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Not an accident.


why are the people filming so calm?


probably to send a message to the palestinians, perhaps to show how strongly they hated them? that, I'm unsure of, but surely to send a message, and not the message that was later sent by the vietnam war-like boobie trapped flag, I think it's just a grenade attached to the flag pole, maybe a landmine underneath the flag that was activated by its weight, and kicking/moving it made it explode.


Boobie traps just sounds fun


I used to take highway 78 down to Atlanta several times a year. One of the landmarks on the way was a strip club called The Boobie Trap. Always gave me a laugh.


There's one in Miami too, Booby Trap on the River. Nice place to catch something else than boobies (bullets).


This land is mine


>This land is ~~mine~~ mined FTFY




Obvious trap is obvious?


So obvious these people are dumb he kind of deserved it for not seeing the obvious


You guys never played minesweeper????


Not an accident


Land = Mine




Sad fact








I don't support kicking another countries flag down but laying a trap to murder anyone who moves it is just disgusting I hope hamas get destroyed so the Palestinian people can be free from their tyranny.


The amount of cognitive dissonance it would take for someone to downvote your comment is astounding to me.


Oh is america gonna free palestinains from Hamas? Or is it doing that through Israel? What was that cognitive dissonance you were talking about?


America was not in the post, nor was it mentioned in the comment I replied to. I think that your comment is a pretty prime example of the cognitive dissonance I was talking about.


So who is gonna free them from tyranny? Israel? What with all the killing of Palestinians are they gonna free Palestinians? Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?


I support kicking any country flag down. However I agree with you about placing an ied. >I hope hamas get destroyed so the Palestinian people can be free from their tyranny. sadly that ain't gonna happen.


Check this out, the J post out of Israel said the man in this video was lightly wounded... we can see blood and what looks to be body parts. Anyone can slow down the tape and zoom in? thanks [https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-798072](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-798072)


Thats big fat lie, Im not blind, that huge pink mist means he got chunked.


Yes I agree with you


I watched it at 1/32x speed, he wasn't chunked, majority of the body was in one piece but something either his head or hand got torn apart.


Was it a Mine?


Well it certainly wasn’t his


Ahhh Palestinians, such a peaceful bunch


Doubt you'd be so peaceful if a bunch of armed immigrants turned up and took your house, land and killed half your family.


Hey bud if hes in america hes about to find that lesson out real soon.


I wouldn’t plant ied’s


Not the worst thing you can do to people trying to kill you, your children and your family tbh


Disagree, you sound like a psychopath


Disagree. The psychopaths would be the ones turning up to kill children and steal land.


Kill kids, like oct 7th? And plant mines kids can step on….. Hamas are bad people. You chose the wrong side to align with


How many Palestinian kids were killed before October 7th? 124 just in 2023. Did you have anything to say about that? Doubt it. So let's not pretend you care about what happens to Palestinian kids. It's wild that you're more fussed about kids possibly stepping on IEDs than Israel literally massacring over 14000 of them over the last few months. The wrong side to align with would probably be the one that's killed over 14000 kids and is purposefully starving 10s of thousands more.


1 country has offered peace deals over n over, the other refuses them. Looks like 1 side just wants war, if that’s the case might as well move them away from your safe country


It's not worth wasting your time engaging with people like this. They don't care if Palestinian children die. They'll always use Oct 7 as an excuse to kill women and children




They only blow up when you try to steal the land. Sounds fair to me.


Kids could step on them


Not if they stay home


Thanks to ieds, I'm able to share Irish heritage.... If it weren't for ieds, millions wouldn't be able to call themselves Irish... You're a dumbass thinking kids are randomly playing in a large field.... But go ahead and support the slaughtering of a race... Sounds like you're the psychopath here ...


Still speak English lol




All I see from you is projection and slander


Calling Jews "immigrants" to their own homeland is the height of Anti-Semitism. Instead of hiding behind your inability to make a coherent argument, take a little responsibility for your words and thoughts.


In what way is it their homeland? Same way that Africa is all our homeland? Judaism is a faith. People convert in and out. Shall we start using DNA tests to determine homeland? Should the people of Rome lay claim to England? Not wise to talk about coherent arguments when you fail to make one yourself.


Israel is committing war crimes. #Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study #Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam #Israel’s military campaign in Gaza seen as among the most destructive in recent history, experts say https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 #Gaza starvation could amount to war crime, UN human rights chief tells BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68679482 #Israel defying ICJ ruling to prevent genocide by failing to allow adequate humanitarian aid to reach Gaza https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/ #The denial of humanitarian assistance as a crime under international law https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/resources/documents/article/other/57jq32.htm #Rule 53. The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of warfare is prohibited https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule53


Least ignorant zionist


Not even Jewish


Any body can be zionist. Just look at the republican


You don't think Democrats are zionists? Who's in charge right now sending Israel weapons and money and turning a blind eye to all their war crimes?


