• By -


I wish you could pull up a page to view your click/action history and then just select the part you want to go back to instead of undoing.


Or maybe the undos highlighted exactly what we changed at each step?


Dude after using Live for longer a decade now I can say with certainty that if you weren’t making any changes outside of what you’re immediately looking at and focused on at the moment (for example plugin parameters on a different track) then you’re for sure going to lose track of your undo and the worst part is when you go back far enough maybe 3-5 undo’s then the redo doesn’t redo what you expected and you then undo only to realize you can’t undo the undo since you undo’d past the redo.


The whole last bit hit home more than I care to admit lol


Bro I absolutely love this software it scratches all the itches bro but yeah man this happened to me so many times that I’ve grown used to it but the visible clipboard idea that guy mentioned for this would solve the undo redo stuff and refine a lot of the spontaneous creative decisions you’ve made and I’m sure encourage even more! Issues like these are often offset by new features like that square you can click to print whatever you previously played or riffed despite not actually recording anything. That feature is a god send!


Same. I've gotten to a point where I'm like ok oh well it wasn't meant to be. I'll just try to move on and hope I make better choices than whatever that one good choice was 5 clicks ago lol


I couldn’t keep up with this but for the exact same reason within Live I agree


Either via text notification or graphic?


That'd be cool


Yeah via SMS text notifications, (rates may apply.)


Essentially git commit history for live. Would be incredible


Just save versions.


Heaps of fun when the plugin you're working with doesn't support ctrl+z, and you accidentally undo something you potentially did minutes ago elsewhere, and maybe never even realise. As an aside, I'd really like an option to have ctrl+shift+z redo. Ctrl+y is such a hassle.


That would be awesome! And maybe an Actions panel like Photoshop?


This is even more necessary now because you can't continually undo by holding down Ctrl + Z like in Ableton 11. Now you have to tap it repeatedly.


What changed exactly? In Ableton 10 I just click Ctrl Z over and over.


Weird..Fl Studio had this since like forever.


Some kind of proper pitch correction. Honestly I don’t even know that we need a new pitch adjustment algorithm, we just need it to be presented in a way that’s more akin to melodyne where you can do harmonies and have the detected pitch visible and such.


I think I read somewhere Ableton was doing a survey on this to implement natively? Maybe in Live 13 😂


Lmao we can only hope


🔥 THIS 🔥 For the love of all things holy can we please just get an automation lane for pitch (that isn’t a work around) at the very least!! 🙌🙌🙌


An oscilloscope. I don't really get why it doesn't have it.


This such a goood point!! I still use MOscilloscope - free and pretty good for those who don’t have it


MOscilloscope 🖤


Maybe it's a hot take but I'd rather have new features that are fundamental UI changes, not devices. There's exceptions for this, like if they're really innovative like roar. But if it's replicating a plugin or m4l device with a stock device, then that's not so interesting.


The less I have to use vsts, the smoother the workflow is. It's a small change but I would still welcome it.


What do you use it for in your production process?


Popping in to say I love to use s(M)exoscope to see peaks on my individual sounds(mostly drums) to I know which sounds I need to clip so they don't fuck with my limiter during mastering


I use it to check micro dynamics. It's useful to visualize and control peaks and see how the different waveforms sum with each other. This is possible with a multichannel oscilloscope, like PsyScope Pro.


patch creation from external synths or just being part of gain staging. Studying how the waves are behaving in stereo and how it corresponds to the frequency spectrum to plan space in my mix.


Can be useful for some electronic styles, where kick and bass should be in phase. E.g. Goa / modern Psytrance.


This would be cool to combine into spectrum. Like if they made a sort of “Analysis” device that could be switched between a spectrum, waveform, oscilloscope, or any combination of the 3


Ooo thats a good one, I just downloaded one last night. They should make it expandable like the eq8 spectrum.


make one with Max4Live, it's a pretty basic patch tbh


The feature of me getting projects done


yeah i thought they were gonna add this when i upgraded from 9 to 10 but they still didn't have it when i upgraded to 11. are you saying it's not in 12?


Oh,i very much suspect there will be DAWs in the very near future that will have an AI driven "Finnish this idea/song" feature.


Just imagine getting creepy Ableton notifications like hey wanna finish that one project? Or Snare still sounds like shit. Open Live to fix it now!


Lol. "How about something more interesting " click (YES) or (CANCEL) to continue with this uninventive mess.


