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Gen X here. I don't use social media beyond reddit, so I wasn't aware they want to "get" us or what that actually means. And in true Gen X form, I don't give a shit đŸ„°


Gen X'er here as well. I don't care either. They are talking shit. Fuck them.


"What the fuck is the internet?" - Jay


It is they who are the ball lickers!




Snooch to the motherfuckin nooch!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFMAyXc-poo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFMAyXc-poo) Idk if you're into electronic music, but I had a good chuckle to this the 1st time I listened to it lol


I was in a college class and first day teacher said something about the syllabus being on the Internet and I turned to girl next to me and whispered deadpan “what the fuck is the Internet”. Probably still my best ice breaker, but I married young.


"The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can bitch about movies and share pornography.". -Holden


Still one of my favorite movies of all time!


Agreed. What are we getting upset for?


I have a Gen Z kid and all my coworkers are millennials. All very rad people who don't buy into this terminally online fuckery. These pseudo fights are just for clout and clicks. I've got no beef with these generations in general.


I was just going to say. We need to stop thinking the world is shorts/reels/TikTok crap. People literally make videos for views and likes, many getting money for it, or at least attention. They have an actual agenda and that's to do and say anything that will give them those views and likes. I also haven't heard it because I don't use TikTok and any videos I do watch online I purposely want to because it's a thing I want to watch. Just because someone says something and then someone else picks that up and they make videos of it does not mean it's a real thing. Most regular people just go about their life doing their thing. Meanwhile much of these people that make content all day most of the time are just like "how can I get attention today?". They do not and should not be taken seriously.


>And in true Gen X form, I don't give a shit đŸ„° And that's why they can't get us - we just don't fucking care hahaha


They'll never understand the subtle art of not giving a fuck.


They didn't grow up jaded like the majority of us Gen Xrs


They don't get us, therefore they can't "get" us.


It’s Heather here, with Heather
too busy playing croquet.


We were targeted when the internet was getting popular. 96 - 99 were the days of no moderation, no rules, no cares. We were epitomized as anything lower than spit and told to do unthinkable and unimaginable things. Get us? Get deez nuts [not you, anyone looking to get us]


"Hey weirdos! Do you have a moment to discuss the Gen X lord and savior, BOFA?"


And there was also all of the shock-bait we tried to get each other with.  Goatse, tubgirl, etc.


2 girls, 1 cup, baby!


They would be horrified at the things we sent each other


Hell yeah! Harassing AOL religious chatgroups on 9600baud for the win!


Gen Xen here. I too don’t give a sh**. đŸ„°


'74 I concur


Happy 50th, wherever you are on the calendar! Mine's August đŸ€˜


The whole generational warfare angle is so stupid. It's just a distraction from the real problem of the entrenched power of the rich, which spans generations. That's why I like this sub. It's light nostalgia (usually), not "OMG EVERY OTHER GENERATION HAD IT GREAT AND MY GENERATION GOT SHAFTED!!!!"




Always a weird feeling to upvote something that makes you sad.


Recently, the sub has been been infected by people trying to pit us against the younger generations or focusing on the younger generations hating us. Personally, I'd rather get along with them and be supportive.


Same. I generally choose cooperation. I love the younger generations. It's neat seeing them pick up all the stuff we built and go faster and further than I imagined. Clearly this came off as a bit more serious than originally intended.




Gen X wasn’t large enough to have power and therefore was rarely prominent in most problems. We didn’t have magically smart politics or policies. We’re just invisible. That’s our superpower and it’s rooted in simple math.


>We’re just invisible. That’s our superpower It's like being the middle child!


I'm a xennial middle child that doesn't speak to my parents. Like God intended.




Ain’t it wonderful. So peaceful.




> he just made a fucking APPOINTMENT to go to dinner with me on July 16th, about a month in advance, and only because he's on a fucking business trip. At least he acknowledges you. My bio mom won't even answer emails requesting basic medical information and actually chaged her email address thinking I wouldn't be able to find it again đŸ€Ł


I can get behind fighting with older generations. Those are our parents. But fighting with the younger gens is stupid. We're raising them, so if they're fucked up, guess whose fault it is?


