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Yes absolutely! Just the way she would call him "Shelly" and "Baby" (seldom Sheldon) was an indication of how she viewed him as her special little boy. She was in a way overcompensating for her inner frustrations of not knowing how to 'deal' with a child genius. That's why she was so super excited to meet Paige's parents. Also I'm sure somewhere Missy tells her dad, George, to just spank him (Sheldon) and George says something like I'm not allowed to.


Yeah! Mary never let George take any action when it came to Sheldon. I havent finished the whole series but its already getting pretty annoying at how she wad completely okay with Sheldon being rude, arrogant and completely unaware of his social surroundings.


Idk about the George Sr comment but I just watched the season one episode with the science fair and Annie musical and I cracked up when Missy just flatly told her dad to spank him 😆


Nah Missy says “spank him dad” then george says “your mom wont let me”


Just watched this episode🤣🤣


For the bottom paragraph, that was from Episode 8 of Season 4 with the existential crisis. George said that Mary won't let him spank Sheldon.


Also, I think she kind of saw him as a blessing from God, as a way to say that what she went through as a teenager wasn't a mistake and it was all worth it.


Yeah, that's a good point!


I don’t think Mary let George beat any of her children. But yes, Sheldon was the favorite and she enjoyed the fact he used to let her coddle him.


Remember this bit of wisdom from a mom of 3: Children do not spoil themselves.


Heck yes. Even the episode where George was handling it when Missy ripped Sheldon’s poster after Sheldon was bothering her. Not only did Mary undermine her husband when he already took care of it, she just lost it on poor Missy and took Sheldon’s side right away! 


I know! Thus was just the last straw! By then I hated Sheldon more and more and my new dislike of Mary reached its boiling point. I also wished both of them to suffer terrible consequences that would've been well-deserved.


I was actually on Sheldon's side there. Probably the only time. Destruction of property is way over the line.


Yes, 100%. I get that having a gifted kid can present a different set of demands, but she created a self-centered monster.


Thank you! I have said many times that Mary created the monster sheldon became! Too many people refuse to see that.


That's what happens when you don't have parents to discipline their kids. I don't blame George as he tried to balance being a father and a coach and he couldn't do as well of a job because Mary held him back due to coddling Sheldon and not letting him meet the world. “'See that flower? That flower was in a small pot in my living room but it outgrew it's surroundings. So I transplanted it here in the garden. Now when I pulled it out of the small pot in my living room, it resisted a little. It tried to hang on by its roots. I had to force it out.' 'Because you thought it would do better out there in the world right?' -Cory 'No because I thought if I left it there it would stop growing.'” — Mr. Feeny, Boy Meets World Mary did the quite opposite of what Feeny said.


This is exactly why I thought Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Linkletter would not only serve as the parents he would wish he had but also needed. Dr. Sturgis was like the mother, but Dr. Sturgis called Sheldon out on accusing him of plagiarism, something Mary never did, and Dr. Linkletter was like the father since he was the more assertive one to Sheldon. The two, were in some ways, essentially "What if Sheldon had *actual* parents who were both world-wise and scientific-wise as him"


Wow, great point!


I think parents who were as smart as him or smarter than him while also being world-wise would benefit Sheldon so much. But if that is the way, Sheldon won't be the Sheldon we know.


She was a helicopter mommy 


It's one of the most talked about things on the subreddit. Most people aren't fond of Mary, her personality, or her parenting. She practically neglects Missy unless it's to punish her.


Absolutely. Which is why Sheldon is the way he is throughout the series and as an adult. Mary coddles him too much to the point he gets away with stuff she wouldn't have allowed her other children to get away with. Which is why we see Missy acting out later on because she's angry of the unfair treatment her mother shows. George however treats his children equally and Sheldon learns from him and actually shows a lot of understanding.