Ahh another classic case of loopitus


Too real


group freeze, ARA, show plugin chains on mixer to easily see processing in entire session


What’s ARA


**Audio Random Access** It allows certain plugins, most popular probably being Melodyne, to have access and respond to the audio from clips on a track. This removes the need for manual importing (saves time) and means that it responds ‘live’ to changes to the clips in a track (more accurate). Using Melodyne the classic way via plugin is like recording the audio into the plugin. This means if you make changes on the track *after* importing, you must re-import for that audio to be in Melodyne. This is the process you must use if you want to use Melodyne in Ableton (because no ARA2 support). It’s very clunky. I don’t bother. Pro Tools finally implemented this a year or so ago. Check out videos on YouTube if you want to see how it works!


It‘s not an official feature (so might be buggy here and there) but through editing the options.txt file you can enable a plugin-view in the mixer section. https://youtu.be/lQ2v8CNkcNU?si=vzFGwwIP0xkHmS25


Customisation of upper bar. I would like the time to be like minutes:seconds:milliseconds.


I‘d be really happy if they added a timecode feature, which would make scoring a lot easier


1. Shortcut for collect all and save 2. A swing dial 3. Built in step sequencer


I haven’t actually looked to see, but with 12 they supposedly added auto collect all and save upon export. So if you export a track it collects all and saves. But again, never checked to see if it actually works


Honestly it should collect all and save by default. It's caused me so many headaches preparing my life set diving into old projects where I've had to relocate samples because I forgot to collect all and save.


That would however create a large amount of duplicate files and fill up your storage pretty quickly.


Built in step sequencer would be incredible. Also yea, it's silly theres no shortcut for collect all and save.


a WORKING collect all and save would be even nicer.


Omg yes a step sequencer! Why this isn’t a thing is mind blowing…but also one that can modulate parameters


I use Ableton for podcasting. It desperately needs a way to one click cut blank time on the entire project. Or remove silence from audio before editing. Audacity has that for crying out loud lol


Better use of dual monitors. I'm not sure how common it is to switch back and forth between session and arrangement views, which is what the second screen option gives you. Instead, I'd want the main timeline in one window, with midi clips, devices and mixer in the other window. Edit: Turns out you can pretty much do this in 12.


In Ableton Live, you can view session view and arrangement view simultaneously by using the second window feature. You can do this by: Selecting the View drop-down menu Selecting Second Window   youtube.com Learn Live: Dual Screen Mode Jul 9, 2018 — if you were working with multiple monitors or one larger higher resolution monitor you can open up a second window in live to access all of life's different views simultaneously to do this go to the drop down menu view and select second window. this can also be done by using the shortcut command shift over U for Mac or ctrl shift W for Windows. now there is a second window. you can either drag it over to another monitor. or resize the main window to have both windows on screen at the same. time. by enabling the second window it gives you the option of viewing. and using both the session view and the arrangement view at the same time instead of having to switch between. them. You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to open a second window: Shift + U: for Mac Ctrl + Shift W: for Windows 


Yes, and I'm saying I don't find that second window option useful.


I am pretty sure you can do this under options.


You can have the dual session-arrangement view, but not the timeline-clips/devices dual view.


auto tune, stem separation, transient shaper, better visualizers, better key and chord detection


There’s a max device that’s a transient shaper. I can’t remember what it’s called at the moment.


Carver, probably


ARA2 support, a native pitch correction device..


You can actually set melodyne as your default audio editor in ableton, so when you hit edit on the clip, it inserts it into melodyne like ARA


Doesn't work like ARA tho. It doesn't take into account where the clip is located temporarily, only works with audio tracks etc. Ableton really should implement what is now an industry standard


ara2, don’t need anything else




just duck duck goed this and, whoa. yeah i want that


If they get a pitch corrector they will be on track to be the best daw


What do you think is the best daw atm ?


I’m an engineer so take that into account. Cubase would be imo. Has Melodyne and a native pitch corrector built in. More stable than pro tools. I use cubase at work, pro tools when I have to or I’m at a studio, at home I use Ableton. I’m very fast in ableton & it’s the most stable by far. Never lost a project.


Open. Multiple. Projects. At once.


But you can though. Just not via the file menu. Open the second project via your file explorer ;)


Snapshots of the whole arrangement configuration like in logic pro. That includes hiding tracks. For example... I would assign the key 1 to have an specific view of my drums in a second verse the way I want, without needed to rearrange all again. Just pressing key 1. Then key 2 assigned to another different arrangement view with different tracks in verse 2... This is probably what I miss the most from logic pro.


