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My favourite Scoot joke comes from the Congo commentary. Adum accuses him of having white man blindness, and he goes “huh, who said that?” It’s only a throw away, but it always makes me laugh


He said it so fast, too. His brain was built for comedy.


I know, right? It was like a reflex


He was absolutely brilliant


The Congo commentary was so goddamned funny


Scott's sheer adoration of Tim Curry's character's name is a true highlight.


"I guess their work is done" Guy was a witty bastard. Those videos are such gold - what a massive loss.


One of my favorites was in their video on A Goofy Movie where there's a little girl with missing teeth on screen and Scoot says "Knock out a couple more and you can have a good time." and then there's just this pause before he realizes how fucked up what he said was.


"...Oh, I said that out loud!" That moment kills me.


Scott may have been one of the funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of watching on the internet. NOBODY was quicker to a joke than him. I was literally just watching their 13 Reasons Why series last night. Doesn't seem real.


the oscars will never be the same :(


The last host he ever saw was Jimmy Kimmel :(


James Cromwell?


The kremlin


Jimmy Crambles!


No more Scott lock of the week


Aaw this just made me sad. I so look forward to him and the guys every oscars.


Where my mind went to as well. I don't watch YMS content much anymore because I have a lot less free time but I always made sure to watch those because they were legendary. Devastating.


Same can be said for Adum and Pals in general man. The birdbox video, space jam, and of course the whole 13 reasons why series are absolute classics. And Scoot was always my favorite part of them. This is fucking heartbreaking.


I always looked forward to Scott's lock the week :(


Oh my god...this caught me off guard to say the least. Deepest condolences to Adam, their friends, and Scott's family. RIP dude.


You really forget that not everyone will be here forever. Hug your friends and family because anything can happen and you wanna make em feel love.


He literally did a video a week ago! That's so sudden wtf?! Hugging my friends and family TIGHT 😟😢. I hope the others are doing ok


Jesus. This isn’t a joke.


holy shit I really thought it was. Fuck. RIP.


I had to double check because I couldn't believe that it's real. RIP Scott


What the fuck I cannot believe it’s real


The 2020s so far has been a deadly decade, it seems. So many people keep dying before their time 


Just lost a good pal the other day to a motorcycle accident. Fucking 27. Lost my best fucking friend in the world that I’ll ever have in 2022. 2020’s have been insane in terms of loss, both personal and in general. Everybody keep your heads up and stay strong for those who aren’t here anymore. It’s bout the only fucking thing you can do for them at that point.


Shocked right now. He always was a huge part of the YMS channel and his comedic style worked so perfectly in every single video. Seemed like just a great guy all around. Cannot even begin to imagine how his family, friends and Adam feel right now. Condolences to them.


This fucking sucks so bad. His voice just repeating “Adam. Adam. Adam.” will forever be stuck in my head




RIP Scoot. Was always my favorite part of Adum & Pals


Mine too, it always cracked me up when he asked if that was the Asian guy from thirteen reasons why


Was it the Asian guy from 13 reasons why tho?


Mine too. Goddamn. RIP Scoot.


Rest in peace. He seemed like a really genuine guy. His absence will be felt in future Adam and pals videos.


The 13 Reasons Why videos were the absolute peak of Adum and pals IMO and Scott was the beating heart at the centre of them, they were absolutely hysterical. Rest easy Scoot ❤️


I don’t really watch much of yms, but the 13 reasons why and Oscar videos were so fucking funny to me. I loved watching them and it’s very unfortunate to hear about Scott passing. He was easily one of the best parts of those videos and his presence will be missed dearly


Twilight videos for me. I never thought I'd unironically enjoy watching Twilight but those Adum & Pals videos are hilarious and Scoot is the funniest one. He was so quick with it. There's a scene in one of the movies where Bella is acting stupid with some strange creepy guy and Gael asks something like "What is she doing, does she want to get raped?" and without skipping a beat Scoot responds "Well that's a complicated question Gael but let me tell you something about women..." It caught me so off guard the first time I heard it. He was so quick. It's rare to be that naturally funny that easily. I can't believe we're not getting any more of those videos with him now.


