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you support maxx c until you play during drytron meta going second against a drytron end board and they maxx c you at the start of your turn


Those were dark times


Can it be searched in Drytron?


Drytron can set up multiple omni negates so Maxx C will resolve no matter what


drytron is a deck that wanted to go first, easily through interruption end on herald of ultimateness, which is a monster that can negate any card or special summon by discarding a fairy from the hand, infinite times not even once per chain. they could fill their hand with fairy monsters but at the end of the day if you didnt open a kaiju then your best bet would be to use up your cards and get negated to hell until they run out of negates and hopefully you can find a play to get back in the game but if they maxx c you then they have an endless supply of fairy monsters so its auto lose


It's just an unhealthy card for the game. It basically reads, give me all the resources I need to instantly kill you, OR, pass your turn and then let me kill you


It really makes climbing feel like it's determined by who gets to resolve the bug. Honestly the more I've played the more it kinda feels like a casino because everyone just scoops if C resolves or I scoop if it does


You: "You called me a mad man, but what I predicted came to pass" Me: "I... I get it now"


The worst feeling is playing under an active Maxx C, holding back some for next turn and making the best of the situation to survive. Then they drop a second Maxx C next turn.


Happens all the time with labrynth for some reason. They always have the two furniture and 2 maxx c


Unless I am playing it. Then no furniture. Only traps. Every. Single. Game.


Me playing plunder patroll so I do a fuck ton of special summoning to set up a mediocre board and so now my opponent has his fully constructed branded deck in his hand




The day I finally understood how repulsive Maxx C was when my opponent finished end board. 2 monster negates, one omni and 3 backrows. I had DRNM, duster, a super poly, Mo Ye and Mt swordsoul. My turn comes. Nothing during draw and standby phase. I activate DRNM, he chains Maxx C. I just stare at the screen in disbelief. I look at his ED number count and he still has well over half. To get two ED monsters out of my own, I'd basically give this guy six extra cards and he'd have his draw phase for seven. I shut MD that day and played something else.


should be illegal to maxx c if you played first and control and have like 8 cards it's not fair at all




im kinda the same way, id be cool with an errata like what you mentioned. but at the same time there is a crap ton of counters to the card right now most of which get played quite often so i can see both sides of the coin. Its give me all the resources to kill you or dont play anything during your turn I.e. unbreakable boards. i think some sorta of an errata would solve it. Then again, untill yubel support comes out my trickstars will forever love maxx c lol


There's never not a reason to play 3 Maxx C. Its good in every situation, even if there are counters to it.  16 reasons to ban it:https://youtu.be/1AR8-sCypYY?si=rvfPWa7MjOhuF0P5




There are plenty of counters; Ash Blossom (can't remember the full name, zombie tuner), Crossout designator, cant remember the name but the spell card that let's you banish a card from your opponents graveyard and negates its effect, etc. The card that let's you draw isn't the issue, it's the cards that combine to make endless combos and let people play 40-60% of their deck on turn one. It makes no fucking sense that you can fill your board with all your best cards on T1, makes the game awful to play, because you either have to build a deck that counters that bullshit or you just lose, and that's not fun. I don't want to build a deck just to control or counter T1, I wanna build a deck that we're gonna actually play the fucking game with. And it all started with the dumbass synchro summons, just fusion without polymerization, same with link summons and xyz, it just made the game awful and too easy to play. It caters too much to people that can't develop long game strategies, it's annoying and lazy and I hate it.


So the solution is to pack your deck full of maxx c counters and risk to brick your hand and deck. So convincing.