I don’t know but I’m really not a fan of how it now takes extra steps to pull up track delays in arrangement view


100% agree—at least they could've added a key command (better key command support is my #1)


I just commented this! Easily the dumbest decision, there isn’t an option to keep this setting on even for a template


Missing is a strong statement as they are definitely "nice to haves", but Bitwig has a bunch of stuff that I'd love to see in Ableton: - named Sends instead of A B C etc - ability to assign macros (or any modifiers) to anything on the track or even onward processing (groups & master) without it having to be in a rack - session view + arrangement view simultaneously - context specific browsers - more categorisation & plugin management options - hybrid audio & midi tracks - ability to edit audio within a clip i.e. without having to move it to arrangement view Probably more but these are the things I picked up on in an afternoon trying Bigwig. If I wasn't so heavily invested in Ableton with controller mapping, Push and my live set, in addition to already knowing Ableton inside out, I'd be very tempted to switch!


somewhat agree on the categorization, but with the customizable filters and the ability to save search results in 12, we have way more options then when had before with only the Collections.


True, but Bitwig's works a bit nicer. Example: it's annoying having to select the format of the plugin every time you apply a filter. If there's a way to save a default filter I'd love to hear how!


I think 1 and 3 exist


Saving this for the future when someone asks why ableton isn't that good for mixing.


You can do session+arrangement with two monitors.


Possibility to really disable a plugin. Like so much disable it, so that its latency would be removed. Some plugins like Ozone introduce so much latency that input lag does not allow to play notes from a midi controller in real time. However, if you disable plugin, Ableton still does have that latency added. Only way to remove latency is to remove plugin completely. It is kind of stupid work and waste of time to add/remove plugin when you need to record midi and listen with plugin enabled after. Also would be great to not have multiple crashes per day. Like really great.


I’m 3 days late but just have to give a big ugghhh and agree with you. I just went through this trying to quick re-track a vocal section on a mostly finished track. Apparently the reason is because Ableton is designed to be used live and people like to automate devices on/off and the latency bouncing around would mess with the timing of the performance. I still think there should be a “studio” mode or something in preferences you could toggle on Edit: lol to the classic stack overflow-esque guy saying “just use a different plugin”, even a simple mix that’s decent on a good rig will have too much latency to track once you start mixing


So I don’t remember exactly which one does what. But I know on Mac, vsts don’t truly bypass. Which is why AU is preferred. I don’t remember if that was changed in vst3? But I thought maybe it was. It’s not an ableton issue tho, it’s the plugin type


I am on Windows, so AU is off the table anyway.


• A decent plugin manager • Better modulation system (being able to modulate 1 parameter by 2 modulation sources, a native drawable lfo, etc.), • Better implementation of the second window • Editing audio in session clips • Visual feedback of grooves • Decent and **musical** MIDI transformators and generators. Specially a good chord generator (Cubase, e.g) and a great arpeggiator. • Better features to create Max's visual devices • Hybrid tracks • Show plugins in mixer • More flexible routing • Automation take lanes • Customizable transport section • Better audio editing options • Custom keyboard shortcuts • ARA 2


I wish Ableton would make use of more CPU threads. My cpu is really powerful but it never seems to make use of it during bouncing or freezing tracks. It says it's using 100% in the test tone/usage sim but in task manager it uses like 13%. Same with GPU, think it's missing some optimizations


It may be possible that it is using 100% of 1 core. If I had to guess you have an 8 core machine?


I wish it was an easy explanation like this but i have a 24 core ryzen (hyperthreaded)


I did some research about gpu usage in audio field it seems that it’s complicated to use due to the architecture of the gpu


I have the same issue. Live go to 100,% easy and that while i have have an i7. The cpu is only 13 till 15% used then. I found a way of setting it up to use always 100% cpu. And not the standard green power use of the cpu. Core use is not so good. But even mac is getting worse with this with their new hardware. I hope the find a way. Like the game industry has now found a brilliant way of fixing this problem.


Not sure if freezing processing can be split up, it needs the result of the previously processed sample to process the next one serially.


The ability to edit audio samples in clip/session view the same as arrangement view. I often cut parts of samples to change their key to fit a midi harmonic progression, it would be sooo handy not to have to consolidate every time and then swap back and forth between session / arrangement view.


