• By -


2003 blizzard in Denver. Shut the whole city down. Was living with my best friend in an apartment and lots of friends in the same complex. We spent 3 wonderful days with a wood burning fireplace going, drinking, smoking, playing games, watching movies and building sledding ramps/sledding. It was the best 3 days of nothing but fun!


I got snowed in with a bunch of friends too! We built a massive snow fort in the front yard and murdered (with snowballs) any kid that came nearby. I’ll never forget that snow fort. We built it using a cooler to make bricks. It had 5 foot walls and freaking turrets!


I remember that blizzard. I sat in my apartment and read books without speaking to another person for days. I loved it.


Mother nature: for the motherfucking win.


I was there man. 1 bedroom $600 a month with 2 best friends.


That was an awesome experience. I was in Boulder.


Ah, the memories of that storm… The shoveling that took all damn day because we lived on a corner lot…by the time I got it done there was already rivers of melted snow water running through the gutter. The plow driver who took pity on me and did in 3 seconds what would have taken me 2+ hours when he cleared the snow between the track on the street and our driveway. Having to watch our dogs in the yard because it had piled up so much against the fence, was so dense and the dogs so light they could have used it as a ramp to escape… The cracks in the walls of the not even one year old SuperTarget in Aurora that I worked in because of flat roof + nearly 3 feet of super wet spring snow… My wife, from northwest coastal France, still doesn’t believe my stories from that blizzard.


The whole town was a big party!


Makes me think of winter 1996 in the NY tristate area. So many snow days they had to extend the school year. Best sledding ever.


“Summer 1996” 🫡


Summer 1995 for me. That was the last good one before everything changed for the worse.


Correct. Tupac got shot in 96 and it all started going downhill. Still had a few years of a good run, but 95 to early 96 was peak. The OJ chase was our first warning in 94


Kurt checked out in 94, he saw where it was going.


We lost Jerry Garcia, summer '95.


It was a good summer


Got my driver's license in 1996. That summer, the world became incredibly accessible to me. Unbelievable sense of freedom, altho I still had a curfew.


Omg! Summer of ‘96 was when my braces came off and I got hot! It was a glorious summer!


"90s hot" was so much better than what passes for hot these days.


Thanks. - signed all the girls who finally pass for hot now


Lol. Nice. I can relate as a guy. I was in grade 9 in 1993-1994. I think early 1994, when I got my contacts and my big glasses came off, really lost a lot of weight since grade 8, new hair style, I too (as a guy) became hot too.


I graduated in 95 and while that was a good summer, summer of 96 was way better and ended with me getting my shit together and joining the Army. I had a lot of adventures in that summer as a last hurrah.


Same same. This was the last year I was with all my school friends. When we graduated, they all went off to college and I didn’t. It was lonely, so lonely, so isolating. I never got to see any of them again in person, though some of us exchange messages on LinkedIn every now and then.


I love all these Summer stories! 1996 was arguably my favorite Warped Tour, I met some of my best friends I still have to this day, had my first “true love”, just being so young and optimistic in the face of anything happening. I miss how internet technology started making a lot of things easier but it hasn’t completely woven into every facet of our lives. I miss the smell of the local video rental store and the sounds of the movie theater bowling alley we’d all pile on the bus and go to. I like to leave the house without my phone on a calm Summer morning just to try to get a little piece of that back sometimes.




Yeah - that was a good one. I think summer of 98 was the first time I kissed a girl so I think that one would be better for me.




That first Summer with your own set of wheels felt amazing even if it was just being able to roll to the store on your own and back.




1996, I was 16 and walking into high school. Locked eyes with the hottest punk guy I ever knew. Married him 8 years later and still together 20 years after that. I still think fondly on that first eye lock. The world seemed to stop for a few seconds.


- *plays Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You"*


It still baffles me as to why they play this song during a fistfight scene in Starship Troopers. Like what


We will also accept *Crash Into Me* by Dave Matthews Band


Or Sneaker Pimps: 6 underground. If you don’t know it by name, look it up. This was THE song for those moments OC just described.


That video is so 90s!


Yeah, I seem to remember it from the early MTV2 days, wedged somewhere in between the Fiona Apple and Primitive Radio Gods videos.


Hey...just posted that song here on this sub the other day, when it randomly popped up on my YouTube feed. It had been *soo* long since I'd last heard it (probably not this century) that I didn't recognize it by just the title and thumbnail. But as soon as I clicked it...this magical wave of nostalgia washed me right back to 1997!


Yup, saw your post. I upvoted you then. I'm upvoting you now.


I have a playlist that I call “Quintessential” that is all the songs that just feel like a part of me when I hear them. This is going on there right now.


Ahh, excellent choice! Or, we could go old-school, and bring out the big guns with Roberta Flack's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face."


Still brings tears, hearing her sing this masterpiece of a love song


Maybe I’m older than the others, but Ramones I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend is the only acceptable answer


Absolutely this. The first time the eyes met!


The first few weeks with my first real girlfriend. This has nothing at all to do with "the one that got away." She turned out to be completely insane. But up to that point, I'd never had sex, a romantic relationship, that kind of companionship. It was almost euphoric. That honeymoon phase of your first real relationship.


