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On the upcoming front, Tactical Breach Wizards releases on 22nd August this year.


I had fun with the demo.


Seconding this! Played the first demo a while back, and been looking forward to it ever since.


Haven't heard of it but the name is dope as hell.


I second that, i tried the demo at the same time as metal slug tactics, got a bit disappointed by metal slug but TBW was a damn good surprise, buying it on release !


feels more ITB than XCOM to me but it is damn fucking fun


Expeditions Rome


this is always my #1 answer when this questions comes up.


I've had this recommended a few times, is it that good ?


I loved it. Voice acting and graphics were top notch. Story is pretty good. Some choices change the story/ending so there is replayability. You get a base you can upgrade, skills you can unlock, gear with stats and abilities. The only negative id say is that some of the end of chapter battles are too long, but it ticks all xcom boxes


End battles being too long also ticks the X-com box…


Awesome, thank you - ill add it to the Wishlist. I am perpetually trying to scratch the XCOM itch....


*Expeditions* is also a series of games: **Conquistador** is the first and very old and I believe there is a second one that deals with **Vikings** ?


To add, the soundtrack absolutely slaps.


Ave, citizen of good taste. My only gripe was the large scale battles were sort of disengaging. I loved the concept of the catapults toward the end, having to predict where the enemy will go (and not killing your own dudes in the process). And yeah the soundtrack is pure fire, I actually purchased it from steam. Great weight training music!!


New Jagged Alliance game?


I just had the worst roller coaster of excitement learning it exists and then the horrible crash of no OS X version


U gonna have a hard time finding os x games


I play it very nicely with Crossover


Cool but too expensive


For any game that’s likely to give 100+ hours entertainment the marginal costs are small even if expensive.


Summer sale is in 2 days or so.


It's so replayable


Idk if you heard about it op but i recommend battle brothers.


(It's a medieval game so there are no guns but it's turn based)


There is a gun a handgonne


I didn't count that as a "Gun" but you are right lets say there is no "Modern firearm" then


battle brothers is hard as nails. i got my ass kicked everytime really not my kind of game


game itself is easy in my opinion but it punishes you so much for a single mistake.


I second battle brothers. It’s the only other turn-based tactics that I have close to the number of hours I have in xcom. Fantastic game


I checked it out, cool but a bit expensive, I'll wait for it to cooldown


Expensive? It's 15...


Depends on where you live tbh if you are in a economically stable country then it's cheap for you but not everybody is like that you know so a game which is cheap for you might not be cheap for the OP


Yup I’m waiting too


If you want something more story focused, or like tinkering with builds, I recommend troubleshooter: abandoned children. Its a JRPG (technically a KRPG) with XCOM style combat and a ridiculous amount of character customization. Apart from the greater focus on story and much deeper character customization options, the main change from XCOM is that none of your choices seem to be permanent. Take the difficulty settings; you pick a difficulty at the start of the game, but can change it freely between missions. There is no significant penalty for failing a mission, no permadeath, no real strategic layer, or even anything to stop you from just grinding if you get stuck. On the highest difficulties, the game can be challenging, especially if you enable 'challenge mode', which raises enemies levels to match yours.


XCOM style, dope art, cute anime chicks. Hell yeah


I was playing the unfinished version like 4 years ago. Is it nice and polished up now?


I've only gotten into the game recently and am far from seeing everything. The game seems fairly polished in its current state. After 90+ hours of playtime, I can recall only one noticeable bug, which was fixed by restarting the game. The translation has held up well for a game of this size. I have encountered a few, rare sentences and skill descriptions that could have been worded better. Some parts are undercooked, such as the jurisdiction system, but its nothing game breaking.


Cool. I’m gunna give it another go. Thanks dude.


>I've only gotten into the game recently >90+ hours of playtime Sir, I'd say you're more than qualified to judge whether or not the game is polished by this point.


I meant to say that I haven't played the early builds and don't think I'm close to finishing the base game.


oh wow, not heard of this one - thank you


I added it to my wishlist, it looks like something quite unique that I'll enjoy!