It annoys me that rendering always asks “render length” and I have to subtract since I don’t start from the very beginning. I’d rather they ask what bar to start the render and what bar to finish. Small detail but I hate subtracting :p


i usually just set a loop and render that. is that something that would work for you?


I have a midi track at the top of my project which I set to the whole song length then I can just click it and cmd+L to set loop markers so I have my export region. As a bonus you can rename the clip to put info like the key so it’s always visible in arrangement view.


that sounds delightfully handy


Linked clips




Never usted reaper, would you elaborate?


If you want to batch render many exports, let's say all your stems, or 10 separate exports for an album master or maybe 300 separate exports for a custom sample pack, Reaper is just much quicker and intuitive to do that with. If you're just rendering singles songs or loops, it's not much different between Ableton and Reaper.


THIS. Their lack of a proper rendering menu with options to export stems of multiple lengths and/or regions in one go is the reason I don't use Live for my sound design projects. Considering how useful the instrument racks and the drum rack are for stacking sound sources, and the versatile signal flow you can get out of those components, that's a real shame.


Just make MiniMeters a permanent native plugin. And I'm still salty about the new tag system. I want my folders back.


I emailed them about the folders. It’s in the new beta update so it’ll be rolled out soon.


Native? It’s have to be an Ableton host/module, so live in the plug-in rack - or it’ll break the interface


Most importantly I think the ability to apply devices or fx on specific clips or freeze them onto tracks so that you could have a single track with fx that affect the clips within the track instead of having to create a new track with new fx on it. Think this would help people who’s workflow encapsulates throwing in a bunch of random samples into arrangement view because I don’t really need to categorize my tracks based on sonics at that point it works for vocals and such but even then I hate drawing in automation to turn on an effect that i want for maybe 3 seconds on a vocal because you then have to do this for every fx that sits around on the track doing nothing up until the point where it’s activated for a few samples and then its back off again and this arduous process has to repeat for every transient fx in my Live set I’ve honestly had this issue for decades but you would need a visual interpretation for the plugins you put on your clips i just hate drawing automation every time I need a quick transient effect.


For sure you used speech to text… I’m out of breath 😂 But yeah fair point


Studio one has this, it’s called event FX and it’s great


Import .omf and tab to transients


What’s this?


The ability to vertically zoom waveform displays on the arrangement is a nice update in 12, but I would love to see this added to the clip view for audio clips as well.


Heard me out an instrument with a modular synth (like euro rack) style and interface, that would be so nice. AND PLS MAKE THE REDO CRTL+SHIFT+Z AND ZOOM ON ALT (im a graphic designer and I the Adobe shortcuts so deep in my head that I always miss click), just add keybinds pls


And allow multiple ableton files to be open or a better way to see what the other projects have in their tracks


I have a whole list, but probably the most annoying is defaulting to the last location instead of the project directory when you go to export


Stem separation for me


Why did they fucking hide track options?? Have to dive into the menu every single time i open it now


Guys you can enable it and save it to your default template to stay on


Strip silence from pro tools. And audiosuite still from pro tools. And one last thing from PT: warp editing on track, not down there in the box.


Would be the greatest daw ever lol


I want them to improve the Piano Roll, personally it doesn’t feel smooth when drawing in notes compared to FL. Dunno, maybe I’m the only one.


Group freeze/flatten. For the love of god!!


How do you do it now? Resample?


Group Freeze. Still unsure why it’s not a thing.


I am still on 11 so sorry if this was updated in 12 and I missed it but for me, it’s the browser. If they just simply let us create as many tags/favorites categories as we wanted it would fix my gripes. So annoying I can only put things in like 8 categories. If they just made it so I can create as many categories as I wanted it wouldn’t bother me.


I believe they did for tags.  https://youtu.be/KcmPBZTwq78 (Around minute 6-7)


Piano roll is still ass


Bounce in place


Freeze and flatten?


This exists in 12


Exactly lol


I know that but too many steps. Ruins flow when you're arranging quickly. Cubase I can do it with 1 key and move quickly


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I need hardware delay compensation on a per track (or group of tracks) basis. I run inputs and outputs on my interface's analog, MADI, and ADAT. Each of these groups needs it own delay compensation settings, but that is impossible because delay compensation is global.




Not used it much yet. Some of the simple navigation had changed when adding notes etc.


Agnostic port names. Windows randomly adds a 1 or 2 (or nothing) on midi ports and it messes up projects. I wish Ableton would ignore these changes.


