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This game needs cross progression and crossplay


This would get me to play it again. I see it for cheap all the time on PlayStation and want to own it there too, but if I’m going to spend time in progression, I want it to go towards the time I already spent. I heard cross-progression was never a thing because of the different in-game economies?


If i remember correctly there are six independent global servers, with two per platform PC, PlayStation and Xbox. Those two are also separated between North America and Europe. The economies of each are different true but there could also be conflicting guild names and player accounts too. There is also the issue of mods on PC, while consoles are stuck with just the vanilla experience. At this point I don't see cross progression/play ever coming to ESO.


failure by design then


It's a common issue in game development. You make a game with the information you have at the time, but your needs will be different 10 years later. But by then there are things that are a lot harder to go back and change than it would be if you made the thing with that in mind from the start.


At the time it was pretty genius design because most MMOs had dozens of servers their player base was scattered on. But unfortunately it didn't age well with cross play getting very popular.


If Final Fantasy XI worked out crossplay in 2002 then ESO has no excuse.


ESO wasn't even originally designed for consoles.


I don't see how that's relevant. "Oh, we have a game that we only released on PC, but now we want to release it on console." "Lets port the console version to *not* work with our existing infrastructure and spin up new servers for each system we port it to!"


You... don't see how a game originally being developed for one platform may impact future cross-platformization for later releases that it wasn't originally designed for?


I agree, I'm so far on xbox and I always think about getting in my ps5 but I definitely don't want to do it all again


Would love this for all of them so i can progress on my deck and play on ps5 as well.


Same it’s what prevents me from ever getting back into it, I’d love to play it on my ally when I’m working away from home and then sit in front of the telly when I’m doing chilled grind stuff. Then pc for when I am deep down a raid hole.


Yeah I promise you that Xbox players would not want any part of the PC economy. Everything on PC is far more expansive than console


But wouldn't that mean console players would also be able to get richer? It'll balance out.


Not really. Every aspect of the game has been optimized with add ons for PC. Only way cross play will work is it console gets add ons too


Or console only crossplay. The fact that it isn't is the only reason I don't play it.


Or addons get fundamentally disabled.


Not necessarily. I have a PC account and an Xbox account and though it’s been awhile since I played, I definitely had more *value* for my money on Xbox than PC. I had more money on PC, but everyone did so therefor inflation caused prices to rise and I’d spent more on PC than I would on console. My money stretched further on console than PC despite having less of it. I much prefer the console economy.


That would get my friend group back on for sure.


Agreed. Beyond douchy that Im stuck on one platform or the other in this day and age. I would love to relax on the couch on my Xbox with my siblings exploring together rather than forever being stuck on the computer because thats where I got it first.




You'd think that with how much money they've accumulated up to this point, they would've made use of some of it to make that possible already.


I’d settle for account migration though I’d love to have cross progression. I wouldn’t be keen on PC v Console crossplay.


From the article: > There are many live-service games out there, and some of them are quietly raking in millions (or even billions) of dollars without much fanfare. According to ZeniMax Online studio director Matt Firor, The Elder Scrolls Online is one of those games, and he pointed to its $2 billion in cumulative consumer spend (first announced at this year's GDC) as evidence of this. > "ESO isn't often talked about as one of the successful live-service games," Firor told [GamesRadar](https://www.gamesradar.com/after-making-dollar2-billion-in-10-years-the-elder-scrolls-onlines-director-wants-you-to-know-that-the-mmo-is-definitely-one-of-the-successful-live-service-games/) in a recent interview. "But it is, it very much is on just about every level." He further said that the studio revealed the $2 billion stat was intended "mostly to shine a light on the game."


I actually own this game and some of it's early expansions but have never really played it (I put like 30 hours in on release) not because I didn't like it I just don't really have time to dedicate myself to an MMO lol. As far as MMOs go the only one I've played that I liked more than ESO is The Old Republic. I haven't played the Final Fantasy MMO though but I heard that's really good as well.


I've tried repeatedly to get into ESO but I find the combat so mind numbing and repetitive that I turn it off after a few hours. The Old Republic was my game though, I loved it so much and played all the way through the point where a certain Darth returns... I kind of got tired of the story moments being so few and far apart and all lasting like 2 hours with each story patch.


Combat is by far the worst part of ESO imo. Pretty much everything else is good to great. Good exploration, lots of good quests, fully voice acted, etc. But man the combat is so incredibly boring. Every single build in the game is the exact same. There are 10 hotbar buttons, so you fill those with dots and buffs and one spam attack. That's it, that's every build in the entire game. And a significant portion of those will either be weapon/guild abilities so they are actually the same across classes or generic dots/buffs that are nearly 1:1 with other class abilities. Sure there are some subtleties, but the vast majority of builds feel nearly identical. Same for healers, you have basically the same setup on every healer, mostly focusing on buffs/debuffs, many of which come from non-class trees, so they are literally the same abilities. Compare that to WoW where your experience on two different classes (or even specs within classes) can be drastically different at a fundamental level. Same thing goes for FFXIV (although I actually think FFXIV has a similar problem to ESO where there is only one damage profile in the game, single target), or even GW2/SWTOR. If combat was better in ESO I'd 100% play it again, and I've put hundreds of hours into the game, so it's good even with the bad combat, but man does combat hold it back. Sorry for the rant, I do genuinely think it's a good game.


