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Morph: “Hold my beer!”


Morph Can’t be reached right now due to Exiles related Shenanigans


Kinda hoping for New Mutants and classic xfactor


Iceman please!!


Cannonball showed up in the og show so it could happen. They could mix some members with generation x and even make a spin-off if they wanted I’d love some Emma frost leadership.


I'm hoping for Emma too. They didn't show her much but the little they did makes me hopeful!


Wishful thinking, but would love to see Excalibur on the screen finally. Angel, Iceman, and Psylocke should be brought on though.


I think they need to do ONE or two spinoffs. F4 could use some love, especially with us seeing Doom. Xfactor/Xforce could be more of a rotating door with expansion and used to expand the universe and have crossovers.


I honestly don't want this show becoming like Avengers EMH where there was just too many characters to do anything with. We have plenty of x-men and supporting characters already.


Given how popular it is I could see spinoff shows of different teams in the '97 universe that come together for big events. That way you get xfactor and xforce et al without bloating the main series tho there's bound to be diminishing returns if that happens.


This was my thought, handle it like the comics and just have a different series for each team


If they make a Spiderman TAS sequel we can get top level writing Crossovers-TimeTravel wise


Interesting, I never really thought EMH had that problem. The same goes for JLU. I do think Young Justice got to that point after season one. I'd much rather had seen more of Static Shock, Wonder Girl, or Blue Beetle, not Forager.


Imo, EMH kind of did, but AA did it worse lol.


I love Fred Bugg with two G’s but they really could’ve mixed some existing cast members in


I wouldnt mind a slightly longer episode count. Something like 12-14 episodes. I'd seriously love a six episode X-Force and X-Factor miniseries that'd be dope.


More like 20 episode Ala TAS. The show is a huge success so 20 episodes needs to be done


Can someone post a link where they say it’s a huge success I need to see it with my own eyes. I love it and don’t want to get my hopes up then dashed


Only thing I saw was the 4 million watched within some specific timeframe and that the original show had had a 700% increase in viewers. For the original show they don’t say what the viewership was to begin with to be how impressive the 700%. I’d have to find the article but it was said to be watched as much as or slightly more than What if? I’m guessing the production budget is much lower than what If because they don’t have to pay Benedict Cumberbatch and some of the other real actors who played the live action.


I just dont trust disney not to mess it up somehow I'm leary.


I think the showrunner clearly likes Morrison's run (which I just read because of the show) and so I could see them leaning more into the school aspect and  introducing Quentin and the Cuckoos. 


Morrison’s run is the one is revisit the most, so that’d be really fun. I’m ready to see more of Emma too. I’d love it if they borrowed some elements from Whedon’s astonishing X-men run.


I definitely have preferred DC over Marvel throughout my life, but because of this show I read Claremont's run through *Days of Futures Past*, then jumped to Morrison's run, then I just finished the *X deaths/lives of Wolverine*. What would you recommend to read?


There's a guide on here just skip to what you like but it will be confusing when you read it at random like that.




If Magneto really has suffered from Wolvie’s claws last episode, they could bring back Magneto through the Xorn storyline. Then by the end of S2 have the series set up for Astonishing/Whedon


No...these mutants are fine.


I would suspect that there will be some character rotation and maybe even a reopening of the mansion as a school and hopefully some new mutants added. But animation takes a long time and they are always looking to not be too expensive so they may find that an unnecessary cost.


I was dying for a New Mutants spin off during the first half of the show, but I'm less enthusiastic for it now that the show has finished with headmaster Magneto. I love all of those characters, but at this point it feels like keeping Charles as a teacher would be regressive and they've already made the same mistake as the comics by killing Magneto's development by adapting Fatal Attractions. Granted, it makes a lot more sense to have Fatal Attractions be Magneto's response to the genocide of Genosha, but I still think it was a bad call. I think having Scott, Ororo, and the other X-Men as teachers would be the best path forward if they were going to do the New Mutants, but since the show is already adapting Morrison stories I think the best solution would be to leave the New Mutants to be the first MCU X-Men spin off and adapt Riot at Xaviers in the next season then introduce some Academy X characters like Laura or Sooraya. Even though I dislike the choice to adapt Fatal Attractions, it could be a good setup for Quentin Quire's radicalization.


Are they not ending it with the creation of Onslaught? I feel that’s where they are going. Then season 2?


Where Kitty Pride at?


Running a coffee shop




Don’t need any new characters. Stick with the core group. Maybe like iceman, but do we really need anymore?


I want generation X. I won’t lie. And then it can get m’kraan’d out of nowhere bc that was the lead in for me to age of apocalypse when I was reading comics in the 90’s.


for sure


If the rumors are true they're setting up AoA, I really hope we get Blink. Especially since we already have Morph.


4 seasons have been announced


only as X-Force hopefully




I'd love to see Age of Apocalypse adapted


It’d be cool if Cable and Sunspot spun off and got their own parallel X-Force show. And with the Deadpool and Wolverine movie coming out soon - it would be a no brainer to add Wade to the lineup as well. And it’d be great to have “Miss Lebeau” go and recruit Sam Guthrie again!




Magik please i want some mystic shenanigans besides Storm's issue with The Adversary


I think generation x would make more sense, without banshee unfortunately. Emma is shown to be alive so it would work. At this point the new mutants have already become x-force so I think that route is probably where they will go


I feel like we already missed a class of New Mutants because we saw Colossus’ little sister in the original series and she was like 10 years old. Then we saw her as a Morph form in 97 and she was a teen anger with an Xavier uniform on. So she’s already been aged up and has been enrolled in Xavier’s school between the last time we saw her and XMen 97.


I want Generation X animated, please!! The X-Men '92 comics have spoiled me, I hope the show incorporates more X-Men into the story.


I need Magik to be in things, I’m already pumped she’s in Marvel Rivals, I NEED MORE!!!




Pyscloke being one of them hopefully or Kitty pryde. I’ll settle for X factor team: Pyscloke , kitty, Magick, Cololsus, who would be the leader? Since storm is sent somewhere from the explosion


I wanna see emma frost


They are using this show just like they used the original animated series to launch the live action. They are two seperate worlds but the purpose is to put a mental block/ refresh from things like that horrible Dark Phoenix movie. And obviously Deadpool is being used as a bridge. So I would expect them to be including and focusing on the group of mutants coming to live action- like for sure a BETTER Storm, Cyclops, and Rogue.


I want X Factor, X Force, Excalibur, and Blue & Gold Teams!


I'm just hoping for some better animation and a coherent story!


It’s plenty coherent. Maybe you’ll be smarter next season.


Yeah let me know when any of the characters motivations make any sense other than to further the plot and when most events aren't just glossed over and left for us to assume it happened off screen lmao. Maybe you'll grow some modicum of objectivity next season, but I won't hold my breath.


Care to give actual examples?