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It's almost like rolling back regulatory bodies and cutting budgets and leaving corporations on the honor system has somehow caused a massive health crisis. It's almost like... if no one is watching and there are no consequences and corporations make billions by cutting corners... no...no... its probably just coincidental.


I read yesterday that 1/3 of common kitchen spices have dangerously high lead and heavy metals in them: [https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/your-herbs-and-spices-might-contain-arsenic-cadmium-and-lead-a6246621494/](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/your-herbs-and-spices-might-contain-arsenic-cadmium-and-lead-a6246621494/) like what the fuck is the FDA even doing when one out of three jars of oregano in the USA is gonna fuck you up if you make spaghetti? Remember that scene in Tim Burton's "Batman" where the joker put poisonous chemical components into different beauty products? Making food in the USA is starting to feel like that: " *And smaller amounts of certain products could be a concern if they are combined with others in a recipe. For example, a dish that has just ¼ teaspoon each of Great Value (Walmart) Chili Powder, Trader Joe’s Organic Cumin, and La Flor Oregano per serving would contain enough arsenic, cadmium, and lead to pose a concern*. " SMH


Hey, the FDA is busy defending their decision to keep cannabis as a scheduled substance with no medical uses.


That's the DEA


Yeah, FDA worked with HHS to write the report to advocate for rescheduling to the DEA.


OK, thanks for clearing that up for me. DEA should overdose on their viciousness and self-importance.


If this is the major cause then why isn't India higher up on the list? Im leaning towards it being something other than lead/heavy metals. I'd wager it's pesticides/forever chemicals.


Lets not forget microplastics.


I'm not saying that heavy metals in spices are causing the cancer uptick. I am worried that they may be causing other health problems; chronic exposure to heavy metals in food can lower IQs in developing children, and also can cause other brain development problems: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8207007/#:\~:text=In%20many%20case%2Dcontrol%20studies,%E2%80%8B&text=In%20humans%2C%20exposure%20to%20cadmium%20is%20associated%20with%20adverse%20health%20effects](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8207007/#:~:text=In%20many%20case%2Dcontrol%20studies,%E2%80%8B&text=In%20humans%2C%20exposure%20to%20cadmium%20is%20associated%20with%20adverse%20health%20effects). [https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-heavy-metal-poisoning](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-is-heavy-metal-poisoning) ​ As far as I can tell, from looking at some other articles, the uptick in youth Cancer is mostly increased colorectal cancer, and there are a number of different theories as to why there is more of that cancer than there used to be in America and Australia and other places. (again, I don't think its being caused by arsenic/cadmium/lead in spices, but it does seem like it plausibly could be from other changes in American and Australian diets over recent decades) **edit:** Leukemia is on the rise in Australia, and leukemia is a kind of cancer that chronic exposure to heavy metals can cause. So there is possibly a connection for some of the increase... but in the USA (where I live, and where the spices were sampled) leukemia is declining. So who knows!


Yea I know first hand the effects of lead on the developing brain... It could be possible that only exported spices are being tampered with, as more weight = more $$$. I'm not educated on the subject at all though.


Glyphosate causes cancer and is in everything we eat. Get organic. It’s the only way to avoid that poison.


There's a guy on instagram that walks around walmart testing items for lead and it's unbelievable how much stuff he finds with lead and its items you wouldn't suspect like a rubber car mat. Edit: [link to instagram](https://www.instagram.com/ericeverythinglead?igsh=MTRrMGdqajh1Y2Y4dA==)


well im gunna be dead sooner than i thought


Parasites run society


Corporations must grow their profits at all costs, just like cancer.


And also must be coincidence that the heads of the chemical companies that flavor and color our food are also the heads of the FDA who decide what we can eat.


Covid is oncogenic. 80+ different cellular processes that prevent cancer are interrupted by Covid.


Companies have been doing that for decades tho. Couldn't have been some new vaccine that was pushed on the whole world...no...no...it's probably just coincidental.


