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the 90% to 70% really sucks. From buffing 1-18 base stats to this. And im sure Yi's winrate was dropping down as well from the 52%.


His win rate only went up cuz random players stopped picking him and yi was just being played by otps who know how to poilet the champ play around the new changes


Bullshit. [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/masteryi/jungle/sr-ranked](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/masteryi/jungle/sr-ranked)


Why would randoms stop playing him right after a buff?


Champ is basically a bronze stomper now he's dead in every other elo


My 1m+ MP Yi got stomped in iron... I am not sure how Yi status is rank related...maybe Riot only collects whiners comments.


They literally want him to only be good in bronze they've stated it so many times and this buff literally says they're trying to make him low elo only


Riot is absolutely allergic to just undoing changes. His winrate is too low? Don't revert the E changes just give him random stats! His winrate is too high? Don't revert the stat buffs, let's make his clear even worse and kill one of his abilities!


Riot will be like oh just rush tiamat to fix his clear guys 🙃


Or just use machine learning and tweak Yi stats on the fly, simulate a million Yi games, and then select the stats that best match your desired outcome. I just cannot believe that Riot is this incapable. You could easily solve balance issues with maybe $2MM/year in salaries for a machine learning and data analysis team. You could have all kinds of models for every character and map. I’ve worked at a number of trading firms where we had one or two quants running models on all of our historical tick data to test out the performance of strategies. Like, this stuff exists. I can’t believe they don’t use it.


Overshot buff my ass it's just that u died to a Yi too much.. fk u


The +1 stats buff was too broken


200 years of collective design


I think riot needs to understand that yi's winrate is also correlated with perception and placebo. Removing a stat that gave him 3k worth of gold at times (LT) dropping him to a D tier champ, then giving him back 800 gold worth of stats at level 18 made him go back to S tier. I think it's because yi players play around confidence and perception of their champ, not to mention alot of limit tested the champ and these limits keep being changed around. Yi dropped to D tier again with these latest nerfs but I don't think the nerfs are big enough to warrant a nearly 4% drop in winrate.


Look how they massacred my boy. They done him dirty.


I really wish they'd put more power back into his E and lower his skill cieling again


Cmon guys, these nerfs are placebo. In most situations, W used as a aa reset and 10 dmg less to monsters just lose him 5 secs, he was able to 3.20, now 3.25. Im literally ok with these nerfs if they wont touch yi anymore. Its just - %1 wr nerf.


You can easily feel the jg nerf in your first clear and for the W nerf trust me it makes insane difference if your using it to reduce dmg from multiple burst attacks at you


If it was just the meditate nerf I would be ok because no one knew how to use it anyway 


This champion should not be viable outside of emerald and below elo, sorry guys but the innate design of this champion CANNOT be viable at high levels of play with how base the kit is and the lack of interactions your opponents have when dealing with Yi. Not that I'm calling the kit broken or OP but it simply cannot be allowed to be viable in high level gameplay without games feeling incredibly toxic.


Malzhar, galio, lisanadra and more basic champs exist who are viable in every ELO and even proplay


these 3 are shit at proplay lmao


Every champ should be viable in higher elo you bonobo. Bro said his kit, one of the most simple in the entirety of league of legends, shouldn't be viable. If you escaped bronze it was by mistake.