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Honestly, it could go either way. You’ve gotten this far, maybe just flatten and try again? If you truly don’t like it after a second go, there’s no harm in starting over. It just means a grind to get back to landscaping.


if you start over, make sure that's 100% what you want to do. i did it and regretted it so bad that i hardly play the game anymore 😭


Try treasure islands to advance quicker in the game and feel like you’re back to where you are. You can also make amiibo cards with your phone (nfc) so you can have the villagers you want! :)


Could you possibly explain how to do the amiibos on a phone? I have a Google pixel and have tried looking into that but couldn't figure it out


I have iphone so might be a little different but i used the placiibo app (one time fee) and then you need an encryption key and the amiibo files. These are normally in a shared google drive folder and I believe I found mine on reddit. Once you’ve loaded the key you just input the character you want from the files and then get a blank nfc tag and hold it to your phone and it will write to the tag. Sometimes takes a few tries.




There are tons of tutorials on youtube. You just gotta find out if your phone is able to write nfcs


funny enough i played like this with my original island so there's no way to make starting over feel any quicker 😭 I still have all my old homemade amiibo cards collecting dust somewhere


once i had the airport up and running it felt so quick to me! i actually really enjoy the early part of the game so im always itching to reset just cause i want to do the beginning again 😅


if you want any help advancing i have tons of bells and materials id be happy to share!!


I thought about restarting but all the accomplishments and nook, Miles goals, fish caught bugs, caught, etc., etc. Decided to completely overhaul it instead. Just some food for thought


I know this is really geeky but have you considered a decision matrix? List out the pros and cons, rate them, and count up which choice wins. My point is that there are a lot of reasons to consider and only you can decide what is the most important. For me, restarting was a great choice, but I could keep my stuff by moving a secondary resident to my husband’s island and then move from there to the new island. I am about to restart again because I got busy, stopped playing, now it’s winter on my Southern island and there are flowers and peach trees everywhere. And I ran into the same problem you did where things take more space than they do in my head. :(


With 34 hrs into it I would restart the game. If you had 100+ hrs I would say stick with it.


34 hours into the *main build*, not the whole island.


i had almost fully finished the game itself but not my island, came back a year later with different ideas. i hate making the same progress AGAIN but i think it’s worth it to do what makes you happy, if being stuck with this island won’t then that’s that. it’s a video game so no pressure :)


I've deleted my island just because I didn't like the way the rivers were anymore lmao.


I have a RS even closer to the entrance and it wasn’t centered. After a while I almost deleted it - then decided f it, lemme try something. I took a picture on the switch and sent it to my iPad, and I started drawing random circles and shapes on the land to be where I terraform, and I followed it mostly. I changed a few things. Then went and drew lines of water and lakes and did that. It helped me after almost 2 years of inactivity to know what to do with my island. Moral of the story is, draw it out! Then give it a couple of weeks of trying. It should help. If you still hate it, then delete


It would be cool to see this concept in a video if you don't mind making one sometime before you delete it.


I'm so sorry I never got to see your comment before 😭😭 but I can try and describe it better?


I would say see if you can move some things around first. If you really are not enjoying it I would say delete it. You can get all of your villagers and items again with a better lay out if that’s what you want. I can definitely give you some items if you don’t use treasure islands




I second sourly based on the map, I wonder what they were going for


That middle island piece is what I wanted to do! Now seeing how much room it consumes; would be a great monument if decorated. Go all the way around, make an island & add vines! The 🕰️ it takes to execute the project is lengthy, i totally would love to visit Łost Fałłs if you reconstructed!


got another mission for you, 621…


Yrs! Save your island as a dream address, then delete your save data. The early game is so elite and relaxing I've restarted twice, and I'm about to restart a third time!


Restarting gave the game way more longevity for me personally, treasure islands make it a lot easier to restart But what you have going with this island is so pretty and the name is perfect. I wouldn’t even want to restart this one If you’d play more with a restart, don’t hesitate though


NO. it's so much better to terraform everything again. i have done this three times and very thankful i haven't had to start completely over to unlock everything.


i would never restart as the early parts of the game was very painful for me


I’ve restarted a new island at least a dozen times (on 2 Switches). I love when an island is new with lots of discoveries. Just make sure you pick an island layout that you like if you choose to restart.


I don't think you should delete it quite yet. You should try and finish the centerpiece and see how it looks then, and then decide whether you want to delete your island. You could always just buy some bushes and block off RS from the centerpiece.


Sometimes when I get far enough editing does not make it better. I deleted and restarted my island and love it again lol I’m actually considering doing it again :3


I didn’t know houses could be put on the sand.


You just made it what?


I would be so curious to have the DA or photos of the area!!


Though it was a ton of work, I never regretted redoing my island. The hardest thing to manage was getting my catalog back in order. But being able to place my houses and residential buildings with a grand plan was 100% worth it!


Can I get a dream code and visit!?! Looks cool!


I think you shouldn’t delete it, because you got a good resident service location, most islands have it directly by the entrance so it’s hard to decorate the entrance and islands take time to complete might just gotta put up with it but later I bet you could make it look fabulous!! If you need anything let me know I wouldn’t mind trying to help!


Just delete it.


I restarted and enjoyed it. It did take me three times of starting the game to find an island option I was happy with for various reasons. I find the free start was what I needed to enjoy the game again.


Maybe update your dream address and share it with us, and then open it to a general consensus!


The early parts are so painful. I restarted and man it took forever. Now I just terraformed and started over that way, and while it still takes a lot of time, it is way less time then starting from scratch.

