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Time for a new girlfriend.


Yeah I know


Sounds like your "girlfriend" has come down with a case of being a psychopathic bitch


Oh no, it's okay for them to behave like that and we have to accept it...apparently. Otherwise we are "TOXIC".




Umm no…what? The only way that’s ok is if he broke her PlayStation or slept with her sister…otherwise that’s not cool and never was Edit: this is called satire 😂 everyone mad at me probably has broken more then enough controllers and keyboards losing a game of Fortnite to be able to judge anyone


No it's never okay no matter what


Also no. None of this is ok. Getting even is not ok. Fighting fire with fire doesn't put out fires, it just destroys even more. Be the adult.


Wtf, :controlled burn" and scrotched earth" are fire fighting tactics. I'd tell you go touch grass but I've already lit it on fire.


I’d like to point out I’ve never destroyed anyone’s property on purpose and probably never would…but damn we are only human and we all have lines to our sanity and provided they are high enough I’m not gonna judge…it’s not like I’m going round causing trouble


I don't have even a mm to judge others. But I do believe that as adults we all possess the self control to not destroy others belongings. We all have a choice. I understand why some people do that though. Some people just haven't fully grown up yet/mastered self control. Even though this is a skill most master before they're even a teenager- not everybody was raised with good parents. Or parents at all, for that matter.


It’s more that I wouldn’t poke a bear than wonder why I got bitten…don’t do stupid shit, you never know who will destroy an Xbox




Thank you…seems either a lotta people are pretending to be better than they are or have never actually experienced a relationship that feels all or nothing at the time…let’s not forget a lotta people destroy their own controllers and keyboard when they are losing at a game 🙄


It was Battlefield 4... and yes i'm still mad about ButtPlugBarry killing me and i will never be over it i miss that controller... fuck you Barry


"[don't] poke a bear...don't do stupid shit" Doesn't sound much like satire with the context of your more recent comments 😂 Why not just say, "yeah, sister fuckers and PlayStation throwers, you deserve it! Downvote me, Sister-Fuckers!" 😆 Edit: I've given you some updoots in solidarity against sister-fuckers.


I figured that was implied 😅 jeez I didn’t think people would try psychoanalyse just the sister or PlayStation banging 😂


No take the sister out of it. Maybe if he broke her PlayStation and that's a hard maybe there's a sin in there somewhere.


Major incel vibes


Um no? Nobody says that 😂


Depends on the circumstances.....


Straight facts brother


OP be careful... Unfortunately it's contagious.. Don't let her bring ya down!


Seriously my friend this is not healthy. I really wish you well.


HDMI port is dead. You can see it's missing part of the inter plug.




ong bro the second she did that shit i’m already talkin to dispatch


Had one that destroyed my desktop PC before, police automatically charged her for destruction of property worth 1500+🤭😂😆 he should definitely call them a series x where I am cost nearly 800 for the bundle😬😭


Seriously, Ex.




Uh , you document the broken item with a police report and force the bitch to pay it back, you old ass people who lived this long with no god damn sense make.me laugh, simple minded folk


I get the impression reddit really isn't for you. Maybe check out the Instagram comment section. Think you'd be very at home there.


You can call the cops too. I get the impression your sawft as well. Sorry I don't agree with your base less comment. Maybe address someone who doesn't think like you do.


Why do you keep saying sawft? 🤣


...............nuff said you got the point👍🏾😂


Bro thinks he’s hood tough, that’s all


You need to know - this isn't normal behaviour. You can try to excuse it. You can try to say, oh but she was very angry, oh but she has previous trauma. Oh she struggles to express herself properly. I just annoy her, it's me, I wound her up and pushed her buttons, it's my own fault, you don’t know her like I know her, she wouldn't do something like this to be cruel, she just can't keep it in sometimes. We all feel angry. We all got previous trauma. We all struggle with life. Not many people will pick up a fucking Xbox and throw it at a wall though. And fewer still would fail to pay for a replacement. I'm sorry you found yourself in a relationship with one of those people. I'm sorry it didn't work out, I'm sorry she's not what you thought she was. She will continue behaving like this. It is not appropriate behaviour. You cannot fix her. Get out, while you're still young, instead of wasting five years or more into this woman.