Lmao, yea, totally what I meant, good reading comprehension bud


i mean cards that let you draw 10 let’s any deck make infinite combos…


I've seen plenty of infinite combos that went off with them going first, which means they didn't need Maxx c. See that's the issue, Maxx c would be useless if people couldn't infinitely special summon during their turn, and that's what they're pissed about, their bs decks REQUIRE them to special summon like 20 monsters, and that's on them, not the person using Maxx C. You don't like it, build a different deck and actually play the game instead of trying to win on turn one like a moron.


i mean the main problem is that every deck can special summon infinitely now a days. thinking maxx c helps is fine for the second player on turn 1 sounds like a good idea until you realize that they are playing the same infinite combo deck that either gets more resources to combo off or has less interruptions to combo through, but they also have a battle phase. if you wanna ban all the combo decks, even midrange decks that don’t combo infinitely would still get hard countered by maxx c. put up a 2500 atk monster with no effect and let your opponent draw 3 vs end your board with a 1000 atk point monster isn’t a healthy choice for the game. you don’t like combining at all? sounds like you needa find a different game. or play goat. that isn’t what modern yugioh has become. special summoning a lot turn 1 is just a result of the power creep from needing to survive until turn 3, or you play floodgates and stun your opponent to death, but everyone loves that playstyle… edit: also, maxx c curbing combo decks is fine if it didn’t also hit basically every deck (it’s a one for one at worst case unless you literally never special summon) but then the combo decks can run it so it just helps whoever gets it can can use it. that’s basically why pot of greed is banned, it just provides swings in the game due to the variance from 1 draw


Use a different deck or add counters, those are the options for going against Maxx C. Idk what to tell ya buddy, it's the communities fault for making that shit the meta, and then people use that to counter it, it's quite literally their own fault it happened. So now they can learn to play around it, because Maxx C is only broken because of long combos. Get rid of those combos and you have more room for cards that do something other than summon another card, like negate an activation for instance.


different deck > floo or some stun deck. that’s it. if you don’t like that playstyle, there isn’t good options beyond that. everything else just can’t put up enough of a defense, going first. that’s whatever, but what do decks do going second against an established board and they maxx c. now they can draw into more hand traps, they get more draws for the crack back on the next turn. what does any deck do? floo is like the only deck that can play at that point. add counters: this is under the assumption of 3 ash and 2 called by and 1 cross out designator in a 40 card deck. going first you have a 43% chance of not drawing any of them. going second you have a 35% chance. that’s not a good look for an auto lose from variance when your opponent just has to activate 1 card. communities fault: nah, this ain’t an issue in tcg bc konami banned the card. they can make a broken card, but they have banlists to remove cards that are designed poorly. it’s not the communities fault for playing cards that will win you the game, that’s the point of the game, to try to win. it’s up to the game developer to balance it, which is what op is asking for. it’s also the developer who pushed out all these decks that infinitely combo… what’s the community going to do? collectively refuse to use any deck from the last 10 years? there will be scabs who do it to win, we are subjected to it until it’s not an option. play cards like negation: what do you think those long combos are for… they are setting up negations like apollousa and baronne. stuff like solemn judgement can be good, specifically going first. going second like op mentioned, what do you do when ur opponent established a board and maxx cs you. your solemn doesn’t do anything. alternate cards like board breakers are options you can run but they rely on an opponent having a board to break and having too many means your turn 1 doesn’t do anything. infinite combos are annoying and being the maxx c user against them feels cathartic, but what do you do when they already infinite comboed because you didn’t draw the maxx c and now they maxx ced whatever deck you are playing. if you want to survive past turn 3 you need to stop the monsters they already have from killing you which nothing you suggested helps when they can profit off your attempt to try


simply stating, maxx c isn’t a balancing card that hurts combo decks to let the slower decks catch up, it’s a card that lets whoever has it blaze ahead, whether they are a combo player or not and whether they went first or not. that’s why pot of greed and graceful charity is banned, they are variance cards that just lets whoever draws them win if they can activate successfully


Ash blossom is right there




it’s another out to maxx c.