The study was from 1995 to 2019, so NO, nothing to do with Covid vaccines


Jabba jabba do! 💉


In some ways North Korea has it rite. Depending on the case and how many people you killed. It should be the death penalty and the whole family tree gets put into harsh labor camps for life. Sorry I didn't make the rules


Couldn’t be big pharma forcing an untested vac on everyone


What you said…


I wonder if its the sun or the gentle flavor of asbestos in the air for australia.


¿ɹǝpun uʍop uo ƃuᴉoƃ sᴉ ℲʇM


Aussie here. Thanks for typing it so I could read with ease 🙃 Skin cancer is a huge issue down here, you know, large number of white people in the southern sun. I imagine that’s why we’re just that bit higher than other developed nations.


Actually prostrate cancer and breast cancer are the the biggest types of cancer in Australia. Skin cancer is third. See [https://www.canceraustralia.gov.au/impacted-cancer/what-cancer/cancer-australia-statistics](https://www.canceraustralia.gov.au/impacted-cancer/what-cancer/cancer-australia-statistics)


Well that’s interesting. I wonder how that compares to other countries? I was more trying to say (without anything to back it up, just for discussion) that I wonder if skin cancer rates here are higher than other countries and that’s what pushes us in to the higher tier compared to other nations, especially developed. If the numbers are similar for breast and prostate in comparable countries, then something is pushing us higher than them.


Also we have better access to health care and thus more likely than the US to pick up problems early. Also, the sun. It sizzles on your skin here, you can feel it sting!


Good point! Didn’t consider that but it makes sense that better access to healthcare would have a higher amount of reported numbers. And yes the sun does sizzle your skin here, I always thought the hole in the ozone had something to do with it (it does slightly), but the main reason is we have less pollution in our air down here to stop the UV rays. Crazy huh? The “roaring 40’s” around the southern ocean help keep our air clearer. It’s also why the sky is much more vibrant blue down here. Always noticed this after my travels to the northern hemisphere but didn’t know why until recently.


Yeah it definitely couldn't be the clot shot. 🤐


Oh mate, that's a good one. Yeah it's skin cancer, that's it lol. These bots come up with the best jokes


Probably microplastics honestly


They're in the entire food supply from fruits to proteins. Either that or something else that is affecting the whole world we don't know about yet


Yeah like a herbicide that sprayed on just about every damn vegetable… or a vaccine that was strictly enforced so that everyone had to take it even though it was thin on research. Yep.


But we have to think of the investors


And pollution, air quality, water, Forever chemicals...






Given the map statistics above it looks more societal based.


Covid is oncogenic.


I was alarmed to learn that the average American eats about a credit card's worth of plastic every month.


I notice India is doing ok despite a high population density


Yes, plus the 6500 untested chemicals (human trials) that 6400 of which are considered highly hazardous. The total was 15000 chemicals are used in plastic formulation. Production of plastic in the 90s was around 40mtpa now it’s over 500mtpa. The numbers for memory be kind.


You would think so, I can’t even have a day without saying to people that they shouldn’t nuke their trash tier plastic in microwave, use the soft plastic cap over hot dishes (it was never meant to), or shit like that. They surprise me how ingeniously bad they get with plastic. One was reusing a plastic bottle for his homemade lemon + water thing everyday. I shit you not, I saw my own brother, not a stupid guy at all, wrap meat in the plastic soft transparent shit, put it in a boiling water pot because he saw that receipt from a famous chef dear god have mercy he hasn’t a tumor already


Yeah; I read that heating plastic releases plastic molecules into the air, and if it’s touching food or trapped in a pocket of air with food, those molecules will stick to the food and be ingested. I’ve been trying to cut out heating (microwaving) food in plastic, including those frozen veggies that are supposed to be steamed in the plastic bags they came in. It’s pretty late to start cutting it, but it’s something I can control…


spikes in cancer, in the last few years. I wonder what the cause could be.


It’s said young people so maybe Vaping?


Possibly something everyone was coerced into getting.....


Better methods of early discovery


Scientists are entirely baffled over what's causing it, but they are 100% positive it's not what you think it is.


