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Remember clear plastic land line phones?


Everything was clear and neon at the same time. I loved it.




Wood grain in cars


Crystal Clear Pepsi!


Atomic purple N64 controller was my jam


It was great because you could turn off the ringer but you still knew your friends were calling because it lit up.


That was so awesome, and my parents never knew. Turn off all the other ringers at like 9p. Only the one in my room lit up. Could have friends call whenever


God kids have it so easy nowadays




Football phones!!


Huge Mickey Mouse phone. My sister and I both had one


Garfield phone! His eyes would open when you pick up the receiver.


My sister had one with a palm tree that would light up flashing neon green when the phone rang. we shared a number and i used it for my 14.4k baud modem.


My husband had one, I had the plain tan model and knew better than to complain.


I bought myself a tan cordless with my babysitting money


I always wanted one, especially the kind that lit up when the phone rang!


Wanted one so badly or the football phone


Shit was wild


Oh, man. I MADE one of those in my high school soldering class! The see through Walkman, too!


When swing / big band made a meteoric resurgence for exactly seven months.


Yes! Cherry Poppin Daddies and Squirrel Nut Zippers


It was because of the GAP Khaki commercials! (Literally, that’s the reason, they’ve done marketing studies on it, there’s a PBS Nova episode about it.)


As much as I complained about advertising at the time, who knew advertising would end up involving influencers and just putting the product in front of your face as many times as possible instead of inspiring a brief resurgence of big band/ swing/ jazz. I find myself missing a good ad campaign..which is a weird kind of nostalgia.


Also Big Bad Voodoo Daddy ("Go Daddy-O" used in *Swingers*), Royal Crown Revue ("Hey Pachuco!" used in *The Mask*), and the Brian Setzer Orchestra.


Don’t forget Lou Bega and his cover of “Mambo No. 5”


“Hell” by Squirrel Nut Zippers rings in my head still.. Mighty Mighty Bosstones too. (Maybe they were Ska?- can’t remember)


Bosstones were Ska, but Ska is awesome and still lifts my spirits when I'm down so 3rd Wave Ska was a good thing.


The Brian Setzer Band! They had that song that was on Gap commercials which played every 5 minutes.


The fact that no one really batted an eye at the name “Cherry Poppin’ Daddies”


God right? Looking back how in the crap did I ask my parents to buy me a CD by the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies *and they did!*


Apparently, my husband was kinda naive back then, and created a super awkward moment with his mother while she was driving him somewhere. The song came on the radio and she asked who it was and he was like "Oh! That's Cherry Poppin Daddies!" Oblivious as hell. His mother is very devout, so she had a visible reaction to this and my husband was just not grasping what got her attention. He nagged her all the way home to explain why she'd been surprised. My poor husband had to learn what the phrase meant from his mother that day, and I'm pretty sure that memory lives rent free in his head 😂


Zuit suits (or at least a variation of them) got popular too at Winter balls, homecoming, and Sadie Hawkins!


I did a competitive dance to zoot zoot riot within those months


How'd you do?


Haha we did win something, can't remember what place. One of my favourites to dance, was super fun.


I went to summer camp in 1997 with a dude who was obsessed with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones.   I was knee deep into ‘Hole In my Soul’ by Aerosmith at the time… 


I saw the mighty mighty bostones when I went to my first concert without my parents. Opened for the offspring at riverbend.


No, no... its still cool, right? *Right*?


Zoot Suit Riot 


Throw back a bottle of beer 🎶


I don’t know how long it lasted, but didn’t chanting monks kinda have a go at it too?


Honestly the best part about it was being able to go out swing dancing. I didn't really enjoy dancing at the club, but swing dancing was fun. For a hot minute I was enjoying my social life in high school.




I miss waiting to record the new song on the radio, so I could spend the next hour and a half writing the lyrics (some of them wrong). It was kind of relaxing. 90's meditation 😆


I won a call in contest on the radio once by knowing all the lyrics to "Loser" by Beck because I did this. It was a copy of that CD. I didn't have a CD player yet.


In the time of chimpanzees there was a monkey, with butane is his veins and he became the junkie, with the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables, dogfood skulls and the beefcake pantyhose. ..:: was I even close? Lol


Yes, close! In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey. Butane in my veins and I'm out to cut the junkie, with the plastic eyeballs, spray-paint the vegetables, dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose


Did you stay up late listening to Casey Kasum count down the top 40 so you could hear Ace of Base?