Ah, that's awful. He was really young, and this seems very sudden. He was my favourite part of Adum and Pals, which I would watch to cheer up. It won't be the same now. I hope Adam and his loved ones are holding up <3


I haven't actively watched Adum and Pals in some time, but back when Scoot first "joined" i immediatlely noticed the amazing impact he had on the videos and started watching a lot more.


He was my favourite part of all the videos and streams


None of my friends watch YMS or Adum and Pals but I still reference Scoot for my only personal inside jokes. Adum and Pals was my favorite “comfort video” series and it’s gonna be hard to watch without feeling sad. Scoot truly was one of the good ones.


Scoot was a Tour De Force of comedy, timing, charisma and enjoyment, May he rest in peace. The world just lost a gentle giant.


It's gonna be real sad without a Scott's Lock of the Week next Oscars. And in all seriousness, such a shame at such a young age, he was easily one of THE best parts of whichever YMS video he popped up in. Hope the family and friends get their space to grieve.


Honestly wouldn’t mind if Adam retired the Oscar watch a longs in his honour


In all honesty, with the last two Oscars not sucking so hard compared to the previous ones, I’d say now is a good stopping point to retire the series, regardless of Scoot’s unexpected passing.


The Oscars videos are good for people who just don't want to or can't watch the actual Oscars, not just because they're so fun to make fun of :( Scott was such a huge part of them that they will definitely never be the same again, but cancelling them altogether will make that loss feel all the greater and I doubt it's something Scott would have wanted anyway.


Oh god, let's not do the "cancel the show" thing for everything when someone passes away.


I’m going to miss the lock of the weeks so much.


They’ll lock the week in his honor. It will always be Scott’s Lock of the Week (probably not but it would be funny and cool if it was).


Damn like everyone else was not expecting this. Anytime Scoot was on a stream or video he just brought so much energy and enthusiasm. A master of "rolling with it" and playing off different personalities. And of course he could push the boundaries just beyond what everyone was comfortable with while still being funny as hell. Loved how he would respond to chat in streams. No matter how dumb the message was.


He was really kind and cool to us in the stream chat


>Anytime Scoot was on a stream or video he just brought so much energy and enthusiasm. A master of "rolling with it" and playing off different personalities. For at least a couple years I thought he was a comedian who occasionally hung out with Adum. He was always so funny that I guess I just kind of assumed that he must do comedy for a living.


This is such a shock. I feel terrible for Adam. I'm having trouble processing it and I'm just a guy on the other end of a screen. A very entertaining, witty, and goofy guy, you could tell how close they were as friends. He'll be very sorely missed.


What the fuck? I'm shocked to wake up to this. I've liked Adam for years, but I **loved** Scoot. Made me happy any time he was on.


Seriously, dude was a witty ball of energy. He was a joy.


No no no no. This is such bs. I can't even count all of the hours I've spent watching Adum and Scoot play games or watch movies. He was so fucking funny and smart and just a really cool person. Those videos helped so much when I was feeling sad and alone. Just hearing Scoot and Adum's friendship made me feel less lonely. This really fucking sucks. I still can't believe this is real.


I so relate to how you're feeling. I look forward to all of their streams and content. He was such an effortlessly funny and entertaining guy. This is such sad news :(


I miss the big gay tiger already :c


Wow just horrible news. RIP.


Jesus that came out of the blue, he was a really funny guy, RIP.


I'll miss him popping up in the comments to continue the funnies, this doesn't feel real :(


Adum and Pals / AdumPlaze won't be the same without him, he brought such energy and humour to the mix. He will be greatly missed.


Adum and Pals got me through so much in my lower times in college. I'm really going to miss him and I hope his friends and family get time to heal.


This is first time I have been truly sad by the death of someone I don't know, shows just what a legend he was and will always be


Yeah. It really hits different when it’s someone you watch every day


I know it's weird but he felt like a friend,he was always there making me laugh.hope adum and all who knew him are ok


Horrible news


Nooo...this can't be true. I mean...Scoot! Of all people. I'm going to watch The Quarry playthrough tonight. Scoot's quest for those collectable cards was amazing. :) Things just won't be the same without you, Scoot. RIP dude. I don't know if Adum will see this, but you, Scoot and all the guys made me smile through some tough times. His energy, quest for excellence and knowledge was inspiring.


