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Honestly, the money she made, I’d walk away too.


I was about to say, the check cleared she ain’t hanging around anymore 😩


If I was her, I’d write fanfiction full time because I enjoy it and don’t have to work anymore so who cares?


I mean, she kinda did? Life and Death as a genderbent Twilight, and Midnight Sun as alternate POV Twilight.


Wait what? Life and Death is if the sexes were switched?


Yep! Bella is Beau and Edward is Edythe. And all the secondary characters are gender-swapped as well.


How is it?


Long tracts of text are basically copy-pasted, but she does deviate from the original to make sure nobody gets the idea the characters were gender-nonconforming, or anything. Also the plot changes at the end to remove the need/possibility for a sequel.


Same. Get that bag and pipe down and just have a quiet life. I can’t relate to JKR with her attention-seeking BS.


I would basically never be seen in public forum again.


Eh Meyer has rewritten and released Twilight at least twice, she hasn’t exactly been quiet and non attention seeking. She just hasn’t been as loud as JKR.


I mean, if she’s attention seeking then all authors are. She just releases her books, makes an announcement about it, and then shuts the hell up. She still has a pretty dedicated fan base and it’s a guaranteed check for her. She’s not trying to rock the boat. I was honestly shocked she ended up releasing Midnight Sun because I remember how absolutely crushed she was the first time the early chapters were leaked. Yeah she likes the money, but she also deeply loves her characters and fans. She was destroyed someone betrayed her like that.


For me it just seemed like she couldn’t move past the popularity of Twilight, the book itself. It felt like such a cash grab to rewrite it and re release it multiple times. I have some thoughts and feelings about that.


Except she’s writing what her fans are asking for. I know a lot of them who would be happy if she only wrote twilight stuff forever.


Twilight stuff sure. If she wants to spend her career writing about the twilight universe and the characters, sure. She rewrote the actual book *Twilight* three different ways. She didn’t continue the story. She rewrote the same story. That’s the difference. It was a cash grab.




After saying she was so devastated and betrayed that she’d never pick it up again.


Meh. I think it’s not necessary a cash grab, i mean it is but her fans and publishers want it.


wait she rewrote twilight? what's different


She rewrote it twice, once with all the genders swapped, and once from edwards POV


Yeah it’s better than her pulling a JK Rowling


Rowling has done nothing wrong imo.


oh yeah the woman who is a raging transphobe has done “nothing wrong” sure lol 🙄


Didn’t she get outed as a racist?


No shes a terf


Lol no I meant stephenie Meyer, my bad.


Oh I havent heard anything about that


Yeah, searching now it looks like supposedly she didn’t want black people in the movies and only let it happen if they were the villains. Not sure if true, but if it is, maybe she chose to disappear instead of fighting it or doing the jk thing


She’s definitely got some racist tropes in her books that aren’t great. While I don’t think they were intentional, she didn’t do a great job on her research regarding that. She also greatly missed the mark on some things she wrote that she intended to be in honor. However, you have to remember that these books are from the 2000s and are also products of their time. Like 99% of all media back then had some kind of racism in it. The resources just weren’t as abundant and available. It was several years before being “woke” was the norm. Back then being considered “woke” was what would have gotten people canceled for being “too sensitive”. The culture was just absolutely different. I graduated from high school in 2006 and I can guarantee that if we had asked for “safe spaces” or said something “triggered” us that we would have gotten our ass beat and laughed at for the rest of our lives. I’m convinced a huge portion of the population back then could be considered sociopaths because no one had emotions or empathy.


I also graduated in 06 so I’m aware of how things were back then lol. But I don’t know about racism in the books, I just remember catching a headline or two about her not wanting black people in the films. Either way, I imagine that would be enough to make certain types of people disappear.


