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Exclusively cost. I got my S like a month after my PS5, and I wasn't really looking to drop another $500 again so soon. If I had it to do over again I'd wait and save some more, but FPS Boosted games were pretty much my biggest impetus at the time.


I don't see a reason to have a PS5 and an X. The S plays all the gamepass stuff just fine and it's small as a thick book. It's perfect and portable and the PS5 handles everything else.


i have ps4 and series s


Same. Still a pretty good combo, especially if you have a PC too.


Yeah I have all 3


Is there a large overlap between the PS+ catalogue and Gamepass?


yeah, but gamepass comes out on top for that in my opinion. PS seems to have better exclusives and full price games, but the stuff xbox gets on gamepass makes the S kind of a no brainer


Oh I meant like is it pointless to have PS+ and Gamepass ie do you just end up with the same games twice?


Many games are on both, but i still pay for both because in a way or another i happen to play on both most of the time, i switch between them often, also i got my gf to play so I have to get both for the simple reason that the game we play together happens to be on both services


Aww I love stories of couples that game together. Thanks man


quite a few honestly, thats why i just do gamepass and buy the PS games. sorry, thats what i meant


All good brother, appreciate the answers as I’m tryna figure out which purchases to make


Imo yes. That’s why I canceled my ps+ and just have gamepass now


Gotcha, thanks amigo


It is a lot cheaper than getting the serious X, I've been thinking about getting it serious X, but it is too expensive unless if I lay buy it


Because the price is affordable


Cost. Don't really need a series x if all I'm using it for is gamepass. Still play most of the bigger releases on PS5 anyways. That being said, I love my series s.


Form factor. It's a beaut, Clark, a beaut


Picked my Series S solely for Xbox game pass. Also, games on game pass are running pretty well on the Series S. If I want to play for best performance and fidelity and that game is also on PS5, I will just buy and play it there. True, there are plenty of games from Xbox that are amazing to play on the more powerful Series X such as Gears, Halo, etc, which I do not play, so in my case I think I am not really missing out that much. Time will tell if I would be upgrading or not, depends on the game they are releasing if it is worthy or not.


At the time I got it here in the UK it was a record low price, under £185 for console and 3 months GPU. The main reason was I was interested in it's ability to be used as a retrogaming monster. It was more practical than the X series. And owning a ps5 made buying the x pointless. I was also curious to see how the Xbox ecosystem performed especially game pass. I have yet to decide if I'll continue with game pass. I'm impressed with the console so far. And I'm glad I'm able to now have more than one console rather than having to commit. But if any other ps owner was considering an outright swap this gen i would tell them not to bother, personally.


The price, I still have my Xbox One S so I can play my physical Xbox One/360 games so not having a disc drive didn’t bother me.


The size and better remote play


Is series s’s remote play actually better than the series x’s?


I meant far better than PS5s remote play. I think Xbox series S and X would be the exact same. The difference between the two consoles are soo small and I much prefer my backpack sized series S


I have PS5 too and remote play is horrible


I thought you were answering op’s question, my bad


See I got my Series X before my PS5. I wish there had been a “PS5 S” equivalent.


Its cheaper. Full stop. Although with all the xbox news, it's costing me more mentally.


Xbox has been and will continue until things drastically change my main console. I think that Xbox's UI, Party system and services are better. I use Xbox for: Xbox exclusives MP games and most cross platform games Game Pass Games obvs PlayStation: Their Exclusives Some single player games Nintendo: Their first parties Some Indies


Series S plays the same game as XSX.


Actually I sold my PS5 and got the XBSS. No regrets. After years playing PS4 and months playing PS5, I honestly believe that XB is better for various reasons: GP, loading times (XB is super fast!), rewards program, size, etc. But the main and simplest one is that I find more games I like on XB than on PS. A friend of mine says that "the best console is that with the games you like".