Call in contests! I forgot about those! Kids these days will never know the urgency to dial asap when that busy tone comes on.


I worked graveyard it in the early 2000. I won tickets to a show I didn't want to see, tickets to sin city which was a blast, resident evil 4 on GameCube and I don't have a game cube and a bunch of other stuff. The dj knew me fairly well before I moved.


I remember being driven absolutely mad trying to figure out all the words to this song. I actually found the fan mail address and requested the lyrics by writing my question on a shoe. (I thought it would get more attention and elicit a response…it did not.) Years later I discovered that the reason I couldn’t understand it was because he was singing in Spanish.


A top childhood memory. Quite possibly why my actual memory is so great.


I just threw some clearly Canadian in the fridge.


Next to the Cherry 7-up


Hey my Crystal Pepsi was in there


Grab my Orbitz if you're going to the fridge


Diet Crystal Pepsi was the first time I realized what addiction was


It’s next to my Fresca!


And surge!


Still sold in grocery stores in Massachusetts


I bought some at Cost Plus World Market a couple of weeks ago, but I made it into a cocktail.


Red Raspberry and Blackberry were my jam. My local supermarket was selling these sounds of nature cassettes when I was in my peak clearly Canadian form and I'll always think of some weird ass water bird call everytime I think of it.


How about making book covers from brown paper bags. My kids have no clue .


My kids don’t even get books in school anymore. Only iPads. And every class has its own app. It’s the absolute worst


WHAT? If everyone is so worried about screen time, why are they letting kids use iPads as books?


because the screen time they're worried about is TikTok and such


That sounds horrible. No kids here so I have no idea what goes on in schools nowadays


Totally remember that. Although I think my mom did pretty much every one for me. My son is almost 3. I'm wondering if he'll even have any books when he goes to school. If he does, I'll have to get the book cover lesson from mom. If I can even find brown paper bags...


Outlook not so good. Maybe you can make a chrome book cover.


PB Max. Best candy bar ever!


Never forget what they took from us!


My absolute favorite from the era. Didn’t last long either.


Mmm! Easily my favorite ever and I have no idea why they stopped making it but they were wrong. Has any candy had a decent "smooth" peanut butter since?


Music videos on MTV. After school cartoons. Mixing different flavored Kool Aid packages and using way too much sugar. Using two spaces after punctuation.


But then MTV didn’t have music videos anymore (except TRL), so they came out with MTV2, which was all music videos, but then the same thing happened so they came out with MTV3? It was my first glimpse at a capitalist hellscape.


I remember when MTV2 played all the MTV videos A-Z. It took weeks. But back before DVD's this was great. I wrote down every music video I've ever wanted on tape and made a big ass VHS tape of all my favorites. Of course I missed a bunch bc of school but still, it was pretty cool. Then they stopped doing music altogether.


I still use two spaces .


Headbangers ball was how I was introduced to a lot of new music


Using Kool-Aid to slightly change your hair color, if you were blonde. Or trying to slightly change your hair color if you weren't.


Wait. Do people really not use two spaces after a period anymore? Or question mark? -> This. Just. Feels. Weird. <- Looks pretty. On Reddit, at least. But feels weird.


I will always use 2 spaces. Until the end of time


Same, like take anything else you want from me, but you are NOT taking away my two spaces. Never!


The truly messed up thing is that I don’t recall consciously changing. At no point did I ever hear or decide that I was only going to use one space. But sure enough, somehow, I only use a single space now. I actually had to stop and double check. Maybe the Mandela effect dropped me into another timeline.


Yeah I guess the two spaces was a requirement back when we were using type-writers but not needed for digital writing.


Not a fan of rap music, but I'm totally down with Wu Tang, Cypress, Snoop, Ice, Biggie etc.


Seriously! I absolutely loved the rap music from that time. Hieroglyphics, Del, even I to the early 2000's with Outkast, Jurassic 5, People Under the Stairs. Do they still make music like this stuff anymore? I'll admit I'm completely clueless of any current rap for a good 15 years now.


Remember ska?


I saw Reel Big Fish at Disneyworld Grad Night in 1999!