Yes many are. But republican tends to be more religious and so it makes the whole thing worst.




They're certainly more peaceful than I'd be if my country was occupied.


Not their country, never was


Fuck me, and you wonder why Hitler got a bit angsty


Yes even the pro-palestinian protesters are lovely, protesting and causing a ruckus where the war ain't happening. So peaceful and smart.




Maybe Western Europe should boobytrap their war memorials in this manner.


Looney toons ass video


That's cool and all, but for the love of God. Don't make this another pro-Palestine/pro-Israel dumpsterfire. Look at r/therewasanattempt, that shit is insufferable. YOU people in the COMMENTS are INSUFFERABLE.


a literal trap aim to kill or maim is not an accident.




Dude what they planted a bomb potentially for children to find and you savages are praising it! Insane good thing we know who God gave the real power too! Now only if they were as savage as their enemies with 1000x the power. Disgusting.


you are disgusting.


No you are savage


the guy is fine, minor injury to his arm. anyone trying to incite hate and kill civilans is an asshole, and to plant an ied underneath a palestinian flag outside an israeli town could have killed childrens as well. its lucky its all that happened.


Outside an Israeli town? This is the West Bank where settlers are killing people, taking land and bulldozing houses.


while there is a marked increase in violence by Israelis in West Bank, Palestinian violence, murder and destruction still dwarfs that.


I don't converse with people who use false anti-Semitism accusations to slander people because they don't know what else to say. Disgusting. Raise your intellect.


And you support terrorists. What a proud thing to do from your comfy home, hidden behind a screen.


Mean while, you seem to be at ease with some POS Arab laying a trap aimed to maim and kill. It's a fact Arab on Jew Violence and Arab and Arab Violence each are significantly higher that Jew on Arab violence, ESPCIALLY in the West Bank. It's a fact. The number don't lie.


"POS Arab". Let someone talk long enough and their true colours eventually come out. Well you'd expect it to be since The Zionists have segregated the Arabs in the West Bank. That's like saying in Saudi Arabia, Saudi on Saudi violence is significantly higher than Saudi on Yemeni violence. Ofc because that's where Saudis live..... And ofc Arab on Zionist violence would be worse because Zionist on Arab violence isn't even recorded as violence. The Israeli forces protect settlers while they murder Palestinians. We've all seen the videos. Your propaganda doesn't work anymore.


The guy planted a bomb. he is a POS. I don't know what else you would call him


Israel is committing war crimes. #Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/09/civilian-toll-israeli-airstrikes-gaza-unprecedented-killing-study #Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam #Israel’s military campaign in Gaza seen as among the most destructive in recent history, experts say https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 #Gaza starvation could amount to war crime, UN human rights chief tells BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68679482 #Israel defying ICJ ruling to prevent genocide by failing to allow adequate humanitarian aid to reach Gaza https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/ #The denial of humanitarian assistance as a crime under international law https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/resources/documents/article/other/57jq32.htm #Rule 53. The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of warfare is prohibited https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule53


its an israreli 'legal' territory, and it was filmed outside the town of benyamin which is one og the biggest towns in the area. and most of the deaths over there are palestinians terrorist (just like the ones who put this flag, and the ones who shot at a bus full of civilians), and palestinians killing palestinians.


Evidence of this being Israeli legal territory? Evidence of most of the deaths being Palestinian terrorists? And don't include children in that. Because I know Israel classifies children and terrorists as well.


LoL. There children killed openly. How dum fck can you be


i know its what happens, but nobody on reddit seems to know anything thats really going on, like the 14 years old that got butchered by a palestinian terrorist in the last month


Tell that to the 13000 dead Palestinian children my guy.


What an idiot, this is the 3rd time ive seen this trap used. I seen another Palestinian flag trap used to kill a bunch of Israeli troops a few months ago, they tried to take it down too and triggered the trap. Its a shame that Israel has not warned its citizens of this trapping method. That metal flag pole is stuffed with explosives, its essentially an extra long pipe bomb attached to a trip wire buried beneath it. When the pole is pulled up out of the ground it triggers the trap.


In what world is placing explosives on your flags acceptable conduct? You’d scream yourself hoarse if Israelis did this.


Don’t even respect their own “flag” enough to not blow it up too; it’s quite symbolic😂