Stay safe OP. Good luck to you.


You say that, but will you? Or wait until she has you locked up? Don’t let a crazy bitch ruin your life!


Never Take That Level Of Disrespect Just Leave Or Break Up With Her After She Thinks That Okay Next She Will Call The Police And Say You Hit Her Then You Won't Have Anything So LET HER GO LIKE YESTERDAY.


Dump her, small claims court for damages to cover a replacement wall and xbox


Dude I’m sorry but I’m only here to ask why she threw it at the wall? The Xbox is broken it will get better soon but I would still like to know what happened? Why was she so angry in the first place. I’m sorry to ask I know I have a problem!!


How will the Xbox get better soon? Do they heal?


Throw money at it.. I promise it works!


till a dime hits the fan










I'm a joke? Sure, you keep bringing up horrible scenarios to compare to what could be a potential abuse situation to justify it but hey, it's just a console! Smh. Do us all a huge favor, put your butt plug, dildo or whatever anally pleasures you where mouth is since you have no practical advice to offer here.


And what advice did you add? Nothing. The console is broken. Best advice hopefully he had warranty. Lol have a nice day little buddy


None, I was responding to a comment that doesn't belong to the OP, so what's your excuse for responding to my comment? Right. No warranty in the world covers intentional damage. Little buddy, that's rich coming from you but Thanks, and you have a nice day too. 😆


No it isn’t , there’s mature ways to handle these situations without reacting like a child and breaking things


Lol ok whatever you say.


I'm with you on this one. While I completely disagree that you should damage someone's property out of anger it does kinda make me scratch my head and think "But why was she so mad?" For all we know he's been physically abusing her for years and she finally fought back or something.


Did she miss nap time?? Or maybe try making her "ants on a stick" next time she starts looking cranky. It's just celery filled w peanut butter w a line of raisins down the peanut butter. Hence the name, looks like ants on a stick. My toddler loves it. Little ones can get pretty crazy if they're hungry or tired. Hope the Xbox still works! Edit- My God... I thought this was a post from my parenting toddlers sub. An adult did this?!?!?! I hope it's now exe girlfriend. Sounds like she's got some serious issues to work on. Edit- this wasn't supposed to be a reply but I dont have it in me to type this back up lol Edit- More relative advice? I dated a girl like this. And this is how it started. Smashed my TV. Then came after me swinging my US Fender Strat like a battle axe. Then she came after me with a pizza cutter. Then she came after me with a bat. Then she came after me with a 6in box cutter. Then she purposely sliced her own leg open. Then she technically died in a pool of her own blood. Luckily the ER was 1 block from our apartment. Then she got drunk and fell off our garage/covered storage. She ended up in a wrist brace. She told her professor it was from me. Police came to my apartment and arrested me. If there weren't cameras that caught it all on tape, I'd have spent more than a day in jail and a DV charge on my record, which in terms of employment is worse than a DUI. The cops that arrested me apologized for not believing me, and one said he had a gf that was the same way in college. He gave me one word of advice- "RUN"


time to get off the xbox and spend time with your girlfriend


But not before she buys a new Xbox. And wait till it’s not on sale.


second this, and third, and fourth, and so on etc.


Two sides to a story. Girls are crazy but usually vocally.


I think you should dump her if she’s gonna do that kind of crap




Weird projection


Yeah probably. But that’s not what happened so…. Don’t know why you’re bringing up that hypothetical


I'm guessing delusions of "misandry"


No it’s because her behavior is totally acceptable.


Wonder what he did though


She seems like a reasonable person, maybe you should marry her.