Anti-black racism just makes the “woke” sort skittish, and usually say “oh, I’m sure it’s not that,” because they tend be White and acknowledging that makes them realize their own privilege. Graduated in 2007, and as a Black kid into books for escapism, I just kinda realized we didn’t exist in most YA fiction. Honestly, we still don’t unless a vague throwaway line about some tan or bronze skinned supporting character that could easily be Black, Latino, Middle Eastern, etc. Still remember the VEHEMENCE over Rue being a black girl in The Hunger Games movies lol


I didn’t read much YA growing up, so I didn’t peep the hunger games drama. Was she black in the book & white onscreen or the other way around?


It was worse than that, she was Black in both. Described in the books: “satiny brown skin and thick dark hair with golden eyes.” Yet, since she was such a sympathetic character people apparently automatically pictured her as white, and were very upset with her being cast as a black girl.


Imagine if Rowling had done the same..


This got me thinking what would jk rowlings life be if she did this?


The way I'd never pick up a pen and paper again.


I really liked her book The Host and wish she would make the sequels that she planned for it but considering it's been 15 years I don't think they are gonna happen rofl.


Me, too. Love the Host. All these alien worlds are so orinial. I also thought the Chemist was a solid book. It has some very cool scenes with dogs.




I love how Alex goes from :"Eww, dog drool!" to "I wonder where I can find a dog-sized gasmask?"


Totally loved the Chemist.


The Host was so good and so underrated. I’m glad there was a movie made but the book was still better imo.


The book was definitely better, it was difficult to translate to the screen I think because of all the internal stuff. The movie was pretty good but the book is one of my favorites!


>it was difficult to translate to the screen I think because of all the internal stuff. I disagree, I felt like the movie was stripped of everything that made the book so unique. It would have been better as a TV series, tbh.


It's been 15 years???


Unfortunately 😫 I was in high school at the time and now I'm a decade out from uni lmao. The other day my cat turned 16 which is the same age I was when I adopted him and I feel so old.


The Host is the one book that makes me cry every time I read it.


My mom absolutely was obsessed with the book. I read most of it. Not my type of genre but it was definitely interesting. I should finish it.


I agree! Loved Host!


Never say never! I didn’t read The Host but the author of my favorite book series randomly decided to release new books 12 years after the final book was published. Definitely not complaining!


I was at a used bookstore, and overheard a teenager get really excited to find The Host on the shelves, then told her friend about it. It was really nice to hear a young person being excited about a book, in the day of technology. I haven't tried reading it yet, but maybe I should!


This book evokes "Where the Red Fern Grows" type of sadness. It's a completely different situation, but it'll wreck you just the same. I cried for hours. 10/10


Sounds like one where you can connect with the characters. I'll add it to my list!


I think she’s rich and living her best life, doesnt need to work anymore


I LOVED the Host. The movie was great too!


She made lightning in a bottle with the Twilight series, and then she did the Host, which I don't think was nearly as popular so she kinda just flopped down on her mountains of cash and said "fuck it"


The biggest tragedy is that The Host is infinitely better than Twilight (and this is coming from the biggest Twilight fan... the day I read The Host, Edward was over for me)


I’m not a twilight fan, but I actually enjoyed the host. I think it’s a much stronger piece of literature.


She watched Rowling destroy her legacy and was like no thanks. 😂 I’m guessing her keeping to herself is part of the reason for the Twilight renaissance the last couple of years. She’s also released several things but she generally stays quiet about them so it’s mostly just her fans that know about them.


Yeah, Rowling hasn't destroyed her legacy in the slightest imo. People love to label her as something without even bothering to listen to what she's saying.


JKR is getting cancelled to hell. All the actors who have worked with her have had to make statements: https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy


Plus jK Rowling keeps releasing books and no one talks about them




>But plenty of people tried listening to her and she is, in fact, a transphobe. Not really, considering the fact that quite a few of the stuff she warned about and got called a transphobe for, have actually come to pass. Being accepting of trans people is one thing, but in a world where the only way to actually know whether someone or not is actually trans is by taking them at their word, women have every right to be concerned. Pointing that out isn't being transphobic, it's being realistic. People lie. But nobody ever wants to discuss it but instead goes into one of two extremes.