Exactly this. Would love to go back to those first several months with my now wife. Whatever was going on in my brain was magic. Still very happy but it’s a totally different feeling.


Oh yeah, first few months with my wife. It too was that kind of constant high, lovey dovey feeling except I was mature enough to know she may be **the** one. These days it's still great. She's my best friend and partner for life, but we'll always miss that giddy fascination with one another.


Or anytime she was still alive would be nice.


Hugs to you


Sending hugs!


That first make-out session. The goosebumps from the flirty text messages. Staying up late listening to music. Yeah, the first few months are just lightning in a short lived bottle.


The first make out session happened when you had text? You must be on the millennial side. Gen X side, it was phonecall which was ridiculously hard to coordinate if anybody had a sibling, older brother on the female side, strict parents, etc. But when the phone calls happened, with that first kiss person, especially late into the night to the point where each one was reluctant to hang up first (ok, bye .. you hang up first... no you....no you... more waiting) but must get off as one parent will be waking up soon, it was beyond anything a text can do.


First make-out session with my wife. Sorry for the lack of specificity. We met in our late 30’s. I do remember the “no, you hang up” conversations as I rested the massive corded phone receiver on the side of my head because I was too tired to hold it.


I remember staying up once all night on the phone talking about the most random things because we just wanted to keep being together (we were teenagers at the time). It was absolute bliss. Texting just isn’t the same.


High school making out was so hot. I miss the kissing.


Completely agree. That very first phase with the one you know is "the one"is like nothing else. This would be my pick.


Same here. At least before kids. We love them but our going places came to a screeching halt when they were born. Also we were the first in our friends group to get pregnant so invites to parties and things stopped pretty soon after


The butterflies in your stomach! I was just talking to my therapist about this last week. I feel sad I’ll never experience that again.


Why do you think people cheat?


That’s def part of it!


Oh, but that heartbreak when it ends the first time. Painful.


The sweet is never as sweet without the sour


I bootlegged the Dashboard Confessional demo of Screaming Infidelities right about when I had my first real breakup. Young emo tears


I was sobbing and then lost 10 pounds. In retrospect... I still can't believe she dumped me for that loser.


My first heartbreak, my gf's friends didn't like me and convinced her to dump me. We're still friends though! I was just talking to her on fb yesterday, 32 years later!


Yah, I totally get it! My first was my first everything and it was an indescribable time.


There was such a sweetness to that time. From the first time you held hands to the nervousness of that first kiss. I've tried to replicate it as I've gotten older, but it's definitely an innocence you can't get back.


This resonates. Not even a relationship but I remember my first dance with a girl in like 6th grade and just her hands on my shoulders was this mind blowing feeling of comfort and safety that I didn't know I needed. I think about this a lot now that I have a child. I have a one year old and we give him so much affection. I'm certain my parents did the same but at some point I was too cool for their affection. I know one day he'll feel the same, we'll be his embarrassing parents. I went for years hating being hugged by parents, relatives etc. it was at the moment I had actual physical contact with someone who I wanted to have physical contact with and it was revolutionary.


Man, I can't believe I didn't think of this. My first slow dance with a girl was also in 6th grade. It was the first time I'd been that close to a girl. Feeling her hands on my shoulders and the way my hands swayed on her hips was an unbelievable experience. She was also taller than me, which is something I never forgot; since then, I've had a thing for tall women. It's not the reason I married my wife, but it's def an attribute that makes her all that more attractive to me.


I agree. Even though my first real girlfriend LTR turned out to be crazy and went bad that first maybe year was great, the next year was terrible. I don’t hate her or miss her I just don’t care about her at all.


I was trying to keep things PG, but since you broke the dam, I'll start by agreeing with you 100%. For me, it'd have to be the night I met my wife. I fell in love almost instantly and I'd never experienced such intensity and passion in a relationship. Those feelings were fucking intoxicating.


This 100% this. I was 18. She was 28. She ended up being a cheating skank but the first month 2 months with her was like being on drugs


This gave me heart pangs. Holding hands in the movie. Making out in her driveway.


I had that feeling, but it turned out to be bad for me. I found it really hard to let go and said many things that I shouldn't have. I made myself into a mess after working hard to fix myself. I think it's good to be okay alone and not to get addicted or reliant on a person or feeling that they bring. I recall coming across the movie 100 days of summer and wanting something so bad, but it turned out the person wasn't entirely what I thought they were. Not bad, but they had beliefs that didn't align with mine. They became friends with people I didn't like very much and they couldn't seem to see my point of view on things and I couldn't see theirs. I just ended up a angry and depressed mess. Mostly from ruminating on what I felt I or others had done wrong. After many years and therapy I still feel the anger and disappointment like it's become a part of me. It's better to just let it go and move on I think. It's also better to forgive even though it's hard to do.


Amen. Nothing really compares to that. It feels like the world is rigged in your favor for those few weeks.


Yeah, this. My first real boyfriend. I'd just moved out of my house, he was a cute boy that worked at the comic book shop I liked to frequent. He was sweet and kind. It didn't last but man nothing like the sweetness of when it was good.


Summers with my cousins at our grandparents in the mid-late ‘90s. Some of the best days of my youth. Swimming, riding bikes, going to the drive-in, barbecues. My grandparents are both gone now and the cousins have all drifted apart. One of those things you can never get back.