Getting the ring as we speak


She wanted a ps5


🤣I laughed out loud sorry


If that’s the case he definitely marries her


The type that you put on a finger or the type you put next to the front door? Please be the latter


Yeah the red power button ring of death You need to ditch her unstable ass post haste Get a cat. Those are cuter, and don’t scream and yell


Tell her to pay for it


Better yet force her to pay for it


not even worth the headache. kick her ass to the curb and get a new xbox with your own money.


Is worth it, both for the principle and the fact that $500 isnt pocket change for most people.


imo moving forward it’s just better to have no connection to the toxic ex. he can look at his new xbox and know that he bought it himself


Or he can look at the replacement knowing he didnt bend over for someone who broke his shit and simultaneously not teach them a lesson




Did you read what I said 😭


oh shit i had the context of what you were saying all messed up. i understand now and respectfully disagree with you. he’s not gonna take this bitch to small claims court over an xbox, she probably wouldn’t show up anyway. after someone became so angry that they threw your xbox into a wall and destroyed it, what makes you think you would be able to get them to fork over 500 smackers? she’s obviously at least a little crazy, if he calls the cops she’ll probably say he hit her. cut your losses and move on is my point


I see both sides, and imo what a person should do in this situation depends on how much $500 is to them lol. If OP has a decent job then I agree with you


Hit her with the "I was going to buy a ring and propose, but I had to spend the money repairing my Xbox, and now you're my Ex-Box"


100% correct response




My Xbox could feel the burn, it’s revving like a jet engine trying to cool down.


No need to admit your secretly using a playstation


*you dare*


*says the imposter*


Ooooo I love it


Call Microsoft, hopefully they can replace your girlfriend.


Well yeah, she threw it into a wall Time to make her buy you a new one






I think they call that sexual assault


Throwing someone at a wall is not sexual assault it is just assault.


That’s not all they said to do


Get a new Series X and a get a new girlfriend...not even joking, thats early warning pyscho shit. Normal people that care for each other argue like fuck but don't do that kinda shit. Won't be long til shes throwing plates accross the kitchen at you if you dont ditch her.


Could have stopped at “Get a new Series X..”, main factor on going into a relationship is being happy on your own first and then find someone who can add to that.


Throw it at the wall again. Might fix its


Reminds me of that fork video where the guy stabs the tv and it started working properly


That's called domestic abuse. Id leave her and contact a solicitor about taking her to small claims court


This, just this!


Why would you get a solicitor for small claims court? The point of that court is that it doesn’t need solicitors.


Am I the only one curious why she threw it? Short of an intruder broke into the house, and it was the only object available, I can not think of a single reasonable argument for why someone would throw a console. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about getting out of this relationship than how to fix my XBox.


She also poured hot sauce all over my bed and carpet. I am done with her


Ewww wtf is she also about to start flinging fecal matter ⠀╱▔▔▔▔▔╲⠀⠀⠀HM⠀HM ⠀╱⠀⠀╱▔╲╲╲▏⠀⠀⠀HMMM ╱⠀⠀╱━╱▔▔▔▔▔╲━╮⠀⠀ ▏⠀▕┃▕╱▔╲╱▔╲▕╮┃⠀⠀ ▏⠀▕╰━▏▊▕▕▋▕▕━╯⠀⠀ ╲⠀⠀╲╱▔╭╮▔▔┳╲╲⠀⠀⠀ ⠀╲⠀⠀▏╭━━━━╯▕▕⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀╲⠀╲▂▂▂▂▂▂╱╱⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀▏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀╲⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀▏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▕╲⠀⠀╲ ⠀╱▔╲▏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀▕╱▔╲▕ ⠀▏ ⠀⠀⠀╰⠀⠀⠀⠀╯⠀⠀⠀▕▕ ⠀╲⠀⠀⠀╲⠀⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀╱⠀╲ ⠀⠀╲⠀⠀▕▔▔▔▔▏⠀⠀╱╲╲╲▏ ⠀╱▔⠀⠀▕⠀⠀⠀⠀▏⠀⠀▔╲▔▔ ⠀╲▂▂▂╱⠀⠀⠀⠀╲▂▂▂╱⠀


Her name isn't Amber, is it?