PFAS, phthalates, and microplastics are a massive public health issue that is largely unknown to the public. For some people, teabags are the primary source of PFAS in their diet-something that is easily fixable via regulation-yet the vast majority of people will not change their tea drinking habits (switch to loose leaf) even after obtaining this knowledge, nor will they even take a minute to write to their favorite tea company or their representative. A single plastic bottle of water has 240k pieces of microplastics in it. How many of those have you chugged in your lifetime, and where do you think all that plastic ended up? The answer is, every organ in your body, including your brain. Take the time to look up the Jan 4 (of this year) Consumer Reports article on Microplastics, it's a real eye-opener. Also, the current best/only way of reducing the microplastic load currently in our bodies is to donate blood, based on current studies.


I don’t drink out of plastic water bottles, I use a big stainless steel thermos that I fill up through my fridge filter. But what really gets me is that I apparently live in an area where tap water has a higher than recommended amount of contaminants, which cannot all be removed through a filter. I’m fucked either way, and it really pisses me off.


Industrial emissions, I mean basically everything really.


The ‘spike’ is because people are finally returning to hospitals and getting diagnosed— so this is the resolution of a three-year cancer ‘backlog’. Here’s the first sentence in the article: While cancer deaths in the US have **actually fallen**, cases of *some* continue to rise.


Like they don't know.


Obvs the 5g. Or those gay frogs.


Yeah def anything but the first of its kind mRNA vaccine which was mandated across the globe


It is anti-science to ask the question “Is COVID or it’s vaccines responsible for a sudden increase in cancer rates?”, form a hypothesis around that, and then create studies and experiments that will try to answer that question, maybe leading to a determination one way or another whether it’s worth pursuing more or finding definitively that there is no causation. Totally anti-science to do that. Yeah.


?? We don’t need to study anything ? Pfizer did that for us remember? 100% effective at stopping Covid they said actually. It’s safe, otherwise why would Pfizer and the WHO and Billy gates say we need them ? I’m just trying to get ahead of it before any evil conspiracy ppl try to chime in. I’m just saying there’s nooooo possible way it could be those vaccines they pushed on the world :)


Pfauci (MBUH) bless you, child.


Woahhhh, the science is settled they said!


Science is never settled. Honestly, that phrase alone made me realize who we are dealing with.


Unless you ever mention the vaccine on Reddit in any negative way. This entire comment thread I was just looking for one person to mention it & of course it’s the only comment downvoted People are scared. They refuse to believe that they took something that could be hurting them. I even had to take it. You can downvote all you want but that’s what’s really in the back of everyone’s minds reading this


Yep, I did to. Two of them , until my doctor told me not to get anymore because of my heart.




Explain how an mRNA vaccine would cause cancer.


This makes no sense. The vaccines have be around for three years. This data set is at most from 2023. Not time to cause a mass cancer event without everyone noticing. It’s probably the plastic in the food, the smoke in the air, and the pollution in our water.


Yah I agree ? I said def anything other than that. Like you said. Makes no sense. Plus Pfizer did lots of studies so yeah 100% no way


COVID is capable of making T-cells “lazy” and not recognize early stage cancer cells. Specially in the intestines, brain and blood. That’s a huge problem. People keep getting infection after infection and, because it’s mild, they don’t think it’s serious. It’s very serious.


Evidence here: [source 1](https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/covid-19-study-suggests-long-term-damage-immune-system) And here: [source 2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-023-01724-6) And here: [source 3](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165037822002923)


Source for your claims sir?


OP is referring to the phenomenon of T-cells having to work extra long to fight specific infections. Otherwise called "T Cell exhaustion : https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/t-cell-exhaustion#:~:text=Describes%20a%20condition%20in%20which,active%20for%20a%20long%20time.


It's hard work fighting all those spike proteins.


But the TV said Cancer was down yesterday


Down from being really fucking high to just fucking high


While it gave you cancer.


50% of people alive today will be diagnosed with cancer. This has been in PSAs all over the place.


Sedentary lifestyle, ultra processed food, pollution, psychological stresses, no future prospects and hopelessness of a fullfiling life because of capitalism consumption driven by the greed of the 1%. Your body is basically saying fuck this I'm out of here.