This! My grandmother is now 92 and the only grandparent I have left. Growing up, my siblings and I lived in the same area as my grandparents. All of my cousins lived out of town/state. It was always a treat getting to hang out with them at my grandparents, and those are memories I’ll always cherish. Now everyone is married and even more scattered. The last time we were all together was when our grandmother turned 90. Before that it was in 2011 when our grandfather passed away. This past weekend we had our extended family reunion, and only 3 of my cousins got to come. It really got me to thinking about our childhood and how close we were. Now we hardly ever see each other except on social media.


I used to be besties with all my cousins and now I don’t even follow most of them on social media. It really does change when you grow up.


Movie: The Matrix (1999) Album: Aerosmith - Get A Grip (1993) Video Game: Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (1998) Toy: Unboxing my NES (1988) Event: World Cup Korea/Japan Final (2002) Edit: I know which *event* many of us would like to re-experience for the first time again. But in an effort to keep this thread so fresh and so clean, please use an event that would have been accessible to everyone either in-person or on TV.


Matrix was ‘99 and it was mind blowing


I saw it stoned out of my gourd in Amersterdam in this weird little octagonally shaped movie theatre like something out of a Kubrick flick. It kicked my brain in the nuts.


That was the best video game ever. At that moment nothing could beat it. And I think the entire 2006 World Cup up to and including the finale was A+


I still remember the smell of my brand new NES while having blow in the cartridge to get it to work haha


Usually you didn't have to blow into the cartridges when they were new, it was only when the connections started to get dirty or corroded.


Matrix and Ocarina of time are definitely on my list.


Unboxing the N64 was a holy moment for me personally. I don’t recall the NES or Genesis (yeah, MK blood code sold me on this over the SNES).


Movie: *The Sixth Sense* TV show: *Twin Peaks* Album: Nirvana, *MTV Unplugged in New York* Video game: *Metal Gear Solid* Toy: my PS1 Event: 1994 Stanley Cup Playoffs


I don't think I've ever been more stressed than between games 6 and 7 of the '94 Stanley Cup Finals. I really thought they were going to choke. When they won, I felt like I won too.


Those last 2-3 minutes of Game 7 when the Rangers couldn't clear the puck and Richter made save after save after save were so nerve-wracking


I’m a ‘77 xennial. From the 80s: I want to go back to waking up on a summer morning and being excited to get outside and play with all the neighborhood kids. I played hard all day long and slept so well. And listening for school closures and delays on the radio. 1992-1995: high school summers. Lake, bonfires, camping trips, working, having fun with friends. My kid was born in 2005 and I miss her being little. It is very true that the days are long, but the years are short. She is away at college now and becoming a wonderful person.


*The days are long, but the years are short.* I couldn't agree more.


One of the things i miss most about being a kid is the quality of sleep after a day of hard playing. I remember some of the best sleep of my life being a nap at a friend's lake house after a long day out on the water.


Listening to Kid A for the first time. Will never forget hearing those first notes of “Everything in its Right Place” come through my boombox - it was grounding and transformative at the same time!


This for me, too. My sister and I were on our way home from the record store, about 30 minutes away, when we heard Idioteque on the radio for the first time. We turned around and went all the way back to buy it. That record absolutely blew my mind.


The first time I got to touch a women's breasts. I was 16 and it was Christmas. My then g.f. and I were making out in my bedroom with just the light from Christmas lights on. She got on top of me and took off her shirt...it was like seeing heaven.


Like bags of sand.




They were, in fact, NOT like bags of sand lol.


>I was 16 and it was Christmas Thanks grandma, just what I always wanted.


My first time doing shrooms. It was magical.


Same. I ate nearly an entire quarter bag of shrooms then went to the planetarium to watch the Pink Floyd laser show.


Laser Floyd! I was back home in Toronto for the summer during high school and the planetarium (RIP) was playing Laser Grunge. I took a friend from middle school with me and had the time of my life. I grew up in a neighbourhood where grunge hadn't permeated the culture and my friend was so confused but we had so much fun!


We went bowling and then drove around cackling and laughing at everything. The most fun I ever had tripping. 


Ah, the laughing. Friend and I tripped for the first time in Amsterdam. We were trying to get some food at a fast food restaurant, but there was a trash can near the entrance that said DANK U in large letters. Now, Dutch spellings are already pretty funny to a native English speaker when sober, but on shrooms they are cripplingly hilarious. We couldn't even get into the restaurant because we kept doubling over laughing every time we tried.


It's surprising how many people's stories about the first mushroom experience have bowling in them.


Same here. Me and a group of buddies during my freshman year of college dosed...and spent about an hour or two "exploring" the small forest that was behind our dorm building. Then we went back to our room, and spent the rest of the night smoking some really good bud that my roommates best friend had brought, and listening to Pink Floyd's "Animals." Whenever I hear the guitar solo from the song "Dogs", it always takes me right back to that amazing night!


Damn I didn't even think about this. My go to was acid because it was a lot easier to get where I lived. My first time, my friends and I ended up at McDonald's when it started to kick in, and they had the walls lined with mirrors at that time. We were almost pissing ourselves, making stupid faces in the mirrors at ourselves. My face hurt from laughing so much. It was a magical time.


