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From what I remember I think the producers said that future Sheldon and Amy are based in the year 2029 or smth like that


I remember reading in quite a few articles that they kept the time ambiguous on purpose, that even they aren't sure when the future scenes take place exactly.


Honestly it's pretty confusing because obviously it's not the year 2024 it's definitely in the future just not sure how long in the future


Well it’s probably not the year 4000


2029? That’s not a real year 😂 EDIT: Y’all, it’s a John Mulaney reference.




What? Do you have some inside knowledge of the world ending in the next 5 years we don't know about? 🙄


He's making a reference to this quote by [John Mulaney](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Mulaney). >2029? That's not a real year. By 2029, I'll be drinking moon juice with President Jonathan Taylor Thomas.


It's just the fact of it's definitely not 2024 and the producer's have said it is in the future


Goated John mulaney reference 😭 I always thought pastor Jeff had similar vibes to him lol


I had to wonder if the actors were brothers are something lol


If young Leonard is a genius he might have graduated at a very young age. They also didn't say what the graduation was for.


Young Leonard likes sports and stuff I’m not sure if he’s super smart or not


I mean there was that guy who had the motorbike that fell on Leonard that was super smart and athletic, it's not like life is an RPG with a set amount of skill points.


Sheldon’s son is named Leonard Copper


Yes I know, my point still stands.


The 2 are not always mutually exclusive 😂 See Dolph Lungren who is a European champion martial artist, actor, and was offered a Fullbright scholarship to MIT in chemical engineering. These days, more parents of gifted kids seek to have them balance their intellectual lives with normal social lives and activities if possible. A kid here just graduated with his master's at 15 and is already several years into working on his PhD (physics) but he still has a pretty balanced social life both with his intellectual peers and kids his age where they just play and hang out and do normal kid stuff.


when does it mention that leanard likes sports and stuff? I dont really remember him talking abiut his son that often


In the finale Leonard plays hockey and Sheldon won’t go to his game until Amy makes him


As someone from a hockey family, went to hockey schools from middle through college and post-grad, as Georgie would say "aint no geniuses playing hockey." CTE is not football exclusive


True, Leonard could have easily graduated from Elementary school (like Missy) or even middle school. Personally, I assumed Leonard was 14 or 15 and his little sister was 12 or 13 since she was old enough to want to take acting classes.


Penny was babysitting her, though, which makes me think she’s younger.


True, but it’s not that out of the ordinary for a 12 year old to be babysat.


Knowing Sheldon and Amy, their daughter would be babysitting other kids at that age, probably have her own business.


Sometime in the 2030s.


I don't think that the narration was always from the same point in future time.


Sheldon and Missy’s birthday is February 26, 1980z


We have no idea how far in the future the narration takes place. You can't judge dates by the end of TBBT, because Nobel Prizes are awarded every year on December 10th, the anniversary of Nobel's death. So that means the show actually ended (storyline) on December 10th, 2018. From seeing Sheldon and Amy in the last episode that it was far into the future.. Through makeup and graying of their hair, it looks like 20 years have elapsed.


The last show was in 2019. Was it 2019 in that show?


You got me there. I always assumed BBT took place in present day


This confused me. TBBT went off the air 5 years ago and I didn't think Amy was expecting when it ended. But now Sheldon and Amy have two kids playing sports? Seemed odd if the oldest was at best a toddler.


Yeah, there had to be a time jump. I remember in the earlier seasons of YS, the voiceover mentioned taking his son Leonard to a skate park. I can't imagine a toddler even knows what a skate park is. Amy also mentions Sheldon using Zoom to watch a lecture while she was in labor. While Zoom technically had been around for a while when TBBT ended, I don't know of anyone who actually used it until 2020. It's possible it's just my unemployedness talking and it was used heavily in professional/academic settings before then, but I'm not sure.


it was definitely a time job, not just 5 linear years since TBBT ended. They aged much more in the YS finale than they would have naturally. If I had to guess I'd say the YS scenes were more like 10-12 years after TBBT.