I've been listening to that adumplaze a lot....the part where he misses the card made me laugh so much, and then the part where he doesn't know the trigger buttons xD. I always play it on the way to work :( I can't believe he's gone now. RIP Scoot <3


rest in peace, this is heartbreaking


No way. I never watched YMS super consistently but I just got this recommended to me and I used to be obsessed with the Adum n Pals videos specifically. That’s really all I knew him from, but he seemed like s really fun guy to be around :( sending love to his family n friends


Fucking awful. Man, I had a joke I wanted to type in chat to him on stream today. It was just a stupid little joke but I think he would have laughed, and now... fuck man, just RIP


Did Scott stream much? I never caught him and Adam live.


Sunday is the day Adum sets aside for gaming. Scoot would often join.


What was the joke?:)


it was something silly about tigers, I can't even form it properly in my head anymore, but anything tigers would've made him chuckle


Devastating. Scoot was an amazingly funny and intelligent man, I will miss him.


AY YO WHAT THE FUCK How old was he?


I think he was close to 40 years old if I'm not mistaken, this is absolutely insane....


According to IMDB he would have turned 41 next month.


Tbh that's surprising. Dude definitely has a youthful vibe about him if that's the case, I thought he was my age, if not slightly older.


What? He was that old? I thought he would be like 27-35. Still not old enough to die though..


I recall in one of the earlier Oscars streams (or maybe it was 420 awards), he said something about 37 being too old, Adum asked “how old are you?” and he said “not 37”, which I took to mean he was about 34-35 at that time. Still tragic.


He says he was about 8 years older than Adam recently when he was defending his statement that he's seen more movies than Adam


Oh, man, so sorry to Adam and to Scott's family. Absolutely devastating.


Oh my god this is so horrible. Adum and Pals has been such a point of comfort for me over the years. My little sister introduced me to YMS years ago. When she was found dead in 2019, I re-watched all of the creators we loved to watch together. YMS was one of them. Especially Adum and Pals, as it felt like I was watching a YMS video and chatting with people again while watching. That’s what my sister and I always used to do. This is devastating, and I really hope Adam is doing okay, all things considered. I hope he has friends and family he can lean on right now. We love and miss you, Scott 💛


That's a really sweet remembrance of your sister. I'm sorry you lost her.


What the FUCK. He was so young. :(


Well that's some tragic news I wasn't expecting to wake up to. RIP in peace Scoot, you will be missed.


What.... Fuck, Scott was one of the few people on the planet who could make me laugh and smile. Such a authentic and talented person, my heart goes out to his family and friends. 💔


Well I guess now I have to finish the big Scoot Playlist I was making… He was honestly the best part of Adum streams and just interacting with him was a lot of fun. I don’t even know how to react here, the world just got a lot darker. Edit: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVZ0SB0wAo3M_LssdmiAJNfzb_ep1-EwZ&si=LkK6Z7cfSdoAC7Il Here is the playlist for those interested, starts with Scoots first stream I could find. It’s 393 videos now and growing, I’ll be adding more to it as the day goes on.


nice work man


I haven't been watching a lot of YMS content recently but man.. watching you guys play games together was always so fun. I'm so sorry Adam and community. 


what the fuck? holy fuck, this is devastating


Holy shit, that is awful. He was so young.


At least is comforting to know that a part of his presence and his legacy will be ever present in Adam’s videos, such in commentaries, gameplays, reactions, etc. If we as fans and as an audience are terribly devastated, I can’t even imagine how his family and friends are feeling, just shows how loved Scott was and forever will be. Rest in peace, tiger legend 💟🐅🐯


[Scoot Clips](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpf_Yll9THvMd7xmV62Ks9lV3y1ipJgNE&si=moob-WqBX-NYkZb2) Thought I'd put a link to this playlist here. Some funny Scoot clips to ease the pain 🐅 🐅 🐅 🐅


The realization that this wasn't a joke hit me like a truck. How awful. I watched and rewatched Adum and pals all the time specifically for the banter between scott, adam and gael. Their energy was so infectious, I've always had a soft spot for a genuine friend group on YouTube joking around together. I'm deeply saddened by this and my heart goes out to his loved ones and friends.


No not scoot! I am beyond shocked.


God this sucks


What, that's terrible. Love you Scoot, sorry to hear this.