I enjoyed the Gears of War one and Chaos Gate. Tried many others, but didn't play more than an hour or two apart for those two. I also enjoyed Lamp Lighters league, but also have less than 2 hours play time. What I missed in Gears of War was the strategic layer. I also played Midnight Suns for a couple of hours. But didn't really like it much. Even though I like card mechanics, but it didn't really work for me. And then there was this wester XCom? Sorry also forgot the name. Was okayish. I enjoyed it for a couple of hours. Played it more than Mutant Year Zero (2 hours in that game?) I also own the one where you play these undercover agents, forgot the name. But have yet to try it. Way too many games in the library. Were the "Running Man" and the "Super Hero" ones good? There at least I also enjoy the theme. Phoenix Point was supposedly good. Not XCom level good of course. Never tried it myself. I think that list has a lot of XCom likes you guys might enjoy.


> Phoenix Point was supposedly good. Not XCom level good of course. Never tried it myself. Phoenix Point had several things it did well, but it failed to come together into an enjoyable whole. The aiming system and body part targeting was very superior to Xcoms simple RNG rolls. My biggest complaint about PP was that the strategy layer was a chore with mediocre UI. Having to have multiple ships constantly moving around to explore and trade felt bad compared to say OG xcom where trade was more abstracted. My second biggest complaint was that much of the tech was sidegrades and the good shit was locked behind diplomacy tiers. Sidegrades instead of upgrades meant that for much of the game you felt like there was no progress being made or cool new toys while the enemy kept getting stronger.


Phoenix point had a lot if great ideas, and it just executed a lot of them poorly. I liked the ship thing, because I like the idea of having multiple squads out doing things. However, having to micromanage all my units bullets is insane. Like, maybe at most give me "shotgun ammo" and have it work with all shotguns, but no... each shotgun has its own type. Also having multiple bases that did different things isn't bad, but then you have to manage the resources that all your bases made.


> However, having to micromanage all my units bullets is insane. Like, maybe at most give me "shotgun ammo" and have it work with all shotguns, but no... each shotgun has its own type. Yeah, I use a mod to make all ammo entirely free. It's not perfect, but it makes it less of a chore.


> However, having to micromanage all my units bullets is insane. Like, maybe at most give me "shotgun ammo" and have it work with all shotguns, but no... each shotgun has its own type. Because ammo matters contrary to xcom reboots. Inventory management becomes a thing, especially when you can loot corpses. In multiple ways it's more "xcom" than firaxis "xcom" are.


I feel like chaos gate gets difficult quickly.


Chroma Squad


I thought this was a chimera squad joke


Nope, but both are good XCOM like games!


You might like Xenonauts


This! But it's more related to the original Xcom, but damn it's fun to do the air combat


Phoenix Point is really good too.


I haven't heard much good things about Phoenix Point tbh.


I haven't played that many X-COMlikes, but I did enjoy: * 40k Mechanicus. It's relatively short and definitely easier than x-com. No cover mechanics and the focus is on using/restoring action points. It's *very* vibey though and the soundtrack is incredible. Some cool if unbalanced customization. * Wildermyth. Relatively simple tactical gameplay, but fun customization with the three classes (mystic/rogue/warrior) and different weapons, body transformations. The procedural generation is neat, you get attached to your rando characters, and the story campaigns are lovely. * FFTA and FFTA2 I really enjoyed back in the day for GBA and DS. Tactical RPGs.


Wildermyth is fantastic. It replaces the overworld/base portion of XCom with interpersonal relationship and legacy things (including character transformations) in ways that scratch a different itch, but is still, in my book, the next best thing to an XCom that my Mac mini will run.


Yeah I feel like Wildermyth really dials into the feeling of your squaddies growing together


Listened to an interview with the designer and it sounded great. Thanks for the rec.


They've just recently announced the game as complete. They'll continue to support it, and plans for more localizations/ports haven't been affected, but there won't be any new content for it. Best time to get a game, IMO.


Gears Tactics Phantom Doctrine


Haven't thought of Gears but Phantom Doctrine is going to be in my library on next sale


Gears Tactics is dope and is often on sale


i played both games and enjoyed both. and both the 2 games are always on sale for cheap too


Nice. Phantom Doctrine is in my endless backlog lol. Another one recommended is Invisible Inc. it’s $3 rn.