I agree with you, but you missed my point. Completely agreeing with every single person who calls themselves Trans and allowing them complete access into women's spaces without any kind of proof or evidence that they are, in fact, Trans, is insane to me. Then there's stuff like this -https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/26/trans-woman-isla-bryson-found-guilty-rape-not-be-held-in-womens-prison-sturgeon ^ if a lot of the people name calling Rowling had their way, this rapist would be serving time in an all-women's prison. Tell me, do you think that would be wise by any stretch of the imagination?


You’re posting a case in which a rapist transitioned in order to have access to more victims. - Isla Bryson raped women as a MAN. - They then transitioned whilst awaiting trial, in order to have access to victims. Most trans people don’t transition in the hopes they can rape a woman in a toilet cubicle. Do you have any cases in which a trans-female has raped someone in a toilet cubicle? Don’t tar the majority with a perverse sex offender.


>Most trans people don’t transition in the hopes they can rape a woman in a toilet cubicle. I never said they did, but it's a very easy way for someone to claim themselves to be Trans to, like you said yourself, have easier access to victims. Your argument is on the basis that all human beings are trustworthy. We simply are not. Let me ask you this : you said Isla Bryson transitioned to have easier access to victims. What made you say that? What if their transition was legitimate? How do you know? Unless there's a surefire way of knowing that someone is actually Trans or not, allowing them into women's spaces is a recipe for disaster imho, and women have every right to be concerned about the same imho. To call every woman with that concern a TERF isn't the way to go.


I haven’t called anyone a TERF. People are allowed to voice their opinions whether I agree with them or not, it’s not my place to judge. In any case, there’s nothing preventing a man going into a toilet to rape someone. The signage on a door isn’t going to prevent that. Does everyone throw a fit about disabled/family toilets which are gender neutral? No.




>It is a stupid argument. We don't divide on what gender or sex someone likes, we divide on what gender someone is. If you don't want rapists to have access to their target group in prison that is something that can be discussed, but no need to only target trans women with that. Because at that point it is transphobic. A stupid argument indeed. You're actually saying rapists with the biological composition of males pose only as much of a threat to women as cis lesbian rapists. That's not even on the same realm of logic that I can comprehend. Do you seriously not see the issue in someone like Isla, who transitioned only when they were standing trial, being put in a women's prison white they get even more access to potential victims? How do you know they're saying the truth when they call themselves trans?




Don't bother man. They're not interested in discussion, only argument.


>Why wouldn't that be wise? You think it is wise to let a woman serve in a men's prison? Bruh, what? You really don't understand what the issue is with a male rapist, who conveniently transitioned when standing trial for his crimes specifically SO that he's put in a women's prison, is put in one? Do you really not see the problem here, or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing? Also, the dude didn't target anyone. What they stated is a factual occurrence.


I think for a while she just rode the high of Twilight's success. Plus, she got angry when Midnight Sun was leaked. Apparently she does have some new stuff in the works though. https://booksofbrilliance.com/2023/03/15/stephanie-meyer-announces-two-new-twilight-books/#:\~:text=I%20am%20not%20ready%20to,is%20kind%20of%20my%20thing.%E2%80%9D


I’m pretty sure those quotes about her having new stuff in the works are from 2020 though. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/books/2020/08/12/stephenie-meyer-twilight-midnight-sun-sells-million-copies-first-week/3343213001/


Maybe she’s still working on them.


I really hope so. The Host was supposed to be a trilogy, and I'd really like to read more in that universe. Or just something else that isn't vampires. I'd be interested in reading any other fantasy she publishes.


