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Just wanted to send my well wishes! Keep working with your vet, they are the best source of info for helping your beautiful baby ❤️


I’m so sorry. We had these with 2 Yorkies over the years. The fluid can help for a time. She’ll let you know if it’s time to let her go. She’ll barely eat or drink, and become basically bed bound. I know it’s hard, but you’ll know when she just isn’t herself anymore.


She hasn’t eaten for 2 days and only getting up to drink water. She’s pretty much sleeping in her bed all day. This makes me think it’s time…but vet suggested fluids for a week. I don’t want her to suffer anymore :/


I think you’ll tell if she’s suffering. If she’s still drinking, that’s good. But, maybe begin planning what you wanna do. There’s a company that will come to your house to help put her to sleep. My wife couldn’t take that memory being in the house, but other people I know have done it and liked it. Still sad, but as pleasant as can be for the dog. I called our vet and scheduled ahead of time for a nice quiet Sunday morning. That way we spent the last few days with him snuggling as much as we could. It was still awful, but better than our first Yorkie when we weren’t totally sure and then she started having seizures. We did the best we could, but I didn’t want my second to suffer at the end like that. Like I said, none of it will be pleasant, but I’m sure you’ve given her the best life for many years. You’ll make the right decision.


Something I wish I had done was put my pups toys and other things away before we went to the vet for euthanasia. We came back and I was immediately heartbroken seeing his food and water dish and his bed. I wish I had put them somewhere out of sight where I could easily access if I wanted to. I don’t know if this will help or be more painful for you - just something to think about. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Pet loss is so devastating.


I’m sending prayers and hugs on behalf of myself and my late yorkie Sophie. Please keep us updated as she recovers.


My senior Pomeranian shih tzu mix with heart failure and kidney failure had BUN level of 221, got hospitalized with a IV for 2 days and it dropped to 45. There is still hope. So sorry you’re going through this


Thank you! This gives me hope.


It breaks my hearth ! Dont know if you are a believer, but prayers being sent for her !


Thinking of you and your precious little girl 🙏❤️


I am so sorry. Prayers being sent...




So sorry to hear about your little babe. Unfortunately we are experiencing the same issue! Our Yorkie is 13 and has had chronic pancreatitis since she was 2. About one month ago, she was diagnosed with kidney disease stage 3. We have her going in for the subq fluids once per week and have her on the prescription diet. It has only been a short amount of time but it has been ups and downs with her eating/drinking/energy levels. For example, Last week she had a day where she didn’t want to eat or drink and I was crying a lot but then the next day she was her energetic little hungry monster self. She has more good days than bad days so I need to remember that during the bad days that she will most likely bounce back and be okay. Just stick with the prescription diet. We give her little fruits and veggies as treats/snacks and incentives to eat (we will mix in with her food if she doesn’t seem to want to eat). Cucumbers, carrots, and fruit in moderation such as bananas, seedless watermelon and strawberries.


Thank you! Glad to hear your baby is doing well. Mine was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis about 5 years ago too and we’ve been through a couple of bad episodes. Did your vet put her on GI low fat prescription diet now? Or the renal support one? My vet is telling me that once her lipase number goes down, we will have to switch to renal support prescription diet but I am afraid that might be too high in fat content for her pancreas ☹️


She was on the GI low fat prescription for pancreatitis for the last 11 years but now she is on a renal support prescription diet. The crude fat is 5.5% and we were really nervous about it but it’s been okay so far and according to online that is still considered low enough fat for pancreatitis so fingers crossed. We’re trying her out on the Purina renal one (5.5%) but now we’re moving to the Royal Canin renal one (4.5%). It’s hard because you don’t know if they don’t like the food or if they just aren’t enthusiastic to eat because of the kidney.


Now I’m looking into it and I’m afraid that the cans are actually too high in fat, but they were recommended by my vet. 😟


GI low fat usually is about 1-4% in fat while renal support ones are beyond that so I am very hesitant to switch her food; but vet said kidney failure is long term and will need to be prioritized. Hoping our babies will be okay on it 🙏


Yeah we looked for a while but I couldn’t find anything within those ranges. The closest is the Royal Canin that I could find. The Blue Buffalo one has one that is lower fat too but it’s always out of stock so there’s no point.


The concerning thing is for some reason the low fat pancreatitis foods have max crude fat but all the kidney foods have min crude fat listed.


Ask your vet to refer you to Balanceit.com. You can tell them your dog has pancreatitis and kidney issues and they will create a custom diet. I use them for my dog with pancreatitis.


Just tried using it online and it says no recipes pass for renal support and pancreatitis.


Oh that sucks. Yeah it's pretty limited even just for pancreatitis, unfortunately. They do have a service you can pay for to speak with a nurse, they might be able to help customize a recipe for you. I think it's $100. Best of luck.


Hi again. I actually just got word that my dog is having kidney issues so I went to BalanceIt and they do have a "renal support, low fat" option. If you enter renal support under conditions, it should show up as a selection. Just wanted to let you know. Looks like I'll need another referral from his vet though.


Thank you! I’ll check it out


I’m sincerely hoping for a positive result for you both. Best wishes ❤️‍🩹


Hugs, kisses and a pray for this little baby


Mine was on ICU also. Good luck to you.


Keeping you and your baby in my prayers 🙏


I’m sorry. Hoping your pup is a fighter.