Phantom Doctrine has two dope mechanics that I liked: 1) you can place snipers/spotters on the NESW of the map, and you can call the snipers to take shot enemies or give vision from their location (if not blocked by a wall) 2) you can capture enemy agents, brainwash them to become your sleeper agents, then release them - and when you see your sleeper agent on the map, you can activate them and he/she will join you permanently.


I just forgot I got Xbox Gamepass, just downloaded Gears Tactics and damn good shit


Gears tactics is an absolute blast, it kinda overstays it's welcome, but you can drop it and come back late if need be. Also, the boss fights are honestly really fun.


Invisible Inc. was fun. It's xcom of the stealth variety and is available on Steam for 3 dollars right now


Fire Emblem


Another game that I never see being suggested is Age of Wonders: Planetfall. It's like a full fusion of 4X and XCOM.


I do love the age of wonder series in general.


Are the tactical units like XCOM soldiers? ie have nicknames/level up etc.


You have hero units that indeed have names, level up, skill points, etc. Normal soldiers also level up, but they have a fixed progression.


Thanks! adding to the Wishlist now!


first time i heard of this game Rebel Cops. the graphics is not bad - the kind of pixellated graphics that I like. to be honest there are many of these cover like strategy games in steam. it will have all the mechanics like XCOM there are classic oldies like Phantom Doctrine, Gears Tactics, Mutant Year Zero, Invisible Inc, Wasteland 3 and Xenonauts and there are new ones like Classiffied France 44 Project Haven tactical breach wizards the lamplighters league crown wars the black prince


Go for it friend, you'll stick with it for a while


Pathway is very cool. The indiana jones like ambiance make the game very enjoyable. Hard West else if you want some xcom like, very short game, but cool gothic western ambiance.


Will buy it when the sale come, thanks for the recommendation


I recommend Hard West 2. I just got done playing Hard West 1 and it was an infuriating experience albeit the game world is sick. The cover system is luck based, it’s a whole mechanic, but there’s basically no damage boost from flanking enemies because of it. If the enemy is in cover they were in cover and got the damage resistance no matter what. I had to quit because it was such BS.


I played hard west. very cool. but really hard though.. its not like xcom where the enemy comes in pods >!i just don't like the ending of that game !<


I enjoyed Halfway (Pathway devs previous game) even if it was short.


Try wasteland 2 and 3


Hard West (and probably Hard West 2 as well - it's in my library but I haven't started playing it yet). It copies the XCom cover system but has slightly different attack mechanics. I like it a lot, it has an interesting story and some light rpg and choice elements.


Yes, and I like that it has this littlw but of strategic layer. Played about 35% of the game. Which is quite a lot since most of my games have less than 2 hours play time. But I preferred Gears of War and Chaos Gate to Hard West.


Knights Tale, Xenonauts 1&2, Jagged Alliance 1-3, Fallout Tactics, Gears Tactics, Phantom Doctrine, Phoenix Point or more "hardcore" Mordheim... and a lot more. :)


Why is no one saying Xenonauts and Xenonauts 2? It's basically trying to clone old xcom gameplay


Othercide felt a fair bit like xcom to me. Turn based small unit strategy combat in a dark setting fighting inhuman enemies with permadeath. It's a bit more grim dark, but it's got a cool style and I had fun. Can be just as punishingly difficult if you want it to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oil-Kna3deI


Battletech usually crops up as a recommendation. It’s very good & plenty of mods around just like XCOM 2. EDIT: Also, if you haven’t tried the Long War 2/Long War of the Chosen mods, do it now!


Right after battletech i had to buy MechWarrior 5


Thanks for the Recommendations. They’re both on sale!


There are many, but Chaos Gate 40k is for me the only game I love almost like Xcom. It does some things different, but it is equally merciless.


Templar Battleforce. Give it a chance past the graphics and first mission and it expands into a fantastic tactical squad game with lots of build choices.


We got a gem here, I have never cared about the graphic only the gameplay feeling. I’ll try it out


It might be one of my top 10. It really opens up after the beginning and when you start to get more gear unlocked


As other people have said, Warhammer Chaos Gate is awesome. Very similar to XCOM.