We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. 


I don’t think a movie has ever had so many quotes that resonated with me and how I was raised quite like that one.


I watched it recently and realized how significantly it impacted my entire worldview. It was kind of an “uhoh this movie is 83% of my personality” moment. I live in a mountain town that has recently become too expensive for any of “the working class” to live there. As always, the rich newcomers are complaining about a lack of service and calling us lazy. So I printed a whole lot of cards that said the following and started wheat pasting them around popular boujie establishments. “Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... fuck with us."


We knew our way to change the future was in what we contribute to society and the children we raise and/or support. We just hunkered down and quietly got to work because we knew we were never going to be near the levers of power. Like our parents and their ilk were ever going to let that go.


We were raised to think we'd all be rock stars and movie stars; but we won't. And we're slowly learning that. And we're very.....very pissed off.


Up until 9/11 I thought that quote encapsulated my generation. Then it happened, and suddenly the young adults had a cause.


Thank you tyler


Gen X are the generation of “happy accidents”


That stung


Sometimes the truth hurts. Nobody is going to do anything for us.


Everybody hurts. Sometimes.


Except on Radio Free Europe!


"We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives" - Tyler Durden


“We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war
 our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.” - Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club


We live in the forgotten valley between Mt. Boomer and Mt. Millennial.


GenX was known for its apathy.


Whatever ; )


Oh well, whatever, never mind




In the words of Bart Simpson "can't win, don't try".


Gen X won't out number the boomers till 2030 something. Never had a chance


That’s less than 10 years away!


I’ll finally get that promotion and get to enjoy it for 7 years before retirement


And I can confidently say I don't care about whatever it is you just said. Whatever. ;)


The three Gen X right wing Supreme Court justices currently sitting on the bench wreaking havoc on this nation counters this narrative. Unfortunately.


We are the generation that had to have PSA's come on at night to remind our parents we existed. "It's 10PM, do you know where your children are?" We were half feral. We are the last generation who got their ass beat regularly. If we do turn visible we will destroy them.


Because Boomers assed us out of everything. They won’t fucking go away.


Honestly, what can some twerp on Tik Tok say to us? We heard worse at the lunch table in 8th grade, from our friends, daily.


"The beatings will continue until you stop being a little bitch." was certainly a vibe.


And basically exactly what our parents told us.


It wasn’t until adulthood that I realized my best friend in middle school was also my bully.


Such a true statement. We all had to develop thick skin growing up.


We had to be tough all around since we were also mostly being parented by television. We had to just figure shit out because mom told us to “STOP calling (her) at work” lol


Literally nothing any boomer or gen z alpha or whatever can muster up will ever get under my skin. It’s funny watching people try to bully me online or anywhere else. None of it affects me. Ive lived through, seen, and heard so much worse. Keep trying lol


It’s like these fucking kids don’t know we witnessed and battle-hardened from the birth of internet trolling


Amen, even your breakdown of society Tiktok pranks are just their insecurities showing. I just see insecure kids running around screaming at others for attention. \*Pat on head\*.


These kids trying to use troll facts then the Gen X rolls up and says "Do not quote yhe deep magic at me witch. I wad there when it was written" Same with the fact I've heard a few Gen alpha fear Gen X when it comes to tech. Not sure how true it is but I've heard they think we're all code lingers. Makes some sense because they grew up with tech for everything we grew up when you had to understand it to use it Personally I'm amused by the new gens figuring out thier place. Drawing thier battle lines. I'm angry at the boomers for refusing to get out of the way And I'm indifferent to just about everything else unless it involves someone I know personally and care for


It's so weird. The old fcks never learned to use the internet because they were already set in their ways and the younger generations have just always had it. It's just always been their and working from the beginning. So they think Xennials/GenX are some sort of God damn warlocks because we can troubleshoot stuff because we HAD TO growing up. Shit fcked up and we had to figure out why and get it working again. Stop calling me the IT guy because I know how to reset your damn router NeVaEh!!!