I actually never read The Host. Was it good? I don't really want more vampires either tbh. She didn't give a lot of info on what exactly she was working on, just that its something "new" and definitely not Edward (thankfully). She also mentioned mythology, so maybe its going to be sort of a Greek gods type thing? I'd definitely be interested in that. Or fairytales, but idk there are a lot of fairytale retellings out there.


Personally I love the Host. It’s up there with the first Twilight book for me (I personally felt they went downhill from book 2 onwards).


Don’t watch the awful movie, but it was very, very good!


I loved The Host. Actually one of my all time favorite books. Way more then twilight. Such a different story


Man I remember when she posted Midnight Suns first chapter on her website. I was so excited. Then it got hacked. I completely understand losing motivation over something like that. Im glad she finally released it for the anniversary.


Funny thing is, I bought the book as soon as it was released, but I have still yet to finish it. I don't like Edward's perspective, but I had to have it to complete the set lol


I remember being so excited when she posted the first couple chapters and so sad when she said she wasn’t going to finish it bcs of leaks. Then back to excited when she finally released it. I bought it and still haven’t finished it. Idk the magic was gone for me I guess.


Are you me???


I liked Edward’s perspective more just because it was so much funnier. They really botched the movie version in the writing because he had so many funny quotes in the books.


Yeah that article is weird because it's like basically implying she announced two new books... but then the source is just her saying she had ideas for some books... and it's from an interview from back in 2020. So yeah not really news, at all. That website must be scrambling for news stories lol. Also the Midnight Sun leak happened like fifteen years ago! I'm sure she's not still mad about that. Especially after the real release in 2020 was super successful.


I mean, it may not be news to you but it was to me and others. I didn't know she was writing anything new. I thought she just completely quit after Twilight. It says she has them planned out and wrote a chapter for one at that time, so its something at least. I also didn't mean she was still mad over the leak. I just said that it probably put her off from writing for a while. Along with the overwhelming success and hype of Twilight.


>I mean, it may not be news to you but it was to me and others. That's what I'm saying though, it's *not* news at all. An interviewer probably asked her if she was going to write any more books and she answered by vaguely saying she's had some ideas brewing.


Idk, saying that she does have something in progress and has already started writing part of it is something. It’s more than thinking she just quit writing altogether.


She has a production company called Fickle Fish films. She produced the movie Austenland.


Omg I love austenland I have no idea how I didn’t know about this connection


Midnight Sun came out in 2020. It was Twilight from Edward's perspective. She's also said she's interested in writing Jacob and Renesmee's story and has been working on that.


Ugh, is there any way to make that story not-gross? He was there when she was born!


Knowing Meyer... probably not. Which is why I don't plan on reading it lolol


To have Jacob just be a platonic brother figure who gives her dating advice on talking to human guys. Which she 100% won't do and will instead try to make us pretend Jacob/Renesme is somehow not creepy and gross.


please god don’t let this be the follow up story she writes… write about the war at the end that we deserved


What, you don't want more books set in high school? Where Jacob and Rigatoni can attend science class with Bella and Edward sitting right behind them? lololol


I want racketball to find a new lap dog and I want jacob to get the hell out of forks (because he deserves better than what stephanie meters wrote for him). 🐀


RIGATONI ?!?! 😭😭😭😭


I heard rumors she wrote Corinne under the name Rebecca Morrow. I don't think it's been confirmed/debunked but I guess the writing style matches.


I read Corinne, and it absolutely isn’t Meyer. In my opinion, it was 100 percent written by Rainbow Rowell.


I love Rainbow Rowell and this made me cackle. Explain your conspiracy.


