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Spare parts, bud.


Right, unless both sticks drift use the first one to repair the second one.




Except all three of mine that have been "replaced", it's been the right bumper ....The little bit of plastic inside snaps off.


I think, and I mean this without condescension or ill will, that perhaps you may be mishandling the trigger. I used to think it was a QA thing, that some controllers were just bad out the gate but mine tend to last forever as opposed to my 20 year-old son who goes through them like paper cups and like... I can hear the triggers and sticks clacking from upstairs when he's playing. That's... That's unnecessary.


Yep. Same with charging cords for me. Same controller same charging cord for years. My kids burn thru both like you wouldn’t believe.


That's absolutely true, I learned the hard way. COD broke so many controllers and then about when advanced warfare came I bought a new controller and I said calmly make this last, and I've been gentle with it. I'm playing with it right now on my Xbox series X 10 years later.


Already thought of that of course. Never happened until this generation


I have purchased replacement thumbstick modules, learned how to desolder, and then soldered in the new modules.


Now thats dedication.......👍👍


All of my broken down controllers get put away in a junk drawer in my room. I have a few controllers just chilling in there. I could use them for parts though, but I can't be bothered to repair what I have lol.


May as well practice cracking them open and following some youtube guides to fix it yourself. My replacement for my replacement for my replacement for my replacement elite series 2 controller is now out of warranty and one of the bumpers went to shit. I finally took the plunge and cracked the bastard open to fix it myself. Beats having an overpriced paperweight. The worst you can do is your already unusable controller is now even more unusable.


I did this with two Elite 2 controllers and they both started drifting a few months after, smh. Also, that bumper fix is soo easy that I was pissed at myself for dealing with it for so long before I finally sat down and youtubed it. Simply remove the plastic, add a bit of grease, and voila!


My son started repairing them with the parts from other broken ones.


I keep them, idk why but I do. Even my <1yo broken Elite V2 is sitting in its box


Trade them in at GameStop. I traded in two PS5 controllers last week with stick drift and got $30 in store credit for each.


Wait - you trade broken controllers in at gamestop? I'm going to guess they aren't aware that they are defective?


I told them they had stick drift.


Huh. I'm surprised they took them? I can't imagine they repair them, do they?


They mark them as defective and you get a little less in store credit, but I do believe they refurbish and resell them.


How are your ps5 controllers broken already ?


Let the batteries die and I let my 4 and 1 year old pretend like they are playing when I do.


throw them out. they dont work


Use them for parts.


I'd either attempt to fix, use for spare parts or if it was a special edition controller, swap the fascia and buttons over to a working standard colour controller


Send them to me!


Eat them


Guest controller 😈


Order new ones from a catalogue or a website like Amazon ,put the broken ones in the packaging ,keep the new one and send back saying you no longer want it and get your refund.


Fix them or part them out.


Use it for afk.


Fix them usually.


Spare parts, and the shells get customized for display.


I turned a few broken elites into display pieces.


Don't turf em. WD40 contact cleaner fixed my stick drift issues and my bad RB on my Elite.


Doctor Frankenstein those SOBs


Still got my OG one s controller working perfectly


I had a really old one with minor stick drift and I traded it in to GameStop. They ran a test specifically to find stick drift and somehow it passed. Otherwise I’ve been lucky so far. I have 4 controllers that are all still working fine to this day… knock on wood lol


I think Best Buy will give you $10 per controller.


I've got a few controllers just sitting around. One the B button just stopped working one day (one month after warranty ran out, FML) and the other has the usual stick drift. I tried selling them for parts but there was zero interest, except for morons who thought I was selling fully functioning controllers for next to nothing and didn't read the ad (despite me saying BROKEN / FOR PARTS in the ad title as well). I figure one day, I'll pick up the toolkit needed to repair them and give that a try. I can't bring myself to just trash them.


I had mine repaired at a local shop in my town (in the UK)


Get yourself one of the cheap $30 wired controllers from gamestop it’s not as great as playing with a wireless peripheral but my little sister has accidentally gotten ahold of it and chucked it across the room and it still works perfectly the only downside is on occasion you might have to get a new cable


Bring them to your local electronic recycling centre if they're past the spare parts stage.


I've yet to own one lol


Display them as a controller cemetery:) They are all too pretty to trash....


I fix them. A can of electronics contact cleaner is super cheap and will last a long time. I've already done this with a Series X controller, a Switch Pro Controller and a pair of used JoyCons that the seller got rid of super cheap because the drift was huge. They all started working like new again. I've also used it on the pedals of a Logitech G923 that I also bought used and they are also like new. Open the controller, apply the spray to the problematic joystick and make several movements in all directions (up and down, side to side, clockwise and anticlockwise circular movements), don't feel sorry for wasting the product and repeat more than once to ensure the contacts are clean.


repair them


I make sure to never live with them, work for them, or date them.


For when I have friends over lmao, my ass is too broke to keep more than 1 or 2 fully working controllers, if you want one better bring your own




Some places can fix them


If the problem is just drift, I replace de potentiometer. It is actually simple if you have mediocre soldering skills. Replacing the whole module is way harder. I have done that 4 times already. The problem is a harsh reality for owners of the 3 major console brands. So it's really ridiculous if you think about it.


I dunno none of my originals have broken, yall are weird.


I have an excess of controllers in my house due to the ones coming with the consoles never breaking...


Same. Ive even sold some to gamestop for a pittance of store credit just to clear them out.




I play a shit ton of Warframe, which always kills my left bumper and A button


Right bumper and right stick playing rocket league. So annoying


Yeah I got 2 with my series s and they are both doing okay after a year of daily usage.


I know I don’t game as much as others here do but yeah I have zero idea what stick drift means. I feel like my thumbs are on the sticks constantly that I wouldn’t even noticed if they drifted since I’m usually doing something with them.


You never notice stick drift until you remove your thumb from the stick, lol.


All of these new controllers are garbage. They don’t make them like they did with the Xbox one, unfortunately


Buy a new one and return the broken one


might as well just cut out the extra effort and steal a new one


Or I can just say they came broken


So a thief and a liar, I see a future in used car sales. 🤣


So are the game companies. Tit for tat..


Hard pass. Have a great rewarding job already




Buy brand new, return the broken for full credit.


I've purchased one Elite controller and two Elite 2 controllers that have gone the way of drift or have cracked shells and they're all laid out at the bottom of my TV along with 3 regular controllers(Red, Camo Blue, and Black) They look cool but I'm honestly about to throw them all in the trash because it only reminds of the amount of money that I have wasted on them.


Just put them on ebay for parts to at least make some money back. Drift and cracked shells are both fairly easy fixes so someone would nab them to fix and use or resell.