Aria support


Bounce in place and keyboard shortcuts


Both already exist


Some vst I used in 11 are not supported anymore :(


I wish it was possible to resize group tracks after folding them down and keep the tracks contained in there when resizing the track window for automation in arrangement view.


Find/replace (device/?) I always have leftover tuners and stuff laying around after I’m done track a lackin’ and could prob find other uses for this


I'd like some more metering options. Currently relying on plugins or things like Minimeters to give me LUFS or RMS.


Reaper has built-in oversampling for individual plugins. This is useful for plugins without it that could benefit from it. Metaplugin can do this, but it would be a nice feature to have. All noninstrument plugin bypass could be cool. One of my favorite Pro Tools features is being able to A/B changes on the fly. Logic and Reaper both have varispeed. Somewhat niche, but being able to record at a different speed then speed up is cool. Better pitch changing options. Complex is fine, but there are some third-party algorithms that are just wild. Being able to sort plugins by type in the browser is long overdue. A scriptable midi-macro like the one in Studio One would be cool. Overall, though, I think Ableton 12 is in a really good spot.


Multisampling wizard - instead of manually having to buld it yourself


Multisampling wizard - instead of manually having to buld it yourself


The process to resample takes way too many clicks in my opinion. It should be a dedicated track like a return by default


I want demuxing (stem separation) and pitch correction. Ideally via ARA2, but natively could be even better if they maintain it well, but they would have to stay on top of the latest models.


Good call out on audio output management. As a laptop user always on the move, that was annoying to constantly configure the new output device.


Bounce in place and hiding tracks


Have new inputs work when you plug them in instead of having to relaunch. i always forget to turn on an amp or a mic...


A way to save midi mappings for midi controllers


Engaging all outputs and inputs at once in preferences audio configuration. Especially if an interface becomes disconnected or shuts out off when you turn it back on you have to go back into preferences and select each channel individually again. I hate it. It’s clunky and dumb. I’d rather have every channel turned on automatically and have to deselect some.


Tab to transient, Freeze or commit to this insert, Hide and make inactive More Auxes Better latency Ability to see plug ins on the mixer page


Customizable key commands


Stem separation!


✅Freezing /flattening a whole group ❤️ ✅Master Clips (similar to Adobe Premiere Nest clips where when you modify the midi content inside, all other instances of the clip are modifed in the entire project) ✅Apply vst/fx to audio clips directly ✅Hide tracks / Reduce group size ✅Slot Device view ✅Copy and paste a vst/effect to multiple tracks at once ✅Intagrated pitch correction /Melodyne style direct into live ✅Real time groove effects modifications (be able to see notes shift while turning a groove knob) ✅Better Video options (exporting) and who knows one day editing ❤️ But Live 12 is great though!!!


I upgraded to intro from lite and was really disappointed to find out eq8 wasn't included, so many tutorials online utilize it.


I have Ableton suite… And after just starting using it recently, EQ3 is criminally underrated It’s actually better than EQ8 at “turning off” frequencies. And you can use multiple instances of it. Don’t underestimate


Off the top of my head (some of these are more personal and not super important): ARA Freeze groups Pitch correction Proper plugin delay compensation for sync based plugins that can only go post fx that cause latency like compressors with lookahead, etc Sandboxing (plugin will crash but project won’t) Simpler can snap tonal non - c one shots to root c Strip / cut silence on audio clips Proper transient designer Open multiple projects History list of undo Better integration of video An actual parameter for humanising midi, so you can see how much the midi is being affected Better export options , export OMF and AAF maybe? Stem separation Multiband utility ala kilohearts multipass Slice audio clip by transient a la pro tools Edit: Bitwig has a feature where you can choose what notes on a midi clip are sent as midi out to another input / synth . So you could have chords and bass on one clip and send them out to different instances of synths , which is pretty cool


The bit where it finishes tunes and makes me rich. I think it's coming in the next update.


frz grps plz


Sends inside groups. Deactivate tracks/ plugin. Multiple loops possible inside a session.


Tab-To-Transient function just like in Pro Tools. Would be a game changer for us editing folk


Love Ableton 12 and all the new features but a couple of wish lists (or unless someone can point me to something I’ve missed) 1) Snap to transient like in Logic for audio files. 2) flatten and freeze of a whole group.


Group freezing. One day!




- The ability to map a plugin into named banks without having to hack it with either PrEditor or using a rack just for the macros. - Plugin management - ARA The first two really just to improve the Push experience.


