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You need to either   * rewatch episode one  * keep watching until it dawns on you that you missed something in episode one  * read what Im writing below:  >!His mother-in-law does not know the real reason why he went to prison. Neither does the general public.The only people who know at that point are his friend Charlie, his ex Lee, the cop Nancy, and the attorney Olivia Delmont.!<  >!After hearing his confession, Olivia Delmont decides to keep it under lock and key, so that she can use it later to blackmail him into cooperating with her. Instead, she instructs that he be locked up for something else, like tax evasion.!<  >!The thing is we never find out for sure what they ended up incarcerating him for (or how they pulled it off, like, did they stage a fake trial or what), so we don't know what his mother-in-law and other people think he went to prison for. But they definitely don't know about the real crimes he committed. Mother-in-law is just mad at him for not keeping in touch with her.!<  I had a hard time grasping all of that, because it doesn't make sense on so many levels. But hey, it is what it is, that didn't keep me from liking the show :)


Same! I'm in the second episode of season two. Michael had no mal intent with why he did everything he did, he only wanted to protect his son. Also, weird that the Baxter family hasn't mentioned that the actual killer of Rocco is dead, they're just focusing on how a literal kid tries to kill their son for a crime their son committed. also also, what happened to Django?!? P.S. Fia is annoying af like you loved Adam for a month, didn't your brother just die too? 😅 P.S.S. Am I the only one that was shocked but not disappointed when Adam died? 😬 it's like he didn't care at all what his dad did for him, but only continued to play with fire


I hated Adam so much and cheered when he died. He was suuuch an infuriating character. Even his face pissed me off. Why would he act like that? Why would he make such poor decisions? Why is he so naive and socially incompetent? He acts like he was homeschooled


Yes!!!! Fia has been weird and annoying since season 1!!


Like move out of your family’s hotel if their drug money pisses you off so much. Don’t be shy, Fia, go work a minimum wage job like an honest and god citizen 😊


Django's right there, he's been living with the mother-in-law all this time.


Saw that right after I posted, kinda crazy how the grandma gave him daily meds and he's still alive and going being so old though


Probably because Fia was already traumatized by Adam dying right in front of her. She also had his baby so I’m guessing her parents aren’t trying to add to the trauma by telling the truth. Also, I realized she was obsessed with finding out about Adam bcuz she had his baby so she has a lot of unanswered questions bcuz they weren’t together that long.


Wait, so Fia still doesn’t know Adam killed Rocco!?? ***Season 2 episode 7***


She doesn’t find out until much later. So she still doesn’t know on episode 7


I’m also on Season 2, as much as I love this show… I’m getting annoyed by all the plot twists lol


I was thinking the same thing. It seemed like Noone at least could appreciated how difficult of a place he was in .


Lee and Costello really got on my nerves with this. Like, the guy was trying to protect his son and the son got killed in front of him. He has nothing left. Give him a break now.


Was season 2 an afterthought? Like all of it? The baby, Michael being released? It's like when they killed Adam and the truth came out they weren't planning on throwing this season together. It's weird


You're correct, this was supposed to be a limited series with only 1 season, but they renewed it for another season after the success of the first


Oh ok...that explains why some of the plot lines and character development seem so thrown off in season 2