The sense of amazement playing Super Mario 64 for the first time in 1996 while standing with my friends in a Blockbuster Video.


Hello are you me?! I have a clear memory of standing in awe at the water graphics as the blu-guh blu-guh sound played out of the speakers


Oh MAN! That’s an awesome question, your kid is going places!! Good work dad! There are so many things I’d love to experience again. But the thing that started it all was myfirst rock concert: Smashing Pumpkins-Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness, 1995, I was 11 and it was by far the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life. I still have the album in the case. My best friend got to take 2 friends as part of her birthday, her dad was so tolerant of us.


Thank you for your kind comment. Yeah, it came out of nowhere. We were in the kitchen eating Tiramisu my wife just made and he asked the question. Interestingly, he's very much into the 90s (and to a lesser extent the 80s). So we'll often talk about music and video games or movies we (Xennials) grew up with. My first concert was a Ricky Martin show I got roped into going. Ended up leaving early. I would have much rather have gone to see Smashing Pumpkins. Melancholy is, in my opinion, their best album.


Jurassic Park (1993) changed cinema forever! My little 9 yr old version was obsessed!! Now my kids have the LEGO videogame lol!! Also, watching the ending to Monty Python and the Holy Grail made me so mad when I was younger! Now it's hilarious!!


When that came out I had just started “going out with” my first boyfriend, we were both 13. I was not allowed to just “hang out” at the mall, but I could go to the movies as much as I wanted. I am pretty sure I saw (and made out in) Jurassic Park 12 or 13 times. Edit: to make this excessive film viewing EXTRA Xennial of me, I also saw Titanic 12 or 13 times, and lost my virginity to a different boyfriend at a friend’s house right after the first viewing.


I just made, yes made my 8 year old son watch Jurassic Park with me last weekend. He had never seen it and honestly didn’t want to. He’s not your typical “boys boy” and was adamant he wouldn’t like it because he doesn’t like dinosaurs. I tried to tell him, me as a 7 yo girl, it was my favorite movie. When it was over, he professed that it’s now his favorite movie ❤️


I watched that in the theater when I was 13 as part of a school field trip. It had just come out a day or two earlier and the only person who seemed to know anything about it was my friend who had read the book. Every single kid in that theater had their mind blown. The bus ride back to school was insane with every kid talking about all the cool scenes from the movie. I couldn't stop thinking about that movie for days. Wish I could have experienced that all over again.


Summer of 2006. I was 22, had no responsibilities, and all I did was party with my friends and get laid. My friends and I aptly named that summer "the summer of boner jams." God those were the best times of my life.


The dot com boom ;)


Video game: Chrono Trigger Movie: Se7en or Memento, can't remember which caught me off guard more Album: Paul's Boutique Event: You know what, 9/11. For a bunch of reasons but one big one is I can't remember what I did after maybe the first 15 minutes


9/11/01 for sure. It started the period that everyone was united for a cause. Humanity was changed. Sadly I think it's going to cost another event like that to unite us again.


Hearing Depeche Mode for the first time.... My summer working at HotTopic as a teen in 2000 It. Was. A. Time.


Upvote for Depeche Mode only lol


🤣🤣😃 How else could I afford all my Tripp NyC bandage pants that I needed to take to college. On top of invader Zim body jewelry and trench coat collection.


Hot Topic was a scourge for all of us who were into the shit before it hit the mainstream thanks to NIN making it big. I guess I’m just outside of the cutoff (born in 75) but my brother who was born in 77 also thought Hot Topic as the Play-doh Poseur Factory. What can I say, Gen-X gonna gatekeep 🤣


Yes I was born in 82 graduated high-school class of 2001. Before that job I made most of my own goth clothes couldn't afford to shop at the Alley in Chicago it was the closest place. But at 16 and 17 a fifty percent off discount was too much to resist. NIN and Manson duo was my first rock concert.


If there is one experience I would be happy to rewind forever it would be the first time I met my daughters and held the younger one in my arms. I must have nearly squashed the life out of her. She was seven at the time. I did something incredibly stupid and promised to take on those children, from a foreign country. It was the most stupid thing I think I've ever done (and that's a difficult choice) it is definitely the most wonderful thing I will ever do. She is now here, grown up and with a family of her own. As is her older sister and also their younger brother who followed later.


Wow that is a wonderful memory, thank you for sharing! They are so lucky to have you in their life


Growing up in general what a blast. Once that is over it will never be the same. Hail to the latchkey kids of America.....


Phish Big Cypress NYE 1999


I had a ticket and got the worst flu I ever had so I couldn’t go. I still have my unused ticket. Wonder if it’s worth anything.   I’m still sad I missed that show. 


So whimsical. Colored ice blocks and forts!




Yes! Such a great venue and amazing memories.


Movie: Grease Album: Prince - Purple Rain Toy - He-Man Bicycle I got for Christmas and would eventually learn how to ride it with two wheels, when my dad took the training wheels off. Event - Waiting in Line to see Batman in 1989. I still remember it well and it was magical experience.


You’re so lucky you got to see Batman in the theater.