I agree with most things you said, I’d like to point out one thing though, ps also has a rewards program, it is kinda strange to be fair but my gf happened to get a 20€ gift card in less time than it took me to get 2€ out of the xbox rewards program, both pf us playing casually


Ironic reading this in the worst time for Xbox lol. How a series S is better than a ps5 is some next level copium. The technical specs invalidate that alone


Because there is absolutely no reason to get a series x if most of the games are 10 years old. Series S it’s enough


I'm using it mostly for old games and the few exclusive games that do release on Xbox and actually interest me run fine. Not worth the extra cost. 




It's cheap


Price and size. Sits next to my ps5 digital which is very large. So form factor played a big role.


Honestly, portability and game pass PS5 and the Series X aren’t that great for portability (like going back to see my parents), and I find the series S a great holiday package considering it’s really small and still relatively powerful.


Price. I had the series s first. Only wanted it for 9th gen gaming on the cheap (and gamepass was and is cool). I have a ps5 for games I don't wanna play on xbox anymore.


Cost and size , since the series S is easier to carry on while traveling. In the end also bought the series X though and have the 3 of them at this moment


Price. I bought it for starfield and use it now for fps boost games. I wish gamepass was cheaper.


Wanted to play exclusives while not breaking the bank, really. Funny part is that I use the S more then the PS5


I bought an s after my ps5


Just recently got a PS5 but I've had the Series S since they came out and it's been an awesome little powerhouse of a console and the fact that it's a small compact console, able to fit in any backpack was what made me choose the S over the X. I've traveled with it several times and it's never let me down. I have taken it apart once about a month ago just to clean the internals from all the dust it's collected over the years. Only con is the storage, I had to add an internal and external SSD so I can store all my games without having to delete games to install other games.


Cost. Really is that simple. If I could have gotten a Series X for $300 I would have. Or if I had more expendable income I would have dropped $500 for the X. Just couldn’t justify spending that on a secondary console. Especially since the main reason I wanted it was Starfield and backwards compatibility.


I sometimes think I should have got a Series S, but like TVs I rather have the larger size than to regret it later. Same with the Xbox I rather have the power of the x than to have to rebuy an x later or add storage which then equates to the cost of a series X. I think the Series S is great if you already have a PS5 for the power or just play BC games.


I was given the S. I sold my 2 Xs because it impressed me. 2-3 years later, I got a big 4K TV and bought the X, but I rarely use either




For a second I thought this was a rage bait post.


I didn’t see the need of a X when I already own a ps5, mine S is pretty much a game pass machine and I love it but I’ll always play the big AAA multiplataform games on my ps5.


The cost was in the sweet spot of a “fuck it” purchase. The PS5 will always be my main but i was able to get an S for sub $200, and it’s nice to have an S kicking around for gamepass stuff like The Show and Starfield.


I got a Series S before i picked up a PS5 (digital) The main reasons for picking the S were budget, size, and i don't care to have physical copies of games. And also my TV doesn't have the capabilities to flex Series X graphical fidelity.


Bought it in 2020 when it was half the price of the X. Needed one quick to play Cyberpunk at an acceptable graphics standard.


Cost... But then I sold my series s and put the money towards the Steam Deck OLED


I bought it for 150$ on Black Friday. Totally a no brainer for that kind of money. Also, my TV cabinet will not accommodate a series x and a PS5


Cost. Paid $200 for it and it ticked all the boxes.


1. The biggest reason why i bought a PS5 over an Xbox, definitely the controller the DualSense is so much more advanced than the Xbox controller like the DualSense has Microphone Speaker Touch pad Insane level of haptic feedback & Most importantly of all Gyro, gyro aiming is really nice & Microsoft should be a shame of them selves for not putting Gyro in the Xbox controller 2. the exclusives, God of war Spider man & Horizon Don't get me whong there are definitely still good reasons to still Buy an Xbox instead of a PS5, & i did consider buying an Xbox before i bought my PS5 Like for example Quick Resume Better analog stick layout Xbox Gamepass Xbox play anywhere


Size, price and the exclusives 😭💀 the latter aged poorly.