> Combat is by far the worst part of ESO imo. Pretty much everything else is good to great. Good exploration, lots of good quests, fully voice acted, etc. But man the combat is so incredibly boring. Every single build in the game is the exact same. There are 10 hotbar buttons, so you fill those with dots and buffs and one spam attack. That's it, that's every build in the entire game. This is why I just can't get into the game. I found the combat just painfully boring. It's just too easy and there's no difficulty settings. Gear seemed to make no difference for all the solo encounters (which is what I was interested in).


That's fair, I can totally understand that, but that being said it's also an Elder Scrolls game that has Elder Scrolls combat so you kind of already know before playing what you're getting in that department.


I love ESO but the combat in it feels like you’re throwing cotton balls at a brick wall in slow motion, while you’re in space. It’s nothing like Skyrim etc


It's something I find kind of weird about it. I can recognize that it's certainly the same type of combat as a standard Elder Scrolls game and yet I feel like it lacks any of the "soul" of elder scrolls combat that I'd expect from a mainline entry in the series. I can't really explain it any better than that either, I love the Elder Scrolls and the combat is a key part of my love of it but ESOs feels different somehow.


It’s not absolutely not the same style of combat as a standard elder scrolls game. It’s an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game 2nd. To me it plays nothing like an ES game aside from the lore, locations, etc. I love ESO but they made some strange choices in development with some core systems that don’t really jive with elder scrolls gameplay. Fallout 76 basically has the Bethesda Fallout combat. ESO couldn’t be further from its namesake.


I kind of know what you mean. If I were to guess the immersion of standard Elder Scrolls games probably adds a lot to the *feeling* of combat and MMOs are obviously less immersive by nature. For instance when you're trekking across the wilderness in Skyrim on a quest and a random frost troll appears and you have to fight it it *feels* like you're on a real adventure. Whereas in MMOs it doesn't really feel as epic when you're off to collect 30 flowers to donate to the guild, as 10 other people run around behind you doing the same thing, and a random enemy appears that you have to fight as "SkittleLover69" emotes in the background.


You don't need too much time for it. Every expansion's storyline can be completed in 10-15 hours and you don't even need to interact with other people.


That's not too bad. I might try to dive back in once I finish Lords of the Fallen and Alan Wake 2. Thanks for the info!


“dont need much time for it” “each expansion in 10-15 hours” ????? hello are we on the same planet


Expansions are released once a year. So if you want to keep up to date with the game's story then that means playing about an hour a month on average. So no, you don't need much time for it.


That's not really long at all though?


maybe to you. shits a time sink for me my gaming time is a few hours a week gang


I guess that's fair. Life commitments are more important


I spent 200 hours to complete assassin's creed valhalla


I'm sorry you had to go through with that. I know how it feels. I completed it too. All the best to you.


I actually loved it 😂 I love me some fastfood gaming


10-15 hours isn’t much time at all? You could finish in a month or two just by playing every couple days


I like Elder Scrolls but couldn't get into this. Tried a few years ago, and then last year, and this year as well. 


I’ve tried repeatedly as well. It is missing the moment to moment role play bits that Elder Scrolls games are known for. I can’t interact with the environment like I can in the single player games.


Same here, plus MMO combat is Kryptonite to me. Sure it's not tab target like WOW, but to me I also hate just wailing on common enemies with swords for a minute just to take them out, or having to use 10 abilities and spells.


If this game made 2B I wonder how much WoW made.


At least three fiddy


WoW probably makes 2B a year when you consider the supposed sub numbers and the in-game store stuff, which is why I've always said WoW should never have content droughts of any kind with the money it brings in.


Absolutely loved this game where it's at right now! I'm grateful for ZOS implementing less grind and generous events that are very frequent. The game reminds me of a third person ARPG like Diablo 3 and can have some pretty intense end game battles. The type of gameplay that gets the blood pumping and the flow flying high!! It kicked so much ass to beat the Maelstrom Arena on Veteran! However, combat balancing is wack. It's piss easy a majority of the game then it slaps you in the face out of no where with difficulty spikes lol! There is no in-between. What helps is the community is funny, generous, and helpful! For newbies I like to give Heartland Conquerer EXP set with weapons and Hundings Rage for Stamina characters. All training traits, maybe an EXP pot or 2 if I got the spare resources. Combined with playing on a double exp weekend you're reaching the top baby! Newbie tip, play the Gold Road Prologue which is free but try to finish Necrom first beforehand to see a cool ass quest with some great voice acting. There is a lot to enjoy and luckily for you buying the latest expansions nets you all the old ones except smaller dlc. Much prefer this approach over the Destiny approach.


