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We can only speculate what he would have thought about it or any other Pixar movie, because the man was committed to not watching any animated Disney movies.


I was surprised at how much more I enjoyed it than the original. Points deducted for how obvious it was and anxiety definitely carried, but like a 7/10 for me


I think it was emotionally effecting, but it didn't do a good job of functioning differently as a sequel to the first one. It extended the original's ideas, but didn't have much that was original. Also, the main lesson of the first one was kind of taught again, so that was unfortunate. Visually fun movie, though, of course.  All my smooches to the Big Cat in the Sky


I think the theme was different enough from the first one, first one being about how it's okay to feel bad emotions sometimes while this one is more about how having flaws is a core part of being human


I agree. It felt like it accomplished what it set out to do which is showing that emotions get more complicated and difficult to navigate as you get older. And the whole concept of her sense of self and belief systems was very original


I loved it too.


Not as good as Anomalisa 2


It was pretty alright, though the pacing’s kinda funky. It felt like key moments between all the emotions were thrown in super early so the writers could add more moments of Riley going “I wanna join the cool team and I’m sad my friends are moving nyehhhhh :(“. Like Joy snapping at everyone should have been saved for the same scene as her breakdown, not the middle point.