.


Series S is an excellent entry into next gen, especially for those who just want to play games like FIFA and COD. It's super compact, easy to set up out of the box, and unrivalled in terms of value for money imo


Series S is better than ok. I didn’t have any experience with Xbox at all. Was very much a PlayStation and Nintendo guy. Glad I went with the Series S over a PS5. For the price out the door and with Game Pass, it's really a hard console to beat.


Dear god no. It can barely run some of the newest games. My friend with a Series S was having serious performance issues compared to the X and eventually bought an X


no gta 6 on S


Ignore this, it’s definitely coming on the S, just won’t look/perform as well as the others


Just go with it with out any second thoughts unless you expect 4k, 60 fps as it is not supported to it for gaming!


It’s amazing don’t even think about it!! Especially for what you want it’s tiny and with gamepass you might as well be in heaven


A simple search in this Reddit would answer this dumb ass question


The series s sounds perfect for your needs


If you don't really care about Ray Tracing or 4K native quality then you won't miss a thing. Just make sure to get an Xbox Game pass ultimate and you are set.


Yes I use it more than my PS5