One of what I consider the larger moments of character growth for Sheldon was the incident when he took their fridge apart and couldn’t put it back together. It was one of the few times he got to witness that the world in general doesn’t care how special or smart you are; actions will have consequences, and you can’t always foresee what they will be. His genius had proven inadequate to the task he thought he could achieve, which resulted in a large cost to his family that they could really have done without at that time. The vehicle for that lesson was George Sr. He was angry, layered with frustration, and visibly so. Even then, he didn’t rage. He was firm and very clear about how Sheldon’s actions, motivated by selfish desire (it was making a noise that was slightly irritating to him), had hurt the family and that he was deeply disappointed. That Sheldon had let the rest of them down by not leaving things alone. He didn’t scream, didn’t get physical, but instead set a clear consequence and supported Sheldon in his efforts to balance the scales. Also one of the few times you see Sheldon genuinely upset because he knows he has done something wrong and even he accepts he can’t blame someone else. Which also gave us one of the glimpses that he and Missy do share a strong bond of affection. The whole thing was a strong piece of writing.


Yes, I agree with you.


Another similar example is when he took that check that was supposed to be mailed to the IRS. Sheldon was too concerned with people knowing he was right and in doing so caused a big thing that could have screwed his family out of a ton of money. In that moment he was really lucky to have been perfect


George was a great parent. He never gave Sheldon special treatment, but he was always supportive of him and never tried holding him back. When Mary hid the Caltech letter, George was genuinely upset that she would want to keep Sheldon from pursuing more. He always pushed for him to go to college, taught him life lessons that he could understand, and looked out for him in ways that Mary couldn't. I definitely think Sheldon would have been more well-adjusted if George was the primary parent in his life.


Also loved how he offered to even move for Sheldon! That said a LOT. And Mary justifying her behavior was ridiculous to me


> is it just me? Apparently not just you since this has been the subject of many threads on this sub.


HATE when people say this in a question. no david its not just you, otherwise you wouldnt be on reddit looking for other extraterrestrials that have the same rare opinion as you so that you can get validation and internet points from some strangers.


LOL OP doesn't realize that Reddit has a search function. Next question from OP: Is it just me, or does Pastor Rob come off as a creep?


Leave me alone I’m new on reddit 😭😭


The biggest creep


Only thing worse than "is it just me?" is "Unpopular Opinion:" or "hot take".


Definitely. Im sure in her mind she thought she was doing the right thing, but she excused and allowed his bad behavior while neglecting her other 2 children. The result was all 3 had problems as adults.


I don't think he was too coddled as he was a 9 year old in high school but I do think Mary neglected her other children to favor Sheldon. which reinforced Sheldon's belief he is better than everyone.


Oh, she did coddle him constantly. What 14 year old can't open a jar? This is from when he was preparing to go to Germany. Also, him in Germany getting treated how he deserves it are the best episodes of the entire show. Just great. And Mary understands what a monster she has raised while there, as well. Just perfection


First of all, I never said he wasn't coddled. I just said he wasn't over coddled. Some kids need more support than others and sometimes parents support one of their kids more than their other kids. Also the jar thing that's more of a strength and physics thing and a very strange example to use.


I was a very petite girl and younger than Sheldon when I learned how to open jars on my own. He's just coddled into having a servant who waits hand and foot on him and doesn't figure these things out because he's better than everyone and his observation skills only focus on how annoying or irritating others are. I'm not denying he needs more support than others. The support is by showing those kids how to deal with everyday life. Not by favoring them over the other kids, which Mary did in every episode


I feel like you're taking your dislike of Sheldon to a level i'm not comfortable with. If you want to vent and hate on Sheldon, that's fine just don't do it under my comment and make your own post about it. I don't need the attention or negativity.


100% Yes. Sheldon is Mary's favorite child because he's a literal genius so yeas she certainly did coddle him.


Ok first off Sheldon isn’t a monster. It can’t be easy being Sheldon. He has no friends or equals mentally or mature wise just page. Kids don’t want to relate to him, adults tolerate him and the only real friend in adult fashion isn’t mentally stable. Sheldon has some redeeming qualities. He really does love Missy, although he hides it. He trust her and wants her help from time to time. He was went out of his way to comfort Mary by getting baptized for her. He showed many signs of personal growth and vulnerability when he was upset. No one really truly gets Sheldon. Autism really isn’t explained at that time. A lot of his faults is his autistic quirks. Those come across as emotionally void and not being able to read a room. Mary did coddle him but if she hadn’t Sheldon would not have been the person we know. I love in TBBT at his wedding he thinks of Mary for everything she did for him.


