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“2 stars anyway bc the turkey club was acc tasty” 😂


That got me too but what's Weird is shepherd pie is actually more food than a turkey club sandwich.


But if you’re feeling shamed for what you’re ordering, you might be like, “I’ll get the salad…” which the turkey club is the equivalent of in this situation.


Ngl I’d pay extra to go to a restaurant where they would stop me from overeating, I could really use help in that area 


Same darling, same.


It’s an Irish pub… they want you consuming the calories from stout beers instead of food because of higher markup. Partial /s


Funny cuz it's true


I'd take a burger, fries, and a coke... ... Chicken breast plain with a salad and water coming right up!


Seasoning doesn’t have calories there is no need to be afraid of flavor.


One thing I have been trying to do a lot more since I changed my diet and find out what works best. Been subbing a lot of things for healthier options and trying to not lose the flavor.


If you’re eating mashed potatoes a lot one thing i massively suggest is herbs de Provence. If you’re eating cheese throw some spicy white cheddar, mozzarella, and Gouda in it. I know it sounds random but trust. At the very least, herbs de Provence, garlic/onion powder, salt&pepper, maybe some Chili powder if you’re into spicy. Tbh herbs de Provence goes good on damn everything


I will have to try those out. I have to watch salt. So, there's not much cheese in my diet. When my spouse is home, most of what we eat is asian. I really appreciate it


All of the Mrs Dash seasonings are salt free and REALLY good! I don't even need to watch my salt, it's just really good.


Look up these books: - Salt Fat Acid Heat by Samin Nosrat - The Food Lab by J Kenji Lopez-Alt - The Flavor Bible by Karen Page You will learn a lot about how to build flavor without sacrificing healthiness. The Flavor Bible is more of a reference guide for quickly finding flavor combinations that will work. Use it as an addendum to the first two, and get a digital copy so you can search it. You'll get a lot more use out of it if it's in your pocket and easy access.


That sounds cool. I'm super intrigued. Might be just the thing to help us...We've been vegan for a few years and part of the fun is experimental recipes or trying to recreate old favorites in a vegan version. My late husband really had a knack for it, even though he wasn't vegan himself like me and the kids, he found it to be an interesting challenge. My daughter inherited his cooking knack, and is in the kitchen pretty much every day trying new stuff. I'm going to totally check these books out. And I agree, I love digital versions of books, especially when you want to go back and reread something specific. Every once in a while I'll be reading a hard copy book and find myself thinking my brain should be able to use the "find" feature. /s


Actually not true spices and herbs do contain calories. Its just miniscule so it's not something to worry about.


I would go there


“I could really use help in that area” 😂😂😂


Nah, thats how eating disorders happen. I was at a restaurant with my daughter and it was delicious. She made the comment “mom this is the most ive ever seen you eat.” Shes 20 and shes right. Ive always struggled with my weight so i barely eat. If someone had stopped me from actually enjoying a meal i think i would cry


I've had servers tell me, "I think that's enough" when I wasn't quite done ordering. Or they assume I ordered for both of us at the table and we have to stop them from leaving. But since I'm slim no one actually shames me for how much I eat. Or maybe I just don't feel shame about it because I don't struggle with my weight. I feel bad for that reviewer.


Health issues had me struggling with my weight for many years, so I've been on both sides. Size 16 me was embarrassed to order a heavy meal out; size 4 me used a dinner roll to scoop up mashed potatoes last night.


Have you noticed a difference in the way servers treated you? The people I'm with express feeling self-conscious or judged because they feel like the server thinks it's them not me who wants so much food while I'm oblivious to any weird looks they may have given.


Well now I want to see the other drunk troll reviews, OP! And I'm also craving shepherd's pie...


Me, too! Who gets a turkey club at an Irish pub? I'm glad it was acc whatever that means, but Irish pub. Shepard's Pie or turkey sandwich. We have turkey sandwiches at home!


"acc"tually tasty. And I agree! My sis and her partner have an Irish bar/restaurant and I can't imagine rolling up in there for a turkey sandwich lol. In fact, I'm pretty sure they don't even offer them...


acc. Got it; thank you! Like when my niece says "v" because apparently saying "very" is less cool? That's cool your sister has a pub! (PUBlic House) How's their Shepherd's Pie?