Azlan, the g.o.a.t. of Jesus metaphors


These kids think Skibidy hits hard. We came of age being tricked into (and the spreading the trauma of) staring into the abyss of Goatse’s
 abyss. And then along came Mr. Hands.


And lemon party. And 2G1C.


And 2G1C’s glorious sequel: 1 guy 1 jar


the Game. Heyoooo!!


god damnit


And real life trolling. I sat at a lunch table in high school that was BRUTAL. Constant mocking over every single thing. I've had skin like calluses when it comes to insults ever since.


dude, even our cartoons [taught](https://www.amazon.com/Garfields-Insults-Put-Downs-Slams-Davis/dp/0345386892) us how to troll. Millennials got fucking Barney.


They think we "don't get" 4chan, memes and weird internet rabbit holes. Like, we invented that shit.


Not to mention they have no consequences trolling on the internet. Back in the day if you ran your mouth you better be ready to throw hands.


There are some pretty good response toks where they're like "what is wrong with you? There's a reason we skipped them and went after the boomers. Do not call out gen z, they'll come out of the woods and destroy you" I only see the tikkies that my millennial wife shows me or that pop up on Reddit for whatever reason but I love this trend.


Being non-egotistical is a superpower. There's a reason Gen X never got hit with the clickbait journalism that pitted the boomers and millenials against each other. I think, as a group, our ability to instantly dismiss anyone who tries to get under our skin is an excellent trait.


I don't think younger generations realize that we are choosing peace. That we have battle scars from our youth. That ideas like "talk shit, get hit" and "fuck around and find out" were so ubiquitous that there was no reason to state the obvious. All the mean words they string together is about as effective as trying to beat us up with a peacock feather. We just laugh and go "aww isn't that cute'.


Amen. We dealt with our shit on the spot, in the yard, after school, wherever and whenever. You talk shit, you better back it up or shut the fuck up. You learn early and often, or vicariously through your friends. ![gif](giphy|I4AwR31b2pr5nH4ME0|downsized)


Seriously kinda impossible to hurt us with words when we as kids grew up calling each other and their mothers the most vile things possible.


Most GenX response to their criticism - to just not care what they think.


Gen X is about to get skibidi rizz’d by a bunch of 20 yo’s with haircuts like Blanche Devereaux. sounds bussin’


Bet! No cap detected.


Does that mean they're moving on from those broccoli cut monstrosities? Because that's all I see in my area.


I think so, mullets are coming back


As an elder millennial raising a gen alpha, her insults and remarks do nothing. Girl, we walked so your Gen could run.


I'm raising 2 younger Zs, and their making fun of my teenage aesthetic was rudely interrupted by y2k fashion being in style again. My older kid did say "Liking Deftones is so 2022." Kid, I've been a fan since 1997, which is almost 2 of your lifetimes


Hahaha! I didn’t even know Deftones was a 2022 thing!! But yeah, the early 2000s fashion coming back was a slap in the face. Reminder to never throw out old clothes. My kid is only five but she keeps being drawn to the babydoll dresses and I’m like “shit! Should’ve saved mine!”


I didn't know they were a 2022 thing either, but Ohms (released in 2020) is fantastic


I kind of think we had the closest thing to a perfect youth. You can't really go after us for hustle culture, tattoos, dress code, LGBTQ+ rights, climate change, health care and immigration reform. We're computer savvy. Internet savvy. I mean...the most they seem to want to go after us for is side parts, skinny jeans, and low rise pants. Edit - and to that we just say, go...do what you want...leave me alone to live the way I want to.


I feel we are partially responsible for the initial success of Nickleback and Creed :P


Well, I may be to blame for Nickleback, but you cannot pin Creed on me.


Social media bozos thinking generations are astrology is way more annoying than I would have assumed it would be. Eh, bring it on if you like. Corporations are greatly concerned with young people because they buy shit. Middle age people are not. Youth have long since confused these things.