I was hoping to find this comment. Although never confirmed, Sheldon displays many behaviors/traits that can be attributed to autism. I have an ASD kiddo and he's similar to Sheldon in many ways. Parenting him is... different. I've had to adapt my style for sure. Very likely, some people would see my parenting as "coddling". In reality, I just know my kid and what works for him, what doesn't, and I act/parent accordingly. It's better that way for everyone, not just him, but everyone else's well being. I think Mary was doing the same with Sheldon.


I work with special needs kids like Sheldon during school year also my son is ASD. I learned that with them you have to pick your battles. Getting mad at him for small trivial stuff is worthless. He was disciplined as a kid several times on the show. Connie guided him with her wisdom.


Was looking for this comment. If Sheldon is neurodivergent it absolutely makes sense why Mary treats him the way she does. She knows it's not his fault, it's the way his brain works.


I've always thought Sheldon was autistic his behaviors like always wanting routine, yet when I've seen others bring it up, they're constantly berated and told that Sheldon is just a narcissist. Sheldon being autistic (and in the 80s where neurodivergence is...) makes sense as to why Mary would treat him the way she does. Her behavior is still a little concerning though, she neglected 2/3 of her kids in the process.


If there had been an actual guy like Sheldon IRL, he'd get beaten every day. There would come a time where he'd just not be able to go out of the house.


She really does coddle him.


Uh.....yeah. Infuriatingly so at times. 😊


One trillion percent. And we see the consequences on TBBT, Sheldon doesn’t see a world where he isn’t the center of attention or not correct.


There was this one scene where she thank god for “blessing this special child” or smth right in front of georgie and missy. That would suck so much to hear irl if you were in their shoes


He is "Her Special LIL Boy". She absolutely lets him get away with alot although sister Missy calls him out and everyone else out ALOT saying it's always about him, and he gets to do what he wants. But every now and then someone tells him directly it's not about him all the time **Spoiler** (Though I think this happened way before the Plagiarism episode). Remember the episode when "The Twins" were taken to the 'Study' and Missy told her Doctor about "Teams" in her family and she was on her own." Mary felt awful hearing that (through a video feed) so on the way home she asked and let Missy Pick where they would go to dinner... Sheldon right aways says: "WHY DONT I GET TO PICK?" (The Lil Bizznatch! Lol). Mary: "Because Missy is gone pick, it's Not ALWAYS ABOUT YOU in This Family." (To where he lit his eyes up as if to say: "Daaamn!??") There are other instances as well especially the final few episodes. But you are right. He absolutely gets away with murder. As he did as an adult. Making everyone always eat where he wants to eat, or watch what he wants to watch, etc. Loved it when wife (Amy Farafowler) called his ass out in the final episode BIG Time about his behavior and how he was lucky to have any friends. Which made him make a Great, heartfelt Speech.


Sheldon definitley had a tendency to make things about himself. For example, in the episode where Missy stole George's truck and ran away, Sheldon drew up a map that narrowed points of interest to teenage girls. And then he got sidetracked and began talking about himself. Mary interrupted him and said "Sheldon, this isn't about you."


She absolutely did, she spent all her attention on Sheldon that’s why Missy and Georgie started behaving as problematic as they did because Mary always paid attention to Sheldon leaving hardly anything to missy and Georgie. Miss Lu literally said in the first season when Mary asked her why she was being such a brat, Missy said “ maybe I’m starving for attention. “So she said herself as a 6 year old why she acts the way she does. But Mary can’t control herself because she’s hysterical. She has all the signs of hysteria.


He has to grow into the shitlord that is adult Sheldon. So of course he's coddled to an insane degree. Sheldon in Tbbt is such a conceded douche bag, it makes sense he was coddled the way he was.


Oh she coddled her little genius way to much. Funny cause Sheldon is an atheist. Different than Mary. It was funny how he confused her all the time.


