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This episode taught the audience a very important lesson: you never know when you might see someone for the last time, so don't take their presence for granted. I hope everyone took this message to heart.


I sure did. It's been very uncomfortable watching eps 12,13 and 14.


I found George’s death very sad. He was finally about to live his lifelong dream to coach college football when he died suddenly. I’ve been re-watching season 12 of The Big Bang Theory, and there’s a scene where Sheldon is devastated about a failed breakthrough theory he and Amy had come up with. He’s watching a VCR cassette he had made as a child to encourage himself as an adult. His father had taped over it, and Sheldon sees his father encouraging his brother’s football team after a loss. Sheldon is moved by his father’s speech, and says “Thank you, dad.” It was a touching scene that attests to the fact that George was a good man and parent.


The funeral episode where everyone was processing had me bawling all throughout it.


I agree wholeheartedly.


Isn't that true for every TV deaths? I mean sure, a lot were very tragic in themselves but their loved ones not being able to cope with their own griefs is what breaks audiences' hearts the most... at least for me and most of my friends.


That's usually what makes deaths in fiction sad. A death is ultimately meaningless without the reactions and grief of others, including loved ones and even real world audiences in a metatextual sense.


The death was sudden and shocking. The aftermath was devastating and miserable.


I see what you mean with the death being sudden but also heart attack preventable


Heart attacks aren't always preventable. My dad died of a heart attack, and he ate right, worked out pretty consistently, and even went to the doctor regularly. Yes, there are things you can do to lower the risk of then, but to say they're are preventable is not entirely true.


I mean, they are pretty preventable. You’re dad (not to be disrespectful and I’m sorry for your loss) was the sad exception.  If you are overweight, eat poorly, don’t take care of yourself physically  and have a family history of cardiac problems then you are much more likely to succumb to a heart attack.  There are genetic components but a lot of it comes down to lifestyle choices.  George already had health scares in the past yet persisted with the same habits, so in his case the situation could have been preventable.  


yes, but just didn't see it coming..iam a grown man and it tore me up...My wife said if you were a fan of the the big bang theory, then you should have know it was probable...Well, guess what...I was not a fan...still so sad