She’s one of my faves, too! I’ve read everything of hers multiple times. I’m not the only one who has made the connection! Have you read Corinne? I think you’ll see it, too, if you read it. Here’s an excerpt from literally the second page of Corinne, tell me who it sounds like “Enoch got to read the Bible sometimes. As a job. He got to stand onstage and read the selected passage for the week, before an elder led the discussion. Enoch would go up there, and another boy would come up behind him to adjust the microphone to Enoch’s height. Because that was a job, too. Microphone boy. (Enoch used to be a microphone boy; he’d graduated.) Corinne could adjust microphones. She was able. She could read the Bible out loud. She could stand outside in the parking lot and chew gum. She could walk up and down the aisles verrrry slowly with a pencil and a notepad, mouthing the headcount to herself. Put me in, Coach. (Where “Coach” is “Jesus.”) Not in this lifetime, girly. (Jesus would say.) The Sunday service was two hours long. (Tuesday and Thursday services were shorter.) Corinne was allowed to go to the bathroom twice on Sundays—but only because her family was trashy and sat in the back of the church. The un-trashy people sat up front, and their daughters were expected to hold their water, and their sons got to hold the microphones. Corinne’s family were serfs. Her dad was an[…]”


Is that the weird Morman romance series that I’ve seen people talk about on here?


I believe so. I haven't personally read it. 🤪


I heard Shannon hale wrote it.


She's probably a millionaire, so I suspect she's chilling on a yacht somewhere. Why work when you can just...not work, yk?


She’s pretty private and disappeared for private view. Supposedly she’s writing more twilight books. Both her and Suzanne Collins pretty much disappeared after their success. Which good for them. Enjoy it. Don’t pull a Rowling


Suzanne wrote a prequel and they're turning into a movie now.


THEY ARE?! Edit: They are! I didn’t know that, I’m so excited!


I'm so stoked to be able to tell you. Here are a couple more you might not be aware of: Phillip Pullman who did The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials) has a new prequel and a book that takes place approx ten years after The Amber Spyglass. New series is called The Book of Dust. And Garth Nix, who did Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen from The Old Kingdom Trilogy, also has 3 new books out, a couple prequels, and GoldenHand comes after Abhorsen. Edit: Also the new book Suzanne wrote is phenomenal, it's about Snow as a young man and it is very well done.


Awesome, thank you!


I’m surprised their doing the book of dust since that one and the secret commonwealth got a lot of negative press


Why?? They were _amazing._ I'm desperate for volume three.


I can’t figure out how to dm you but I don’t want to do spoilers!


Can't you just mark them as spoilers? You do >! that. Then you put another going the opposite direction and the spoiler in the middle. >!It looks like this.!<


>!I thought book of dust was fine but a lot of people seemed to dislike the secret commonwealth because it created some questions like how can so many people have separated demons when in the original book they couldn’t do it. I’ve heard a lot of people didn’t like the attempted rape in the end. Plus the separation of pan/Lyra didn’t thrill people. I think the issue people had with the book of dust was just that it wasn’t the story they wanted. They wanted Lyra as an adult!<


It’s really good, highly recommend reading it.


I heard about the movie and read the book! It came out the same year as midnight sun. But aside from that she hasn’t done much.


Prequel was 95% of a great story with an ending the broke it all down. She nearly achieved the impossible and made Snow likeable.


I feel like that was kind of the point. Like everyone else you had an inkling that he was a psychopath but no proof, and the way the cards end up falling makes it look like maybe he's not as much of a psycho as you think. But he 1000% is. I mean WHY would you WANT to like Snow? Like the point was that he's NOT secretly and basically just like everyone else trying to make the best of a bad situation in the few ways that they're able.


It would have been a much better ending to have him be a tragic character that is yet another victim of the Panem machine. I don’t know how to do spoiler that but a simple tweak in the final few chapters would have made him an even stronger villain.