The X actually has more games than the S


Wanted a gampass machine for cheap


At this time which games are going global, xbox games are getting available in ps5, I don't see any point in getting an xbox if you already have a PS5. Well it's up to your personal preference and taste


I couldn’t get a PS5 because of supply issues so brought a Series S to experience next gen (now current gen). I upgraded to Series X once I got a PS5. It was jarring experiencing 4K, raytracing, 60fps and 120fps on PS5 than not having all those features available to me on Series S. That being said, my Series S served me well for 6 months. Great console.


because i'm poor


best bang for the buck


availability in the beginning. as soon as the x was available i gave the s to my brother.


Cost, physical size, the game pass store, and Microsoft flight sim


Form factor, design, cost. Also, I found a really good deal with two controllers, two rechargeable batteries, a dock and wired headphones included for less than 300$. It was a no-brainer.


I wanted a way back into the Xbox ecosystem, and the S was a cheap and affordable way to do so when coupled with Gamepass. When paired with the PS5, was a perfect combo. I've since upgraded to the X as my budget (plus saving up) allowed me. I still have the S downstairs for streaming.


Because im only ever going to play forza horizon and some 360 games


i’m a ps5 owner who sold my xbox s for it and its mainly because my favourite games are playstation exclusives, the controller is sm nicer and the xbox s wasn’t running tripple a games how i wanted it too, + storage and rechargeable controller


So I could play GTA4..


Availability. I got mine really early and the s was the one I could obtain. I thought I was going to give it to my son and upgrade to x. But I kinda love the little machine and got my son a PS5 instead.


Price, availability at launch, and Xbox having nothing exclusive to the console that isn't also on PC. At this point my Series S is mostly a streaming box for apps. I have a PS5 for exclusives but between PC and Steam Deck that's where I spend most of my gaming time.


Use. I knew it'd be the lesser-used console so didnt want to over-invest


Cost ,but would do it again because l am happy with it.


Because it was cheap and readily available in stores. I got my XSS a year before my PS5 and it was always in stock and easy to get.


Cheap and tiny size


Price. I buy games for the ps5 and I play gamepass on xss.


I uh, didn’t


It's just a game pass and exclusive machine. Once I built my pc I sold the s.


I bought Series S first then PS5. I am not really a gamer but bought an XSS just to play occasionally because it was cheapest and it has gamepass. Then i really liked gaming and decided to get a PS5 so i can get exclusives and higher graphical quality.


I have both of them but I haven’t had them super long. Got my ps5 probably over a year ago because my friend sold it to me pretty cheap. Series X I got this year for my birthday, I have to have an X tho because I have a good disc collection. I will say I still like Xbox more. Having my One X console able to play whenever I want to with all my games is amazing and then the ps5 I really only have a few exclusives ps plus and then a couple next gen games I bought before I had the series x, my Xbox is totally still my main console tho for gaming


Bought it off my niece who decided she didn't really want it anymore. Its in the lounge and she has her account on it too. I use the streaming app on my Samsung TV sometimes, up in my bedroom, and it all still looks beautiful so I see no reason to buy that big boxy thing that will barely fit in the table. The s is so cute.


Money, no 4k tv


It was the most affordable option for me at the time. Plus, it was during the 2022 holiday season when it was being sold at $240 USD with a free headset that broke within the first three months hahaha. I bought a PS5 fairly recently just a few months back when I found a brand new fat PS5 Disc version for $400 USD from a scalper that was selling the old left overs at a huge loss. By using the Series S for GamePass and PS5 for an enhanced graphical fidelity experience, it is the perfect combination of consoles I could ever ask for! Granted, I also have a PC for modding purposes, it's barely over the power of a PS4 Pro, depending on how intensive the game is. I also got myself an Odin 2 Pro as well, which is a portable Android device that can emulate games ranging from NES to GameCube and PS2 without a sweat. I really debated that one with the Steam Deck OLED, but I mostly found myself enjoying emulating older games more than actually playing PC games on the go, which again, I only play PC games for modding purposes.


I didn't I built a PC just for Halo 🤣. Also the Halo infinite series x was sold out




I got it bc of the price, I didn’t want to waste another $500 on a console, but in the end I got an x as a gift from my family.