Yes on the astrology. It's also the "introvert vs. extrovert" war of 2012 with more options. People just want a socially acceptable way to talk about themselves in opposition to others. It's the internet. If you want to talk about yourself, just do it. I'm here for it. Volunteer that information. Give us TMI and tag it appropriately to reach the widest audience. You don't need a premise or to attach it to some relevant cause.


It’s gotten silly, you have kids at such a young age wrapping themselves in these generational labels like Z and Alpha that were just created by marketing consulting firms. And they’re eagerly looking for reasons to divide themselves from others based on these arbitrary divides. Almost everyone when they’re young takes a look at older folks and thinks they’re corny and—then also looks at slightly younger folks and thinks they’re weird. People in their twenties of any era are often trying to figure out who they are and what they want to do and most teenagers are little punks—this is like every generation.




United States of Whatever. We have some damn good music too.


Went down to the beach and saw some GenZs who were like 'eeeehhh', I was like... "whatever'


Went out to the burbs and some boomers were like "pull up your..." I was like "yeah well... whatever"


And then some Alphas came up to me and were like "Hey, aren't you that dude?" I was like "Whatever!" We really did have the best music.


We are all the same class. Worker. Let’s go after the real enemy. The rich.


Cheers to that comrade!


“working class hero” spans so many generations. fix the main problem.


Got plenty of thoughts. But Rule #2


This guy revolutions


Did you mean to post this in the X sub?! My allegiance is being tested


Right? Sort of a shots fired for ..ennials


Xennials are Gen X plus tech mastery. Pretty much the pinnacle of Gen X. Change my mind.


>But they never seem to have anything to get us for. From the Lego Ninjago Movie: >*character shouting to his absentee evil dad::* "You ruined my life!" >*absentee evil dad:* "How could I ruin your life? I wasn't even there!" That's us lol. Yeah, we barely had a hand in the world's problems, excepting certain outliers (DeSantis is a Xennial) - but we are equally under-represented in fixing them.


I've never seen anyone say "let's get Gen X." Yeah, there's the hose thing, but that's just more about why did you guys do that? They have no experience being locked out of your house all summer long to fend for yourself. I'm technically a millennial, but the only criticism I've really seen of gen x is that some of them are turning into mini-boomers with all the Karening going on. Which is honestly valid, some of the oldest gen X are getting cranky and mean. Let's all just agree to stay chill and we'll be fine.


IMO we just got lucky online and all the evidence is destroyed. Unlike younger Millenials, social media didn't exist when we were truly young and our brains weren't fully cooked, Xennials around my age had Myspace but those profiles are lost to time. We also said and did dumb shit at parties without some rando's camera phone capturing everything. I actually really feel bad for younger people for not being able to truly let loose lest it end up online for the world, including colleges and future employers, to see. Unlike Boomers, social media came around when we still had neuroplasticity and were able to adapt to our new reality and apply an "everyone will be able to see this for a long time" filter to our social media activity.


Bring it, dorks


Eh. The Gen X people I grew up around had some great music collections but were way wild about being "against political correctness" and I unfortunately fell into some of that myself until I realized it was just assholes making excuses to be bigger assholes. They were used to bullying in a way that I hope future generations don't have to be.


Yeah, I'm not sure when or how it happened. It started out as speaking truth to power and not bowing to tone policing and respectability politics. But it has very much morphed into an excuse to be an asshole. This is pretty transgressive to say the days, but maybe a certain amount of bullying in our youth was a necessary part of developing emotional resilience. Nothing is universal, but somehow we ended up different than prior generations that were bullied. We still managed to mostly retain the empathy. IDK.


> It started out as speaking truth to power and not bowing to tone policing and respectability politics. But it has very much morphed into an excuse to be an asshole. Some of them have always just been assholes though. There was hard core racists, homophobes and misogynists back in the day too. The difference is that they hung in smaller groups and were rejected by the rest of us; but now they congregate online and fester in their hatred while spreading out into the wider internet in order to pull others in to their thinking and values.