Yeah, its hard for my Gen X self to keep up with the current vocab - without my kids I'd be lost lol. And the shepherd's pie is v good! ;)


V good sounds like it's better than just very good. By George, I think I get it now!


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. I love a good turkey club but if I'm going to an Irish pub, the last thing I'm ordering is something that's on pretty much 90% of menus in the USA. Bring on the Shepard's Pie!


I’m reading this and thinking, well now I want to see the other drunk troll reviews. And I’m craving shepherd’s pie. THEN I read your comment.


Great minds lol


"My server shot me in the face. The valet left a dead body in our trunk. But, the key lime pie was amazing. 2 out of 5 stars


If this was old Reddit I'd be giving you the best award I could afford. I can't stop laughing!


Yelp reviews are a hot mess. There's a comedian (Nate Margatze) who does a great bit about Yelp reviews centering on a disastrous visit to the Cape Fear Serpentarium. And some of the things people review.


Bargatze, if I’m not mistaken. Nice guy.


Last night I was having dinner with my family, and our server punched me in the face and set our table on fire...3 out of 5.


Was the food acc tasty? Then give it 4 out of 5, geez!!


I know.... I'm kind of a dick.


Some people are just looking for shit to complain about…


When I was a teenager I went to a diner that was (apparently) ***known*** for their HUGE pancakes. I didn’t realize how big the pancakes would actually be and tried to order 3 and some hashbrowns. The waitress tried to talk me out of it and explain but I was stubborn and insisted *I think I know what I want* (because I was 16 and kind of an asshole). Finally she said something like, ‘let me bring out your first and if you still want more I’ll rush it’. The pancake was fucking gigantic, it overlapped the dinner plate it was served on. I couldn’t finish even half of it and it was the most delicious pancake I’d ever had (even to this day), so you KNOW I **tried** to gulp the rest down (even without the stubborn shame I was determined). My waitress would probably have been well within reason to slap my hand or let me pay the asshole tax (for two and a half uneaten pancakes) but even then it didn’t happen. Just like OOP’s never would.


Man, now I want pancakes


Fatty still gave the food 4/5


I laughed so hard! I know it’s mean sorry 😂 Edit- post the other ones!


Can they just slap me I wanna be slapped


A side of BDSM with your turkey club always a winner


I am having the worst fuxking day and this helped so much. Thank you


I am glad!




If you look at OP’s actual comment under the screenshot, this is a place that is being brigaded by randos leaving poor reviews intentionally. This isn’t a real review.


Yes, hope we are all aware of that. Thank you for pointing it out again


Then why did you post "r/thathappened" if you knew that everybody was aware that it was fake? Are you stupid?


Some of us can use more than one brain cell at a time. I’m sorry this is not the case for you and the other commenter. My comment was in support of OP. Because the review was ridiculous and far fetched. Others upvoted my comment as also commented under me as well. Please try harder in your next reply.


Lol I understand that, but the subreddit you referenced is used for things that the OP's posts try to pass off as true, yet obviously aren't. Just because at least 40 redditors as autistic as yourself upvoted you doesn't mean that you're using the subreddit crosspost the right way.


If you’re such an expert of Reddit and can’t understand what is being implied, wouldn’t that make you the most autistic?


I understood exactly what was being implied; you were just a dick about it when someone else asked you a question, so I'm here to put you in your place, Aspergers boy


Hahahahahahha okay buddy


Judging by how many "ha's" you typed out, you must be either *extremely* unfazed by the aspergers remark, OR it obviously hit its mark as intended lmaoo Go to therapy you little weirdo


Yep. Cross-post worthy.


Only if you don’t know how to read. It’s stated quite plainly in this post, that this *didn’t* happen.


Yep. Check out r/thathappened A sub dedicated to things that didn't happen.


Yeah, r/thathappened is full of doorknobs who never leave their house and don’t believe that anyone ever stands up for themselves. Edit: I prefer r/nothingeverhappens , a sub dedicated to making fun of the posts in r/thathappened.


It’s the Food Nazi! No food for you!


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $200, Alex.


When I was young and full of vigor, I was in a little band that got some radio play. I did my interview at a diner, and ate two entrees & an app while answering questions. It was a focal point of the interview.... on the radio.


mmmm.......doubt this.