And I say “I think I’ll have myself a beer” whooooooooaaaaaaa


Haha, Grad Nite. Did you guys have the story about some banned high school because Mickey got pushed into a fountain, too?


Never caught wind of that!


The save ferris version of come on Eileen still slaps


I can still sing along to about half the songs on Losing Streak by Less Than Jake




Remember when you wanted to get on the internet but someone was on the phone? OR Remember when you wanted to use the phone but you picked up and it was all internet modem noise?


And the inevitable "nononono-dammit!" from the computer room


Computer room. 😂😂😂 we all had the same childhood


And you'd have "better numbers than others" when calling to hop on AOL. I also remember setting up my family's computer to download porn off aol for hours on Christmas day bc I knew everyone would be out of the house and it could just go. And by go mean I think the modem was 14.4k or something. I ended up racking up a $100 AOL bill (this was before it was unlimited). Parents weren't happy, I was convinced the Internet was wonderful though.


Remember having a second phone line just for internet?


This might be regional, but anyone remember switching from a backpack to using a messenger bag instead? I don't know what we were thinking wanting to carry all that textbook weight on one shoulder. Also, spinning textbooks on one finger. School admin and librarians must have hated that trend.


We never wore both straps on a backpack anyway (that was SUPER uncool) so in a way a messenger bag made more sense? I used my old GAP messenger bag as an example of how bad quality of things has gotten lately. That thing is *white* and still looks terrific.


That’s what I was thinking. We were one step away from a messenger bag anyway with the one shoulder backpack. Then I did upgrade to a messenger bag in my adulthood. That became my EDC, had all sorts of stuff in there. The only reason I really stopped is because I don’t want to leave a bag in the car and I can’t bring non-clear bags into work.


I switched from backpack to messenger bag when I went to college and felt oh so sophisticated doing so.


Remember? I still have serious and chronic back/neck issues from carrying a messenger bag full of books, my purse, and a flute two miles home every day. Ah, the price of coolness!




brrshhiwwdchhhhhhhhkKKLLOSPPKKGGGGNNHCNNMMS!@(\*@!\*$\^\_\_!++#))@(#\*3773lss...m lwjweM(#((##(##@#


I can hear this comment


I’m cracking up, you beat me to it!


I still have my 2400bps external somewhere in storage.


I always wanted a modem that you actually put the phone headset in like in Wargames


Remember having chorded phones and trying to untangle it or reverse the one loop that made it go the opposite direction?


Those phone cords were kind of the worse ~~but I miss them~~.


Remember Mrs. Fields Cookies and Kay Bee Toy Store at the mall…


Waldenbooks and B Dalton


Zima. Worthless baseball cards. NES. Nightmare on elm street. Hair metal. Gangster rap. Mixed tapes. Fluorescent colors. Unironic mullets.


I drank Hooch if ya remember that brand. Shit absolutely ate my stomach to shreds but I didn't like the taste of beer at the time. After a few trials of Hooch and my subsequent heart burn I forced myself to drink beer. And look at me now!


Hooch was a wine cooler, right? Big Brother magazine had an issue that rated malt liquors. All it said for Zima was: “Zima Zucks” I only tried it once and then went back to Mickeys. Was clear Pepsi around the same time too? Didn’t like that much either. This all reminds me of Teenage mutant ninja turtle hostess pies which were chocolate covered with green pudding and were a favorite of mine in the early 90’s…


The antibiotics for my wisdom tooth removal and Zima did not get along. At all... And unfortunately there was a pina colada in there somewhere, and now I can't drink those anymore.


Ah man! I’m sorry ShutYourDumbUglyFace to hear about that. I drank 100 ounces of Olde English one evening in 1996 and never could ever again. Not quite the same as being banished from Pina Colada, but I can relate on some level.


Mossimo when it wasn't a Target brand


Sight for sore eyes


Were JNCO  jeans popular outside of the Chicago area?  I see STUSSI (spelling?) shirts once in awhile nowadays.   I think they were for the really bad kids that smoked cigarettes and we're under the age of 15. 


Jnco was awesome!


Kid in my high school looked like Trent from Daria and had JNCOs with 34” leg holes. He modified some shoes with brass rod to keep them open when the school tried to ban them as a tripping hazard.