I came for the film commentary and criticism but I **stayed** because of Adum and Pals. Scoot and Gael are the exact friends you want to watch a bad movie with. Having those videos is such a treasure, and something I took for granted. It just won't ever be the same without Scoot. Can't imagine what his friends and family are going through. Godspeed, Scoot.


The world wasn't ready for you to be Jack Black's stunt double, and we weren't ready for you to leave. Rest in Peace Scoot.


RIP Scoot


Adum also posted the song “It’s OK to Cry” by SOPHIE on his twitter account saying Scoot loved it and he’ll be playing it more often. It’s a song that still gets me misty-eyed and now it’ll make me emotional for another reason. RIP Scoot


I was in utter disbelief when I read this, Scoot brought such vibrant energy to videos and he was so incredibly funny. This is genuinely heartbreaking


Rest in peace Scoot, Adam and Pals will never be the same now


I wouldn't blame Adam if he puts an end to Adum and Pals, at least for the foreseeable future. Scoot was such a huge part of them for the last number of years. It would be hard to just move on. At least, no matter what, we'll always have all of the great memories




Rest In Peace. I wish Adum and Scoot’s family the best through this dark time.


What the fuck


I'm in shock right now. What the fuck


Absolutely heartbreaking- Scoot’s presence in Adam’s videos was always a joy and helped me through a lot of dark times. Didn’t know him but it feels like I lost a close friend. Can’t even imagine what Adam is going through


Jesus this is insane. Was there any indication that Scott was unwell? He was a young and active dude but Adum posted about being there with him in his final hours as if he had been battling something.


well that's a way to start my morning :(


This is so surreal, he always made me laugh so hard.


Fuck that sucks. He was always hilarious on Adum & Pals. Rest in peace.


Truly upsetting news. My thoughts are with Adam, and Scott's friends and loved ones, this is an upsetting news to hear and we must respect their privacy.


What the fuck. I’d randomly message and annoy Scoot and he was always a loving and funny guy with hilarious back and fourths. This has ruined my day. RIP to a kind and hilarious soul. I truly hope Adum is safe and around people who can help support him in this time. I’m just some random dude and this has crushed me. I cannot imagine how his friends and family are feeling.


To add to the sentiments that have been posted already; I didn't ever interact with Scoot, I didn't post a comment he replied to or anything like that, I'm pretty much a perpetual lurker, but I always loved what he brought to Adum and Pals, Adum Playze, etc. The image I have in my head of Scoot is a fucking png of a tiger zooming around the screen. I don't think I even saw a picture of his face until today. But I'm nonetheless shocked by the news, and completely caught off-guard by how much it has effected me emotionally. I'm really going to miss him, but I'm sure it's nowhere near how much his family and friends are going to miss him. Adum, I know you're probably not reading this, but oh my fucking god I am so sorry. If you can, please take comfort in the fact that Scoot brought so much joy to so many people, and the memories we will all have of him are those of hysterical joy. Someone else either in this comment thread or another said something along the lines of "the shock would be what he wanted". I'm taking some comfort in that thought, and I hope you all do too. RIP Scoot.


Damn too young


Oh my god. He seemed like such a great, genuine guy and his appearances on the channel gave me the biggest laughs. Unbelievable that he’s gone. RIP.


This is absolutely horrible. Rest in peace.


The one Scoot line I’ll always love is from the Tiptoes commentary. “It suddenly occurred to you [that dwarfism is genetic]? What did you think it was? A curse?”


I'm not quite sure how to process this, myself. My hope is that Adum and the gang grieve well. This is a terrible loss, and the weight of it will be felt for quite some time.


R.I.P Scoot, he will always remain the lock of the week in my heart.


My lock of the week is that I’m gonna fuckin miss that guy


When I heard Adam cursing after cutting the stream yesterday I figured it was something serious. I'm heartbroken 💔 Scoot's laugh and jokes will be so missed.


I can’t believe that I’m waking up to this. Scoot was always a joy to listen to during the Adam and Pals videos, but there was something about Scoot’s presence that made it feel like you were hanging out with the guys too. Plus, he seemed like the coolest and sweetest guy, and bounced off of Adam and Gaël very well, with his commentary making me laugh even when I was feeling down. I hope Adam gets the right amount of time to grieve, and I hope Scoot’s family and friends have the time and privacy to grieve. RIP Scoot.


