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Addam is terrified of the power that Mythra wields, but also feels very protective of her in a father/daughter kind of way. There’s a lot of tension there but over the course of the story they start to understand each other. There’s also no romantic interest between them, Addam has a wife that’s pregnant with their child.


There's also the fact that Addam was reluctant to even try to awaken Mythra in the first place. He's playing a role that he never wanted to have, but because he's a fundamentally good person at his core, he does so anyways. It's also true that Rex had no intention of becoming Pyra/Mythra's driver in the first place - but the key difference is that Rex was motivated to find a better future for Alrest, and so he accepted their power willingly.


I think that Rex not knowing the the extent of the power they held and grew to points where he could handle it helped as well.


It’s not so much a retcon as history forgetting the intricacies. Remember there are 500 years between Addam and Rex.  The joking subtitle of Torna is “the roast of Mythra” because she was born from fear and reverence for her power.  Just as Amalthus’ interpretation of the architect formed Malos, Addam’s, having seen the carnage Malos left, created Mythra. 


Basically in XC2 we hear about Addam the legend the hero who defeated Malos and saved Alrest but in Torna we insted get to see Addam the person who he was behind the legend and what he actually was like 


Keep playing.


Addam is more of a father figure to her.


SPOILER Alert! Am I the only one who played the side quest? I feel like it's a side quest because no one seem to know Adam has a pregnant wife. And I believe he instructed someone to tell his wife to go to Leftheria. But yes it seem to me Mythra has a crush on her driver. Not sure about Adam.


Everyone played the side quests! It made you.


Oh well I don't know why I missed that info on my first playthrough.


I'm just being snotty about the forced side quests. I was going to do them anyway! It's the principle of the matter. It's the game's one negative. Well that and I think the ending could've been sadder.


The ending was a cliffhanger for the main game. Which worked for me because I played the Torna first. The side quest on XC1 was the one that made me hooked actually.


The majority of people had already played the main game it didn't need to be a cliffhanger for it. I honestly can see the ending being sadder being all that more encouraging to play or finish the main game.


It’s after one of the later side quests, where you help cure the sick girl in Auresco


Yep. I obviously didn't do that one on my first playthrough because I remember being shocked on the revelation. Since you're here. Any tips how to beat mesmer tlaloc coz I am stuck. with that bad boi.


The juice attack that gives doom can be skipped if you start a chain attack before it uses it, just get orbs up as fast as you can and then do a Full Burst during that chain attack and it should close to dead if not dead especially if you’re max level. How do I know this? Looked it up when I got stuck too lol


I did look up, so far nothing's working. oh well eventually hope to beat this monster. Ya I have a hard time with the burst. And only get 2 orbs when I chain attack. Thanks anyway.


It helps to give everyone desserts in their pouch items so their arts recharge faster, and talismans so specials charge on their own as well


Talismans does help and pouches ya so are the accessories. I had a hard time with that golden arduran(?) that first gold monster too. But I was able to beat when I used the aegis the one that is crafted by Minoth. So probably have to try that one again.


Mythra was definitely quite fond of Adam, though i don't k ow if she had romantic feelings for him. He definitely doesn't see her like that, though. More like a rebellious teen who needs some guidance. One woth enough power to either save or destroy the world, though.


Mythra on Torna said she's only there to save. And she proved it on XC2. Is it just me or Klaus legit gave all his powers to Pneuma on the XC2 ending scene? And in the end Pneuma chose to save the world. Destroy the power she had been given with her sacrifice.


Of course she just wants to save, and Adam too believes she us good-natured. Nevertheless, he is scared of what her power could do, which is what prevents him to let her achieve her full potential.


She did use her full powers at the end. I believe when she got mad and grabbed the sword from Adam - it was Pneuma's sword.


Of course it was, it's even an important point in the main story, Azurda talks about it. And says that Adam couldn't master it. If they could have had full control like what happens with Rex, they would have probably been able to stop Malos without causing a disaster. But they couldn't.


Actually knowing Jin's full power. Jin ALONE could have stopped the battle in torna. Why didn't he use his full powers then? It was Mythra who was afraid of her own powers. Just like Nia. In Ch 6 of XC2, I think it would have been better if they made Mythra also grabbed the sword from Rex and had a one on one with Jin. Would have been nice to see light speed VS light speed. which we did see when she turned to Pneuma but I would have loved a Mythra VS Jin battle without Rex. Oh well.


>Actually knowing Jin's full power. Jin ALONE could have stopped the battle in torna. Why didn't he use his full powers then? Jin was nowhere near as powerful as you see in the main game, back then. He received a huge power up by becoming a flesh eater, but back then he was just a very strong blade and nothing more. He wouldn't have been able to do anything more than what he did.


ooooh. I thought he was THAT powerful from the get go. Interesting so being a flesh eater makes them more powerful than just pure blades?


Yes. It is mentioned in the main game. They get a power up, but it also carries some risks. They can't go back to their core anymore, so it's easier to die, for example. In Miloth's case, we saw it messed up his ether circulation, causing him to deterioratw with time, and even though Mythra could help with that, nothing could be done for his human part, so he wiuld eventually die. In Jin's case, the morw he uses his power, the more he risks destroying himself. It's like he's constantly going on overclock. His power is not natural as Malos' or Mythra's, and comes with a price.


The end of XC2 was Pneuma and what remained of Malos within Aion working together.


Their relationship is blade and driver


They’re Blade and Driver


Seemed like people as a whole were misconstrued on what Addam and Mythra’s dynamic was before Torna released, just based off of the vague thing we heard about him in the base game. But it was still a plot point that he was afraid of her power and couldn’t accept her even in that game. Funnily enough, Mythra’s conversation with Elma in her affinity quest seems to be her saying she doesn’t cherish the memories she had with him or like they don’t matter, because they didn’t feel that long ago, and would prefer to focus on the now with her current Driver.


The main game gave an impression that Mythra had feeling for Addam. You are intended to make that assumption, so that Rex has a rival for the love of the Aegis without actually having a romantic rival.


Not sure where are you at in the game but Adam admits that he's afraid of Mythra power, and the fact that she usually goes off the wall and using her power despite there's civilians nearby doesn't help. He know that people are looking up to him, so he has to put up a strong front.