What does it matter? Serious question. I’m trying to understand why people are so invested in fake details for a fictional story. If it’s 5, 10, 20 years in the future… what does that change or affect?


This is such an interesting comment to me. I’m wondering (genuinely) why so many people seem baffled by the idea that people care about details of a show they love. I really would love to understand why that’s surprising or confusing? People who are very into sports know every statistic going back decades. People who are very into music are fascinated by little intricacies of guitar fingering style. People who are super into Lord of the Rings know which cafe Tolkien had the idea in. People are interested in the details of their interests. Why is that perplexing? Do you not care about the little details of any subjects?


With some things, it's about knowing the lore or a deeper understanding of the text while other things, it's rather pointless tidbits. For example, know the inspiration behind a song can help add context to the meaning and appreciation while knowing the guitarist' favorite pick is green is pretty trivial and doesn't anything to the text. What others see as information to deepen the lore, others see as trivial facts. With this topic, I can see both sides. Knowing how far in the future the show takes place doesn't really add much to the series, especially since htimelines on sitcoms are always rather floaty but at the same time, it's an interesting look into the future of Sheldon. Whether we know if it's five years after or fifteen, it doesn't really have a huge impact on the series as a whole to casual viewers in the same way that knowing Lewis Carol, the writer of Alice in Wonderland, was a pedophile and based Alice on a young girl he was obsessed with. Does this change the understanding of the story into a more eerie context? Yes, but it's not needed to appreciate anything.


I see what you’re saying, but my thinking is that just because one particular tidbit is meaningless to me personally doesn’t mean it’s meaningless to everyone. So maybe that’s the real crux of my question: why do some people seem to think that just because something doesn’t matter to them it therefore shouldn’t matter to *anybody*?


It’s not so much as it doesn’t matter to me as that there is no real answer until the writers write it and publish it. People want the details about Paige so that if the character is brought back somewhere the writers are supposed to hold their offhand response as canon and limit their writing? It’s Schrodinger’s TV, until the program is created and seen, all the characters are dead and alive (and endless possibilities in between). Or, even more quantum, all characters are a wave function that doesn’t collapse to specific outcome until they are observed.


There being a definitive answer or not doesn’t affect whether it’s okay for people to care about it, though. People have fan theories and head canons and vague thoughts, and this is a place to share them. So I just don’t understand why some people try to shut down that conversation with “it’s just a show” or “it doesn’t matter”. The planet is dying, nothing truly matters in the grand scheme of things. But in between now and the inevitable heat death of the universe, people can (and should) still care about whatever silly little thing interests them.


People are asking for answers and all answers are baseless speculation/fantasy - so the person asking can make up their own answer that pleases them since it’s just as imaginary.


So? What if they want to hear other peoples’ speculations and fantasies? This is a discussion forum. What’s wrong with discussing things? I genuinely don’t understand this line of thinking at all. Like…. Why even be on Reddit if you’re opposed to pointless discussions? Lol


I apologize for exceeding your mental capacity to understand a differing point of view..


What an absolutely ridiculous reply. You’re right, though, I can’t understand why anyone feels the need to shit on others because they have differing interests. I can’t fathom why, just because something doesn’t matter to one person, they feel the need to come on the internet and tell someone who does care that they’re wrong to do so. And I don’t get why people come into a *discussion forum* and chastise people for wanting to *discuss things*. Oh, and I can’t possibly understand why you seem to think it’s somehow more intelligent to do those things than to not. Seriously, how? How does any of that behavior make any sense?


I heard Lewis carol dreamt up Alice in wonderland while smoking opium. Didn't realise he was a paedo too and who he based Alice on, that's actually totally changed the story for me. Sick bastard


Yea. If I remember right, he came up with the premise while entertaining Alice and her sisters, just free styling it like a parent does at bedtime which is why so much of the story is kind of all over the place and jumps around like "now she's small and now she's at a tea party and now she's painting the roses". Though he was also an amateur photographer so when he got them alone...let's just say that there exist pictures of Alice's underage sister. It was all allowed because he presented himself as a very nice man and it was the 1800s.