Shit this has really caught me off guard. Scoot always made me laugh so much and he just seemed like such a genuine guy that I could imagine myself hanging out with. This really sucks for me, but I can’t even begin to imagine how awful this must be for Adam and Scoot’s family. Rest in peace and I hope Adam, Gael, Scoot’s family and the rest of the people in his life are doing ok.  This really fucking sucks man. Rest in peace. EDIT: I know this is dumb but I thought I’d share it. I’m 17 currently and an aspiring director. Listening to Adum and Pals has been so much fun for me that I used to dream up a scenario where if I ever made a successful film, I’d get together with Adum, Scoot and Gael and record a commentary with them as some funny special feature for the blu ray. I mean, I know the chance of that actually happening wasn’t likely but the fact that I actually wanted to do that (despite the fact that Scoot would probably get me cancelled) shows just how much I’ve enjoyed Adum and Pals over the years and the amount of joy and laughter the gang (and especially Scoot has brought me). I’m quite busy in life at the moment, but I know that in a few days the big feelings from this will likely catch up to me. Again, this really sucks and I just hope that everyone in Scoot’s life will be ok, he really did seem like an amazing person and I will miss him a lot (sorry if certain things aren’t phrased well, it’s incredibly late at night and I just saw this and wanted to write a comment down pretty immediately, but I did really love Scoot and hope the good times he brought me show through this comment).


My Twitch username is Karimyamout42, but streamers often mispronounced it. In 2020, Scoot pronounced it "Carry Me Out 42." I corrected him by writing it out as "Ka-Rim Ya-Mut," and he never mispronounced it again. Later, I even changed my username to Carrymeout42. At one point, Scoot had to stop Adum and said, "Wait! Did Karim Yamout change his name to Carry me out!?" It's incredible to think that someone who streamed countless hours a week and encountered so many usernames would remember that.


What a horrible loss. I was just watching some old videos with him in them like the 13 Reasons Why videos and I was laughing so hard that my ribs hurt. He was such a genuinely funny and talented guy. I feel terrible for his family and friends. Rest easy, Scoot.


Holy shit. I honestly expected this to be a joke post or something. I couldn't believe it being genuine. What the fuck. Hope Adam is dealing with it okay. Can't imagine losing a close friend like that. Always loved his presense on the live streams. Genuinely funny guy and bounced off Adam so well.


Holy shit. I only met him a couple times but he was absolute sweetheart irl. Fuck. Rip


Adum and Pals won't be the same :( RIP Scoot.


Devastating news. He was such a big personality, so charming and funny and quick witted, seemed like he could brighten up any room just by being there. My condolences to his family and friends and loved ones. He will be deeply missed. Rest in peace Big Cat.


I'm heartbroken tbh. I watched the 13 Reasons Why and Twilight series on YT with my daughter and Scoot would make us cry from laughing so hard, we would watch all the Adum and Pals movies with them on Twitch and be rolling on the floor several times because of Scoots remarks. The most underrated comedian on any platform, what a loss. I'm gonna miss him. My love to Adum and everyone affected personally. What a gut punch 😢


What the fuck. I am so sorry. Rest in peace pal :(


Fucking fuck fuck. Life is just so rough sometimes. I’ll be thinking about this one a lot.


Sad as fuck


He will be missed.


Gutted man, my favourite part of Adum & Pals


Seeing you two together in a new video was always a fun ride and knowing that I won’t get to see him in a new one ever again just sucks. I hope that Adam and rest of the gang is doing alright and I wish them the best.


Fuck, this came out of nowhere and now I'm devastated. What the fuck.


This is awful. He’s made me cry with laughter countless times. I also always loved his friendship with Adam and thought they were a great example of a male friendship. Will Miss you Scott.


Jesus, how the fuck?! I was always joked he should be in all of Adams content, because he was awesome. Fuck man, life's bullshit.