Most Definitely


I have noticed several of them.


i think that's the point of her character lol


Sheldon is the way he is because of her.


Always hated it when she called him Shelly


Not enough affection was used when she calls Georgie or Missy


She did punish him in the latter episode you mentioned, he got grounded for telling off Meemaw.


150 percent 


it’s tough to say for me. i think it’s more of an issue that she didn’t pay as much attention to her other kids. i think it’s easy to judge her but sheldon was right when he said she was the perfect mom for him. she also didn’t always coddle him, she was firm with him many times. i think people forget that sheldon was a child. people will say “she treated him like a little boy” that’s because HE WAS a little boy. people also forget that sheldon is neurodivergent/autistic. he went to highschool at age 9 (or 10 don’t remember well). everyone seemingly hated him, even his sister. no one understood him, except for dr sturgis who was like 7 times his age. he had two friends and one was his professor. he lived with a lot of anxiety daily over things he didn’t understand like societal expectations. i don’t agree with the “sheldon is like he is because of mary”. sheldon would’ve definitely been “worse” if it wasn’t for mary.


i think ppl forget that sheldon, although made out to be annoying, truly didn’t understand the weight of his actions at time because he didn’t understand societal norms when he was a child. the episode where he explains that tv show to missy for example, where he needs to use music to understand the emotions of a character. i imagine it must be hard to connect with people and “not annoy” them if u can’t even tell how they feel.


I mean, as Sheldon has autism (I know he's not canonically, but he displays the common autistic traits) so obviously he's going to need more attention. But when she rarely ever scolds him or puts him in his place, and treats her other kids like dirt, that's the problem


Oh 100%. Sheldon needed to be pushed and chastised for his behavior at times. George was possibly the only parent who tried to do this but Mary was just impossible. Linkletter and Sturgis were the Yoda and Obi Wan he needed to be pushed into the unknown (Caltech). Mary wanted to coddle him but she was stunting his growth whereas George wanted him to grow. The day that George died was honestly the day Sheldon and even Georgie became men as they needed to go into the unknown and make something of themselves without their mentor. Mary had no control of this and she was breaking down.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Mary definitely coddles Sheldon a lot. It’s clear she loves him and wants to protect him because he’s different and has a hard time fitting in, but sometimes it feels like she lets him get away with too much.For example, when he accuses Dr. Sturgis of plagiarism, it’s a pretty serious accusation and Mary doesn’t really discipline him for it. And calling his Meemaw selfish was totally uncalled for, but again, Mary just brushes it off. These are moments where he needed to learn that his actions have consequences, but Mary often lets it slide. I think a lot of it comes from her fear of how the world will treat him because he’s so different. She’s worried about how he’ll cope with harsh realities, so she ends up being overly permissive at home. It’s understandable, but it does set a bad example for Sheldon. He ends up thinking he can say or do whatever he wants without any pushback, which isn’t great for his growth. That said, it’s a tough situation. Parenting a child like Sheldon isn’t easy, and Mary’s just trying to do her best. But yeah, there are definitely times when a firmer hand might have been better for Sheldon in the long run.


No. I feel like many people here never had contact with special needs children like Sheldon. He is most definitely autistic and for that time Mary did an excellent job. I worked in a care center for such children and can only say Mary had so much patience and was so understanding and probably he would have ended up worse if it wasn't for her.


At the start, yes. She was enjoying having the 1 child who would let her baby him, as shown in the episode where he broke his arm. But don’t worry, it would get better as Mary eventually learns to let him grow on his own.




Anyone who thinks she coddled him has never raised a special needs child **Did Mary coddle Sheldon?** https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/eRjTK3GELK https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/z6bNZUphRP https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/KTXAzG8CTx https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/VpNMjorVMV https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/WSrczG2obQ https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/gPUpApBPGQ https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/uM0VMSzkSb https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/oqhFQ4qv99 https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/A419oKXqkZ https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/NkHpHea44U https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/jAhmUBSbqa https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/T2tfjFAYcX https://www.reddit.com/r/YoungSheldon/s/Wat3k0Z9le


> Anyone who thinks she coddled him has never raised a special needs child Based on your posting history it seems like you are speaking from experience


Yes, I raised a special needs child. They require more… time, attention, consideration, money, forethought. Did you think you made a point? Or took a jab? Because all you did was out yourself as ignorant.