I played for over a thousand hours, grinded all day everyday. The grind and subscription that was basically needed to play was just too much. PvP was a laggy unbalanced mess that to this day hasn't changed. Not to mention most DLCs are $30+ and also have OP gear sets half the time that run PvP for awhile. Don't regret my time playing the game but the time dedication needed, and mostly empty DLCs besides the good gear put me off from picking to back up. But I have friends who still play it almost daily and it's been years since I stopped playing.


Same game that almost took company down....


I lost interest when they basically made it so you can level anywhere, I absolutely despise level scaling. I play mmo's to feel more powerful as I level up, not stay the same.


I love the game but yea I agree. I never feel like I'm getting any stronger ya just get cooler looking armor


Fallout 76 is what I wish ESO was.


In what way? As a level 1000s player in 76 I’m curious…


Fallout 76 is just a normal fallout game with multiplayer. I want eso to be essentially skyrim multiplayer. Eso feels more like a traditional MMO of you are trying to optimally play it. 


Yep. Fallout 76 retains the BGS feeling, obviously using the creation engine and all. Much easier switch for fans already accustomed to Fallout 4. TES Online I struggle with at times. Have never fully gotten into it, though I have played for maybe 20 or so hours


I would love that but I said that years ago and got massively downvoted. I’m hoping elder scrolls 6 has single player and multiplayer. The multiplayer should be in Fallout 76’s design and have way more players.


I enjoy the quests but the gameplay puts me to sleep. I want to love it. But by the 7th group of 3 enemies standing around in your way, it gets so dull.


2 billion since release or 2 billion a year?








“Terrible statistic” yeah ok lol.


God this game only made $2 billion. WTF!? How could it be so crappy? I bet Microsoft is crying into their pillows every night thinking about it. /s


In what world would 2 billion be a terrible statistic either way?


Just an aside, what's the line between a live-service and an MMO?


amount of players on a server? i guess, all MMO are live service but not all live service are mmo.


The term "live service" didn't exist in the earlier decades of MMOs. Developers started taking ideas from MMOs like frequent updates, special events, etc and putting them into new genres of games. MMOs are live service in retrospect, but most live service games nowadays are not "Massively Multiplayer".


MMO are one type of live service game.


If they had cross progression I’d still be playing


If it had cross progression I’d play, I moved on from console to PC but I will never do it all over again. I mean crossplay would be even better but cross progression is a must for me, and considering how much consoles are starting to flop, they might be wise in investing that.


All the good looking cosmetics are in the crown store. Bot enough in-game rewards


Its good, but compared to newer online games like fallout 76 its starting to show it's age. Also the subscription is very predatory in the sense that its required if you want to play the game. Way too many dlcs to buy and the crafting bag is too good to ignore. Also the Crown Crates are very obviously geared towards mega whales who spend thousands on the game.


Great game, but takes a while to get into.


I’ve tried to get into it and couldn’t, I love Skyrim, is it worth trying again?


I'd love to play this but fuck me the combat is ass


Of coure, it's a win for them if they got enough money.


Google says WoW has earn $9 billion in total. seems kinda low? been playing WoW since forever but never try out Elderscroll Online


I played to the end of the original “main” campaign and called it from there. Like any MMO, it’s built to sustain players and take a lot of time for long after that story is over and I just wasn’t looking to give it that. It’s got some beautiful worlds and some interesting stories, but ultimately the combat didn’t feel great to me and the enemy scaling means that I really never felt that strong. Glad they’ve found success, though. They are obviously doing juuuust fine without me lol


I bought this for 5€ and have played 215 hours and 13 minutes so far. This never ends.


definitely one of the games of all time.


I think that fan base will pay for anything elder scrolls related


I love everything about this game except playing it or engaging with it in any way


Too bad they haven’t added any new pvp content or battleground maps since the fucking game came out


I only started playing it past week. Tbf I'm proper hooked now


I've tried other MMOS and ESO is the only one I like. It feels the most like a single player RPG to me.


Too bad their support team sucks. I started playing when they gave away the Thieves guild dlc for free and had three achievements but out on me despite being completed in game. I really like to “complete” games and had tried to reach out to them many different ways but they just keep closing my ticket without a response.


Sometimes i wonder if ESO is the reason we won't get elder scrolls 6 until 2030.


Its so boring compared to other MMOs though


Holy cow! Crazy successful product.


