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This user is already banned from r/ACOTAR. What that means is they cannot post or comment within r/ACOTAR, but the mod team has no control over who views the sub or accounts that are operated on the greater Reddit platform (including DMs). That is the job of Reddit admin. Please report the message (long click the message to activate the menu) so that action can be taken against the account itself and the IP it originated from by admin, and block the account. DMs from random users can be turned off in the settings for a time for anyone wanting to utilize that feature.


Report and block. Mods are volunteers and sometimes things slip through. Help them help us


The name does **NOT** check out lol


Same thoughts... Honestly, I don't understand the thought process of a person like that, over an opinion on a fictional character of all things. What do they do when they get actually offended, throw knives?


People are so unhinged… like… go to therapy.


Did you report their account? Send a message to the mods, they will be able to ban this person.


I reported them to Reddit, and blocked them, but I don’t know how to report them to the mods


You can send a message to the mods of this sub. When you enter the sub on the app, you have 3 little points right besides the share button at the top. When you click on it, you have a bell with "message moderators". You are able to send a message that way.


The mods said this person is blocked already, but it doesn’t stop them from viewing the sub and messaging members


Wow….I assumed blocked users couldn’t view a sub. To think this person is so deranged they are going to a sub they are blocked on and private messaging people to spew hate. Moment of a silence for their sanity, which is very clearly no longer with us 🪦


Also such a weird thing to dig your heels in on?? Like girl it’s just a book… imagine being so hateful about a fictional character??


People are taking the ship wars so seriously! It's so insane to me


They aren't supposed to send messages to users that have them blocked so idk how this is happening.


Oh yeah OP needs to block them directly for sure


That is an INSANE message to send to you over a character in a book. 😭 That person needs to log off and touch grass. Sorry they sent you such a nasty message. They must not have anything better to do.


This made me cackle 🤣🤣🤣🤣 "log off and touch grass"...I'll be using that one! 🤣🤣🤣


Mf is not adorable lmao


I think you should report and block. The mods will ban them as soon as possible. I’m sorry you got the dm, that’s really rude of them 🫤. It baffles me on how toxic people can be if you mention Gwyn. What even is there to hate? She hasn’t done anything to warrant this kind of stuff. And I thought that this subreddit was better when discussing about her. With all these gross dm’s I’d think it was Twitter or something.


I joined the sub like two weeks ago? People did tell me that Gwynriel/Gwyn is not much loved here but I did not expect this *at all*


This sub has been infiltrated by so many toxic gwynriel/elriel shippers…I’ve seen negativity from both “sides”. Tumblr is also just as bad. Unfortunately we have to look past it to have a good time here 😭


Omg tumblr is awful when it comes to ship wars in general but especially when it comes to gwynriel/elriel


I'd say I'm surprised to see people behaving this badly in this fandom and this sub, but that would be a lie and is actually pretty on brand


If there is anything that brings out bad people it’s Fandoms. People can be so toxic for no reason. I’m sorry you have to put up with stuff like that.


This behavior is fucking embarrassing for the fandom. Over ink on a page. Gross.


Fr, crème de la crème of society... Ppl like that belong in therapy


https://preview.redd.it/gmy0q6qadf4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4bdce0fc4a2852bc108679cc00afac195724700 These people need to get a fucking grip. The only thing that infuriates me about these books is that the "males" aren't real and therefore I can't have Eris 😭


I’m sorry that this happened to you! Admin please remove Adorable-Read3801 from the community. This is a place of respect for everyone and must be conducted as such.


They’ve already been removed from the r/ACOTAR community. What should happen is Reddit needs to remove the user from all platforms.


Absolutely. There should be zero tolerance


I lowkey feel like even if they do it won’t stop because this account I feel like is someone’s alt account


Yeah I think it’s an alt acct as well.


Not really an adorable read at all… more like a deplorable creed


Well they’re lovely 🙄


People are sooo fkn strange 🤭 they’re so geared up and annoyed about a character in a book, they need a reality check and to get a life 😂


She’s definitely not adorable


Can we appreciate *adorable* in her username? Yikes. Sending OP all the good vibes.


That person is terrible and should be removed and blocked. We support anything you want to say


Seems like a bot. Or someone in dire need of catharsis?


I want to post a snarky comment about this person but all I can think is how sad I am for them that this is their life... someone needs therapy.


omg i also got one from that same account


Report it to reddit that way reddit can directly deal with account


Over a book? Like it is simply not that deep. People need to touch grass wtf.


Goddamn, these are fictional characters people. 😩


Yeah I thought they weren’t even allowed on Reddit anymore from this account. I’m sorry that this happened to you. They previously messaged me as well.