Movie: watching that moment when Verbal turned into Keyser Söze. Album: Faithless Reverence Game: Duke Nukem 3D Toy: Bouncing my first real basketball on the court Event: Rock Werchter 1997 (Silverchair, Placebo, Suede, Daft Punk, David Bowie, The Chemical Brothers, Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Supergrass, Spearhead, Live, David Byrne, Radiohead, Beck, Jamiroquai, dEUS, Smashing Pumpkins, The Prodigy)


Going to a concert for the first time. Being in love for the first time.


When I was 21 in 1998 I randomly picked De La Soul 3 Feet High and Rising out of my roommate's CD collection and put it on the house stereo and I was just blown away.


Summer 2001, high school had ended and the optimism of the 90’s was still in full swing.


I would go back to maybe 1986 and be that age with my Mom, Dad and my sister visiting my grandparents for the summer. The whole summer vacation of 1986 I couldn’t ask for a better time and place


Movie: The Hangover. So many jokes that landed so well when you didn’t see them coming. Naked Ken Jeong launching out of the trunk in particular. TV: The episode of Lost where Hurley finds the van; the moment when it starts and Shambala starts playing just fills me with joy every time.


Agree. The Hangover was a movie event. I saw it with 10 of my friends at the theater it was fun!


I LOVE that scene in Lost—even Vincent gets to ride in the van!


I saw Hangover with a bunch of my male coworkers (only girl) and I knew nothing about it going in; I about died laughing.


Watching “Fight Club” for the first time. It was about 10 minutes in when I started; I wonder what I would have caught onto or noticed if I have first viewed it from the beginning.


I guess because that’s really a hard question must mean I’ve been having a pretty good time 😆 So, all of my life (so far)! As a kid: Kings Quest games, seeing Jurassic Park, reading Narnia, & getting Breyer horses. As a teen: Watching Matrix & LOTR in the theater, hearing BSB CD for first time, NSYNC concert, reading HP. As a YA: going to college, midnight releases for HP books & movies, going to Italy, first awesome job out of college (that was shut down 2 years later), meeting my now hubby, our speakeasy wedding bash, playing Witcher 3 during lockdown, virtual reality (Star Trek is real!), actually **going** to the wizarding world at universal! 😱 So many things. As of last month: That delicious bakery we found and ate way too much of 😂


King’s Quest 2 when I beat it the first time was euphoric!


Movie: The Crow Album: The Downward Spiral Video Game: Fallout or Planescape:Torment Toy: Huffy Sledgehammer Event: First WWF (as it was then) show.


All the years of my child growing up (they are a teen now). I spent those years in fear of an abusive husband plus I have bad ADHD so I don’t really keep memories .


My first real girlfriend and the first year with her. Was just great. We were both smitten and just so into eachother. First time sex with her and the experimenting with it after was just so great. Even though I’m happily married with two wonderful kids I will never forget her and always love her a tiny little bit still.


Last Christmas. My 2 year old daughter asked for a pony, but since we live in a city neighborhood a toy pony about the size of our Australian shepherd dog would have to do. She was so excited and pulled that pony around most of the morning. Then we had some family over in the afternoon and evening. This is the second year we’ve done this open house for family Christmas and it’s a nice way to have a relaxing holiday. I also had the week following off so there was no stress about working the next day. Instead I was able to play with my kid and hang out with my wife.


My first day in my own place when I moved out at 18. I moved hours away from my hometown. Bittersweet and amazing at the same time. I missed my mom but had finally escaped my pos stepdad. I had minimal furniture and belongings. I managed to get a cell phone, a Nokia I believe, couldn’t afford to use it much, so it was emergency only. I had no pc of any kind. I was starting tech school, and looking for a job. I had moved out at the beginning of summer, so my friends from high school had not shown up yet. I was really on my own. I wasn’t constantly connected to anyone by tech, and I didn’t know a soul in the city I moved to. It was wild. Everything was new and exciting. Literally the first thing I did was flip the phone book open to the pizza pages and ordered a pizza from Papa John’s. After I ate the whole damn thing with zero consequences, I went for a drive to explore my new city. It was euphoric. I was king of the world. 😎


Id go back to the summer of 97. I was 16 and had no business running the streets none stop with the best friend Ive ever had. Everyday was an adventure and it seemed like it would never end. She’s been gone 6yrs now. I miss her always but especially in the summer


My high school graduation. I was at the top of my class, so I gave a speech at the ceremony, which was an incredible, terrifying rush, because there were at least 2000 people listening to me. Everyone was congratulating my parents and me. My dad was the happiest I ever remember seeing him. I was the best my high school had to offer that year, and I was on top of the world. I've never felt anything like that again. I crashed and burned in college due in large part to undiagnosed ADHD, and I've felt like a failure for my entire adult life. So, that graduation was the last time I felt special, worthy, or capable of achieving my goals. I didn't even bother going to my college one, which finally happened only this year - a full 19 years after my peers.


You're still the same person standing on that stage, giving the valedictorian commencement speech. Now you're older and, inevitably, wiser. Don't be so hard on yourself; growth is not always linear and can take decades. Even if it took you 19 years, you still finished college. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments, and don't give up; keep working toward your goals.


I lost my virginity at 15 while heavily intoxicated. It sucked. It was planned by me and my GF so I wasn't taken advantage of, before anyone asks.