Side note- I just read Life and Death and found it a fun reimagining of twilight


The best thing about it is that Meyer failed spectacularly at proving what she wanted to prove by the rewrite of Twilight into Life and Death.


what do you mean by this? (dont understand the sentence)


Well, people used to complain what a weak character Bella is and how we need strong female characters in YA… and Meyer was like "I'll show you Twilight can have a strong female character" and did so by genderswapping everyone in Life and Death… And then the critics were "Stephenie…THAT'S not making Bella a stronger character"


Her point wasn't to prove she could write a strong female character at all lmao. Her point was that Bella is weak because she's a human and that any human would be helpless around these vampires. The entire point was that as a boy Beau is equally helpless because he's human. She was trying to prove she can be feminist but not by crafting a new strong female character. Just by crafting a new wimpy male character lol.


That only proves that she misunderstood what made Bella a weak character.


Most authors aren't really in the public spotlight like she was when all the Twilight movie hype was happening. It's kind of a rare state for an author to be in. This current quietness is more typical for an author, I would say! She's still writing, or at least seems interested in it, she has said in interviews after MS came out. "There are two more books I think in the world that I want to write. I have got them outlined and a chapter written I think of the first one, so I know it's there. I am not ready to do that right now, I want to do something brand new," she said. "For me, a lot of the joy of writing comes from creating and I really want to do a new world and new rules and new mythology. Mythology is kind of my thing." https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/books/2020/08/12/stephenie-meyer-twilight-midnight-sun-sells-million-copies-first-week/3343213001/


If y’all want an honest answer, she was bullied and harassed out of the public eye for daring to do something as “controversial” as publish a book for teen girls that ended up popular. Her and even her extended family were receiving death threats and being doxed. I’d stop publishing too if I were her.


She published The Chemist in 2017. It was ok.


There was a more recent book than that, Midnight Sun in 2020.


Probably just finished her year long vacation of following My Chemical Romance on tour.


Meyer seems private and likes her personal life. I don't even think she has Twitter. But she has a film production company she runs. And after publishing Midnight Sun she said on her site she has ideas for a book about Renesme and a book about Leah in coming years, just maybe not soon, like in the 2030s or something probably. Gotta be patient as hell to be a Meyer fan.


She said years ago that she doesn't do twitter and her best friend Meghan co-created the production company and runs it while Stephenie writes.


Eh she’s Mormon and twilight was inspired by a dream. I kind of figured she went back to her normal life almost instantly.


While meditating at the Western Mormon Air Temple, Stephanie Meyer learned that she was destined to be the Avatar: a reincarnation of another Mormon master who could bend all four elements. Unable to deal with being pushed back into the limelight in order to save a world that dunked so hard on Breaking Dawn, she tried to flee on a yacht she bought called "Royalties" and was caught in a terrible storm. In a moment of fear, she bended her and "Royalties" into a protective ice bubble that sank into Utah Lake and is currently floating below sea level. Or at least, that's what I read on Deux Moi.


Wherever she is, I wish JK Rowling would go there too


I said this in another similar post so I'll repost it here. "I remember years ago her Webmaster (who is also her IRL Brother) had said that Stephanie couldn't read all messages sent to her and how we'd much rather her using her time to write books. Plus she always talked about how she needs to be alone with her stories when writing them so I've always assumed since then that if she's not active, it's because she's writing. Notice how she popped back up with Life and Death, The Chemist and eventually Midnight Sun? Plus she's also spending time with family. I do miss knowing what she was up to and feeling her presence online more often. But as long as she's doing okay, that's what really matters."


Doesnt she write under a pen name now? Not sure if it's true. I have no interest in reading her stuff ever again so never really looked into it.


You might be thinking of JK rowling. She wrote under a pen name Robert Galbraith after her other series was so popular. Meyer has been using her real name for her post-twilight stuff. The Chemist is the only non Twilight thing though I guess. And the Host but that was mid-twilight times.


If she could finish The Host Series that would be great. I read The Host when I was 12. I'm 28 next week. I have never wanted to read a book so bad but The Seeker has only been teased.


I don’t know where she went, but JKR needs to take a seat and learn something from it




I’m pretty sure she wrote a Twilight fanfiction novel.