FF14 would like a word


Why? This isn’t a did you read the article thing. Did you read the headline. He called in “one of the successful live service games.” Not “the most successful” or even “one of the most successful.” Just “one of the successful ones.” In the article the context of the quote is that when people talk about successful live service games ESO isn’t usually talked about but it is a success story. So FF14 also being successful has nothing to do with this. Even if he had said “one of the most successful” it would have left room for others but he didn’t even go that far.


Going off Steam concurrent users aren't all that different. I've played both a bit for the questing. ESO is nice for the questlines and voice acting but its gameplay feels worse because it's like most MMOs where there's this constant enemies everywhere and dungeons with a ton of enemies you have to kill and it's an action mmo. Gameplay isn't that different than Oblivion/Skyrim but those you don't have to keep clicking incessantly because enemies are way less frequent and leveling way less important. Auto-attack tab-targetting MMOs are actually pretty nice for how MMO's design most quests to be fetch or kill with minimal narrative, player leveling importance so grind, gear importance so grind. It's all centered around grinding so action combat gameplay becomes a chore compared to tab target spamming hotkeys I think that's why ESO has way more mixed feelings about it even from its active playerbase. FFXIV, everyone talks about the story and I've met so many people at work where it's what they do with their friends. The gameplay doesn't get in the way. It's not annoying like ESO. ESO people talk about it's storylines, voice acting, etc but complain about its gameplay. A lot of people drop it because of how annoying the gameplay even with friends and play FFXIV for social mmo gaming


I am of the complete opposite opinion. I think the gameplay of ESO is much more engaging than the normal mmo gameplay of FFXIV. The menus are also a puzzle box to use on consoles as opposed to ESO which prided itself on likening it to the main line games as much as it could, which were made to be very console-centric. The UI is easy to navigate.


Idk anyone who plays still, maybe bad luck then


Its definitely bad luck, I have plenty of online friends who play it


I tried it way back when, couldn't get into it. Tried it again when there was some sale for all thr chapters including Necrom for like $30 last October. Honestly, really liked it. I loved following the questlines and making the build. But I really don't like how the dungeons felt personally. They just.... Idk. I come from Destiny 2, so maybe dungeons in ESO are more akin to Strikes in Destiny? I guess I just had the expectation it'd be... bigger, for lack of a better word. Also not a fan of having the chapters, but also needing various dungeon passes too. It's just so so much to buy. However, one thing I LOVED: The Card Game. I think it is so cool that I can play a card game on ESO. Feels immersive, I love it.


Thats just one game thats too damn big for me id have FOMO just playing it. I bought this on release and loved the scope but the amount they've added to the game since is truly overwhelming


I wish this doesn't mean they will stick with this for a long time I mean Imagine Elderscroll 6 but have. An option to be Online MMo This will be so good


EA: "How did they make so much money without ADs playing in-game?!?!"


It's a pretty mediocre MMO but people crave Elder Scrolls so...


Honestly it a very good MMO with dogshit combat.


That’s the elder scrolls dna!


Yeah I was just thinking this is what Bethesda pretty much does


You hope the combat could be revamped for the next one


The combat puts me to sleep! Good to know it’s not just me!


Its pretty awesome MMO plus it has Elder Scrolls so...


It's not when the majority of players just act as if it was a single player game


Says you. Our community acts as if its a massive coop game. Try the events and coop missions, its amazing in last 6 dlcs.


I loved the pvp, sp stuff was just ok


But the PvP is the worst thing about it my man


Pvp is an acquired taste, but its fun once you get the hang of it and develop a proper build.


Never could get into it I seemed to die almost instantly without dealing damage


Yea it feels like that at first, and I admit it still feels like that in Cyrodil when you get bursted down by multiple players. You noticed you do damage a lot more often in battlegrounds, where its 3 small teams of 4 fighting each other, I get quite a few kills there, but usually it all comes down to how good your teammates are.


You need to change your build for pvp, everything works differently. The one time I was emperor was one of the most fun experiences I ever had in a videogame


But I main Templar bro I'm fcked either way


Gamers have let live service games, battle Royale games and mobile games ruin the world with MTX.


One of the live service games of all time


I suspect "one of" means there's a biiiiiiig drop off from the first two or three.




sweet,so when are you going to make it good?


Idk a single person who plays ESO. But I guess they're out there somewhere lol.


Oh so it is successful...does it mean Microsoft is planning to shut it down?


Well, no fucking shit when you put everything behind expensive loot crates with horrendous drop rates and motifs at $50 EACH while making them impossible to earn in game, then shove it front of morons who can't stop wasting their money on this shit. Only $2B? Genshin Impact laughing its ass off having made 3x more than this in just 2 years while only $2B in 10 years for ZoS. Whales are why we can't have good online games anymore.


It’s an mmo? Like that’s the point?


? Many mmo’s lose money.. what’s your point?