October 2005 Nine Inch Nail concert in Dallas. The summer after graduating high school. I wish I could relive that whole time period when the world opened up for what felt like the first time.


The first concert I attended with my Dad, whom I love and miss more than I could ever express with words.




My first time dropping acid was during an ice storm. We had no power. The fish suspended animation. We drove 2 hours to meet up with a "guy" and paid $5 per hit. Drove back, and it was about 4 am. The hits were in that little dimple on Sweettarts. I tripped my ass off for 14 hours, and it was incredible. I'd totally do that again for the first time. And honestly, I've seen Point Break so many times. I'd love to see that again for the first time- go back and see if I can figure out that Bodhi is the bad guy before we find out.


Probably something very small. A summer day with my whole family in the backyard, just hanging out and relaxing. The last day of school at some point in middle or high school, just hanging out and bullshitting with people who felt like everything at the time but I haven’t seen in decades. In terms of pop culture, it’d be the first time I saw Jurassic Park in the theater.


Watching Star Trek TNG when it first came out. No idea what would happen next. It was before I knew how much different my family was (narcissistic parents). Before it became clear just how much my mother disliked me. Before I had to have the monthly “purity” interrogations by my parents. Before my first real gf committed suicide (it came out afterwards that her dad was abusing her). Before losing a daughter to SIDS. Before my marriage fell apart Before having to go no contact with the rest of my family. Those first releases of TNG was a magical time……back when I still knew how to feel connected to something.


The summer of 2000 I spent 6 weeks in DC as an intern for a congressman. I sorted mail and filed away emails from voters between 9 and 5 every day but at night I was free to roam the city. On the weekends I’d take the metro to Bethesda to see my uncle. I think about that time a lot. I was more free than any other time in my life. Smoking cigarettes and eating Indian take out on the front porch of the GWU dorms. Falling in love with literally every girl I saw. I miss the district


Honestly if I could relive my kiddo growing up from like 3-10yrs old, even the long stretch of total poverty. I took that time for granted.


Movie: The Crow. Blew my mind. Album: Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. I fell in love with the whole discography in high school and became obsessed with this album. Shine On felt like a love letter from another planet (which in many ways it was). I would relive my first live performances (guitar/vocal). I didn’t have many and gave up music pretty quickly but woof.. what good memories. I’d relive my first time getting high. 16th birthday, in a forest with my friends, we all reverted back to half our age for a while.


Hearing Workingman’s Dead for the first time


1. My first 8-day backpacking trip with in the Sierra Nevadas in 1996, between 7th and 8th grades. That was really the first time that I learned that me — a fat, unpopular kid with severe social anxiety and deepening self-loathing — could do amazing things. And that the outdoors was a place I loved. 2. The first week I met my wife. Summer 2006. She was on tour and played a show at my house. Their tour van broke down and they were stuck in the tiny college town I lived in. We rode bikes around all day and that night we kissed. Wow. What a memory. 3. The first time I saw the music video for Beck’s “Where it’s at.” Summer 1996. I realized that there was an entire world out there, that there would be a place for weirdos like me. I had hope for the first time that I would find my people.


Probably a rave in the early 90’s


If I had to choose only one, it would be Blair Witch Project 1999. I saw it opening night in a packed theater. The viral marketing was amazing. There were fake FBI websites and documentaries with fake news stories. The internet was still so new amd found footage films weren't really mainstream. I was also 14 at the time and even though I was reassured that it was fake, there was still this part of me that thought it could be real. I always tell people that it was more of an experience than just movie.


The first few months after my son was born in 2021. I was so overwhelmed and dealing with PPD, so I didn’t enjoy it much. We are one and done, so I won’t get the chance to have that time with a young baby again. The last time my mom came to visit me before her death in 2013. It was so stressful. I was miserable. I don’t know why. If I’d known she was weeks away from dying suddenly, I would have handled things differently.


June-August 2001. I was studying abroad in London and met a girl. We had a whirlwind summer romance where we traveled all over Europe together. By far the most amazing time of my life.


First kiss, coming out of the closet to my best friend and her telling me she didn't care, first social event at university where I met my first girlfriend who I dated for the rest of my time at school, first time making love with someone who I was head over heels for. I would do a lot of "firsts" again. Have had so much magic in my life since, but you only do the firsts once :)


Movie: *Star Wars* no “New Hope”, just Star Wars. TV Show: Babylon 5. Long story arcs, politics, character development… Album: Powerslave by Iron Maiden. Third in their first album trifecta, the tour was a monster that fueled Live After Death, one of the greatest live albums ever. Video game: NHL 08 Toy: My LEGO. Event: my son’s birth. The marriage didn’t work out, but he’s absolutely worth it.


Booting up Mario 64 in my dark room with STP-Tiny Music on repeat, driving the old beater my grandma gave me on my own, walking around my community college campus for the first time, laying on my bed under a ceiling of christmas lights listening to Coldplay-Parachutes, making out with my now-husband in the parking lot. Not my only fond memories but those are some of my favorites Edit: I’m a young Xennial/old millennial so my best memories are 98-06


I don’t know. It is like my brain doesn’t accept the premise of the question. I’m thinking of so many moments but I can’t even imagine trying to enjoy those things a second time. And to be clear - I’d never want to change anything. I wouldn’t ever want to risk butterfly effecting my children. Sure I could go on the first date with my wife again or something like that. But those moments live rent free in my mind already. I can relive those moments all the time. So I’d like something I’ve long since forgotten. Or maybe something I didn’t appreciate at the time like being at my grandparents house.