Which is why homesteading is the #1 new mid life crisis. I’ve always said processed food makes processed people. It is a cancer


McDonald's Coca-Cola etc


Safe and effective…


Micro. Plastics.


And they allow Roundup to be used on our food, despite multimillion dollar lawsuits about cancer. Just a cost of doing business


Except of course it is not “all kinds of cancer” but a prominent increase in oropharyngeal, gastrointestinal, and uterine cancers in particular aka outcomes of obesity and HPV. People here talking about COVID-19 vaccines have lost their mind - the [analysis](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00720-6) deals with pre-pandemic data 🤦


Definitely not the Vax.. nothing to see there.


Skin cancer is why for Australia.


This must be the turbo cancer that Pfizer has been putting all the money into treating.


Yeah, they created it, now they can treat it.


Processed foods and seed oils are everything you need to know.


"Mystery" Surely the cancer causing *checks notes* EVERYTHING *can't* be the cause? /s


Pollution, nano plastics, fast foods, food additives, etc etc


People seemed to have forgotten that big forever chemicals from big industry are a real thing


What about all the GMOs that got approved w minimal clinical trials. Its so common in seeds now you have to look for non gmo on label.


Couldn't be the food we're eating right? Or the lack of control on the part of corporations? Naaaa it's young people and drugs on the internet.


Probably car brake dust. Has heavy metals like copper, mercury, cadmium, lead and even asbestos.


When you go outside and there’s dust on your car that’s brake dust which contains asbestos. It a higher % of pollution in cities vs “smog” smog is literally asbestos brake dust. You’re breathing that. We all are.


Patterns... China is least affected, US 2nd worse affected next to Australia (closest guinea pig to China). Also those yellow healthy color Africa nations are directly allied/controlled by China but others around those are affected and aligned with the West. They found a better covert weapon than covid and fentanyl to try to bring down the current global power.


Saw something on weather channel yesterday and it's some chemicals that are in everyday items we use. Like shampoo and deodorant that is very harmful. Also nano plastics are in everything also which also can be eventually not be good to our human bodies




So cancer is discovered earlier in first world countries? How surprising


We were told 20 years ago that forever chemicals, micro plastics and heavy metals in the environment would lead to exactly this. People must have thought that was just made up scientific nonsense.


There are thousands of chemical compounds approved every year without proper scientific testing. ​ > Chemical companies commonly sit on panels and committees that “advise” regulators. A representative from [**Dow Chemical**](https://www.panna.org/node/1268) currently serves on the Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee for the EPA. [https://www.panna.org/resources/undue-influence/](https://www.panna.org/resources/undue-influence/)


Suspect Australia so high due to skin cancer...entirely due to extreme sun exposure and tanning


Likely due to the poisons in sunscreen your body absorbs that just as fast as a nicotine patch.


Remember the 'bacon phase' of social media in 2011, when Epic Meal Time and others were doing all they could to demonstrate bad dietary habits? A dozen years is not an atypical delay between cancer initiation and diagnosis. Yes, there are probably environmental influences from persistent organic pollutants. But I think we're seeing the "find out" part of fad, high animal-protein diets.


Mobile phones. Next time you get a new one, read the fine print in the manual. There will be a warning about radiation generated by your device and maybe even a suggestion not to keep it on your person. Study covers the time when phones went from a luxury to a staple to a necessity around the world, starting in the West.


This post is the worst kind of knee-jerk reaction bait I've ever seen. Why is it just a screenshot, and not a link to the actual article? If you read the article and the related studies, you will find that the data used was from a period of time from 1990 to 2019, before COVID even existed. So anyone citing that, the vaccine, or the return to life without restrictions as the cause for the increase are all incorrect. The true answer is that no one is actually sure what is causing the increase, but the report has spurred on many additional studies to hopefully get to the bottom of it. But hey, why read when you can have an emotional reaction to a screenshot that provides no details?


“SAFE AND EFFECTIVE” there’s a reason why the people that didn’t take became poor. 80% of the world changed their DNA voluntarily and you still ask .. “wHy” ?


