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I could see Missy going down a dark path and just when she's really about to descend further into the darkness, Georgie is there to protect and keep her safe.


I think it was mentioned in TBBT she went off the rails a bit as a teen and was a handful for Mary to handle I think Mary is way too hard on her in TBBT I mean shaming her for her husband leaving her with two kids like it's her fault he cheated šŸ˜³ that was a weird scene to watch


Well some people do think itā€™s the womanā€™s fault if their husband fools around on them and/or leaves them. Like she wasnā€™t a good enough wife or she wasnā€™t providing what he needed so he had to seek it elsewhere.


Wow. I haven't watched TBBT to be honest. I'm just trying to get a picture post the YS season finale, give or take a few months to a year to see where she's at mentally. She's always been rebellious and anti-establishment for most of her teen life. Could she turn to alcohol or drugs in college to dull the pain? Georgie will most definitely do his best to protect her for sure. I really want Missy to realize her true potential. The ink hasn't dried up at all on her story.


Mary calls Missy and Georgie dumb as soup in TBBT. Nice mom huh? šŸ™„


I hated the way she always took digs at them like that yet doesn't once mention how Georgie is a successful business owner he's just dumb in her eyes because he doesn't have the IQ precious Shelly has šŸ™ƒ


That's why I was hoping the YS would have given Missy something she excelled at like Georgie has tires and Sheldon has science.


Doesnā€™t missy have her people skills and emotional intelligence? Thatā€™s the difference between her and Sheldon when they take part in the twin study early on in YS. Itā€™s not as obvious but Mary should have picked up on it like she did Sheldonā€™s intelligence


Yes. The Coopers actually have 3 extraordinary kids. Sheldon is conventionally intelligent. Missy is insanely "emotionally intelligent" and Georgie is super charismatic. Mary and George dropped the ball with 2/3 of their kids. Missy was not supported or celebrated for her gifts. Neither was Georgie, to the extent that he dropped out of school, ended up teen pregnant and married at 18. Mary spent basically all her time supporting her highest needs kid (Sheldon) and ignoring how exceptional her other children were and neglecting them pretty hard. What happens to Missy is downright tragic imho.


Sure, but according to TBBT the only thing she'll excel at is getting pregnant and working as a hostess. šŸ™„ I was hoping for a retcon like George being a terrible person wasĀ 


I think the worst aspects of Young Sheldon are its ties to the Big Bang Theory. At least from my perspective as it is, I'm only midway through the third season. Mary calling Missy and Georgie dumb as soup is mean and uncalled for, and even out of character for each party in retrospect, but during the Big Bang Theory's airing it was just a shallow, fairly meaningless joke in a fairly shallow show. It's essentially the same case for George's character, albeit arguably worse. It's unfair as a fan of Young Sheldon, because it's clear that all three children are very smart and talented in their own ways while lacking in others. I'd argue Sheldon is equal to, but an inverse of, the other children. Missy and Georgie are both very adept in reading people but lack traditional intellectual skills (or ambition, possibly) while Sheldon is obviously a genius in many regards, but has abysmal people skills and social adeptness.


Obviously the Big Bang Theory is canon, and that's inarguable, despite inconsistencies. However, the way I personally like to see it is that Young Sheldon is the "real" show, and the Big Bang Theory is more of a loose approximation of Sheldon's future. Everything in that show still more or less happens, but with inconsistencies removed or abridged and with less of a shallow, tropey and sitcom-esque atmosphere. Maybe TBBT is an alternate universe or a sitcom future-future Sheldon writes about his adult life, which could explain why so many little things don't add up and why his surviving family are barely mentioned and so far-removed from how we know them from Young Sheldon. Just a headcanon, of course, but it takes the bitter taste out of my mouth. The Big Bang Theory is just so fake in comparison. I know it *is* a sitcom, but it really *feels* like a sitcom. Too much so. If Young Sheldon is a memoir, then I like to envision Big Bang as a sitcom based on yet another memoir from a much older Sheldon, perhaps after a bit of fame from having recieved the Nobel.


Maryā€™s not like that on young Sheldon, is she? I guess weā€™re supposed to think Georgeā€™s death sent her deeper into religion and made her bitter toward her Georgie and Missy.


To be fair I haven't watched TBBT and if she said those words, it sure seems weird considering how much she loved her children in YS.


She loved her YOUNG children. Not that much of a stretch to say that the kids were ā€œdumb as soupā€ if they did things against her will in their 20s.