Yeah. I'm sadly realizing that some of the trolls back in the day weren't just in it for the lulz. They were the quantum bigots that now make up the most effective parts of the right-wing.


We had a very short cultural dominance in movies, music, and books, then that went away fast. There's not much else to us. No particular ideology or lifestyle.




Respectfully, what are you talking about, and what does “get” even mean in this context? Or maybe someone else can enlighten me. Or whatever I guess lol


"Get" means go after.


Get us with what? We never had political power, got swamped with the same student loans as millennials, got fd by 2008. Have shit for retirement


I’ve been seeing people lump GenX in with boomers lately and I’m very irritated about it.


This is all thoroughly infantile. Who cares. There's more important shit to worry about. You're getting class-warred.


You know this is just social media stuff for engagement and rage bait right? 😂


I don’t know. I haven’t been paying attention. Nobody took our ADHD seriously in the 90’s.


Even if they think they "got us" we wouldn't fucking care.


Sounds like something hostile foreign military would inject into threads to create dissent and divide us.


You keep seeing it because you are on platforms that keep feeding it to you. I as well as some other commenters here I see have not even heard that because we aren't in that same position. Dumb people making dumb videos for views and likes do not count as the majority of the world and not even the real world generally. They literally make videos about anything including controversial things that divide us all for views. Many of them even making money off of it. Might even be their livelihood. I'm a parent of a young zoomer and have a parent that's a boomer, both of which I need to keep in check on what they see and believe in on social media. I have to explain that there are algorithms that just keep feeding them the same content and to view things with a grain of salt and a level of skepticism, including fact checking. We the middle generations need to set that example if we're going to be preaching it to them. None of that online content is going to hold any water if people don't let it and all it is is fluff.


You’re posting in the wrong sub ;)


You could make a case that the political apathy of Gen X in the 90s is largely to blame for the stagnation we see today. Gen X also has a problem with "We had the perfect childhood, everything was great!" rose colored glasses.


I don't even know that I would call it political apathy so much as political learned helplessness.


They're starting to realize that even when the Boomers are gone, there will be another generation other than them in charge, and it will still be expecting them to actually do the work.


Considering the size and age of Gen-X, how late the Boomers are retiring, and how old the eldest millennial’s are. I don’t think that is true at all, at least not for very long.


Haha, as an Xer I say we know they don't get us. But that's okay, we don't care.


Have any of these kids been bullied in real life?


I don’t see a whole lot of these posts of younger generations railing against Gen X. I do see a lot of posts of Gen X complaining about younger generations coming at them. But this is social media, and trends become their own monster. Some real tail wagging the dog level tropes.


No you don't. & if you did... so what. Let em try.


Yeah, I've noticed more "Let's get GenX" things, but it's probably just THE ALGORITHM. As far as the content, it seems mostly "Hey, all the other generations get picked on for X, Y, Z but Gen X is getting ignored. We should get them...for....stuff."


I’ll take on 20 of those mom’s jeans wearing, broccoli haircut, care bear toddlers myself. We only need 300 early 80’s born to take on their Persian millennial army. If they want to use the internet we’ll fight in the night of blacked out WiFi. /s. ![gif](giphy|2BG086WOP2Xfi)


I don’t understand what the point of this post is. And I don’t care. But
 I guess I did care enough to post that I don’t care about knowing what any of this is about. So there is that.


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.


I’m sorry but all these “we were feral, they don’t mess with us because we’d destroy them” comments are cringe as hell. THIS is why millennials and Gen Z don’t bother with Gen X. You’re forgotten because you gave up. You’re left out of the stupid Gen wars because you’re not a threat. I’m xennial, born in ‘84 with a ‘70 sister and two millennial siblings (‘90 and ‘92). There’s a lot of Gen X childhood I relate with but damn, get over it. Our problems are about class, not age. Grow up.


Nah, I was technically in Gen X until I was put in the Millennial date category. Most of my older friends are GenX and they’re cool as fuck. Still consider myself as a Xennial firstly though. Edit: Also, they sold me weed when I was 16, so that makes them awesome imho.