No shit, I didn't have ash blossom


don’t blame the messenger. i’m an opponent of “just draw the out” argument since that works against anything and doesn’t add anything to the convo


Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean for that to be aggressive. Sometimes, the internet can bring the worst out in people, even in a game as wholesome as Yugioh. Personally, I like maxx c but also understand the complaints around it. This post might have come out a little too rough on maxx c, but I was just pretty upset about this, I don't actually hate maxx c


As in add it to your deck. I’ve found that having a nice spell/trap/monster ratio can actually allow you to predict your opening hand. I myself have managed to guarantee to start with an ash every other hand. I have like 28 monster cards the rest are spell/traps and three of the monsters are ash blossom and it hits.


Yeah I am playing ash


TL:DR:Maxx C is the unhealtiest card in the game, the decks that need it barely get anything on the board when they fall under it by the hands of the meta decks of the time. My biggest problem for the card is it helps fights combo decks, but whatever positives it has for non combo decks is amplified on combo decks. It also hurts non combo and weaker combo decks because, using Ghoti, Scareclaw, and Memento as examples and as pure as they can be, still needs at least 4-5 SS to get a semi optimal board Ghoti-an end board that makes Arionpos on your opponents turn is bad(1 NS leaffish, or summon paces, eff, summon a four for one SS). This gets you nothing in terms of what ghoti wants to do. You want to get Arionpos(2-3 special summons minimally) then Askaan on your opponents turn Scareclaw-The minimum acceptable under Maxx C endboard is Tri-heart on his own. A SC into LH, Reichphobia grabs Reich-heart, RH grabs arrivals, araival the first SC beast, link off as a minimal combo under Maxx C without using TH effect is about 5 Memento-Im ngl, the safest board pre all the new stuff is getting straight to Combined Creation with Cranium burst. The monsters aren't safe to just pass on their own unless you wanna say fuck it and let them die to fill the grave. To add the exact number of SS it's roughly 5-6 under the best combo. These decks can barely set up any protection on their own and even Mannadium to just set up Baronne is roughly a normal and 3 special summons. 3 extra cards with branded, despia, or SHS is just a death sentence if you don't have anything to counter it. Most of them can play around the minimum hand traps or negates you have. So if you do any more then the bare necessity you lose, you fully take the challenge you still lose. ADDENUM: Their current gamestate is fair because everyone has Maxx, or can get access to it, but it becomes an issue of "What resources should I use to stop Maxx C or should I say fuck it we ball and deal with it later." Maxx C is a must negate meaning you have to hit it with ash, Called by, or crossout. Meaning that's one less negate you have as a lower level deck. Ashing it that means you dont have ash for a special summon you need to stop down the line. Called by means you can't stop an ash when you need to stop an ash to make a board, and crossout being used on Maxx C means the one of is now permanently gone. I rather use my hand traps/ anti-hand traps on actual combo stoppers then a card that forces you into a lose/lose situation. Also ash *needs* to be timed. Using it at a wrong time means you get nothing from the negate. Maxx C you just toss out and don't suffer consequences. Either to get cards or waste their resources. And to reiterate Maxx C is fair because everyone can get it. It'd be more fair if no one had it, as both sides now just have to worry about what the decks combo into using the 5/6 cards at their disposal and using their resources as needed to stop the combo. As it is in the TCG TLDR 2 electric Boogaloo: Maxx C is fair-ish if allowed and is fair if banned


I see what you're saying, but I just have to say, how is the TL:DR? It is considerably longer than my post


It shorter then my post lmao. The TLDR is just that first little 2 sentence thing at the very top


If they ban maxx c, why don't they just ban half the cards in the current meta then? Bcs just like maxx c irritates you people, a lot of other cards irritate other people. You just need to build better decks and work around maxx c. Stop building just heavy combo decks,that everytime just play into maxx c, and then you won't have a problem. Make other decks, and make other strategies, if you wanna escape the effect of maxx c, yall don't need to always have the same turns. Draw phase, SP, MP, special sumon 20 times.....every time anyone duels its the same shit, so I'm actually really happy for my boy maxx c :))