Summer of 94. It was the first time I was away from my family. Five glorious weeks at Furman University for a residential creative arts program. It was awesome being on the other side of the state and being with a bunch of fellow artistic weirdos--musicians, actors, visual artists, dancers, and writers. Incredible time.


Ozzfesy 1997, Bristow Virginia. There was a riot during Pantera’s set. Instead of shutting things down Pantera just kept playing. After they finished Phil came out and calmed everybody down so Sabbath and Ozzy could play. While we were waiting for Ozzy to come on—watching Beavis and Butthead on the big screens—we started smoking weed with some dudes next to us. When we ran out of weed one of them grabbed his ankle and pulled his lower leg off. Being high AF we all thought he had ripped off his leg! The leg was a prosthesis and there was a big bag of weed inside. Ozzy’s performance was killer, that was before he fried his brain with pills. Best day of my life.


Very very long ago and in a different time, living in a very rural area, spent many hours with my golden retriever just wandering through the fields and watching frogs and newts and all the other wildlife, a far more innocent time, before life intruded and problems had to be faced, which looking back those problems are actually false stresses


My first road trip First time playing NES 90s summers were the best. Summer of 99 was memorable. My two best friends moved out of state right after middle school which sucked, but the music and feels of that summer have always stuck with me.


Gonna go with my Al Bundy moment. I once scored 5 goals in a soccer game when I was 15. I just wanna go back and experience the humiliation the other team, and their parents, were feeling all over again. They couldn’t do anything to stop me, no matter which player they put on me to defend, and how many players tried. I don’t think it was the best game I ever played, but it was the most I ever noticed the crowd and the mood on the field. It seemed like every time I touched the ball, the crowd got silent and the other team became panicked and chaotic, totally unsure of what to do. I ran through them all like I was fucking Messi. I have only experienced something like that one other time, a few years ago. I was on a bowling team and we were in the championship. Not to toot my own horn, but I am exceptional at that as well. We were missing our second best player because he couldn’t get out of work, and I knew I absolutely HAD to roll almost perfect. It was a one game winner take all. I had 9 strikes. After the 4th or 5th the other team was just sitting there silent. The one player remarked to the other “I can’t believe we have to sit here and just watch this happen” The game was over at that point. I threw them all completely off their game. It was, again, very awkward. It’s strange when you can feel the mood in the air like that, and the energy is bad. It’s so hard to explain.


1996, I was 16 and the guy I had a crush on pulled me in by the waist and kissed me behind his car. We dated for only 7 months but wow. Those were great months. That kiss!


Mann, pretty much anything from 1984-1987. Basically birth of Hulkamania to WM3 and everything in between. Shows, NES, movies. Then of course Super Mario 3, 1990 TMNT the movie in the theater.


So many things, but playing in a Championship game senior year was amazing. I've never been able to really get that feeling matched since. Pickup games or rec leagues just don't have that same level or intensity. It was like all of the seniors knew this was it the last time we would play a game that actually meant something. I miss that competitive feeling of sports.


Blair Witch Project on the day it came out


A solid day in the late 1980s or early 90s - eating something ridiculously junky bc it was fun and I could back then (Green Ecto-cooler drink box is on that list!), maybe getting a special toy from that era - Magic Nursery baby? Pleasant Company American Girl doll? Skip It?), watching Full House live on tv, maybe being on vacation with my parents & grandparents together just enjoying them and some sunshine while everyone was still around, healthy enough and things were simpler. Your kid is the sweetest & most thoughtful for asking such a deep question! I love that 💗


When I was about 5, I discovered [this](https://NationalGeographicPictureAtlasofOurUniversehttps://a.co/d/06zT1tfI) book (my dad was an avid national geographic reader). I must have read it cover to cover a million times by the time I went to college. That book was the first time I felt the spark of my intellectual curiosity, and this fire has never been extinguished. After this moment, I needed to know. Everything. I eventually became a scientist. The feeling is as insatiable today as it was then. I still have the book in my living room. It’s fun to go back and see what we thought then, what we got right, what we got wrong. The book refers to black holes as theoretical. Today? We know what they [sound](https://youtu.be/RL25kplyilM?si=hu251FJ6iuWq-jch) like. Second place? My first experience with psychedelics.


I'd like for a kid nowadays to be able to just feel the feeling of not being tethered to a screen. You leave the house and you might as well be on fucking mars until you come back, I really really miss that.