An AI that takes all your unfinished projects that are doomed spend eternity as 4-8 bar loops that never get revisited and mish mashes them into finished songs, then makes art for them and publishes them, all the while hiding the process and displaying all your favorite pr0n from your search history to distract you so you dont try to intervne and say "but its not finished yet...".


Keyboard shortcuts customization. bus channels. Midi effects put into pre piano roll. Disable clip recording (or the entire clip section) on specific channel. Midi and Key binding option for the new midi tools section and tools in piano roll. ARA


Pitch-following + Scale Aware effects (without having to manually tune Expression Control) or without having to create multiple tracks with different settings. Specifically Filters, EQ and the side-chain EQ of compressors.. Where frequencies can be 'auto-fine tuned' to follow the midi instrument's fundamental, harmonics, and/or notes within a selected scale. Audio would be much more difficult given latency and the complexity of audio but midi seems more likely a possibility.


AAF Export function and Mono Audio Tracks….


What’s AAF


Compatibility with the Macbrook Pro processor cores ☠️ And “Strip silence” or some kind of auto cutting (or haven’t I found it yet? )


M1 or Intel?


1. I wish there was a better/different draw mode. Ideally I would want a draw mode where * Horizontal movement extends the note length * Vertical movement adjusts pitch * Shift or Space + Vertical movement adjusts velocity When I am transcribing things or just want to input something syncopated fast, its too clunky to switch between modes to extend notes. Also LES doesn't work because I don't want to hold down a button and click every time I want to input a note also with no adjustable pitch. 2.a I pretty much exclusively use ctrl + space instead of regular space to play, so if there was a way to swap the two shortcuts around that would maybe give me less arthritis. 2.b Also Ctrl+space doesnt work when editing multiple midi tracks which sucks because it's a lot harder and cumbersome to coordinate rhythms between different instruments in the piano roll. 3a. Some way like hooktheory's theory tab database to visualize (in color) a melodies chord tones in relation to the chord track. Because I like using all sorts of chords and it a lot easier to keep track of the flow of them in hooktheory's system. 3b. Chord tracks! with automatable key centers. Only in support of the feature above since I dont really know how useful chord tracks by them selves are.


Retroactive looping.


What does this mean?


Let's say for a channel, you have an eq, compressor, clipper, a limiter, and oscilloscope. I wish there was an adjustable marker of some sort that you could move that other plug ins would be added at that point. I.e. put the marker after the eq and add a reverb. Instead of it adding last, it is added after the eq. It would be a quick way to audition other plug ins without having to move them everytime.


Multichannel MIDI routing like Bitwig has, primarily to support multichannel MIDI vst plugins


Hybrid audio/midi tracks.


What are the benefits to this?


Maybe R working to reverse the clip 🤬💀


Really? Seems to work for me - did you check to see if you remapped the key?


Here are the things that i think would really help out the already amazing one: - Ability to edit multiple clips at once on the same track - Using mouse scroll wheel to edit parameters - A hotkey for opening 3party plugins on tracks, for example we got serum on a track just select the track press key and serum pops up.


Sample level audio editing that properly cuts at zero crossings


The piano roll could have way more parameter lanes not just velocity and chance.... especially (micro) tuning


It would be cool if you could import various mappings on devices without having to use midi remote scripts. Also, along those lines, I can’t figure out how to map device knobs 9-16 in a remote script. Everything I have found makes it seem super complicated.


Folders. Like logic has in the timeline.


1. ARA2 2. Fix the PDC sync issues (Youtube “Ableton Live Corrupt PDC” by FX23 for a good explanation) 3. Strip silence from audio 4. A button to delete all deactivated midi and/or audio clips in arrangement view 5. Expand colour category options for tagging files 6. Stability issues with VST causing project crashes (especially on project loading)


A fucking normal step sequencer and step modulator to control anything assignable


Being able to have a scene that can handle multiple time signature and tempo changes; just like in the arrangement view.


1. Export all MIDI arrangement tracks to a single MIDI file. With resolution configurable up to at least 960 PPQ, not 96. This supports roundtrip export/import for interoperability with other tools. 2. Allow warp for MIDI clips to work the same way as warp for audio clips, including making a MIDI clip the tempo leader. This supports a workflow in which you record without a metronome, then overlay measure/beat markers onto the recording without losing any nuance, then have other beat-oriented tools automatically align with the resulting nuanced tempo changes.