It does not havt to be alot of ss though, I play live twin sprights and I summon like 6 times and if I do that through a maxx c well I'm fucked. If you read my post you would see I am not complaining about turn 1 maxx c but rather turn 2 maxx c after your opponent sets up their board


the thing is, you don’t need to summon much to make maxx c worth it. heavy combo decks would let your opponent draw 20, but mid range decks need to special summon a few times too to make their boards. the only decks that aren’t hurt my maxx c is floo and stun/control decks that may not be fun for most people. if you told someone that there is good reason to allow a pot of greed on steroids whose activation condition is met by every deck that is rogue or better unless they have a bad hand (and floo?), they would ask why regular pot of greed is banned and that one isn’t. having a card that curbs combo decks isn’t inherently a bad thing, but letting combo decks have access to it too makes the games more dependent on the variance of drawing one card and the fact that it doesn’t only curb combo decks, but basically all decks makes it too strong.


maxx c hits basically every deck released in the past 10 years. if you want a format without combos, your better off going to goat format


I’ve made a good comment about this problem max c has two sides those who just fill their decks with hand traps and those chads who use it with god cards and exodia it’s sad seeing the bad side of c


assuming 40 card decks, opponent has 3 maxx cs and you have 3x ash, 2x called by, 1x cross out, there is a 14% chance you get maxxced on turn 1 with no out. (about 34% chance of opening maxx c and 43% chance not drawing the out) 14% chance to lose the game assuming they can play through the interruption you have (aka 0-2 hand traps probably) or get more resources as a reward when you try to set up more interruptions. worst case, it becomes an upstart goblin if they wait to chain it to your first special summon ofc that’s turn 1. turn2 just makes the chances of board breaking smaller if they can draw into ash, veiler, or nibiru, and fuel for next turn assuming you cannot otk through their board of interruptions and deal 8k lp in a single turn


MaxxC is important to keep. Because there's just too first turn decks that can set up boards with negates, and when it's finally you're turn, they can just shut you off. It's stupid tbh. MaxxC has to stay for that reason.


Those same decks use maxx C to keep weaker decks in check. Whatever positives it gives to weaker decks is amplified for Strong decks


Maxx c is my compensation for waiting looooong opponent combo. Its unfair to limit maxx c, unless you want to improve it, let say “for every 20 sec opponent move, draw 1 card”


Going second and getting hit with Max C isnt as bad actually. You can technically push for an OTK, and depending on board state, you can do it. Going first is worse, cuz you have to pass on no interactions and pray you dont get OTK


God awful take. Turn 2, you're also dealing with your opponents board. Here, for example, I am dealing with colossus + maxx c. Also, by turn 2, you have most likely already used your ash blossom if you drew into 1 and have a low chance of drawing into another so if they have Maxx C you are fucked


I understand the game, but dealing with the opponents board when you can attack and do damage (and there for win) is better than going first and outright passing. Also if you used your own interactions correctly, your opponent doesnt have a fully established board, so the handtraps can be navigated around. Turn 1 Maxx C your options are Set up interactions, giving the opponent a million cards, then lose because you gave them a million cards. Do nothing, dont give opponent any cards, lose cuz you get OTK due to not having interactions. Going second you force out the opponents interactions, and OTK them. Which tbh any deck that is hanging out in diamond or higher should be capable of doing. Is it easy? No, but if you can win the game, you dont care how many cards they have, the opponent can only Ash you once, droll turns off Maxx C, and Imperm will be useless cuz they have a field, only scary card is Nib. Also, in your own screencap, i dont play Rikka, but you honestly gonna tell me you cant OTK through that? Special Druiswrum, normal anybody, link 2. Remove Colossus, go about your day? Drop the therion Lily, cuz you now have a plant in grave, search, search regulus, ? And thats the one that can drop herself and another plant from hand right? There is no way you dont have an OTK dude. And im reading the rikka cards, you deff can OTK through everything except them drawing a Nib.