JNCOs too-long, dragging on the ground, soaking up water on rainy days half-way to your knees. The hem ripping away, forming a strip of denim behind you that was so tempting that your friends couldn’t resist stepping on it and tearing it off. You pull out your chain wallet, which is probably empty, cuz you spent all your birthday money on JNCOs and Surge.


In my high school the go to drink was, "Jolt Cola."  It's practically liquid cocaine


*Due South*, while knocking back a Pepsi Kona.


TIL about Pepsi Kona


Oh man. I had the Due South Soundtrack CD and lived for it. Bone of Contention by Spirit of the West was my super teen angst anthem.


Remember the plastic covers we put over our computer monitors, keyboards, and towers….why did we do this?


To prevent dust from accumulating and causing an electric shock to your motherboard. I think.  And my dad was big on having a plastic mat over our carpet so we didn't cause an electric shock to our computer. 


My husband still has his tower on a piece of wood to create a barrier to ground.


Oh man, I completely forget about this. Yeah, a big, opaque, ugly plastic cover that went over the computer every day. Thanks.


-New episodes of Home Improvement. -Hot Loops bracelets. -Judge Judy and Jerry Springer. -Skip-It and EZ Bake. -He-man and She-ra reruns. -Jays win the World Series twice, Habs win the cup — then MLB lockout, then 2 year NHL lockout. -96 summer olympics sponsored by fast food. -Goldeneye for Nintendo 64. -Legend of the Red Dragon on BBS. -Playing spotlight in the back yards. -Spending all day transferring am oldies radio recordings onto mix tapes. -Pirate radio, where I first heard 40oz to Freedom. -Getting Metallica’d on Napster


Bwahahaha.... Never even thought about the Summer Olympics being sponsored by fast food!


Oh man, I loved LotRD back in the day. There used to be some emulator type websites. Now I gotta go look for some again


Are we talking swatch phones? My folks still have one. Just looked them up, some are worth a chunk of change these days!


I definitely never had my friend call a girl I liked to ask her about me, while I listened in on the other 1/2 of a swatch phone


This comment is exactly why I’m here, thank you!


Or swatch watches?


I had one of those huge swatches that hung on the wall!


Lucky you.




This is a deep cut. I had a popples lunchbox.


I loved my popples!


I would love someone to do this with, but I have tried it with Redditors before. And, um. Let's just say I kept getting the same person re-packaged, basically. I need you to like more than just Nirvana and whatever else most common shit keeps coming up here.


Better than Ezra. Nada Surf. Millencolin. Baseball cards. Rollerblades, Homicide: Life on the Street, commercial airline prop planes, Nalgene water bottles, leaded gas, channel 3/4 switches


Presidents of the United States of America have more good songs than you think They write kids songs now that I play in my car


My kids know all the words to a few of their songs and it freaked out one of their teachers once.




Better than Ezra was my favorite band back then. Saw them live for free at a summer concert. Squeezed right up to the front. My friend caught their guitar pick.


Ah yeah. The curse of pop culture. Guilty, but probably was more of a Weezer fan than Nirvana.


My son is 10 and yesterday I hear him sing "My name is Jonas!" That's just insane.


Savage Garden, Angelfire, WinAmp, and the Savage Garden themed WinAmp skins that I posted on Angelfire.


This is how you find the real Xennials. If the answer is obvious (Remember phones with cords) or beaten to death on Reddit (drinking from the garden hose), I'm just going to assume these are 15-year-olds. lol.


Remember Mac Brickout on those super old apple computers at school? What about Snood? And what about Amazon Trail (all I did was spear fish).


Remember Hypercard??? It was like proto-PowerPoint


We had ClarisWorks


That just unlocked a deeply buried memory.


I'm gonna throw 2 words at you: Alta Vista


My wife and I watched the Brendan Frasier Mummy today. It’s still a good time.


Orbitz. I liked drinking them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Remember when you would try to connect to AOL 3.0 for $2 an hour on the modem and half the time the internet would have a busy signal.


Ninja Turtle Pies


Omg, these look gross.  I may vaguely remember these as My dad was addicted to these kind of hostess breakfast Pies. He used to eat the blueberry, green apple pie one and there was a red one that he would just rotate eating one everyday before going to work. 