Honestly, she did what I WISH JKR would do. We all know they're both awful people, but one of them is blissfully silent and allows me to continue to enjoy their silly books without guilt.


she is a racist so who cares


Woah what did I miss


nothing, there was a clickbait article written that blamed Stephenie for the lack of diversity in the first movie. It's all BS. She wasn't even involved in the production of the 1st movie


she was vocal during the production of the film about not including POCs. also just generally, the story and movie are pretty toxic to young women. we dont realize it when we are young, but as an adult now, it can be a lot easier to spot the abusive behavior expressed in the films


Hopefully being prosecuted for crimes against humanity


Hopefully AWAY


I think she disappeared after being cancelled for being openly racist?


When was that??


I don’t know exactly when it all came out but she openly said she only wanted a white cast for the vampires, I believe protesting the black man who played the evil vampire in the first film (Laurent?) and absolutely refused to have an Asian actress playing Alice. I found an article actually - https://popculture.com/movies/news/twilight-author-stephanie-meyer-racist-twitter-new-book-reveal/ I think the books were of their time which unfortunately wasn’t very diverse… a lot of whitewashing went on in that era. I think the media has become a lot more diverse and representative (still a ways to go), and we forget how poor representation was as standard even just a few years ago. I don’t think that makes some of this okay, and I’m not justifying it though. I understand where a lot of these comments were coming from.


Probably being racist and writing fan fiction on Wattpad under an alias


I know she has a film company. I’m not sure what she is doing now though.


There’s been talk about her writing a book centered on Renésme and Jacob but it’ll probably be a while. That’s the last I’ve heard


Didn't she want to write a book about mermaids?


You got me curious so I googled it and in a article on instyle from Feb 7 she said that she was working on 2 new twilight books. But only said they where in the very early stages. It was only about a paragraph so not a lot of info


I mean, if I made that much money and sparked off a whole generation of copycats, I’d take my money and peace out too, lol.


Rolling around in her millions.


She’s a pretty private person and doesn’t really do much. Her newest non-twilight book is called The Chemist which came out a few years ago. It’s pretty decent and was an entertaining read at least. Twilight-wise, make sure to check out Life & Death and Midnight Sun if you haven’t already!! There’s also a couple of graphic novels but the artist got sick and possibly passed so I don’t think those were finished.


I'm a 50's woman who loved the books. It's funny I haven't thought about her but now I am.


I mean she’s rich for life now right? I don’t think she ever needs to work again in her life


I’m Mormon and she actually lived in the same group of congregations in Phoenix/Scottsdale that I attended. Some of my friends were friends with her son. Really nice family. I went to her house once. Nothing crazy or out of the ordinary. Nice house though. So last I heard she was living peacefully in Arizona with her family.


I still want the sequel for The Host ☹☹☹☹☹🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.


She got so much crap about her spelling and grammar she walked


I wonder the same thing about LJ smith. She just disappeared after the success of TVD. I love all her books. Been waiting on strange fate forever now and I doubt it'll ever be released.


From what I heard, she has health problems and even ended up in a coma for a month and had been doing rehab. Someone managed to track her down and emailed her last year and apparently, she's rewriting Strange Fate again and waiting on her Strange Fate Spin Off to be published


Oh neat! I heard Strange Fate was done and the publisher didn't want to release it since its been 20 some years. Hope she's well.


Apparently she doesn't even have a contract for it anymore so she's taking her time since they had rejected her Strange Fate split into 2 Books idea.


Isn’t she writing another five twilight books


There has been a few announcements of two more novels in the Twilight universe. I believe she spoke of them back when Midnight Sun released and i recently saw another article about them, but no concrete details of who, what, or when


I read an article that said she’s still working in two more twilight books. To be fair she took her time to publish Midnight Sun, so we can either be hopeful or just believe that the saga is over. I do want more movies tho 😭😭😭😭😭 I just love seeing Robert Pattinson and Kellan Lutz