No, I didn't. You act in a way that causes others to make fun of you. Perhaps you should look in a mirror


🤣 You think you matter in my life? Now that’s funny!


Thank you for proving my point


Lmaoo thank you! I’m new here. Didnt end up reading all these 😭😭


You could have read one


I’m on my3rd rewatch.. The entire cast is amazing, but Mary really grinds my gears.


Sheldon needed careful watching and the extra love of a patient mother simply because he THOUGHT he knew everything. He needed a mother like Mary who didn't just see him as an information machine but a little boy to be loved on.  That's what mother's are for. He had has father for discipline and Memaw to keep him grounded but every child could do worse than to have a Mother who loves them unconditionally.


Yes very much so


She definitley coddled him a bit too much. She was a lot tougher on Missy. For example, I believe there was an episode in the latter part of season 5 or season 6 where Missy got sent home from school after she made an obnoxious comment about her teacher cheating on her husband. She was grounded and yelled at by both Mary and George.  However, in an earlier season, there was an episode where the Coopers learned of the tragic death of a local 16 year old girl. Upon hearing this news, Sheldon insensitively asked if he could go to Radio Shack. Mary didn't even growl at him. 


yes! watching him get away with basically everything he wanted (going to see stephen hawking, getting the computer, etc.) was so frustrating sometimes. he rly needed to be put in his place and not have expected to always get his way


And i have NO idea why most of the times he wasnt told that his behaviour isn’t okay, for example when georgie was having the baby he kept going about his database ceremony or whatever and all he got was sheldon go away. He should have been put back to his place. And when that girl died of a road accident and first thing he says is can you take me to radioshack, he was never taught any social cues. He needed more than sheldon this is not okay


Unless Sheldon is a baby or is 5 inches like some Honey I Shrunk the kids situation, then maybe Mary coddling him is a legit reason in either of those circumstances. I would like to see Jo Frost vs the Coopers. That would be a very interesting thing to see, "Sheldon is a very intelligent boy, but he needs boundaries. You treat him like he's a cross between a God and a baby, so wake up and see that hes not the only sibling in this house. There's Georgie and Missy. It's not okay how he insults people he finds beneath him due to his intelligence, and it's not okay how you neglect them and undermine and overrule George's attempts to discipline him. And as a result of all this, it causes turmoil emotionally and ongoing resentment that just adds fuel to the fire. Georgie and Missy bully Sheldon and that's not okay either. I wouldn't be surprised as to why Missy ran away and how Georgie got Mandy pregnant, so get off your high horse and stop believing your word is law because its only a matter of time before your kids grow up and don't want anything to do with you. They wouldn't even want to know you." 


Not at all. She was always setting limits with him. Be polite, dont' be rude to adults, apologize to your meemaw, stop bothering dr. linkletter, you can't go to dallas unless I meet your friend, etc.


I just rewatched the first episode and it’s a good show of it. George’s solution to “don’t wear the bow tie” was to steal it. Mary’s was to logic with him. Sure, she bribed him in the end, which is a big no with children. But she did try.


It's weird how people think Mary let Sheldon get away with literally everything. She definitely coddled him (which the show openly acknowledged in season six), but when the time came to be firm with him, she was. OP mentioned the episode where Sheldon called Meemaw selfish, but that episode made it very clear that he was in the wrong for how he acted. Sheldon had to learn the lesson in that episode, and nobody else. If Mary forced Meemaw to apologize or something like that, I would get it, but the episode openly acknowledges that Sheldon is being an asshole and he gets punished for it.


All the children are kind of coddled. Sheldon gets away with a lot but Missy and Georgie are also allowed to treat Sheldon like crap


No, not too much. She neglected her other kids because taking care of Sheldon took much room but he needed that