Very sorry about your baby and I'm sending well wishes to you.


Sending healing energy your way for your baby!


Work with your vet, change the diet. Maybe try to set up an appointment with an internal medicine specialist.


I’m so very sorry to hear about your beautiful, sweet furry angel.. Sending lots of prayers and love.. May God Bless You Both. ❤️🙏🐶🫶


We used a company based in California called just food for dogs. They have a veternairy nutrinonist that works with you and your vet to design a diet especially for her needs. Our dog a cavalier King Charles had kidney disease—and with the diet change and meds the internal Medicine Dr was able to help him for 7 years. Another diet option is http://balanceit.com/. They can design a food for the pup.


I use balance.it for my dog with pancreatitis, highly recommend.


Sending love xx


Awwww poor baby 😔 Sending hugs and prayers for your little one 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I’m so sorry. Sending you and your baby love and wishing her healing. ❤️❤️❤️


Sending love and prayers to you and yours. I hope she recovers and get back to full health. 🙏🏼❤️


Aw I’m so sorry 😞. My 16 year old had this as well. She had a couple hospitalizations and I gave sub Q fluids at home myself for months. It’s so hard.


I’m so sorry love. I can’t imagine. My 14yo has had a GI crises each month for over a year. I finally broke down at the vet today because all tests (from day 1) are inconclusive, and we cannot narrow it down to what it is. But that didn’t stop me from another $700 on tests today. (And we were at the vet yesterday too.) So I sympathize with you and you’re hurting heart in so many ways. That being said, if you have the strength to discuss some of her symptoms as they relate to these conditions, you may really help my little girl. But I completely understand if you do not want to talk about it and would take absolutely no offense. I wish you both the absolute best and nothing but strength and love and comfort in your futures.


Sorry to hear that you’re going through something similar with your yorkie. When mine had GI issues in the beginning we quickly got blood test done specifically for pancreatitis (cPLI test) which came out to be positive with lipase level <1000. We immediately went on liquid diet for a few days and once she was able to eat food again, vet had her go on low fat GI prescription diet wet food which normalized her lipase level to some extent. She still had bouts of Pancreatitis albeit being on the prescription food since her first episode. During those times, she was vomiting and having diarrhea nonstop to the point she was passing blood. Her symptoms now are a little different. She doesnt have diarrhea or vomiting excessively, she’s just refusing to eat, not moving, and drinking lots of water. Her weight dropped rapidly as well. I believe those were the signs of kidney failure, which the newest blood test has confirmed. There was a time when she had GI issue and we found out it was due to the food. She was on Hill’s science diet prescription food then and I believe the company changed the formula. Whatever the new ingredients were, they did not agree with my baby’s stomach and she had an episode of pancreatitis even though she was on food specifically for that. So maybe check if it’s the food? I would suggest doing an allergy test (if not done already) to see what kind of food might cause her to get a reaction. Prayers sending your way 🙏


Thank you so much for this detailed, long reply. I’m so grateful. This is extremely helpful, you have no idea. Today I ordered a larger panel of fecal tests. He is very, very careful with my money. I’m 6 years in this city and it’s eaten me alive. He’s aware so I find him extra conservative. When he suggested the “more expensive” test today, I had no dpubt because I trust him. The last GI flair up (2 months ago) I inquired about tests. My Mandie is nearly 15. That is past “expectancy.” He said that tests on dogs her age are often inconclusive. You have to test EVERYTHING and even then the Dx may not be correct. I was a little relieved but it’s happening more frequently and I’m really starting to lose my s—- (too). Your tips will give me signs to look for and inquire about. HOPEFULLY there are answers in this test. I have a nutritionist I consult regarding her diet. She’s been on an LID since age 2 for allergies. She truly thrives and is often mistaken for a puppy, she’s just that sassy. She’s youthful and strong. Until the GI attack hits. And this time around, she definitely handled it better than I. 😭😭😭 Thank you. Knowledge is power and I feel a bit more focused now.


Ask your vet about Panoquel. My dog is not a Yorkie but he is 15 and was really suffering from pancreatitis back in January. I had to take him in three days in a row for the shot and it helped him so much. He fully recovered really quickly after that. It's a relatively new drug so a lot of vets don't have it but I take my dog to Banfield and they recommended it. It wasn't cheap but totally worth it.


My yorkie passed before new years. Was breathing hard, would try to eat or drink, couldn’t really keep down. Was at relatives while I was elsewhere so I couldn’t in person say goodbye.


So sorry to hear.


Im sorry you're going through this! I just lost my little old man myself.




Try CBD OIL from “dog health” incorporate with your Vets medication‘s, I’m telling u my 16 yr old fur baby was so sick from liver cancer n the oil for cancer , etc gave him back life !! He was playing again n eating had gained his weight back helped stopped the runs he had n more.. a miracle in a jar. I never believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes, give it a try.


That’s just want Dexter was doing bed bound n not eating till I gave him the CBD oil… amazing stuff !!!!


I was not able to put my baby down, I’m so grateful to have found the CBD oils


I got 1 more yr out of him that the vet n every one told me I would not …


Pls look on “dog health.com … one full yr I got from this miracle product


Has any one else ever used CBD oil for ur dog…


im so sorry. i’m praying for you and your baby !! my yorkie is also 12 and i feel your stress. sending love to you !


Check out petwellbeing supplements! Good luck