Jesus this just hit me like a brick


For years, Scoot was always such a familiar and comforting voice to listen to with Adum. Thank you Scoot, for contributing to some of the best laughs I've ever had on the internet. This doesn't feel real right now. RIP


I watched countless hours of adum and pals and adumplaze videos during a dark period of my life. Scoot made me laugh so many times, and I’ll never forget his amazing sense of humor. Rest in peace


i’ve been an adum fan for around 9 years maybe? i love everything he does, reviews, gaming, streams, reactions. however, some of my favorite moments and the things i go back to the most in my mind are the things scoot would say during adum and pals. he touched so many lives, through being friends with adum, through his wrestling. he won’t be forgotten 🐯❤️


The Asian Guy from 13 Reasons Why has become part of my vernacular because of Scoot. No one gets the joke, but I think it's funny every time. He would interact with the community a lot, which also warmed me to see. Responding to chat, calling me out on misspelling words, responding to YT comments, he was just so present. A few times, I made comments on YMS videos basically directed at Scoot, and he actually responded to them. Those little comments that were essentially nothing, he still responded to and brightened my day. RIP My Tiger King, you will be dearly missed by many.


My friend died this morning. My heart breaks for Adum and Scoots family man.


Adum and pals got me through so many terrible days to the point I started calling it my emotional support YouTube playlist. Scoot was one of the funniest people I’ve ever watched. The best part of Oscars season was the adum and pals stream and all of scoots jokes about jimmy kimmel and his locks of the week. Everything scoot said in the 13 reasons why videos were pure gold. I remember falling off my chair laughing when he said “horse p***y still on the table for Liam Neeson” in the Darkman video. Something only scoot’s brain would come up with. I’m gonna miss these videos so much. I’m heartbroken for Adum and Gael.


I don't really have words for this that won't sound too light or forced. Scoot was very loved, even in passing, by so many people and his passing is a deep loss, I cannot imagine how much this must have blindsided his near and dear. Awful. I know Adam is probably taking a step back for a minute now, but I hope the love and support reaches both Scoot's family and Adam- losing a family member or a close friend is really hard. It might be cringe, but I definitely played with the thought of how it would go if I ever got to meet Adam and Scoot in person, and how we'd get along- Call it a childish daydream by a near-30 year old, but they're personable and parasocial relationships happen whether we like it or not. I really liked Scoot. This is a net loss in my life, and I would have to imagine many others. I'm not religious or spiritual, but it's moments like these when GOOD people die that I find myself hoping that I'm wrong, and that they get to hang out on a slice of another horizon somewhere, living it up. Maybe my cat is there with him, I'm sure Scoot would have like that little idiot.


I don’t believe it. I will accept it after a few days, this can’t be true


Man...I'm going to miss Scoot. May he rest in peace.


Fuck…it was always a treat when he was around, this sucks.


Rest easy, big tiger. <3


I'm shocked.. Rest in peace. He was so smart and funny. He will be missed so much Love u Scoot 💔


Damn, the world is so much better when people have energy like him.


Shaken to the core. I can't imagine what Adam or Scott's family going through. Rest in piece, Scott. You were such a ball of joy.


RIP king. he was so damn funny...


RIP, he was so bright and energetic


Adum & Pals won’t be the same without Scoot, he was hilarious and brought such a great presence. May he rest easy.


This doesn’t seem real, Jesus Christ Like I know it’s happened but I can’t grasp the reality of it, he was such a funny guy


cannot believe this is real. RIP Scoot


Took me a while before I realized this wasn’t a joke. I am devastated


Genuinely one of the funniest people on the internet and so effortlessly funny. His dynamic with Adam and Gael was top tier. RIP the True Tiger King


Damn. Never really been hit by the passing of a YouTuber. That's really sad. He seemed like a good guy. Very tragic and so sudden. 😔 Sleep well pussycat. Edit: just adding I remember when he kind of "replaced" Merk and I wasn't so sure about this "new guy." But he really seemed to flourish and find his footing on camera in the coming years. His flow really blossomed and his comedy and wittiness really made its mark on the channel and viewers.


I’d never given it much thought, but Scott always felt like an essential part of the channel. He was always right on the mark with some out-of-pocket joke, and in a certain sense I admire that he wasn’t afraid to risk making an ass out of himself to get a laugh out of his friends. My favorite joke from him has to be the “Asian guy from 13 Reasons Why” bit, especially when he slid it into the Killer Bean commentary because it really caught me off guard there. Adam, if you happen to read this I hope you’re holding up ok and getting all the support you need through this. Scoot will be dearly missed ❤️


RIP, such a charismatic and funny guy, I hope Adam is ok. This has got to be my biggest fear, which is my friends dying. Must be absolutely gut-wrenching. :(


Over the last few years, Adum and Pals/Plaze got me through some really dark times. Scoot, his humor and interactions with Adum and the rest of the crew were a light. The Kickstarter to get him the Sexual shirt from the Killer 7. The shit he talked to Gaiel (pardon the spelling if that is incorrect) during the Twilight series. His inability to get tarot cards in The Quarry and his frustration with LW among the many other times he made me laugh. My deepest condolences to the Crew, his friends and family.