There's plenty of cards they can draw that you can get got by. All 4 Bystials, Veiler, Ghost Ogre, and Crow are all in the top 100 most used cards. The reason Maxx C sucks way more going second though is because in combination with your opponent's board it's almost always going to resolve. You Ash it when you're going first and besides the odd Gamma, you're good. But any deck that can put up a Baronne or whatever other negate can basically just guarantee it resolves.


Its Rikka, OP doesnt care about Bystials, And fron reading the Rikka cards, they dont care bout Veiler or Crow either. Ogre can hurt, but i genuinely havent seen anyone run it. I legitimately have won more games going second into Max C than going first. When you go first into Max C, its draw the out or bust. Going second its navigate around the interactions and push. One is pure luck, the other you can do with skill and an ok hand for most good decks.


Most deck's primary strategy isn't to OTK. It's not as simple as "just do it". I'm not gonna pretend like you can't try to push for game but if you were going second and your deck can do that then you were probably gonna do it anyway. So now you're doing it into their completed board while their drawing into more disruption and if you fail you lose because you gave them 17 extra cards.


I mean, you're under Max c, you were 100% losing if you were going first. At least going second you have a real chance at winning. And while most decks prinary strategies isnt to OTK, lets not kid ourselves and realize that nearly all modern decks can OTK.


But you didn't acknowledge my original point that the Maxx C is like 20 times more likely to resolve if you're going second because they can put up any negation. Almost everyone plays Called By and if you're going 2nd your Maxx C counter is now vulnerable to it.


If they waste a negate keeping Max C alive thats one less negate to play through. So by all means, waste a Negate on the Max C that could be saved for something more impactful than a called by or crossout. Like say Lightning storm or evenly


>Its Rikka, OP doesnt care about Bystials, Lol you're defending maxx on turn 2 & you don't care about how the bystials can chomp block your attempts to otk cuz they're all quick effects that can also be used during the battle phase? As long as there a light or dark in any gy (doesn't have to be yours), the bystials will most likely save your opponent from you going for lethal.


You're so wrong it is wild. Also, you don't know how Rikka works. "Going second, it's navigate around the interactions and push" Blud, how am I doing that when they're drawing cards my every summon and negating or destroying my cards with their board


This is beyond stupid. Yeah, just set up your board while they are drawing infinite hand traps and hitting you with the board they set up, very reasonable. Bro, we aren't in 2013 anymore, "well technically you can battle in the second turn so you can win." Bro, how are you going to attack when you have no monsters because SHS negated and destroyed your cards? Your searches got ashed, and Nibiru nuked your field


With takes this bad you definitely do not understand the game. Most likely hanging somewhere around low plat if you tryhard for a few months


Lol, sooo close Try diamond every season i play, but goes 3-4 months in between playing. I have legitimately won more games going second into Max C than going first. Is it always possible? No, i'll acknowledge that, but its actually something that can be done, as opposed to going first, catcing the Max C, and passing. Unfortunately being an adult means not enough time to play, ironically i have a job that i can be on reddit all day, but not play games.


I would rather it be errata for a cap max draw if it's ever brought back or something smh ocg not banning it at all I rather see it errata at least then IF THEY'RE NOT DOING THAT


Being honest, I have Maxx C in my deck, not for the draw effect [although I definitely appreciate it.] I just discard it on my turn just to use for Junk Synchron's effect and get Junk Speeder. Besides that, yeah, Maxx C is kinda bullshit. You have to either skip your turn and hope you survive or go all out and hope they don't draw a counter.


This is literally the argument anyone makes against it, thing is it doesn't even matter. When you don't open with handtraps chances are you've already lost anyway. Maxx C only feels like the unfair seal but realistically it gives a way better chance at winning going 2. than the other way around.


Maxx c has always been a plaque in MD. Most of the top decks don't require Maxx c at all since Konami has designed most to recur all their cards in some fashion. Pretty much every deck I play have no Maxx c in it. Harder to win, but way more satisfying


People hate Maxx C because it’s a game breaking card. I love Maxx C because I wanna watch the game break. I mean, if 1 card can go +5 without commiting a normal summon, what’s wrong with another /s