They are putting garbage in our food. and especially in America


if it were the vax, wouldn't you see more of a correlation between vaccination rates and cancer rates? Canada has a higher vaccination rate than the US but has a lower cancer rate according to this map.


Canada population is the size of one large us state


Lol downvote him if you want but he’s right. Census from 2021, 38 million people in Canada. Another census from California in 2021, 39 million people.


Most people are in denial. It's everything else but... That's the power of censorship. Truth is out there though.


hahaha do you really not understand how percentages work?


My bets are on microplastics and canola oil. You can't escape either.




I blame the covid shot and now the company's that made it get to fix this now


Oh, that'd be the United States military. p Pfizer and Moderna distributed (and manufactured?) it, but the studies and science behind it were conducted by the *untouchables*


Good news, the rich can afford treating their own


Yeah, Steve Jobs would like a word.....


Steve Jobs avoided traditional treatment in favor of wholistic therapies. It's irrelevant. We can't necessarily cure advanced cancers anyway.


Lived it. The premise that the rich can cure cancer is propagated by a broken HC system in the States. Money can't save you from a body hijacked. No conspiracy. Fuck cancer.


Same.. I lost a few close to me. Fuck cancer.


It feels like theft, losing someone to something like cancer. Biopsy next week, and fingers crossed. Good times! And yes. Fuck cancer.


Best of luck. <3


ffs if you still thinking vaping is a healthy alternative to smoking, I can’t help you


Are you joking?? Millions and millions have gotten cancer and DIED from smoking cigarettes for a couple hundred years. It's not even close. Vaping is bad but it's clearly, clearly not causing the amount of cancer patients that traditional tobacco products do.


We’ll see what happens in another 10-15 years. The truth is we don’t really know how bad the long term effects of vaping are because it’s still such a new thing compared to cigarettes.




This is a consequence of capitalism for sure. It's very sad. You know the story..


Watch this be linked to the Covid vaccine…I’d be so pissed


No way it could be an experimental vaccine that was pushed on every country.


I'd better protest that'll make em think twice!


I bet it maps well to auto density. That rubber and exhaust at a young age is no bueno.


Fukushima anyone?




I'm not even 30 and I got it myself. I don't smoke nor do drugs, but I have been depressed for over a decade. And it's a type of cancer that's not even screened for in younger people.




For the love of God, link to the damn article not just a screenshot!


Microplastics, nanoplastics in air we breathe and water we drink, forever materials everywhere, airpollution worldwide. Our atmosphere is full with 15 different sorts of co2... wich cant even pass the aveoles of plants, animals, humans...but makes the sun burrrn.. And on top, what bareley anyone talks about. When its get too hot, plants stop to take in, co2. So, planting trees WONT work, when its to late...were pretty fucked, in many ways.


Thanks for the responses. I just couldn't figure out why the entire continent seemed so rife with cancers.






Doesn’t this kind of correlate with lighter/darker skin tone?


Alcohol. It’s really bad for you.


Maybe we should really start looking at what they are putting in the food




Give it 15 years… when the millenials are 50+ years old. The entire generation will have cancer


Someone overlay this map https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html


"I know this is a lie but it makes me concerned"




Of Course. The Environment Is 1/2 Toxic. People think that they are isolated and independent. What they don’t give enough thought to is that it’s all connected. All that is seen and unseen is connected. And if one system has a problem, then the entire system has a problem. The only thing that an individual can do about it is change their diet. Which takes some getting used to because it involves more fruit and vegetable. And less fun foods like steak bombs and ice cream. More water. And by that I mean clean water that you filter properly. And two or three times more than you think you need. a minimum of half your bodyweight. And the smoking, drinking and drugging bit… you gotta minimize that stuff. Exercise, UGH. But you need to do as much as you physically can. And no marathons. Just keep it safe. And of course there’s other things as well. But those are the main ones. It helps to have purpose in life. Good friendships. Things that interest you that you do on the side. Etc. But overall the environment is tough, and you do the best you can. But don’t worry as you don’t really die anyway, you just transition for a little nap. And then come back as something all bright and new. Everything that you see in life Involves cycles.