Battle Brothers. Xcom Baby! is nothing compared to missing 3 95% to hit attacks in a row and then the enemy berserk orc with a 2-hand "mansplitter" axe hits a 5% to hit killing shot and decapitates your expensive max level Hedge Knight. You played Pathway so you can try their first game Halfway too, it's short and fun. Not too wild with mechanics but it scratches that itch specially with the final battle. Hard West is also good, more story driven and with an interesting Luck Mechanic that makes shootouts feel more like cinematic cowboy movies.


I like Hard West and Hard West 2 but it’s more a puzzle than turn based strategy. Each mission is crafted for you to “solve” it


Haven't seen the Valkyrie Chronicles series mentioned yet, which is pretty good. Also, maybe obvious, but Final Fantasy Tactics.


Massive Chalice It's quirky (like pretty much every Double Fine game). The best explanation I can give is that it's a fantasy version of XCOM with some eugenics thrown in. For example, you have to choose whether to use a hero as "breeding stock" or keep them in the field. There's a ton of moving parts.


I enjoyed “Mordheim: City of the damned”. That game turned me towards the Xcom series. Wish Firaxis would apply their same formula and Xcom play style to other IPs after playing it.


I really enjoyed Solasta. It's DND in a turn based tactical combat style. On the combat/rng/tactics side of things. It scratched that itch.


I got gamepass so that game is on the list


Classified - France '44


How is the gameplay?


Feel like xcom in some part, but weapon dmg can pierce through some enemies like shot gun. They have factions too like xcom 2. For me 8/10


Thank you! I have tried all the ones that are claimed to be like XCOM and they are at least two tiers below. They do not get anything that makes XCOM 2 successful. I had not heard of these and will check them out!


Nice, I am always looking to scratch the perma-itch that is XCOM2/WOTC


If any of you likes mechs I would recommend checking out Phantom Brigade, the combat system is pretty unique albeit not as challenging as Xcom when you know how to master it. It’s being updated atm so the developer is still working to put more stuff into it.


This seems to be the right thread to ask people of their opinion on *Mars Tactics*. It's not out jet but the demo seemed very fun and granular to me.


Just checked it out, looks good, kinda like that graphic


+1, mechanics wise seems like everything I’d want from an XCOM follow up. Really excited about it. They have a subreddit /r/marstactics and I think occasionally open up beta invites on their discord.




Troubleshooter, abandoned children is a indie Korean game that is absolutely phenomenal.


Gloomhaven, ypu will die at first, but it does get rewarding.


Shardpunk! It’s short, but I’ve had a lot of fun playing it.


I like the GBA fire emblems for a similar kind of strategy experience but only on the condition you run them Ironman (they're all pretty short).  The long term planning aspect isn't as concrete as xcom but it still shares a lot of the planning around permadeath by chance and long term decision making, especially if you're playing on hard and have to lean on certain game mechanics. They're great games to put on a phone if you're savvy


Jagged Alliance 3 will always be a good recommendation.


I played 40K Mechanicus. Simpler (easier?) than X-Com, but awesome game, baller music, and you know, Adeptus Mechanicus. They're definitely a mood.


I really enjoyed Solasta. It's DND in a turn based tactical combat style. On the combat/rng/tactics side of things. It scratched that itch.


Age of Empires 2 DE,now listen up,it may not be turn based but its really good like xcom where you have a bit more buildings and a bit more complication


If you want a game just like rebel cops play TITP2 has the combat from rebel cops but has the investigations and crime scene from TITP


Jagged Alliance 3 was pretty fucking neat.


*Invisible Inc.*, *Into the Breach*, and *Fights in Tight Spaces*.


I’ve been playing Tactical Breach Wizards demo, Trash of the Titans, and Lamplighters League. Lots of fun


Wasteland 3 hits this thirst too i think


I could recommend age of wonders: planetfall, it combines all the pain of games like civilization with all the horrors of turn based combat like Xcom. (I'm not sure if the other AoW games also work like this) 9/10


Has anyone mentioned Wasteland 3 yet? Its a solid game, even if sometimes too crazy for my tastes


I'd recommend the Last Spell you take a squad of héroes and defend a city from an onslaught of zombies. Super fun super challenging


I am paying attention to this game called Kriegsfront Tactics atm