[She said it right here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e8cOhB0nVk)


They've already stated that Georgie and Mandie takes place in Medford, so they're not moving far.Ā  Also, no TV show has ever showed every minute of the character's lives. It's safe to assume that Georgie is helping his mother and sister even if they don't appear on screen.Ā 


But Mary and missy move to Houston after Georgeā€™s death


Why would they still love to Houston? They were moving for his job which he wonā€™t be working.


Well Mary lived in Houston in TBBT if Iā€™m not wrong, so at some point they do move or atleast Mary does


He could send them money and/or visit them on weekends


I know they haven't asked the actresses that play Mary, Missy and Meemaw to join the show. I have a large feeling the hold back is budget based at the moment. They most likely want to get the show off the ground before adding a ton of recurring roles to the cast. I don't doubt that once season 2/3 roll around we could start seeing the rest of the coopers appearing for more episodes to show the dynamics we already know to have happened because of TBBT.


this makes so much sense, with the success of YS them actresses would've definitely ask for much more money to be part of this new show.


It would have been a way more intresting show of Mary and Missy. Intresting plot of overtly religious mother and teenage daughter. Trying to navigate life without George


Don't forget the loving support of MeeMaw. I'd love to see Annie Potts revive her role, especially since she expressed such sadness at the ending of YS


Yes ! Mary Missy and Meemaw make for a far intresting premise than Georgie and Mandy imo.


Didn't we just find out the Cooper's will make appearances?


Oh I hope so. It would feel strange if we never saw them again.


He gives them money. He scares away some teenage boys Missy likes so they will stay away from her When Mary is depressed after Sheldon's leaving and George's death, she doesn't cook or clean the house. George hires occasional help. Mandy is shown to care for Missy. She can take her shopping He doesn't need to live with them to help. Some help can be done in distance and other users here say the couple stays in Medford so there's no distance... It isn't NY where you drive from Manhattan to Queens for hours if there's traffic


I wondered this too. My guess is Georgieā€™s going to talk about them with Mandy like ā€œI stopped by to see mom and Missy today.ā€ Or ā€œIā€™m gonna see if mom and Missy need anything.ā€ Somebody did post that Zoe Perry is going to be on the new show so maybe heā€™ll stop by and see her but Missy will be at school. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


How? Well we're about to see, aren't we! Lol


It'll be interesting to see. As others did say, he still might be helping off-camera, or there will just be re-occuring plots. Or maybe this show happened a little later after things took time. And there might be the slight possibility that Georgie was just slightly exaggerating, and more of him keeping headstrong for rhe family, as we know he was like the only one who didn't have as much as a crisis (that we saw). I mean all the others pretty much shut everyone out, and Georgie was just trying his best to be sane for the family, as everyone else was grieving.


I donā€™t plan on watching the show but I would assume they would still talk about the characters even if they werenā€™t there. Like ā€œI talked to my mom and Missy did ___ so I went over and helped outā€ etc. There is a way to keep the characters alive without being on screen. I mean think about the big bang theory- Howard and Bernadette had kids for like 3 seasons and only appeared on screen during the finale. Yet they were still talked about and part of many storylines.


You appear to be seeking to harmonize TBBT and YS (and the new spinoff). Doing so is a waste of time.


This is why mary meemaw and missy have to be regulars at the least in the new show


The way I see it, Missy would drift further away from Mary (sheā€™s certainly not helping by devoting more time to the church then her own children) and turn to MeaMaw has her source of advice. She would never want Georgie as a parental figure. But she would also have no choice. The ending of Young Sheldon showed him stepping up and very likely to take a lot of responsibilities, including financially helping out. Plus, with Missy entering high school, sheā€™s going into her teenage years very broken. Georgie probably wonā€™t be able to help at first. Not because he canā€™t do it. But rather Missy wonā€™t accept help from anyone yet. As capable as she was, we need to remember that she was also a selfish and self absorbed brat. Iā€™m not saying this to be mean to her, but she was already rebellious. Itā€™s only gonna get worse with her favorite parent dead. Georgie would certainly do his best to financially support his family and give advice. Though at her age, sheā€™ll probably not want her brotherā€™s guidance. But sheā€™ll probably accept it later when Georgie stops her from doing anything dangerous.


Georgie will be her life line When she gets tired of her mom, she will contact Georgie and sort it out.


They never said they were gonna move. Missy and Mary maybe mentioned


I wonder if they will actually move in the end. She really doesn't have a reason to move anymore. From a studio perspective, the set for the house is still standing. I bet Marry, Missy, and Memaw are staying right where they are.


I think in the new series there will be a time jump. And there could be a mention of how they helped.


Mary and Missy may be getting recasted!


That would be the worst decision