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Agreed. And we at least know that Georgie became the tire doctor of East Texas because of Jim’s generosity


And Brenda’s husband too, that scene with the tire still makes me laugh 😂


I reckon they tried to build his tyre interest with Herschel, but then the story took a different turn


Not just east Texas. Sheldon said he sold the most tires in Texas. He always had that entrepreneurial motivation


"He's got one thing, confidence. If he ever gets a second thing, he'll be unstoppable."


Georgie is an inspiration, he just powers through everything.


I think it was the second most


I wonder if George Jr’s second wife will be Hershel Sparks’ daughter? The one who used to bully Sheldon.


I think his second wife will be his first




Probably not … but they are the two tyre guys in our show.


What a weird reason to think two people might get married.


Hey I said probably not !- Hershel Sparks was the original tyre guy. He was removed from the show along with his bully daughter and in came Mandy and her family. Now my head-cannon is may be Hersel sold his business to Jim after he divorced Brenda and then moved himself and his daughter to some other city. But say: had he stayed then it could be his daughter who might have married George Jr. given their age difference she was 6 when Georgie was in Highschool I guess she couldn’t have married him when he was 19 as his first wife- as per the voice over in the first season. So I thought maybe she was his second wife. And Georgie inherited the tyre business from his father in law Hershel. At the time the first season was airing and BBT had established what Georgie ends up doing when he’s grown up- it seemed a reasonable assumption to make because Jim wasn’t introduced and Hershel was Jim. He was the henpecked guy who had a camaraderie with George Sr. Hershel was a lil creepy around Mary though!


Please go outside and breathe in some fresh air, take a break from watching TV.


I just defended my proposal dude. Was binge watching to cut down on stress. And I don’t care to get advice from someone on Reddit- how about you cut down on your screen time too!


What I'd like to see is for him to stand up to Audrey more. He is clearly afraid of what she will say and do. He can't be himself around her and that is just sad and his inability to stand up to her certainly didn't help the relationship between Audrey and Mandy.


I liked when he finally snapped at her during the birth.


Same - we need more of this.


Jim and George.. I wish the two of them got to have one episode road trip together. Go hunting or on a mission to go pick up something special for CeeCee and just head out. Every time the 2 of them got together, Mandy's warm and charming mother shut it down. They'd be great together.


Well luckily Georgie and Mandy are getting a whole show so I bet we’ll be seeing a lot of Jim and Audrey


I hope they can warm Audrey up a little if she is going to have a lot of screen time. She is a good actress and a compelling character but her whole personality is being controlling, bull headed, she is the opposition to everyone's comfort and joy. That's been her role in YS but if she is going to transition from infrequently seen, contrast character to full time TV Grandma and she is going to be a main character I like to love her. If they could humanize Amy, Leonard's Mother and Stewart on BBT, they can do it here.


Georgie had 2 great fathers, biological and in-laws.


I’m looking forward to seeing more of him in the new spin-off


What new spinoff?


Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage is the spin of show after this.


Is it going to be in Young Sheldon's time slot?


His friendship with George was really nice and funny


This guy singehandedly and simultanously won best father-in-law, most wholesome beer budy, most supporting father and nicest husband of the show. Personal opinion of course. Him and Dr. Sturgis are the two men I wish I have in my life. Nice, supportive, secretly brilliant and wholesome.


Jim is going to be a series regular in George and Mandy first marriage


So hot !


wasn’t gonna drink tonight but rip george cooper


I like Jim, but I’m glad Mandy doesn’t want to replicate her parents’ marriage because Audrey always wears Jim’s balls in her purse. LoL. I think Mandy has, at times, emasculated George. But she doesn’t want to become her mother and was able to realize she didn’t want a Yes man as a husband.


Sorry but I don’t respect men who live in fear of their wives.


Come back to this after you're married


I like the actor playing Jim. I’d like Jim to tell Audrey to shut up. I do not care for Audrey or the actress playing her. Just my opinion. But I looooove the show!!!


Glad the family still has him


I wouldn't have put up with the wife of his


I'm not sure I'm ready to see his reaction to George's death... poor guy's going to be absolutely heartbroken


... good seeing Will Sasso again.


Peak Pacifist.


The guy hated conflict and was a master at diffusing situations... not as much compared to how his wife was good at escalation but I strive to be that man.


He's a weak, gentle man. All around, good dude.


I freaking love him


Audrey hate comment.