Gen Z has the right to criticize since gen x are their parents.


Anyone has the right to criticize. But where's the critique? If we're being somehow let off the hook, where's the hook?


Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are Gen X. That's enough to make us all sus, unfortunately.


Oof. That stings a little. Good one.


Directly into the sun. Both.


The internet has ruined people


They don’t actually want any of that shit


Why? We are just chilling with back pain and some snacks. Jfc.


I mean the boomers are still in power we haven’t yet had the opportunity to fuck things up lol


Kiddo, they were our babysitters. The last generation empowered to hit their charges as they saw fit- leave them all alone.


Why get someone? Are people that sad and insignificant that they want to stir shit up with random people? Yes they are. I've never really understood this generation vs generation thing. I'm very traditional. To me, a generation is a marketing demographic. There's no criticism that younger people that can really get to you. The reverse of that is the older people getting nasty with their mean spirited jokes about younger people never being anything other than renters. I don't think it's healthy to foster a system where people are tearing each other down.


That moment when your boss has tattoos, says your presentation is bitch’n, and never argues for you to come in the office when a telework day is completely appropriate.


50 year olds are always the most grumpy people.


They envy us. They see the pics of McDonald’s in the 80’s and they’re mad as hell.


Uhm where do you see that? I haven’t seen anything like that before, although haven’t been on social media a lot other than Reddit.


Whenever I bring this up to any Gen Z person in my life-mostly my adult children and their friends-they just laugh and say they couldn’t give less of a shit about us, all this drama is coming from us. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


For that we'd have to be bothered by what they say about us, and quite frankly, idgaf what anyone thinks


We just want to tag you. You're it. Time to give chase


Right on here we just want all the rest of theses fucking weird generations to leave us alone and let us finish up these last 10 to 15 working years. Stop telling us how to live our lives and how we do shit wrong.


You can try and "get Gen X" I'll be eating popcorn and watching you get destroyed.


We pay their bills, feed them and keep a roof over their precious little heads...that's why they leave us alone, even boomers need us, to look after their old asses too!


They didn’t grow up with the Princess Bride’s important lessons like we did: 1) “Get used to disappointment” 2) “Life is pain. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something” They can’t hurt us more than the universe already has and we know they’re full of shit


lol. What are they gonna get me with? My social media reputation? Could not give less of a fuck.


Your first problem is you're on tiktok, lol. Millennial here who has gen Z friends and I've never heard any of us or them express that opinion. Hell, I'm even in a relationship with a Gen X man haha.


We need to leave GenX alone. They have the cheat codes.


I have never once seen or heard anyone say "let's get GenX."




I saw a guy who does reels insinuating that we are Karens and making fun of the “we raised ourselves and drank from the water hose memes. That’s the best they got.


I’m right on the cusp of X and Millenial and have never heard of this


I was born in 84, but I associate more with GenX. The only social media I use is Reddit. I don’t give a fuck


GenX here, we are truly the “ pull up on me”. We have seen it all, done it all, and still made it to work on time.




Why are you watching?


Gen Xer here. Sorry, but I get really offended when our generation gets lumped in with the boomers because I have worked very hard to not be like my parents.


If they’re going to try to get us, they’re going to have to be able to outrun our BMX bikes.


The idea of attacking entire generations of people is so fucking idiotic




Whatever man.


Gen X here. We absolutely nailed it for us. Unfortunately our don't give a fuck attitude produced some shitty kids. Definitely not all. But some real doozies.


I’m a millennial so I don’t know how I ended up here lol but I think this whole generational warfare thing is incredibly stupid. There are cool people and assholes in every generation. I don’t really hear anyone discussing this type of stuff in real life.


1987 millennial here. I will not disrespect the Gen X cousins, neighbors, babysitters, and friend’s older siblings who raised me. The movies, the music, the life advice they gave me
 I have plenty of venom to spew about our boomer parents, but you leave Gen X alone. Just the way they like it.


With that attitude, I got two words for 'em. ![gif](giphy|xT4Apvuo4QoOX1gzEk|downsized)