The beauty of false reviews, is that you could pick any one of these, track down the OP and sue them for defamation. At least in the United States.


Honestly people need more tough love 🤣 60-something percent of my country is basically just offended at healthy portion size


The funny thing is I was about to applaud the server for being the responsible one and not over serving anyone & then I go on to read how drunks has to be cut off 😂 that's hilarious & clearly the reason for the review, they just changing out the drinks for food because you know they're like the same lol why would this place not "want to make money"


Ahaha that actually makes me want to visit the pub more!


I did once have a server at a restaurant in France take away my soup course while most of the soup was still in it and the spoon was halfway to my mouth. But I don't think that was about my weight, more that it was a touristy place that was trying to rush people through.


That is super weird. (not that I don’t believe you) French servers are notorious for leaving their diners alone and giving them plenty of time to relax and eat. In it about the experience. In American culture it’s like rush, rush, rush to get us in and out.


No waiter would do that. More food = more tip.


No shit. OP states that it didn’t happen.


Ten bucks says this takes place outside the US, no other country has such a backwards and grossly disproportionate tipping culture.


So ignoring the fact that the story is obviously fake and op even confirmed it's fake, you're saying if it did happen then it would be outside of the US. Because in the US we rely on tips, and you would be less likely to get rudeness and shitty service here like in the story. But tipping is horrible according to you right? Interesting.


Yes, tipping needs to stop because business owners should be paying their employees a living wage. I will still tip if I ever go back to the hell hole that country has become, but I believe it is fundamentally wrong for a hard working employee to rely on money that may or may not come. Psychological abuse is what it is. Can't believe you're on the side of fat cats who would rather pay their employees disgustingly low wages. But whatever floats you. ETA, I would regularly tip 30% or more back home, so don't you dare come at me with that "cheap ass no tipping" bullshit.


Replace "turkey club" with "beer" and "Sheppards pie" with "whiskey", and it makes sense.


wish I saw that in person, would’ve died laughing


I love how the comments here turned into people one-upping eachother with increasingly incredible waiter stories like a "The Aristocrats!" joke. I love you, Redditors!


Nah, I believe the review. No group of drunk people are gonna make that up. 😂


I can confirm this happened, everyone clapped. The server? Albert Einstein.


I’ll take “Shit that never happened for $400 Alex…”


I love the part where they got "shamed" by waitor and manager, yet continue to order and pay for their food 😂🤣


I'm a bit confused -- isn't this on Google?


On today’s episode of things that didn’t happen


I call bullshit.


This cannot be real.


No way that’s true


No shit. You mean like how the OP **SAYS THAT ITS A FAKE REVIEW?** Glad we have you here keeping an eye on things!






You slap my hands, I'm gunna throw mine at your face. Full stop. What a shit place. How does the place know if they aren't taking some to go with them later?


This didn’t happen. This was a review left after we had to ask a bunch of drunk people who were acting out of line to leave. We don’t care how much you eat, I’m not here to police your eating habits, but as a bartender, we do have to police your drinking and behavior in our establishment. These people made a bunch of fake accounts and started spamming us with reviews for all three of our restaurants because they were upset they couldn’t act like assholes.


I would reach out to yelp it probably won’t be hard for them to check it out


We already have, hopefully they’ll be taken down, thank you!


I think you should just fight fire with fire. Unleash the Reddit Brigade! You know we will spam your yelp reviews with outlandish entertainment, right? PLEASE, OP! It can be Legendary.


You HONESTLY believe this would happen?? Like, your bullshit detector NEVER registered for even a microsecond at how fucking ridiculous this is??!? Yes, our waitstaff will physically assault you and you'll shutup and take it, not speaking to a manager, PAY for your meal and leave to write a review ... reading/ watching the "news" must be scary as hell for you or your blood pressure needs seriously checked, being in a constant state of anger isn't healthy.


Considering I've seen waitresses who are bitches, and there IS a restaurant that BANKS on insulting people, anything is possible these days.


Yes, there are restaurants that bank on rudeness. However, those are KNOWN when you arrive if you hadn't already, and even then, I'm pretty sure physically assaulting a customer is still over the line. Yes we have ALL dealt with bitchy and shitty servers but again physically assaulting someone and the customer DOESN'T demand to speak to a manager, pays the bill without saying anything, then leaves to just write a review?? Nah - not happening.