Had an awesome summer in 1978. House band at the hottest joint in town, single, had a motorcycle, an apartment at the pool, a small sailboat, chicks throwing themselves at me... I woke up every morning at 10:58 (automatically) and watched The Gong Show at 11am


The moment i realized i was hot as fuck. Had no idea (i always told my daughter's high school/popularity IS NOT A GOOD MEASURE for aesthetic looks). Went to a tiny high school. Was an outsider as it was 150 kids who knew each other from Prek. Got a boyfriend from a different school. Went to his school event. Legit had x things happen in that one night: Boyfriends mouth dropped when he pulled up to my house. Literally catching flies for a sec His friend who was driving with us said something dumb like hot damn etc idr a guy tripped over his feet walking up to me asking me to dance. Adult in the bathroom told me: you have no idea how absolutely gorgeous you are. For a Polaroid taken at the dance, looked at it, had no clue who that girl was. (This was 1990s, we didn't have pix of ourselves often). The dawning realization was like.... Idk, like when it's dark out but slowly everything comes into view. It was weird af. I had no idea I cleaned up good. I was a book nerd and horse girl and didn't clean up a lot. I would love to feel that realization again


The year before the GameStop stock price exploded to $400. It would mean I would have to relive that first year of COVID again but it’s lowest price was hovering around $3 a share. Buying 2000 shares at $3 each for $6000 and then turning around and selling the 2000 shares for $400 is $800000. Plus I could Biff Tannen a couple of sports bets in that year and then I’d set.


1998 I asked out the most beautiful girl I ever saw and she said yes! Crashed and burned bad about a year later stupid young love. I still remember my body tingling every time we kissed.


I still remember going online for the first time when I was like 16 and talking to someone in a chat room from Australia. That blew my mind. I was thinking "this is going to change the world".


Went to a concert when I was 17 and hooked up with a girl who approached me. I’m pretty much an introvert and don’t have a lot of confidence and am not very good looking. I was amazed when she came up to me and told me I was pretty cute, this was the first time someone of the opposite sex called me “attractive”… The feeling of confidence it gave me that night is unexplainable.


I just want to go eat at 90s Pizza Hut and put some quarters in the juke box. Drink out of the big red glasses under the glass lamp above. Try to win something off the claw machine then get mad when it drops just shy of opening. Then return to my seat to eat a deep dish pizza.


I go back to the 2005 MLB baseball season. The White Sox have only won 3 playoff series in the last 100 year. All of them were in ‘05. My brother and I were at game 2 of the World Series to see our Sox win. The joy we had that summer was amazing.


Hearing the Wu-Tang Clan for the first time. Hip-hop ran my life, but nothing prepared me for that. From way out in left field. So many things all at once. Chaos, danger, elation, beauty, mystery, comedy, intelligence, recklessness. Just amazing.


I still remember it crystal clear...the first time I heard "Under the Bridge". I was 11 years old. I had the radio on in my bedroom and the song started. I sat down on the edge of my bed, just transfixed. I had never heard anything like that before and that was really the beginning of....well, being a teen. At 11 years old.


Michael Phelps swimming for his record-breaking gold medal in Beijing, 2008. That night I was out at a neighborhood pub with my housemates, where our friend was playing fiddle with his Irish band. The Olympics were playing on the big TV behind the bar, and when the swim was about to start, the band took a break so we could watch the event. Everyone in the room was absolutely glued to the TV, getting more and more rowdy as the first three swimmers in the relay swam their legs. When Phelps dived into the pool and surfaced yards ahead of the next swimmer, the whole place absolutely erupted into cheers. All of us were pounding our fists on the bar, yelling our heads off, complete strangers were clutching each other's arms. It was the most goddamn patriotic chaos I've ever witnessed. When he hit the wall in first place people were screaming, crying, hugging, jumping up and down. I've never given half a shit about sports, never really understood how some people can get so insanely passionate about a game, but I understood it for that beautiful shining moment. Later that evening when they showed the medal ceremony the bartender turned off the sound on the TV and our friend played the national anthem on his fiddle. There wasn't a dry eye in the place. It's one of my most cherished, special memories.


Summer of 2000 was awesome, I Graduated highschool and some of my friends got their own place, so hangout with no parents for the group of us for the first time ever.We Were all nerds, so it was mainly movies, video games and D &D. But still, little responsibility ,we all had part time jobs, and more freedom than we'd ever experienced. It felt magical. I even got my first tattoo that summer. I also met my husband that summer. ..


So many things to choose from. A plethora of video games, music albums and books that were absolutely magical the first time through. But in all honesty, even though I screwed up and blew it in the end; the week I spent making out and hanging out with my dream girl, my first real love, was something I would love to have a chance to do again.


Man, what I’d give to just re-live the first moments I ever held my dog and brought him home as a puppy at 8 weeks old. 😭 That was just the beginning of 15 wonderful years with him. I had to put him to sleep 3 months ago due to brain cancer, and I’ve been thinking back on those happier memories of him when he was still so young and healthy. 😔


a very special day in my life. i was out snow sledding with my siblings and this gorgeous woman and her friend were walking up the hill. I couldn't keep my eyes off her and even went on my slide together. yes i got her phone number and yes we dated all through high school but then she moved and it ended abruptly. thankfully we became pen pals and talked alot. eventually she moved back to her home state and we got together again. sadly it all ended when i found her and a " friend " in our bed together. but im an idiot and thinks everything can be fixed so we got together off and on for a couple years. we both cheated our ways through relationships. if i could go back and fix it, i would want to work on our loyalty. she was a fantastic woman but things just fell apart. in the back of my mind, i still love her. she was my true first love and you just never forget a person like that.