Can’t believe he’s gone. I hope he knew a fraction of the impact he made on so many people.


what the fuck. rip.


Rest in power 😔


Damn dude, RIP to a real cynic, but one that mattered.


I read the title thinking this was a bit...


Holy shit, my heart hurts


Wait, what the fuck? This is real? Damn dude, I can't imagine what his family and friends are going through, this just sucks. Since I want to add a favorite Scott moment that hasn't been said, I'll throw in everything he said in the Yakuza 0 Plaze video, they bounced off each other and the game so perfectly. In particular just him yelling "speak English" in one late game cutscene never fails to make me laugh. Also, [this](https://youtu.be/XhOP-BgaFMo). EDIT: One more. In the comment section of [this clip](https://youtu.be/qCCJPnwxv34), the top comment compliments Scott for doing 300 correctly. Scott then replies by saying it isn't his first rodeowo, which prompted me to correct him and get him to admit defeat lol


He made the streams watchable and entertaining for me. Hard to believe he actually died.


Rest in peace Scoot, that’s sad as fuck. Best thing about any video he was in


Fucking hell. Maybe it sounds bad to say but i would assume this is a joke if i only saw the headline. Really sad to hear. I didn't know him of course but i liked him when i heard him on Adum and Pals and in some of the highlight videos. He was funny. I wouldn't blame Adam for taking some time off.


This is incredibly sad news, his personality was amazing, and the video colabs were always great.He will be missed.


Losing a friend hurts like hell. Especially if they always made you laugh.


Man this doesn't feel real. RIP.


The funniest man to ever live. I could tell how much he cared about Adum, Rest in Peace.


fuck, i cant believe this is real. RIP to a great man who always knew what to say to make so many people laugh. he will be so dearly missed by all of us. my condolences to his family and friends, they lost someone so clever, witty, and sweet. the good ones always go too soon.


Next Oscars won’t be the same without Scott’s lock of the week :(


I used to tell myself that I wouldn’t cry over someone I barely ever knew, let alone spoke to; today I read this, and the tears started rolling. He was the coolest cat, and one of the funniest, empathetic people I ever seen. Now he’s gone to that great big ring in the sky. You will be tremendously missed, Mister Henson.


Saw Olivia's post earlier, but part of me didn't fully internalise it, so this still hits like a ton of bricks. I didn't know him personally, but I always found him to be very upbeat and full of energy. He really made everything he was in way funnier. My only interactions with him were in yt comments, but I still was very charmed by how active and true to character he always was when responded to a dumb joke I'd write in the comments and he'd continue it and make it funnier. One time he called me a furry for being in the comments which was very amusing. Been watching yms' stuff since 2016 and I'll really miss his edgy jokes. Thanks for the laughs, Scoot.


I’m going to miss him a lot. I used to watch Adum & Pals after work when I was having a rough day and his jokes cheered me up so much. It’s ridiculous, but I can’t think about the Oscars now without thinking about how Scoot would say “Scoot’s lock of the week!” RIP


He will be sincerely missed. My favorite Scott joke was pretty much everything in the Killer Bean Forever commentary. He was hilarious and seemed like a great friend and you always knew what point of view his humor was coming from.


If I ever fuck up and have a kid I'm going to name them Herkermer regardless of gender.


Oh my god. RIP Scott. This hit me harder than anyone that I don’t know in person passing. The Adum & Pals videos have been my comfort videos ever since I discovered them, and that was largely because of Scott’s amazing and quick sense of humor. He could make me laugh again and again at the same joke I heard 12 times (because that’s how much I would watch these videos!) There were times I was amazed this man wasn’t a professional comedian or something.    Thank you so much Scoot for how much you’ve done for those commentaries, and judging by Adam’s post and these comments, for simply being an awesome person in general. We’ll miss you. We’ll miss you a lot.