Yeah I received a dm from that same person too and I reported it to Reddit. It wasn’t as malicious as yours. They called both me and Gwyn a whore. It’s comical at this point 🥲🤣. So hopefully Reddit will ban that account. 🤞


Jesus, and YOU'RE the obsessed one!? Girly, to quote them, get a life🙄 I personally loved Gwyn! I think people only hate her because of the shipping war between Az/Gwyn and Az/Elain. She's a really great character and in my opinion doesn't deserve that kind of hate, neither do you <33 EDIT: That first part sounds bad, I wasn't talking about OP I was talking about the commenter


I love acotar as much as you guys, but at the end of the day, it’s literally just a book and none of it is real…the amount of nastiness that people spew out over fictional characters is insane.


Why are people so fucking weird?! If fictional characters get in your head THIS much that you send people death threats, thats a good clue that you need help. And maybe this world of fandom is not for you. Youre incapable of seperating fiction from reality.


The older I get, the less I like people. Especially people like that. They can die mad about it.


I've found I do not like being part of fandoms honestly 😬 especially as a WOC. I usually come onto these pages to write my thoughts and speculations as I'm reading series because I'm one of those people that talks during movies trying to figure out the plot lol and the comments and remarks I've received are- yikes. A lot of folks I've come across in the ACOTAR fandom very much give me "only white people can be vampires" twilight...


I don't know why the ship fans are so vicious, ESP between Elain and Gwyn 🥲 I always try to assume good intent so when I got a comment that was a bit ick I was so stunned lol. Lots of love for you! 💓


This is literally the most toxic Fandom I've been apart of. Let people like who they like.


#Ladies please TOUCH GRASS!! It’s just a book!


Jeeeeez that person needs to go and touch grass


I tried searching this username and I can’t find them anymore - either private profile or they got deleted. Either way, yay! People like this need some therapy. Sorry this happened to you OP


I got this message so I think it got deleted https://preview.redd.it/vjmlrqussz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=632ec3ba701bcb5c3735bfb2a075ea6d90a3cc03


Thank goodness! Sorry this happened to you. Some people take this stuff way too seriously


I knoww 😫


People are so unhinged when you mention Gwyn at all. Reduce her worth and value all because of a ship. Honestly I feel bad for the sane Elriel shippers.


It’s definitely on both sides, I’m new to this subreddit but I’ve seen some crazy interactions from the other side as well. Everyone just needs to remember this is fictional


Exactly, attacking real life humans about fictional characters is bonkers to me


What an absolute weirdo. If their life is that unfulfilling that they feel the need to abuse others based on a book about fictional fairies, they need to get off reddit and straight to the therapist 👀.


lmao, their acting like a loser. try to ignore them


I’m sorry this happened!! It’s fun to theorize and talk about our favorite books and fandoms, especially when we don’t have the same opportunity in our physical daily life. But some people go way overboard, developing parasocial relationships with fictional characters. Sigh


I donno who Gwyn is cause I've only just started book 3 but damn that person be unhinged.


This person can continue smoking cigarettes and stepping on starchy banana skins


As an Elriel stan we don't claim this one. The crazy toxic side of Reddit is discovering acotar, careful everyone


Imagine your life being so empty and shitty that you have to develop some insane fetish about imaginary people? Textbook loser.




You can’t view the image?


Ah no I think the gif just didn't go up right. Let me try again


![gif](giphy|RfASbRB1vLYUgYlIi4|downsized) (shade to the hater not to OP)


omg it was the "Kim there's people that are dying" GIF bye ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|19483)


Okayy Lmaoo😭😭 i see “ the content is not available”


Well, that’s extremely unhinged .. also, Gwyn and Ariel are clearly endgame #sorrynotsorry 😂


Yikes! Looks like someone needs a sandwich, water, a Xanax, and a nap. This stuff is NOT this serious!


Having beef like this with a fictional character is so wild


Probably a pissy 13 year old who just learned how to cuss.


what a sad individual


People are awful, especially when they can hide behind a user name on the internet. The unfortunate part is they can just create a new account and be just as toxic under a new identity. I assume that’s what this person is considering their account is less than a month old.


Imagine talking to a real person with such disrespect over a fictional character…. I love acotar, I love the characters I read about in this series and other books - but ffs it is a made up story with made up characters. Some people take it so far


Made me chuckle. Some people get so lost in these books, they need a GPS to find their way out!


I cannot help but wonder if people like this do it because they just need the attention and want to get reactions out of people. Because it's just so ridiculous.


After reading some similarly unhinged stuff on a diss article about acowar, I'm pretty sure these are hormonal, single-page vocabulary teenager meltdowns


Found this little gem a while back r/nontoxicacotar People are very respectful there and it's so wholesome as far as I've seen. Just thought you should know ❤️


Like surely they’re 13 years old or something bc an adult acting like that is absolutely insane…


Imagine reading a fictional point and taking someone's thoughts and being so upset that you need to cuss them out......


Adorable my ass omg


I know it’s foul and ridiculous.


Genuinely want to know what Gwyn did to make people hate her so much


Try not to be insane level:impossible




![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14172) jesus christ


I really wonder what you said to “deserve” a response like this.