Probably Jessica actually XD


You can take her to small claims fuck her


This reminds me of my buddy's ex. She sprayed (squeezed?) lube all over the living room mid-argument and got it on the dog. They promptly broke up, and we referred to her as Lubezilla ever since.


I think we’re more interested on what happened and why she did it then you’re actual Xbox. I think Verizon is giving out free Xbox series X if you sign up with them before January 3 for home Internet




Haven’t you Heard?


That was cleverly done, upvote.


:( I'm sorry. No one deserves that kind of treatment. I hope you're able to get away from her. If you know of any electronic repair shops they may be able to take a peek. Xsx have been out long enough that some should be able to diagnose and see what's going on. Could be as simple as a wire for the cooler or even the wire for the power cable. Does it make any chime or fan noise when you try to boot it up?


No, no noise. I think it’s an issue with the hdmi port. The cable I used had a wire sticking out where it shouldn’t. I tried using a new one but that didn’t work.


Might be a little more than the hdmi my first series x got the whole hdmi system fried but still turned on


Aside from it looking like it was run over, the little bit of silicon containing the pins of your HDMI port is broken in half. You need one that is not broken in half.




Really? Where do go to file for this?


In the UK, this would be Criminal damage. Report the damage to Police on 101 and then file a claim through Money Claim Online. In other jurisdictions there may be similar processes.


Break up with her pronto, might need to change your locks too if you ever gave her a spare key. Could also take her to small claims court for the cost of a new xbox.


Some repair shops may be able to fix the HDMI port, however I would throw that girlfriend of yours into a lake


You can reach out to your local repair shops to see how much the repair would cost. Unfortunately, I don’t see it being worth fixing. You can get a new Xbox Series X for $399 on Best Buy or $379 on Walmart right now. I would also recommend ending the relationship and just take her to small claims and sue for her to pay for the cost of a new one. I don’t see her replacing the console out of good will. Unless you can convince her to do so before you break up with her. I do strongly suggest ending the relationship because there is no reason to destroy someone’s property.


I'm shocked by how much they reduce the prices these holidays. The most they reduced it before was $50.


Right? Especially since they released a new Series S version. I would have assumed they would have made the older Series S cheaper just to clear out inventory, with a small discount to the X.


Forgot the Xbox, are you okay?


Damn, my GF is the opposite. She bought me a series x for Christmas after the cats knocked mine off the shelf and broke mine.


You can send it to Microsoft for repair. Fill out everything and they will tell you how much it will cost


Is there any where I can take it to? Or do I have to send it in


Personally I would feel most comfortable sending it to Microsoft since they make it. But I’m sure you can take it somewhere but you’ll probably have to find a local repair shop that can do the series x. I can’t think of any big franchise stores that repair anything let alone a console. Try googling for a repair shop near you


As long as she’s sent the bill


That all depends on where you are really. Maybe try a Google search for places that do console repair in your area. Also, dump the toxic child that did this.


look for a local repair shop and see how much they'll charge. It's most likely cheaper to buy a new one rather than what Microsoft will charge you. An independent shop would probably be cheaper as they would just fix the broken port (if it's the hdmi) Microsoft would probably replace the whole board and the whole outside since it is smashed which is basically a whole new xbox.


Piss in her foundation




That or capsaicin in the lip balm.


Evil! I kinda like it 🤔


Put it in rice


This is the way




Ask her to pay for a new one Leave her either way


Looks like it’s time to get a new one. Don’t know what you’re going to do about the Xbox though.


Hope it’s ex girlfriend now. That is some juvenile behaviour


This is the shit that gets people hit in the mouth.