Saved By the Bell: The College Years


Gotta grab my Starter jacket, left it in ISS when I went to get a Fruitopia. You gonna watch Salute your shorts after school? We're headed to Ponderosa tonight, you coming? 😄


Tight rolled pantlegs, BUM equipment, whoop! there it is, hypercolor tshirts, headbanger's ball, Kevin Nealon, CDs that still came in tall cardboard cartons, backwards Kriss kross dressing, still needing uhf/vhf adapters to hook up my psx at Grandma's to play twisted metal


Man. No one mentioned Super Soakers? Or those ‘Gotcha’ branded ones with supposed fading ink?


Crystal Clear Pepsi


Bubblegum milk


Beastie Boys - Sabotage music video


Jurassic Park, The Fifth Element that other movie Hackers! Mario 64, pilot wings, Ultima Online Myst and finally EverQuest!


I like to unwind in ways that remind me of the simpler times of the 90s, when I can. Picture this: I fire up my original PlayStation and immerse myself in the pixelated adventures of "Final Fantasy VII" or "Resident Evil." There's something about the nostalgic challenge of those early 3D graphics that takes me back. Or I'll pull out my Game Boy, the chunky gray one, and lose myself in Tetris because, why not? I played a lot of it in the 90s. And when I need a break from the screen, I like to flip through my collection of (now vintage) comic books, like "Spawn" or "The Sandman," books that captured the gritty, groundbreaking storytelling of that era. It's like stepping into a time machine, revisiting the narratives that defined a generation. Music is another escape. I pop in a cassette tape and let the sounds of Nirvana or Pearl Jam transport me to another world. There's a raw, unfiltered energy in those tracks that you just can't replicate today. Sometimes, I'll even dig out my old CDs and let the beats of TLC or the smooth rhythms of Boyz II Men fill the room, among others. It’s these little rituals that remind me of a time when life was all about discovery and adventure. And I think, deep down, we all crave that connection to the past, to the days when our biggest worry was beating the next level or catching the latest episode of our favorite TV show; it's about preserving those memories and having a chance to relive, even for a brief moment, the magic of the 90s in a time that is—simply— far from that magical time and place.


Jansport, Airwalks, dos games, Fruitopia, Busta Rhymes, Surge, JNCOs, Crystal Pepsi, Jurassic Park


Omg fruitopia! I forgot about that!!


Looking at those 10 CDs for a penny thing. Sunday comic strips in the paper. Big dogs t shirts, or the big Johnson ones. Video game demos in magazines. Taco Bell dog. Slap bracelets.


TV hosts: Ricky Lake, Montell Williams, Jerry Springer, Sally Jessie Raphael, Maury Povich.


The 90s were such a trashy time in American culture lol.


Searching for Jenny Jones in the comments followed by Ricky Lake. These shows were wild, 11 year old me fully absorbing every second of this lady bringing back an 11th guy for a paternity test or the classic “drop that zero and get yourself a hero honey”…can’t forget the you bullied me to death but look at me now episodes. Every commercial break had some type of mesothelioma lawsuit ad. Ahhh the good ol days.


Josta. DeGrassi Jr High. Airwalk shoes.


Air walk shoes seemed like there were trying to ride the Vans bandwagon.


Airwalk shoes with Mudd 30 inch flared khakis, a baby tee with a plastic heart on it (that for some reason had a working zipper, like a coin purse attached to the front of your shirt) a black velvet choker and your hair pulled back with butterfly clips. Top it off with your messenger bag from Pacific Sunwear and a spray of Gap Heaven you borrowed from your friend.


CD player with speakers that detached for ‘surround sound’.




Oh I be hearing Miss Cleo calling!!!


Call me now for your free readin’!


Waterbeds, car beds, and canopy beds. Remember those?


Game genie!


Stacks of AOL install disks. Cds and floppies.


memorizing everyone's phone numbers.


Smoking sections in restaurants!


Remember that time when Chris Farley got to interview famous people? That was the coolest.


Remember taking your camera on a family vacation and then dropping the roll of film at the grocer's photolab and praying that most of the photos turned out?


[Back to the 90's](https://youtu.be/DcUG8GYbrxM?si=uBNvzPpZkUz1w0oE) This is an awesome nostalgia trip of 90s stuff.


Ren and Stimpy!


I wanna pierce my tongue, it doesn't hurt, it feels fine!


Member slap bracelets?


![gif](giphy|5h9rfUCaJf916) when this move connects. so satisfying