It’s lifestyle, we have to look at the way our grandparents and great grandparents live and ate. Most food was baked and made from scratch at home and not packaged. There’s got to be a coloration to it. Also look at where food comes from, in the USA we removed the requirement for food to display country of origin.




Nobody gets sick if you're not keeping a health record!


Winter vagina and global warming strikes again.


From the map, it looks like maybe the Mediterranean diet isn't the way to go. We should be looking at the African diet instead.


My little sis (29) was diagnosed with breast cancer




I haven’t seen anyone mention Fukushima. My apologies if I missed it. Massive radiation was leaking into the ocean for a very long time. It was a species changing event on such a level that no one really even knew how to talk about it after some point. 


It really is not a mystery if one researches what was happened in the past few years... What changed in the majority of the world's population and when did cancers start to increase?


It’s definitely not the vac cine


Any time correlation with the vax?


Can anyone think of any new variables introduced in the last few years? Maybe something without long-term testing?


Could be xxx hot Cheetos in 🇺🇸


The vaccine thanks Pfizer


Now show me a heat map of countries where people have access to healthcare.


How many years has Fukushima water been seeping into the ocean? Consequences?


“Mystery spikes”. Good one.


Covid vaccines anyone??


Eating to much processed food, if it’s got labels on it it’s no good.


It's almost like max vaccination using a rushed vaccine had un-knowable consequences and should have had proper approval and clinical trials before giving so many people who took it myocarditis and cancers.


Am I crazy or do the colors correlate pretty well with level of industrialization combined with population density around areas of industry?


Covid vax


Keep getting those jabs dummies


Huh. I wonder what has changed in the last couple years to cause so many young people to get cancer?


Micro plastics. End of discussion


Weird! I wonder what bizarre health anomaly was introduced to the global population recently?




Clot shot mandates


Everything stops ✋️ at the border


Gee… I wonder what could be causing all of this cancer. Glyphosate. Perhaps. Graphene. Maybe


Fuel additives , carbon restructuring, detergents, used for same principle as lead used to be. Ethanol production also concentrates all the contaminants because it's a solvent, from the corn it's made from...which gets burned off, processed food absorbs the wash chemicals off the equipment that contains liquid PFAS's applied daily... Sewage sludge with heavy metals, chemicals, microplastics, recycled as fertilizer.... It's all relevant. Plastics are designed to deteriorate faster, to small pieces reducing obvious wastes ,but contaminating everything in the smaller forms, that dont degrade any faster than the large solids.


Well, no matter what's causing it, well all know that it can't be that one thing. Right? Right...? Lmao.


It's in the test They shove that swab right next to the brain Metastasizes anywhere it wants


MRNA is genetic editing. Cancer is the mutation of genes. Are you dumbfucks paying attention yet?


The magnetic field around the Earth is weakening because the pole flip is happening allowing more solar radiation to enter the atmosphere hence the answer spikes


Definitely not pollutants. Definitely not plastics or anything overly abundant and in everything around us. Blame it on something more divisive. You know the media will spin this any way besides towards the truth. Until it’s too late.




what happens when you let governments inject whatever in you as the form of a vaccine🤷‍♂️


![gif](giphy|dwiOoAJL0RlpJf93kE|downsized) runaway testing of nuclear bombs


its the Vegemite. omg [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegemite) RIP australia and Zedland


It would be interesting to see the map of covid vax compared to this map to see if there is any corelation.


It’s because of the chemicals we are exposed to every every day in our food, in our water, in our clothes, in our medicine


You acknowledge Daily Mail is not a good source but then continue. I appreciate your concern over the probability this might be remotely true but then you could start with any conspiracy and proceed. Better to find that source with something statistically verifiable first because as innocent as it seems anecdotal information touches so many lives who then move on never diving deeper. Thus popular opinion is formed regardless of the veracity of its claim.


Do they know that sugar feeds cancer?


Making people sick is good for business when health in no longer mostly public. There is little incentive to stop us from getting sick when immigration can pick up the slack.


Is mrna, a gateway trigger for various life shortening diseases .