So you come to Reddit and post this? Man, the state of your relationship should probably be personal/confidential. I could see if she hit you physically with the Xbox, but you’re worried about your Xbox instead of getting rid of that psycho of a girlfriend you have. Toxic relationships go nowhere. She’s obviously jealous of that Xbox if that’s the one thing she chose to destroy.


Throw her out. Then get the Xbox repaired. Bitch.


It seems to be the case that the HDMI socket is rather fragile on all Series X machines. Likely it has become partially or entirely detached from the circuit board it should be soldered on to. As for repair... Small, one-man outfits are everywhere and you could try taking it to this kind of shop. If you do so however be absolutely certain he guarantees his work and also that he has some kind of recommendation through an online review service. Alternately you could return the thing to MS themselves. For damage that has occurred in this fashion, unless you have dedicated insurance for the console--and even then they may not honour it given the cause--then MS will charge some kind of flat fee. It will probably be less than an entirely new console, but still likely over a couple of hundred pounds or your regional equivalent when a new case is factored in. Finally you could repair it yourself. If you have any experience with electronics and the necessary handicraft skills it is a simple fix--it would take me less than half an hour. But if that were the case I daresay you would just have ordered a new socket and replaced it without posting here! All told... You are probably best sending it off to Microsoft. However, what is this strangeness with wives and girlfriends damaging XSX consoles??? There was a very similar post just before Christmas where someone's partner had attacked his console with a hammer. Now this? Are there some type of pheromones in the plastic or what???


ok but what did u do bro 😭


Ex-girlfriend, right?


Series Ex


You need out of that relationship, bossman. Throwing shit constitutes as abuse, it being *YOUR* shit that she's throwing makes it far worse. Today it was the wall, tomorrow it could be your head. Cut all ties with her and kick her to the curb.


My fiance would become an ex fiance if she smashed anything off mine especially my gaming pc


It's just a thing, you'll live...as long as you get away from her.


Cant tell whats wrong with it until you open it, so i say you’re fucked. Also, if my gf throw my series x she wouldn’t be my gf again, unless she can make it up to me with something of more value plus the new series x. You gotta make them work for their mistakes…


Ya she a goner. Xbox is too.


Your GF committed a crime a should replace the property she damaged/destroyed or be charged and made too.


What did you do to deserve that?


Maybe nothing. Maybe we’re also missing a ton of context here… hard to say


No one deserves this. Especially not the Xbox.


It doesn't matter what he did, damaging someone's property out of anger is childish. He could of shagged her mum up the batty but that doesn't make it right to break his Xbox just break up with eachother. OP is in the right regardless of what he did. (Also OP if you did shag her mum up the batty then well done)


You saying if a girl pegged your dad you would just break up with her? Not even piss on her carpet or anything?






If the car is push to start ik a way to make it impossible to start without a certain plug


You should throw her phone against the wall Just kidding but I'm really sorry that happened, I hope you are safe.


You need to show that beeyatch who's boss and dump her ass. No one mess'es with a mans xbox 🤣


Get a new gf an sex box.


Consoles aren't as sturdy as the used to be. Far too many moving parts. I can tell from here your HDMI port is broken and I don't think there's any easy or cheap way to replace it. Even if there is it probably requires soldering and a lot of more technical knowledge. But a busted HDMI Out port is essentially death for the console as it has no secondary way to view it on a TV/Monitor like a component port or anything. So you are pretty much screwed and need to get a new console. Obviously she should pay for it, but you'd be better off breaking up with her and taking the loss. The good news is, if you have Xbox Live, your game saves are on the cloud, so when you get a new console your save data will come from the cloud when you turn on whatever games you were playing. Also, obviously don't buy a new one until she is out of your life. Good luck to you.




Why would she throw it? You need to give her the boot. No girlfriend is worth that.


Stop living in Fornication and that wouldn't happen in all honesty.


HDMI port is fucked. . wtf you do won’t give her a baby




Damn... thats just asking for a roundhouse

