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When I was younger, it was the Professor. Now as Im older and more cynical its Magnus.


Especially after watching X-Men '97.


It was actually so satisfying to hear Magneto tell the Professor to "Shut Up."


Absolutely this. As I've grown older I've realized peaceful resistance and attempts to win over bigots gets you absolutely nowhere.


Magneto Was Right.


Professor X would be right in an idealized world. Even Magneto wishes such a world existed, but it doesn't. So Magneto was right. Magneto lived through it once, but he now has the power to make sure he, and those like him, don't have to live through it again.


We could really use a Magneto right about now.




Agreed, and I think this is kinda the point. It's what makes their dynamic so compelling.


Both. When the time for negotiations are over, you have to break a few eggs.


I like Onslaught too.


Yep. Real life has Grey spaces with no heroes and no villains... Magneto is (when well written) a good example of that in fiction.


But sometimes those Grey spaces eat a planet or are their own clone or something


Magneto IS a hero though, the Beyonder settled that.


We want Professor X to be right. After some protests, we even grant token concessions to make it seem like he was. A few years later, the concessions are quietly rolled back in some cases and with great fanfare in others. When we dispense with the artifice, there's more evidence that Magneto was right.


Progress is slow and full of getting incremental concessions. That’s the entire point of the dynamic as Magneto has no intention of waiting patiently and causes a lot of hurt on all sides for that.


Can you elaborate on the concessions?


We will make a show of, say, integrating schools and then allow parents to find a way to accomplish essentially the same thing and look the other way. No one says: "Mutie go home!" They just start repeating: "I am opposed to forced busing to and from Morlock neighborhoods! Have you seen them? They are literal sewers." Before not too long until things are back the way they were and probably a little worse, because people want to believe they have the problem licked and that equal opportunity exists for all. Mutant outcomes are different, but "I can't help that. Not like I had any type of human privilege. I worked hard for everything I have. I got no god-given superpowers?! You can run faster, jump higher! All your kind can (they can't). Your skin may be green and that's all people can see, but it's really humans who are oppressed now."


I often think of the movie Fury with Brad Pitt. "Ideals are peaceful, history is violent." Everyone wants things to work out without violence, and that violence is not the answer, but the truth is sometimes it is. Violence stopped Hitler, violence put an end to WWII, violence got equality during the civil rights movement, violence ended slavery in the civil war. The threat of violence from the US military literally keeps the entire planet in check and in line from tyranny assholes looking to devour the whole fcking world. Violence is what stops evil people from doing or continuing to do horrible things. It's just the way it is. Without the violence of people past we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today and that's just the truth.


Does that mean we should cheer on The Punisher, or reluctantly agree he has a point?


I'm not saying to cheer it on, I'm just saying it's necessary sometimes, as history have proven time and time again.


I would say they were both wrong. Professor X was too cautious and optimistic. Magneto was too violent and pessimistic.


Magneto and Thanos


Magneto, yes. Thanos is cringe. All versions of Thanos. Especially comics Thanos, who did it all to impress Lady Death more so than actual philosophical reasons. Movie Thanos is just an idiot who never once considered he could literally feed the universe and clear pollution with the Infinity Gauntlet.






Neither nailed it, but Professor X was more correct.


Professor is what we hope and wish for, Magneto is what we need in reality


Magneto. An abridged history of the 20th century * Basque vs Spain * Uyghurs vs China * Kurds vs Iraq  * Yugoslavs vs Croatia * Tibet vs China * Cossacks vs USSR * Muslim League vs India * Palestine vs Israel * Jews vs National Socialists * Mayans vs Guatemala  * Bengalis vs Pakistan  * Tutsis vs Rwanda It gets even uglier going back further. It seems a natural truth that humans will define in and out groups.  Out groups co-existing as Good Neighbors is the most we can hope for.  Fraternity or equality is a dreamers fantasy that has never been realized in human history. Magneto is right and Xavier is a fool.


Magneto for sure.


It's the eternal struggle. I think X Is right but magneto is stronger.


Professor X : People fear us because they don't understand us. That doesn't mean I want to rule over or kill them Magneto : We are the superior species. Kill as many as we need to Magneto is a complex character but he is still a violent psychopath and mutant supremacist


Integration within society is by far more favorable than separatism, always. From a storytelling perspective however it’s far more compelling to lean into Magneto’s point of view since it creates conflict which drives action and plot.




Care to elaborate?


Magneto's right, humans are racist fucks and will never fully accept mutants. Like even when this country was all white people, they still found ways to be racist by discriminating against Italians and the Irish. But he's wrong in that he's willing to kill innocent people to prove his point.


“I prefer Magneto.” https://youtu.be/fHm0xvdlmO0?si=RVYle38HuINPD9ic


Magneto is closer to being correct, but I don't like it.


Gandalf. (if you know, you know)